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forced1nduction 01-04-07 01:26 AM

who here premixes?
ive been reading about premixing and am considering doing it myself. before i did though i just wanted to see how many people premix and what they think about it. ive done my homework i just want some personal opinion. thanks.

battle cattle 01-04-07 01:39 AM

cant hurt and its not very expensive.... all to help the motor. Thats my take

Node 01-04-07 01:40 AM

im rebuilding my motor and highly considering premix

i rarely checked my oil between oil changes and the oil metering pump used about a qt every 1000 miles. But this was a 120k mile old turbo motor, and the s4 turbo OMPs dump lotsa oil in.

So I am NOT going to use the stock OMP setup.

My only options are

1) Rotary aviation makes a part that bolts onto the OMP and feeds it oil from a seperate tank so you can fill it with whatever type of oil you choose, regular engine oil, 2 stroke premix, etc. This way your OMP injects from a seperate container and doesnt lower the level of your engine oil which does a decent chunk of the internal engine cooling along w/ lubrication.

2) Block it all off and just run pre-mix

Option 1) goes along w/ my everything upgraded to some new fangled gizzmo approach, but I don't know about that.

The stock OMP injectors don't coat the entire rotor, they coat the center area leaving the sides less lubricated.
People have posted up pictures of the internals after tearing a high mileage motor apart and this is very common.

pre-mixing w/ your fuel seems to do a better job at lubricating evenly

I'm definately considering just pre-mixing all the time.
You keep the premix in your hatch, do it everytime you fuel up. Becomes like second nature to you.
Never have to open your hood except to change your oil every 3k miles or so. Oil level doesn't change.

Then again, rotary engine w/o lubrication in the combustion chambers will turn to utter shit in about 15 minutes or less.

I don't see anyone fueling up my car but me, so I don't feel this would be a issue about forgetting to premix.

So, I didn't answer your thread, just blabbed on about what im planning for my car.

good luck w/ your thread :)
-Ben Martin

P.S. My engine builder told me to keep my OMP or do the Rotary Aviation piece, but also add a sprinkle of premix in the gas as well. Too much effort for me.

KillaKitiie 01-04-07 01:46 AM

one thing i like about premixing is when i take my intake manifolds off there not covered inside with black oil.

J-Rat 01-04-07 08:54 AM

I premix..


tuns0ffun65 01-04-07 09:05 AM

i premix also

SpooledupRacing 01-04-07 09:22 AM

I plan to premix next summer

Aaron Cake 01-04-07 09:48 AM

I've been premixing lately because my metering oil pump cable was having issues (I have already made new brackets to be installed in the spring).

Overall I'd say that it's a raging pain in the ass. It adds an extra step to an already annoying process (filling up), costs more (two stroke oil is about $4 a quart here), is messy (you WILL get oil on you, and you WILL smell like fuel), and in my opinion is wholly unnecessary if you have a working metering oil system.

And there's the stupid questions asked by onlookers.

SpooledupRacing 01-04-07 10:00 AM

I like the stupid questions by onlookers


JCurry 01-04-07 10:13 AM

well my lines are all broke on my s4 and there like 30 bucks a line, is there a place you can just buy the lines and cut them to length and attach them yourself?

My5ABaby 01-04-07 10:28 AM

I premix and plan on going back to the OMP whenever I have time to do so.

Originally Posted by RX7Boy06
well my lines are all broke on my s4 and there like 30 bucks a line, is there a place you can just buy the lines and cut them to length and attach them yourself?


Aaron Cake 01-04-07 10:37 AM

Any hydraulic shop can make you new lines. You can also make your own. Search "rebuild metering oil pump lines". I think the topic is also in the archives.

gxl90rx7 01-04-07 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by RX7Boy06
well my lines are all broke on my s4 and there like 30 bucks a line, is there a place you can just buy the lines and cut them to length and attach them yourself?

thats why I started premixing, broke a line - too expensive & im too lazy to fix it :)

spot_skater 01-04-07 11:31 AM

I am going to pre-mix with my next/current motor as well. After reading that the OMP nozzles don't spray, per-say, and only drip oil onto the rotors, and ONLY into the middle of them, I decided to give it a try.

