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-   -   why dont the good guys post? (https://www.rx7club.com/3rd-generation-specific-1993-2002-16/why-dont-good-guys-post-273295/)

silver93 02-19-04 03:41 PM

if this has been said, ignore - but there is only so much that can be done to a car. after 10 years, it's basically all been done. the problems, mistakes and final solutions have been posted somewhere (the big list, here, or other dedicated web sites) at one time or another.

although i glance through the threads now and then, by now, 90% of it is a repeat. and that's fine for people who are new to it - but if you've already seen it, what's the point.

and even though it's been said, search- and not just this forum, google stuff.

i've posted a link to wade l. 's web site on the reality of the "3 mod rule" what seems like 100 times. not everything is on this forum. search the big list archives, search rob r's site, lightening in a world of thunder, silver bullet, or 20+ other FD sites with detailed write ups and pics of installations.

clayne 02-19-04 03:44 PM

Here's the thing s93,

A lot of the younger individuals (this is a generalization that we have found to be, for the most part, TRUE) do NOT feel like searching. It is purely a laziness issue that seems to be inherent in the "generation."

I'm saying, why support or allow that?

BATMAN 02-19-04 03:52 PM

Originally posted by DamonB
I agree. He's a model moderator :) I don't have his patience.
Well, I believe he got a little upset with a post about African Americans that I and a few others have participated in a while back.

And about ur patience......... I'll have to concur. :D

jimlab 02-19-04 03:53 PM

Originally posted by clayne
Here's the thing s93,

A lot of the younger individuals (this is a generalization that we have found to be, for the most part, TRUE) do NOT feel like searching. It is purely a laziness issue that seems to be inherent in the "generation."

I'm saying, why support or allow that?

I agree.

As much as I hate to say it, I think Mahjik's benevolence and tolerance sets a "bad" example. Sure it's helpful, but it also says "don't do the work yourself, we'll do it for you", even when he does mention that they should search for themselves. :D

I also think that people just don't know how to search. They put in a couple generic words and expect it to read their minds. If there was a how-to or tutorial on searching, it might help also. I seem to be able to find just about anything I look for using the same feature everyone else is, so it can't be blamed on that.

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 04:07 PM

even if you were able to segregate the two groups waht would be teh determining factor?

post count is no indication of wisdom.

i was just say'n that was my stance on spelling/grammar and that might be one reason for relaxed rules in some individuals. I think it's becuase i chat too much. if it takes substantially longer to understand what i'm say'n then yeah, that's a problem.

I think the 3rd gen forum is a lot rougher on newbs than the 2nd and they have roughly the same bs contents if not more.

As veterans leave new ones are made. Everythign will be alright.

BOTTLEFED 02-19-04 04:16 PM

I think the expert idea is a great theory and I would love to be able read what they have to say, but I agree with clayne, it's just a bandaid on a gun-shot wound. It would only cause the proverbial "blind leading the blind" scenerio as the newbies teach the newbies.

And as for these guys that come on here and say " I'm an engineer" or "I'm a ex-racecar driver," well I'm a mechanic and that means diddily-squat when it comes to rotarys. Unless you have tried it yourself, you need to let the experienced answer the questions. I don't answer questions unless I personally have experience with it. I read as much as I can and do as much as I can so that maybe one day I will be one of those experts.

And lastly, I totally agree with jimlab. If you want to get a clear answer, you must give a clear, legible question. If you are too lazy or uneducated to write in correct English, then you have no right to ask for help.

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 04:31 PM

i guess my post are worthless cutter on the garbage heap known as the internet.

but say'n ppl have no right is flat out wrong just b/c they don't spell check their posts. They have just as much right as the next person.

i would gladly take a reply that wasn't gramatically correct that that solves the problem, over a pretty reply that looks nice and has no substance.

to me spelling and grammar are the little things not to stress over.

Substance over structure

SPOautos 02-19-04 04:36 PM

There are multiple levels of owners on this board. If all the "experts" had thier own forum #1 they could still come in here and answer a question about a dp if they wanted to, #2 you dont need to be an expert to answer questions about a dp, anyone thats been here and modding for a year can answer 90% of the 3rd gen questions. #3 If the true "experts" got bored with the site and left then its all just a mute point anyway cause they wouldnt be here to answer any questions

There are the "newbs", they are asking about a dp and filter or what boost gauge is best

There are the "bolt on knowlegeable" they can answer questions about smic or fmic, what boost to run, when you need to upgrade you injectors, ect ect ect

Then there are the guys that want to talk about timing, negative split, porting techniques cause they build and port thier own engine, a/f ratios at 30psi, what turbine a/r for a spacific trim, custom intake manifold design, tuned exhaust manifolds, ect ect ect.

