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Ask a cop...

Old 03-01-07, 12:18 PM
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DomFD3S.. I dont know it all (never said i did). When i stated a answer to your question it is because i figured i could help. I am not a police officer. However, i am currently attending the police academy, and i major in criminal justice.
Old 03-01-07, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
Can a police officer use an individual's driveway for the purpose of catching speeders?
I've seen this a few times w/ motorcycle cops who try to be sneaky. Their motorcycle is sitting on someone's driveway and are clearly trying to catch speeders. While I do appreciate the fact that they are ensuring public safety...is it LEGAL for them to set up a "stake out" point on someone's private property? (IMO, I don't think this is legal w/o consent from the owner). And note, I'm clearly stating driveway and not the sidewalk (which would be public/common property).
He probably needs some kind of permission but you don't know if he talked to the owner or not if you are just driving by.
Old 03-01-07, 12:21 PM
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I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Just asking, as this thread was getting way out of hand w/ multiple people trying to answer questions. And seeing as the thread was to "ask a cop"...just thought it would be easiest to receive info from one direct source, as opposed to multiple.

Please don't take offense to me trying to keep this thread as clean as possible.
Old 03-01-07, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
If law enforcement has cameras mounted in their cars for use in court proceedings where traffic violations occur (we've all seen this type of video footage), can't a private individual do the same to his/her car for use in contesting tickets, entrapment and unlawful police harrassment? The reason I ask, is what if a cop is trailing a vehicle EXTREMELY close (within reason that if a normal person was doing this, a ticket would be issued for following too closely)? This video footage would show that the police officer was "possibly" harrassing an individual. (Again, I do not see a problem w/ video footage in this case, but thought I would ask).
You can have a camera mounted in your car. Prepare to get a lot of attitude from the cop and a fine tooth comb be taken throughout. There is no way you are going to get the cop in trouble for following too close. He has every right to get as close as he wants in an attempt for further investigate you and the car before he pulls you over.

For the most part, agencies in California don't use cameras. That's a East Coast thing.
Old 03-01-07, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Just asking, as this thread was getting way out of hand w/ multiple people trying to answer questions. And seeing as the thread was to "ask a cop"...just thought it would be easiest to receive info from one direct source, as opposed to multiple.

Please don't take offense to me trying to keep this thread as clean as possible.
I know Dom, I'm just giving you a hard time. Just let me catch up before you spew any more questions out.
Old 03-01-07, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
If an officer cites an individual for a suspected mod (when in fact it was an OEM offering), does the ticket get dismissed? Example, STI wing, EVO wing and roof spoiler/diffuser, stock OEM tint on a luxury vehicle, etc.). I'm assuming this will have to be demonstrated or proven in court?
Yes. it can be taken care of in court. Maybe you can do a written declaration as well.
Old 03-01-07, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
IF everyone is driving above the posted speed limit (say...early morning drive to work), you are going w/ the flow of traffic at the time...and a cop pulls YOU over, what grounds do you have to show you were going w/ the flow of traffic (despite the fact that everyone was speeding in the morning)? (I guess my idea of a personal mounted video camera would be useful in this case?)
If you are going with the flow, the officer can single anybody out he wants and give a ticket. **** I have seen officers pull upwards of 3 cars over at the same time.

Even though everybody is doing it does not mean it is legal.
Old 03-01-07, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
Is it lawful for a police officer to flip on his red lights and drive through an intersection for the express purpose of not waiting at the light any longer? (I've seen this, and thought I would ask). And no, the officer was not trying to get to go to the scene of a crime or anything. Merely to run a red light/not wait.

Would this not be somewhat of an abuse of their power?

If so, what can be done to report this type of activity?
It shouldn't be done. Report it to the agency if you want.
Old 03-01-07, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
If you are driving through an area that is far away from home and get ticketed (like driving from NorCal to SoCal), assuming you get ticketed in NorCal...what can you do to contest the ticket (besides the written)? Driving up to NorCal for the express purpose of contesting the ticket would be nuts. So what can be done?

