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-   -   why dont the good guys post? (https://www.rx7club.com/3rd-generation-specific-1993-2002-16/why-dont-good-guys-post-273295/)

silver93 02-19-04 05:09 PM

i was going to post something more harsh - but man, that's the worst excuse in the world.

jimlab 02-19-04 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Sesshoumaru
Using the standard guide lines for correct grammar and spelling is a choice just like any. This doesn't make a person inept or voids his right to post.
True, but it certainly reduces the chances of getting an answer.

cus i dun choose to speak well doesn't mean i'm dat dum.
Perhaps, but the fact that you've responded twice now saying basically the same thing after I clearly explained the consequences of poor writing makes an excellent case for it...

BATMAN 02-19-04 05:15 PM

I'm waiting for someone to pull the group hug session out on this thread ;)

jimlab 02-19-04 05:17 PM

Personally, I think this thread needs a picture of Godzilla... he's in the Bible, you know. :p:


Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 05:17 PM

na i dun mind bein' and idiot

BATMAN 02-19-04 05:21 PM

I haven't seen an intelligent rebuttal from YZF-R1 on the Godzilla "issue" :D

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 05:21 PM

i don't like the search either

i can't search for s4,mp,dp,ic and other abbreviations.

rxrotary2_7 02-19-04 05:39 PM

yes you can search for those. ;) use the *

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 05:41 PM

hehehehe learn something every day

mks 02-19-04 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Sesshoumaru
na i dun mind bein' and idiot
Think about this type of spelling from my point of view for a second. I live in sweden, I was taught english in school. I don't garble your language every day while speaking, so I might not keep up with all the latest slang and odd pronounciation-patterns like you guys. Do you expect me to understand what you posted? Will you provide a translation guide for those who don't? Please don't mess up one of the best sources of RX-7 information available to me by cluttering it with incomprehendable posts.

jimlab 02-19-04 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Sesshoumaru
hehehehe learn something every day
Isn't that the truth? Tomorrow you might even learn how to press and hold the shift key when you use the letter "i" as a pronoun...

Bill B 02-19-04 07:36 PM

Originally posted by mks
Think about this type of spelling from my point of view for a second. I live in sweden, I was taught english in school. I don't garble your language every day while speaking, so I might not keep up with all the latest slang and odd pronounciation-patterns like you guys. Do you expect me to understand what you posted? Will you provide a translation guide for those who don't? Please don't mess up one of the best sources of RX-7 information available to me by cluttering it with incomprehendable posts.
Well said.

Snook 02-19-04 07:59 PM

A ton of the guys that I look up to showed up in this thread. You guys made the FD desirable for me. I felt like it was too good for me to have and thats what I always shoot for...just a little bit more than I can afford and think I should have. Lets try to get it together and keep the FDs precious image. I know it is an older car but its not just us, it really is special. If a new section of the forum is what it takes to keep these essential members it needs to be made right away. If not, I understand why they will not contribute and I will continue to do the same.

ps...evot my motors may be getting soft on ya but not me...still hardcore as ever. Oh, and thanks for teaching me how to do those oil changes. I remember asking you are you sure you got everything on right haha I was so paranoid about that once difficult task.

thanks everyone

artguy 02-19-04 08:18 PM

Originally posted by rxrotary2_7
yes you can search for those. ;) use the *
thank you

pstnh8r 02-19-04 08:42 PM

I have owned a 93 since 99, i just recently got interested in the forum, i am 23 and not a rotary rookie, i hav endured the many trials and tribulations of owning my 93 for five years now. i have only been a member for a few months, and can understand your frustration, all of these kids in high school who saw fast and furious think that since a 7 is "cheap" now that they will instantly become 10 second cars or invest little money and have some bad ass car. There should be an age limit for this forum, although you wouldn't be able to enforce it. F&F ruined the 7, all these ignorant kids think they know the wankel because they saw a movie. the 7 is the most beautifully engineered car, and it should not be in the hands of a novice. thank God i bought mine way before that shitty movie!!!

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 08:54 PM

:) what's funny is my left shift key is actually broken (for real)

and i'm too lazy to fix.......

Don't worry about what i type. i usually just babble anyway.

Fd3BOOST 02-19-04 09:03 PM

Ok so let me bring it back down for you then.
People don't bother posting unless there is something worth posting about. Thats really the bottom line.
Kieth you got it right, there should be a graduated set of ranks. It would keep the board members well organized according to everyones experience level.

Anyway Mahjik, Your linking magic is amazing.
I have always been impressed by that.

jimlab 02-19-04 10:12 PM

Not to single anyone out, but here's a perfect example of someone who didn't even bother to look on the forum before asking a question...


And probably hasn't even opened the boxes the CATZ driving lights came in yet to see if there are directions for installing them... :)

clayne 02-19-04 10:33 PM

Here's another example:

You almost feel bad for the guy, because you don't want to scare off the new ones, but at the same time you know a simple search of "belt tension" would give him what he needs..


