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Still waiting....

Old 12-26-02, 01:19 PM
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Angry Still waiting....

For those who don't remember me-i had inserted a thread called "Car problems" a couple of months ago. See..i have a 1990 Mazda rx7 and since i first bought her she's been giving me problems but i won't give up on her because i know how rare it is to see a female drving one of those especially in such good condition (exterior wise When i entered this site i was faced with a new problem-the car was letting out blue smoke out of both mufflers and it would make a rattling noise when i would turn it on..i took it to two mechanics that both told me a different story...the mechanic that she's in now, says that the engine was being used while it was overheated....the problem with that is that the thermostat NEVER read was always in the middle area...regardless, the engine is hurt (lol) and they have to change all the parts..well, not that they have to but they feel that it would be best so that they will be sure that there weren't any damaged parts that they over-looked...well, the process is going to cost me 1000 dollars...i've been trying to save school charged me 300 dollars because a loan didn't go through...and then Christmas basically..i'm back to square one...i worked on Christmas which was double over-time..AND i didn't use up my vacation time so that money is going back to hopefully this upcoming check will be good...i'll keep all the old members and new members posted on what happened....Take Care everyone and Happy Holidays...
Old 12-26-02, 03:23 PM
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Who did you take the car to? Most Mazda dealers don't know much about rotary engines because they stopped bringing the RX-7 to the US in 1995. Most people usually find some one with a good reputation for working on rotary engines, do the work themselves, like me, or they contact a rotary specialist like Atkins rotary ( Mazdatrix ( Pineapple Racing, ( or Racing Beat ( They all specialize in rotary engines or high proformance rotary engines. You can get a new, or used engine with warranty from them. Taking the car to a dealer that you don't know is dangerous because they may get into the engine, realize its a rotary, and them put it back together (the wrong way) and make up some B.S. about how they fixed it, charge you money and send you on with the same problem you had. Or, they will say it will cost $1000, find out it cost more, then want to charge you to for a new engine plus labor charges so they can replace the engine cause they couldn't figure out it was part xyz that cost $30.00. The honest ones will tell you flat out if they know anything about rotary engines or not.

As far as the smoke coming out of the tail pipes, you said its blue. That means the engine is burning oil. The rotors have oil rings at the center to keep the oil from getting into the fuel. When the engine gets older, or worn out, the oil will get past the seals and burn with the fuel causing blue smoke to come out the exhaust. It is a normal thing to see blue smoke on start up, but if you drive all around and its constantly pumping out blue smoke, then thats not good. The engine will eventually need to be rebuilt. Burning too much oil leaves carbon deposits in the engine, which can cause carbon lock, which is a condition when the carbon prevents the rotors from turning. Another thing you want to have done to the engine is a compression test. This is simple to do and will tell you the how strong the engine is. They should have done that first, instead of guessing that the engine is overheated. I wouldn't trust the person saying that it overheated. As far as the vibration, its probably coming from the a heat shield or the exhaust is vibrating. Kinda hard to say without hearing it, but its just an annoying inconvenience, nothing is going to fall off or be damaged from it. Something you can do is go to the Regional forums on this web site, and ask people in the Florida area where they go to get their car worked on. I've seen a few people on here who are from the Kissimmee area so maybe they could point you in a good direction as far as a mechanic.

Good luck
Old 12-26-02, 10:37 PM

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Hey ... it's me, again.
I took the liberty of posting your original thread in the Regional section for the southeast. I'll link it here ... SOUTHEAST FINGER ... so you can refer to it easily whenever you check in.

Also, I'll link THE ORIGINAL THREAD here. So everything is all tied up.

I really hope this help to get your repairs expidited and done by someone whose not going to try to rip you off. A word of caution, there are A LOT of nice guys here on this forum, and I'm confident that they will help you if they can. However, I've heard of some real ... how should we say ..."self-enterprising" PIGS here as well. Please be very careful with whoever contacts you. Just use your head and you should be fine ... do not give out personal information, credit cards numbers, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah ...

I wish you were closer or I'd offer to at least look at it, but chances are I wouldn't be able to do much as soon as you would need it done. Anyway ... good luck and I'm glad you're keeping us posted.