Read about some people tearing down OMP used engines, and also tearing down engines that were pre-mixed, and the difference was night and day (with premix being cleaner, at least). I have blocked off the OMP, removed the lines and nozzles, and will be putting bolts in their place.


spoolnblue 01-04-07 12:10 PM

fuck premixing, it is the biggest pain in the ass ever. i use penzoil 2-stroke oil, and it stinks. my whole damn car smells like the shit, cuz i dont have a/c, and the windows are always down. It also makes it smoke worse at certain times, cuz its puttin more oil than is needed in the gas. cuz the stock omp, injects different amounts at different rpms. with premixing, its the same amount all the time. Id say good for racing. but shitty for daily driving. i get like 16 mpg. and i fill up alot. and having to pour the damn oil in the gas is nasty. its sticky and obviously oily. when ur on a date, u dont want to have oily damn hands and smell like fuken oil all the time. im goin back to oil-injection asap. soon as i get new oil lines. its goin back on. It sucks. but if anybody is dumb and wants to do it, i have the block off plate, and will sell it if somebody wants it. but seriously for daily it is dumb. just check ur oil every day or two, and u wont fuck shit up. also an op guage is a good investment. trust me.

spoolnblue 01-04-07 12:15 PM

also, premixing, it gets oil everywhere. it clogs ur fuel pump faster and makes it work harder. i had my walbro go out in a little over 1 year. all the shit inside the motor is covered in oil. manifolds, everything. sticky, nasty shit. get rid of it.

J-Rat 01-04-07 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by spoolnblue
fuck premixing, it is the biggest pain in the ass ever. i use penzoil 2-stroke oil, and it stinks. my whole damn car smells like the shit, cuz i dont have a/c,

Your car isnt running right. I premix and my car smells fine...

It also makes it smoke worse at certain times, cuz its puttin more oil than is needed in the gas. cuz the stock omp, injects different amounts at different rpms.
Uhh.. My car doesnt smoke either. In fact, I have passed emissions with pre-mix in the tank.

Oh, btw, the OMP injects oil based on THROTTLE POSITION, not RPM.

with premixing, its the same amount all the time. Id say good for racing. but shitty for daily driving. i get like 16 mpg.

Again, your car isnt running right...

J-Rat 01-04-07 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by spoolnblue
also, premixing, it gets oil everywhere. it clogs ur fuel pump faster and makes it work harder. i had my walbro go out in a little over 1 year. all the shit inside the motor is covered in oil. manifolds, everything. sticky, nasty shit. get rid of it.


Then my 3 year old Walbro that just made 490 horse must be some form of fluke!! How much damn oil were you PUTTING in that tank?!?!

gxl90rx7 01-04-07 12:45 PM

im getting 18 city in my 1oz/gal premixed S4 n/a

Originally Posted by spoolnblue
all the shit inside the motor is covered in oil.

i hope so!

KillaKitiie 01-04-07 01:08 PM

premixing has become second nature to me its not hard or out of place at all.

87 t-66 01-04-07 01:21 PM

i also premix, i dont want to risk the chance of the pump failing, an injector getting clogged or a line breaking

spoolnblue 01-04-07 02:16 PM

fuck it, my car runs fine, i run 1 oz. to the gallon. thought it would be helpful. premixin is a pain, but if thats the way u wanna go, fuck it. L8r asses

alwayssideways 01-04-07 02:21 PM

i run 1 oz to the gallon. no issues, and passed emissions with little to no emissions.

nerdx7 01-04-07 02:36 PM

Been premixing for a few months now, starting after my turbo swap. Its a pain in the ass to begin, but its totally second nature now. I started to pre-fill a half-dozen pop bottles, and throw 'em behind the seat... takes 20 secords (if that) to premix at the pump. its not that hard to empty bottle of oil into the tank, without spilling. And I've yet to find a service station without paper towel racks within 15 feet of the pump

It might be still early, but I love the strange and stupid questions of on-lookers. Gives me a chance to brag and showoff the 7 :)

SpooledupRacing 01-04-07 02:44 PM

ok so do u premix before u ad or just add the oil then fill the tank?


fastrotaries 01-04-07 03:00 PM

Once I found my method to pre-mixing. i.e. made a container for everything. got a small funnel, measuring tube. It wasn't that bad. Most times I don't spil a drop on my hands. or anywhere else.