There is no reason for a newb to read thru the expert stuff and there is no reason for the expert to read thru the newb stuff. When the newb graduates to that point and he's proven he knows what he's talking about then fine. If an expert wants to help a newb with a dp then there is nothing holding him back.

I dont see the problem


alberto_mg 02-19-04 04:38 PM

I don't mean to be a dick, Sess, but poorly written posts that are hard to read and understand what you are trying to convey will probably get shitty answers. It is a simple fact of life that if you communicate well, you will garner more attention and respect from people b/c people will actually pay attention. Have you ever met a president or corporate leader that couldn't write or speak clearly and correctly?

That is substance. Structure conveys substance otherwise its just a glop of letters and words w/o meaning.

jimlab 02-19-04 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Sesshoumaru
to me spelling and grammar are the little things not to stress over.
And I think I made it rather clear what you can do with your opinion. :)

SPOautos 02-19-04 04:43 PM

We arent talking about a speach to the board members, or a presidential debate.

Its a hobby forum, and I'm also of the opinion that I'd rather have someone post without spell checking and proof reading and actuall solve my problem than someone post "correctly" and it not help me.

I really dont care if people misspell words (as long as I can understand thier post), I guess its just a personal thing.

Structure does not convey substance, information conveys substance

Its a informal hobby forum, I dont really care. If someone else does, then tuff they can skip my posts haha


rotorbrain 02-19-04 04:49 PM

why is this 4 pages long? this has begun to sound like a lounge topic.


jimlab 02-19-04 04:49 PM

The CamaroZ28.com forum has an "Advanced Tech" section that is for high-end discussions only, and policed by two moderators. Anything not fitting the definition of "high-end" gets booted back to the appropriate forum. A question about primary tube tuning with 4-2-1 headers is fair game, but asking which headers are best for a 1993 Z-28 isn't, in other words.

The problem is that it's a never-ending battle to keep the "riff raff" out, because A) there is a relatively low thread volume in that forum due to the lack of bullshit filler material, so you've got a better chance of someone seeing and responding to your post, and B) the most knowledgeable guys on the forum usually hang out there. What makes it manageable is that A) the rules for that forum are clearly stated, B) the volume is, as I said, low as a result, and C) the people who hang out there help by reporting threads that don't belong.

That's not to say that the experts don't pop into the other forums and answer questions there, too, but basic or frivolous topics aren't tolerated in the Advanced Tech forum, and it's a tidy, well-run ship as a result.

DCrosby 02-19-04 04:51 PM

There is some Forum software that seems to auto list related topics, in which it tries to latch onto key words in the subject and body. It tries to cross reference them....
Not saying that I enjoy searching, nor have I had much success with it, since most of my problems don't fall into the broken apex seal or map sensor hose fell off :rolleyes: categories ... :rlaugh:
I just figure even if I could just say search noob, why waste my breath, either I say nothing, or I respond even though I know the topic has been adressed a number of times before. So that new members feel welcome and start to feel the rythem and the pace of things here on RX7Club.
It usually depends on the attitude of the person posting, since it doesn't matter to me weather you're 90 and behaving like a 3 year old or a 12 year old behaving like a grown up, as long as the question is formulated with some intellect, and is asking for an asnwer to a problem, not an oppinion, since everyone's will differ...

SPOautos 02-19-04 04:52 PM

Originally posted by jimlab
The CamaroZ28.com forum has an "Advanced Tech" section that is for high-end discussions only, and policed by two moderators. Anything not fitting the definition of "high-end" gets booted back to the appropriate forum. A question about primary tube tuning with 4-2-1 headers is fair game, but asking which headers are best for a 1993 Z-28 isn't, in other words.

The problem is that it's a never-ending battle to keep the "riff raff" out, because A) there is a relatively low thread volume in that forum due to the lack of bullshit filler material, so you've got a better chance of someone seeing and responding to your post, and B) the most knowledgeable guys on the forum usually hang out there. What makes it manageable is that A) the rules for that forum are clearly stated, B) the volume is, as I said, low as a result, and C) the people who hang out there help by reporting threads that don't belong.

That's not to say that the experts don't pop into the other forums and answer questions there, too, but basic or frivolous topics aren't tolerated in the Advanced Tech forum, and it's a tidy, well-run ship as a result.

This is exactly what I was talking about and I think our forum could benifit from such a section. I do however think it would be easier to police if it was only available to the actual advanced members though....maybe the Z28's section is like that i dont know.


rxrotary2_7 02-19-04 04:53 PM

i will say it again, i think Steven is thinking in the right direction.
Sess, you want to know what would get a person onto the higer level? when a person on that level nominates you. we could have a vote. lets just say for example you are a newer person to the forum none of us are familiar with... you are helping others and we feel you have a good grasp on things and arent asking questions like "what exhaust should i get?" and the answers you post are your own and not answers from searching or a *friend* telling you "this is true". then you would be in. but if your posts consist of garbage nobody feels like reading... you stay out. you will search for your answers or have one of the other guys answer them that are on your "level" or if a "higher" person wants to answer it, they can too.

i know other forums that have done this already, and it worked out. like stated before, there is an answer on almost ANY question you have already. a new person would not even know this "level" exists, and other members that are not invited, may be more inclined to post useful info and stop acting like an idiot so that they too would get "invited" to the higher ranks.