Or assume you get a ticket while you are vacationing in Vegas? Do they honestly expect me to drive back to Vegas to contest the ticket? (I know it gets a bit murky given it is another state...)
Only thing you can do without driving is the written declaration. The court doesn't hold hearings over the phone.
Old 03-01-07, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
This may sound dumb, but assuming you are in the carpool lane, and your exit is coming up. There are NO dashed lines to permit you to exit the carpool lane to get to your exit. WTF can you do? The carpool lanes usually have a double yellow line which do not permit crossing.

This occurs on the 10 freeway near Alhambra. The problem is there are not nearly enough "exit" points for the carpool lane...so am I expected to drive past my f*cking exit to get to my destination?

Tell me what the law says, what a police officer's opinion is, and then what they would personally do if they were in my situation?
You should plan ahead. You can reason with a Judge or Officer about the situation and explain thats how it is, but it is still illegal. They designed it like that for a reason.
Old 03-01-07, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
If you are in an accident...and a police officer is able to show up. Can you request for a police report be filed? This scenario occurred in the past. And the cop said that since no one was seriously hurt and the damage didn't seem to amount to much, he didn't HAVE TO file one.

But what if I wanted one for the sake of documentation? (As the other party could try to screw me over later)
He should of taken one.
Old 03-01-07, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Fumanchu
He should of taken one.
Damn lazy bastard cop! The next cop that does this to me, I'm going to be pissed.
Old 03-01-07, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Fumanchu
It shouldn't be done. Report it to the agency if you want.
Interesting. Will keep this in mind...
Old 03-01-07, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Fumanchu
You can have a camera mounted in your car. Prepare to get a lot of attitude from the cop and a fine tooth comb be taken throughout. There is no way you are going to get the cop in trouble for following too close. He has every right to get as close as he wants in an attempt for further investigate you and the car before he pulls you over.

For the most part, agencies in California don't use cameras. That's a East Coast thing.
He has every right to be under a foot from my bumper while driving??? Isn't that considered DANGEROUS since he isn't trying to "pit manuever" me!!!! WTF?!?!?!!!?!?!??!?!

I understand his possible "interest" in investigating me and my vehicle. But he should pull me over, as opposed to tailing me to the point where it is downright dangerous or considered harrassment. (Do you agree?)
Old 03-01-07, 01:31 PM

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Hey Fufu, I got one for ya (and ONLY FU, no Discovery Channel/CourtTV cops please)..

Something I have been wondering and I see a lot of on Cops is police prostitution stings - Entrapment or not?

Let's look at the definition of Entrapment -
1 a: the action or process of entrapping b: the condition of being entrapped

2: the action of luring an individual into committing a crime in order to prosecute the person for it

Now, if the Female prostitute (officer) was not there, the man would have not approached her, although it was his choice to do so. Can this be interpreted as Entrapment?

This is kind of like putting a joint infront of a "Dope-head," leaving him in a room and expecting him NOT to smoke it, in my opinion.

I have asked a couple of Officers in my area, but none were able to come up with a reasonable explination (to me), well they just went in circles and left me in "....wtf?" mode.

Not that I would solicite any prostitutes or something.. But I'm just wondering can this be classified as entrapment or are there certain codes that protect the law from, in a sense, "getting around" this?
Old 03-01-07, 02:11 PM
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I think I know the answer for that...(as they will usually ensure the suspect "agrees" to "x" action, thereby making a contract of sorts.). But I'll let Fumanchu answer that.

I have a question.

How much "work" is it for an officer to file a police report? How long does it actually take? Minutes? Or 10+ minutes? (Assume simple parking lot "bumpb" and not a major crime scene) Just asking to see if it truly is a PITA process.