Exhaust Leak

Status: Offline!
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Posts: 21
help with replacing belts.
Hi guys!
I found belts under the hood are cracked. It is visible.
I want to replace them, but It seems a lot of work.
Is replacing belt difficult to do myself?
If the job is not difficult, could you give me some tips?
thanks guys!

RenoCYM 02-19-04 10:50 PM

Perhpas the fact that this thread stretched to 5 pages says something about the people on the fourm. I've been logging on since '98 and I find I can still get quite a bit of information, and I'm smart enough to filter out the opinions from the think-they-know-it-all to the sage advice from the truly experienced. It's just like being around any group of motorheads, there are those who won't shut up and who know only about 20% of what they're talking about, and there are those that are truly knowledgable. You just have to learn to be able to tell the difference.

poss 02-19-04 11:54 PM

I like the idea of an advanced section...as long as i'm in it. :) j/k It's a good idea regardless.

It doesn't really bother me as long as:
-the spelling is close
-sentences start with a capital letter and end with punctuation, even the wrong one
-basic paragraphs are formed
That's all I ask for!!

I think there needs to be a better description on the search and how to refine a search. Maybe a how to effectively search page. For example, I would like to know if an exact phrase match is possible. I tried quotes but I don't think that works. Am I out of luck?

When someone registers, have a little check box on what to do and not to do. For instance:

"Please use the search for basic questions. This helps us limit the amount of repetitive posts on the forum. If you search and can't find a suitable answer, by all means, go ahead and post your questions, specifically using the words that you searched for in order to help someone in the future who might have the same question.

(check box here) I have read the above and agree to comply."
Something like that, maybe not so lame though. :)

Repetitive Posts:
I think the moderators should delete or at least try to reduce the common posts. The 100's of duplicate posts make it that much harder for someone who IS searching for an answer. Mahjik's technique is a good one though. Post a link and as long as there is a clear answer to the original question, close the thread.

Also, allowing the user to delete his/her own post would be nice too.

Pumpkin King 02-20-04 12:12 AM

I really don't post that often and I like to hear what anyone and everyone has to say but at the same time I know for a fact that any idea I come up with someone is going to say some negitive ish about it and I think that's what makes people feed up with this. In no way shape or form and I a master I'm still tryin to learn but at the same time I know that if we were face to face and I asked half the question I do all the people that put out negitive statements to help them sleep better at night would keep there mouth shut...

jimlab 02-20-04 12:24 AM

2 days in a locked room with jkisineffect for the Pumpkin King... then we'll see how much he likes hearing what everyone has to say... :D

suganuma 02-20-04 01:50 AM

Well, with all of these opinions floating around concerning possible solutions to the obvious problem I thought that I would share mine.

I think that giving the user too much power in deleting threads could become problematic. I've never had a problem getting something unnecessary deleted just by PMing a Moderator.

I think that creating an "advanced" section would also create problems. We're all here to help each other, there is no need to impose a sort of class system. On the same account, I think that the Moderators should definitely tighten things up as far as multiple threads about the same topic. It is my understanding that multiple threads can be combined. (??) If this is true, then when a common post is made let's have the moderators step in and delete the new thread and combine any new and pertinent information with the older one. The creator of the post could be PMed and notified of this change as well as shown a reminder version of the above request that ISUposs posted/suggested.

I think that there is also a large problem with people getting way off topic in the technical sections of the forum. I believe that there is a lounge for a reason. Moderators should step in here as well.

Obviously this creates a very increased workload for the Moderators. A lot of these "good guys" could be made moderators to disperse this workload. Also, repeat offenders could be notified and put on a posting suspension for a certain amount of time.
"We have recently found that a great number of your threads/posts are repeatedly off-topic or are able to be answered using the SEARCH function found at the upper right hand corner of your screen. In the interest of keeping the number of threads to a reasonable level and furthering the development of new and influential information for the rotary community, we regret to inform you that you are hereby placed on a __ week posting suspension. We hope that you will continue to browse and learn about the rotary and its community, and we look forward to answering any questions you may have at the end of this period. Thank you."

I really hate to try and treat new members like children, but if that's what they want to act like....what else are we to do?

I hope this all makes sense, I'm really tired! :D

dclin 02-20-04 02:02 AM

Deja vu. :) Here's the link that rxrotary2_7 mentioned, for those that are new and want to catch up:


My thoughts from that thread, which I feel is still applicable:

Originally posted by dclin

What worries me about a completely seperate section is that it will end up just like when we had a seperate Tech section for the 3rd gen section.

What of the possiblity of including 'restricted' threads among the regular threads in the 3rd gen section? Keeping with the idea mentioned earlier, only established members (meaning members that we can count on to meaningfully contribute) can post to these restricted threads (but everyone can still read).

This way there will not be two sections to browse, keeping things simpler - and using some sort of filter or sort feature (of which a general type already exists at the bottom), those that do not wish to read non-restricted threads can filter/sort them out.

I still have concerns on how 'restricted post' members are to be determined. As was said, post count should mean little (or not at all) in determining who can post/participate to these threads.

I've seen some with only a few posts that can articulate themselves well and post meaningful subects, and I've seen others (really only one person comes to mind, hehe) with insanely high post counts that do little for the Forum.

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