BATMAN 02-19-04 04:54 PM

Originally posted by rotorbrain
why is this 4 pages long? this has begun to sound like a lounge topic.


jimlab 02-19-04 04:57 PM

Originally posted by SPOautos
Its a hobby forum, and I'm also of the opinion that I'd rather have someone post without spell checking and proof reading and actuall solve my problem than someone post "correctly" and it not help me.

I really dont care if people misspell words (as long as I can understand thier post), I guess its just a personal thing.

We're not talking about an occasional misspelled word. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. We're talking about people who slaughter the English language repeatedly, use run-on sentences, often with misused or no punctuation, and expect people to read through that. We're talking about people who can't express themselves well enough that multiple posts have to be made just to find out what the hell they're talking about.

If someone posts a question, you shouldn't have to play 20 questions with them to get to the bottom of what they're asking for. People need to take more responsibility for getting help for themselves, and writing clearly is one way to do it.

Structure does not convey substance, information conveys substance

Its a informal hobby forum, I dont really care. If someone else does, then tuff they can skip my posts haha

So in other words, you want to be lazy too. Is that it?

Bill B 02-19-04 04:58 PM

Why are we gone? Well when a 17 year old something slaps a rice wing on his car and then dubs themselves an "expert". The writing is on the wall.

BATMAN 02-19-04 05:02 PM

For the record, engrish is my primary language and english is the secondary....... :D

Sesshoumaru 02-19-04 05:02 PM

Schools are gearing more towards content than grammar or spelling now.

Computers do all the spell checking for people.

To be able to put one's thought into written words is what I constitute as writing. Doing that is an essential part of communication. If you can master projecting your intent, spelling and grammar is an after thought.

Using the standard guide lines for correct grammar and spelling is a choice just like any. This doesn't make a person inept or voids his right to post.

We have stressed our differences and I do not want to further de-rail this thread.

cus i dun choose to speak well doesn't mean i'm dat dum.

SPOautos 02-19-04 05:04 PM

Originally posted by jimlab

So in other words, you want to be lazy too. Is that it?

Yea, I'm a little lazy in terms of proof reading my posts. BUT, I agree with the general idea of what your saying. I think people need to include enough information in thier post so that readers can answer thier question instead of having to ask them 20 more questions to see what thier true problem is.

It just seemed to me like you guys were pretty much gearing your opinions just toward spelling and such. I dont have a prob with some misspelled words.....I guess everything has a limit, I mean if I can't understand what thier saying thats a different story.


silver93 02-19-04 05:04 PM

jimlab is right on about this-
the spelling on the forum is SOOOO damn bad. i swear, i wonder if people even go to school anymore. i bet that's why the search function doesn't work for people, they search for "upgraid breaks" -

right or wrong, better or worse, how can you take anyone seriously when they post a question about a car that does 0-60 in less than 5 seconds, and they want to know about upgrading "breaks".

silver93 02-19-04 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Sesshoumaru
Schools are gearing more towards content than grammar or spelling now.

Computers do all the spell checking for people.

To be able to put one's thought into written words is what I constitute as writing. Doing that is an essential part of communication. If you can master projecting your intent, spelling and grammar is an after thought.

Using the standard guide lines for correct grammar and spelling is a choice just like any. This doesn't make a person inept or voids his right to post.

We have stressed our differences and I do not want to further de-rail this thread.

cus i dun choose to speak well doesn't mean i'm dat dum.


artguy 02-19-04 05:08 PM

the single turbo and rotary performance sections have always been more informative and less lounge like. the third gen section is the lounge for the fd crowd who dont want to see pics of some guy in a thong or argue with yzf. however we still get labreck debating in here so all is well.


a high end topic only thread is a great idea. please do.

If i had a tough question...I always found answers in the single turbo section. the people who have been thru the more high end stuff are found in there most times.

I wish more people were as giving as mahjik is on the site. the answer is not to help less...its to help more. if the people taking from the site give some as well then the forums will be a much easier place to navigate.

ive searched dozens of topics only to find that there are a thousand threads with the keywords inside that have nothing to do with the answer i need. that requires asking again so the specific answer is easier to find.

I own a large forums as well and am looking into better search tech to expedite the searching process. If I work out a better solution I will let the rx7club forums have it for their use as well.


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