Last edited by diabolical1; 12-26-02 at 10:45 PM.
Old 12-27-02, 08:55 PM
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I am going insane waiting for my car. I miss her sooo much!!! driving my moms' car just isn't the same...
i can't wait for my first check to come so that i can throw it all into the car.
Well anyway..unfortunately i can't write a long post tonight..just wanted to sign on and say WHATS UP???!!!?!!
I wish u did live close by Diabolical..i'm getting real frustrated with people giving me the run-a-round..
well good night everyone!!
Old 01-05-03, 07:24 PM
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Hello everyone!! Happy New Year. =) Well..i went to the mechanic yesterday and paid 600.00 so that they can start working on the car. They said that it should be done by this upcoming Fri. I'm so happy!!
I only hope that they will allow me to have the car on Fri. even though i haven't paid them completely yet. Its been really hard surviving without that car..especially with school and everything.
Well i hope everyone is doing well this new year so far.
Talk to you soon. BYEBYE!
Old 01-05-03, 09:05 PM
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did you take it to a rotary specialist or a regular mech.? cuz any average mech would look at you like you got it from a different planet lol
Old 01-06-03, 01:49 AM
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also....... depending on the work performed you might want to give the car a break-in period...... to let the seals set....about 500mi w/out going over 3.5-4k rpm... Damn if i could only find a woman that loved rx7's up here.. I find it mmmm sexyyy
Old 01-06-03, 12:41 PM
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Yea i took the car to a rotary specialist. When i dropped of the car the first time, i almost died because of all the rx7's that i saw..even the new ones. Thats all that the mechanic prefers to work on is rx7's.
So anyway..yea thats what the mechanic told me as well..not to go racing after the first 2000 miles (just to be safe)..all the parts are brand spankin new so it won't have any mileage on it so he says to baby it for a while.
I can't wait to get my car back..once you go stick and can't go back.
Well gots to get goin. Have to go to work.
Talk to you all soon.
Take Care
Old 01-09-03, 10:05 AM
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Well i called the dealership and its going to be ready by tomorrow As soon as i wake up i'm hauling my *** over there and getting it. I've missed it so much~ lol
Well anyway..hopefully this time i won't be having problems with it for a while..
I guess i'll let ya'll know how things are goin.
Take Care
Old 01-09-03, 03:20 PM
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What did they do to fix it?
Old 01-10-03, 02:40 PM
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Well..i called the dealership before i left and one of the parts came late so they couldn't have it done by today..he said that it should be done by tomorrow afternoon. It better..i have to go to work.
Basically they rebuilt the engine..they ordered new pars for the entire engine and they're going to replace the old ones and the damaged ones.
Hopefully it'll be ready..otherwise i'm going to be pissed off.
Well..i'll let u guys go..
take care
Old 01-10-03, 08:34 PM
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lol'z i dont think lilrx7chic knows whats been done to her car or care for that matter, as long as it stays red and shinny, nor do i think that she has taken any of the advise that any of u so thourally took ur time on writing and advising and worring for the little rotary. I do however think that shes thankful for the help, but i'm sure its a lost cause. Hmmm i wonder if she even knows what under the hood? cyclender? cams? rods? maybe a v-tech? I'm for one still a little worried, whats this mechanics shop name? does it go by Mazda dealership? I really hope not. I hope that atleast she took the advise on a rotary pro.

Sergei The Saint
Old 01-10-03, 09:38 PM
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Yeah, she logs on and tells all about her emotions like this is her personal diary. And there are so many people so deserving of an RX-7............
Old 01-14-03, 10:50 AM
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I would like to know what your ****** problem is...if you feel that i'm just "talking about my emotions" then don't read what i have to say.
I do appreciate the advice that some of you gave to me. NO i did not give my car to the mazda dealership because half them ******** dont know **** about what they're selling..i took it to a rotary mechanic which happens to be close by the dealership. What did they do to the engine? they replaced all the parts..the ones that were damaged and those that were still working...and they bought new parts for it..basically..a rebuild. Do i care if they might of fucked me over? yes i do...that is why on the receipt i had the mechanic right "rotary rebuild" and he signed it. So if something goes wrong with that engine in the near future...its his *** for doing a shitty job.
Do i know whats under the hood? i know how to care for it no...that is why i joined this site in the first listen to some advice from the "experts". which i guess you two must be because you sure as hell talk like you are..
**** the both of you and your ****** sarcastic attitudes..
Old 01-14-03, 04:05 PM
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haha yea do you know if they replaced the camshaft?
Old 01-14-03, 10:22 PM
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Actually..i'm not really sure if they did replace the camshaft in the engine..they said that they were replacing all the parts so i would figure that it would be included...but, that is something that i'll ask them tomorrow morning when i go over there.
Old 01-14-03, 10:34 PM
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Ohhhhhhhhh man that was fucked up ShortBusRiot ... lol...

Lilrx7chic: Rotary engines don't have camshafts... Camshafts operate valves in a piston engine. We don't have valves in our engines . Instead, the rotor sweeps by intake and exhaust ports, opening the ports itself instead of the way a piston engine needs valves to open its intake / exhaust ports.

Hope that helps...