On a side note, I'm running the mechanical metering pump with only the housing injectors. I chose only the housing injectors, because the manifold ones, only get your intake runners and ports dirty as hell. In case I ever run out of Pre-mix, I have the OMP to get me somewhere that does. Oh and my lines cost me $12 a piece. Stainless steel braid from local hydraulics shop, in Daytona Beach.

fastrotaries 01-04-07 03:01 PM

I pre-mix first then I pump gas. This way I feel I have the best shot at a good even mixture.

tandolla 01-04-07 03:01 PM

I premix as well.. the only part that sucks about the premix is buying the premix. and its only a few dollars. so it aint that bad. and the other part that sucks. is some gasstations around me dont carry it so if im out i have to find a station who carrys 2cycle oil then fill up..

Silverfc88 01-04-07 03:16 PM

I've been premixing for about 4 years now and I've never had a problem with anything clogging up or breaking because of it. I use 1 ounce of 2cycle to 1 gallon of gas. Doesn't take that much time at all. I prefill little bottles and I have them ready whenever I need them.

tandolla 01-04-07 03:20 PM

I prefill little bottles and I have them ready whenever I need them.
thats what ive started doing as well..

Amur_ 01-04-07 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by Aaron Cake
Overall I'd say that it's a raging pain in the ass. It adds an extra step to an already annoying process (filling up)

Raging pain in the ass? Somebody's a little too delicate... :hah:

costs more (two stroke oil is about $4 a quart here)
If you're going to split hairs over the cost of fluids, you're driving the wrong car...

is messy (you WILL get oil on you, and you WILL smell like fuel)
IF you are clumsy with it. :rolleyes:

and in my opinion is wholly unnecessary if you have a working metering oil system.
Fine. :)

And there's the stupid questions asked by onlookers.
I've only ever had one person ask about it, and after hearing, "It's premixing oil. This is a rotary," they moved on with an, "Oh." Again, feeling a little delicate or what? "Oh, noes! A question about what I'm doing from someone who's curious! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! RAWR!" :wink:

J-Rat 01-04-07 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by spoolnblue
fuck it, my car runs fine, i run 1 oz. to the gallon. thought it would be helpful. premixin is a pain, but if thats the way u wanna go, fuck it. L8r asses

You better check the attitude. Thats an easy way to get banz0red..


Amur_ 01-04-07 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by spoolnblue
fuck it, my car runs fine, i run 1 oz. to the gallon. thought it would be helpful. premixin is a pain, but if thats the way u wanna go, fuck it. L8r asses

I've been running with the same ratio for years with none of the problems you've so colourfully described. :)

You aren't adding enough premix to make her smoke. Unless you're talking about revving the motor past redline - premix or not, you're going to get smoke. As for smelly/messy, keep the bottle clean (most pumps have paper towels) and PUT THE GODDAMN CAP BACK ON TIGHTLY. IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO DO.

To everyone:
Why do the complaints about premixing revolve around convenience? How can you be motivated enough to remove and block-off the omp system (not exactly an easy, one-step task) and then up throw up your hands at the prospect of keeping an extra 16oz or 32oz fluid container in the back and not spilling it when you use it? I don't get you people... :scratch:

wankelme! 01-04-07 04:19 PM

i swear by pre-mixing,having firsthand experience with uneven apex seal wear and carbonizing:mad: .My car doesn't smell or smoke and i have full open exhaust.I can run synthetic oil with no worries,and it's only messy if your not doing it right! see my previous thread on the 2 stroke pump!! https://www.rx7club.com/2nd-generation-specific-1986-1992-17/tip-pre-mixers-606704/

scathcart 01-04-07 06:12 PM

I've been premixing religiously for 6 or 7 years now. Having seen the results personally inside the engine, I will never switch back to OMP lubrication.

And to the guys who can put premix into their car without splling oil/gas on their hands... do you guys got bricks for hands, or what? I'd hate to be standing next to you at a bar... you must get just drenched in beer.

Use a small funnel, pour in the premix, cap the oil. No mess there. Pour a little gas from the nozzle through the funnel, take out funnel, shove fresh paper towel into funnel and wipe it out. Throw out paper towel. No mess there. Fill up car. No mess there. I cannot fathom where the constant problem lies?

Mechanic 01-04-07 06:19 PM

idk... i just... pour, i never had trouble no spill no mess... if a DROP gets on my car i just... wash it off with the window cleaner thing..... i premix about just over 1/2 oz per gallon.... sees 7k occasionally until something in my clutch went... no noticable problems so far, and the smell is not that bad at that ratio... when I had 1 oz to gallon, wow.. i feel so bad for my girlfriend lol.

I am use to it, after all its daily driven and i do work at a shop.

Node 01-04-07 06:55 PM

And let me add one thing.

I have a s4 turbo ii.