Heck, feel free to post up the general daily activities of a cop. (Come into work. Put on uniform. Listen to briefing, etc. ) Just to give us an idea of what goes on.
Old 03-01-07, 02:44 PM

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Originally Posted by Fumanchu
For the most part, exhaust flames come from not having a cat. If the cop knows this, he can do a little more investigation. I am not sure on this next part, but I imagine the officer could write a ticket for modified exhaust and have you go and get it signed off. No car manufacturer has ever made a car that spits flames while being 100% stock.
actually you are wrong on that, ferraris F40s wastegate shoots flames out of the wastegate pipe..
Old 03-01-07, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by veilsidei
actually you are wrong on that, ferraris F40s wastegate shoots flames out of the wastegate pipe..
So did my dads bone stock rotary truck, it would backfire like a shotgun and blow flames. But thats kind of a unique situation.
Old 03-01-07, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by DomFD3S
I think I know the answer for that...(as they will usually ensure the suspect "agrees" to "x" action, thereby making a contract of sorts.). But I'll let Fumanchu answer that.

I have a question.

How much "work" is it for an officer to file a police report? How long does it actually take? Minutes? Or 10+ minutes? (Assume simple parking lot "bumpb" and not a major crime scene) Just asking to see if it truly is a PITA process.

Heck, feel free to post up the general daily activities of a cop. (Come into work. Put on uniform. Listen to briefing, etc. ) Just to give us an idea of what goes on.
Hell, just give DomFD3S an application. It sounds like he is trying to determine if he wants to get involved in law enforcement.
And you could spend your first 1-3 years in the jail system getting to know how the criminal mind works.
Old 03-01-07, 05:19 PM
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Hey Fu, first of all thankyou for making this thread, because whenever i try to ask a cop a question about something they blow me off cause im young. so here goes

Is it illegal to modify your exhaust? lets say you still have the cats, and your car is within the legal DB sound range and a cop without checking anything, just looking at it from behind gives you an uncorrectable modified exhaust what should you do? i have a story thats also similar to this that happened to me a Jestersrain

I was at a mc donalds, outside of my car for a few minutes (prolly about 4 minutes) 2 motorcycle cops roll in ask us if these were our cars. we reply that yes, they are. They tell us to get into our cars so we do. they then ask for liscense and reg. they proceded to have us step out of the car. they popped OUR hood without permission, then had us start our cars. They tested how loud my car was by putting the DB reader INSIDE my exhaust pipe and then sighting me for too loud exhaust (4 DB over) and modifed emissions and uncorrectable modifed exhaust.

also, i have drifting stickers on my car. is this probable cause to pop my hood? if its not, what can i say to detur them from popping my hood.

What can i do/say if a cop threatens to break my face with his flash light when i ask him why i was pulled over? can i file a complaint, would it accomplish anything?

also, is it in the rulebook profile young drivers in sports cars?

thankyou very much
Old 03-01-07, 08:09 PM
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<--Needs to buy that rulebook. I like this thread... learning a lot.
Old 03-01-07, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by DCrosby
To: BoostedRex What if "Someone" Illegally Floods a forum with nearly 2 pages of questions can they be banned from the Forum for 24 Hours or do I have to call a Judge ??

Seriously Fuman, are you going to show up at any events in the near future ? I'd like to hang and chat again sometime....


We're doing an unofficial beater meet. We can all hang out then. Just waiting for someone else to organize it.
Old 03-01-07, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by pshaw118
We're doing an unofficial beater meet. We can all hang out then. Just waiting for someone else to organize it.
march 30th, in santa clarita
there, its organized
Old 03-01-07, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by veilsidei
actually you are wrong on that, ferraris F40s wastegate shoots flames out of the wastegate pipe..

F40's are street legal in CA?
Old 03-01-07, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by cool_as_crap
march 30th, in santa clarita
there, its organized

santa clarita my butthole.

We're doing this at the same TGIF that we've always done this. Someone just needs to pick a day. I say Saturday since afterwork driving to TGIF can suck for a lot of people.

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