PS hope everything works out for ya!
Old 01-15-03, 07:06 AM
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::blushes:: well, there ya go. Proof that i don't really know much about the car i have. I knew what a camshaft was..surprisingly..but, i didn't know my car didn't have one. I don't know much about rotaries..thus the reason why i joined this site to learn as much as i can...some people do like to ruin it for others though by acting like they know everything about what they drive..they forget that at one point in time they were clueless about the rotary engine and what they have to do to maintain it.
Anyway...i better get going...i'm in class right now so i can't really type long..
take Care
Old 01-16-03, 06:58 AM
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Well..i get my car today from the mechanic. I have to pay 400.00 before i can drive it out of the lot though...
I told him that before i'd give him the money that i want him to write on the receipt that he DID infact put in brand new parts and that since it IS new..those parts have a warranty..and that warranty belongs to me. to you all later.
I just want to thank the members that were helpful and not sarcastic jerks to was greatly appreciated..and i'll keep you all posted on the progress of the car.
take Care
Old 01-17-03, 09:40 AM
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well, i got my car. I cleaned the **** out of it because its been in a mechanic for almost 2 months..i waxed the body, vaccumed the inside...that car looks and smells good for now. I test drove it around before i took it home and it sounded fine. I switched gears with no problem and the car did not make any odd noises.
I then took it home and my boyfriend came by to see it. I turned it on so he can hear that sound (i had it on neautral) and after a while it just lower and lower in rpm's an it stalled...when i drove it around earlier, i had the mechanic with me and he said that the rpm's were too high so he lowered i'm thinking maybe thats the its too that it or is it something else? ALso...when i turn on the goes all the way up to 4000 rpm's while its warming i KNOW that can't be good..i can see if its 2000..but there's got to be a problem if it goes all the way up to 4000 right? Maybe the timing is off...what do you guys think? I REFUSE to take it back to the damn mechanic because i give up with them. They're not worth ****..
What should i do and what do you think the problems are?
Old 01-17-03, 12:18 PM
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for about 10sec or so it will rev to above 3k~3.5k. 4k is a touch high. that is the mazda accelerated warmup system. the reason they are giving you a hard time is because you are relying on us for answers and have done little to no research yourself. you still haven't learned how a rotary operates and the problem areas when there is a ton of readily available info. has a very good tutorial and clip showing how it works. this is a tech section also. not an area where you share that you vacuumed it and hung the fuzzy dice back up. no gruff, just don't abuse the forum. hope everything works out for you.

Last edited by jeremy; 01-17-03 at 12:20 PM.
Old 01-20-03, 12:42 PM
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I found some of this funny

got any pics ?
Old 01-20-03, 07:43 PM
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Originally posted by MaxRX7
I found some of this funny

got any pics ?

LOL @ Pictures. I like what you have under your avatar... Location Miami - Hell. I live in Miami and go to school in Daytona. The only reason why Miami is hell is TRAFFIC TRAFFIC and did I mention TRAFFIC!!!!

Any who Lilrx7chic.....Listen up....or lets see look closer... Thats better. Call me at 386 846 6351. or if anything I'll call u. I will explain to u what your car is suppose to do and what its not suppose to do. However; u need to research on how your car is suppose to work and function. Sorry to say it but an Rx-7 is not a Honda or a DSM. These cars have to be taken care of differentLY from other cars. You can't just go and drop any fuel injector cleaner or Sythentic into your engine because these cars were design different from piston driven cars. Ever one wants a rare or exotic car, but it comes with a responiblity. Ever seen a Lambo at Pepboys...excatly.
Old 01-21-03, 12:45 PM
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lilrx7chic: I feel sorry for you. those guys ripped you a new one. but they do have solid opinions. You really should research things before you dive head first. I think you got ripped off. Even if they did fix it right which I don't think they did they still ripped you off. Sad thing is you're a girl (mechs. love them) which means $$$. My mech. didn't charge me a dime until after everything was fixed. He also told me right up front how much it would cost and possibly what the problem was. I would recommend not going there again. Yeah if you're a chic and you have a problem with your car do some research otherwise they can tell you anything and how are you going to disagree with them? Don't take it personally when guys **** with you. Next time just know what you're talking about before hand.
Old 01-21-03, 12:59 PM
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Oh yeah a couple more words of advice... Don't post threads saying car "trouble" "problems" especailly "help" Most of these guys in here won't even read them (except for the nice ones or the ones that truley know alot) simply because guys see those key phrases and say oh great another worn out topic asking the same questions. Don't worry I did it too. I quickly found out not to do that though. but by all means don't put a catch phrase that has nothing to do with your questions. they hate that even more. Also when you put in smiles don't put double colins (:: blah blah : just one (: blah I hope I helped a little. Oh make sure your "smilies" are on. that could also be the problem. Take care.

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