I have had the OMP control rod that is connected to the throttlebody get stuck on me.
I was doing a 1 > 2 shift WOT and it looped over itself and got stuck WOT when I shifted.
So this is another reason. My new setup will have a standalone w/ rev limiter and my engine will be built for about 1000rpm's higher than i can even make power so I'm kinda safe on that one.
But it still sucked. Had to tear off my intercooler and diagnose the problem myself and then fixed it. Took about an hour and a half between making phone calls to bitch about my problem to people and asking for someone to come out and help me and fixing the shit.
All this in the hot assed phoenix sun in some gay assed mall parking lot w/ the hood open pouring out rotary heat into my face.

rx7vadim 01-04-07 07:04 PM

omp sucks

Amur_ 01-04-07 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by scathcart
And to the guys who can put premix into their car without splling oil/gas on their hands... do you guys got bricks for hands, or what? I'd hate to be standing next to you at a bar

Or a urinal. lol

Originally Posted by Node
And let me add one thing.

I have a s4 turbo ii.

I have had the OMP control rod that is connected to the throttlebody get stuck on me.
I was doing a 1 > 2 shift WOT and it looped over itself and got stuck WOT when I shifted.
So this is another reason. My new setup will have a standalone w/ rev limiter and my engine will be built for about 1000rpm's higher than i can even make power so I'm kinda safe on that one.
But it still sucked. Had to tear off my intercooler and diagnose the problem myself and then fixed it. Took about an hour and a half between making phone calls to bitch about my problem to people and asking for someone to come out and help me and fixing the shit.
All this in the hot assed phoenix sun in some gay assed mall parking lot w/ the hood open pouring out rotary heat into my face.



rx7vadim 01-04-07 07:06 PM

omp was developed for customers comforts i think. they dont say here is ur new car , keys and dont forget here is 2 cycle oil.

SpooledupRacing 01-04-07 07:15 PM

ok so honestly here how many people just add the oil from the bottl ehten fill and how mnany pre mix a bottle before hand pour it in the fill?


J-Rat 01-04-07 07:19 PM

I just add from the bottle..

Digi7ech 01-04-07 07:58 PM

This is exactly what I use.
Going on 3 years now.

Go buy 4 or 5 of these first. Then once your out save the bottle and buy the big gallon version from then on.
Use thebig gallon one to fill up the smaller bottle to the 30ounce mark.

If your like me. You refuel around 10-12 gallons everytime so you know exactly how much to pour in from the 30ounce bottle.... 1 ounce to 1 gallon is pretty damn easy.

These bottles are sturdy and have opaque sides to see the measurement. They also pour easy. I rarely spill them. I also wipe the excess off the top of the bottle with the stations supplied towels.

It is second nature to me. It is in no way a hassle. As long as I have some that is(running out in bfe sucks).

J-Rat 01-04-07 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by Digi7ech
As long as I have some that is(running out in bfe sucks).

Oh man... I had to use Castrol 20-50 in a pinch.... That was too funny. It was at Seven Stock too!

manslayerx9 01-04-07 08:23 PM

im not pre mixing yet but heres a great idea. take the bottles for fuel injector cleaner like 20oz size and pre fill them at home with the amount you fill up most often with and just carry them with you

bigzman 01-05-07 06:56 AM

I am real lazy. I buy pettit racing Protek-R and just pour in the the 4oz bottle before fill up. Just playing safe with a 140,000 mile on my 91N/A. Pricey though $47.00 with shipping for 24 bottles.

MaxJenius211 01-08-07 06:07 AM

I am reading this in preperation to start using premix in my 88 Vert, I am unclear on something. Do you just dump a bottle of oil in the gas tank before pumping your gas (following the 1oz oil to 1 gal gas rule) or am I missing the process entirely?


My5ABaby 01-08-07 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by MaxJenius211
I am reading this in preperation to start using premix in my 88 Vert, I am unclear on something. Do you just dump a bottle of oil in the gas tank before pumping your gas (following the 1oz oil to 1 gal gas rule) or am I missing the process entirely?


No, you're not missing anything.

Mills 01-08-07 10:45 AM

All the gas stations around me have the paper cone filters by the pump, I just grab a few for the times I'm out of town and throw them away when done. No muss, no fuss.

I also use one ounce per every two gallons of gas, seems like everyone uses more though.

fcforlife 01-30-07 01:58 AM

anyone know where i can get the mod for the block off plate so i can take it all off

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