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CrackHeadMel 09-22-05 06:48 PM

the way i have it setup now is it dumps the decoded information into a tab delimited textfile which is directly importable into microsoft excel, and probably other spreadsheet programs too. The reall benifit to this is you can use the excel graphing utilities to make very nice pretty easy to read graphic graphs to tune off of. I did a few mock up's where i just had the program 'go though the paces' of decoding information that i gave it and dump it into a text file, then imported it into exel. It was fucking perfect

Im going to work on it more in an hour or so. If you anyone has any suggestions of things they think would be useful to have, shout out anytime, worse case ill say no :D

rotamotive 09-23-05 04:50 AM

Will it log both primary and secondary injector duty cycle?
When we look at it through excel,will it show graphs as well as text information?

CrackHeadMel 09-24-05 12:01 AM

It doesnt log dutycycles now, however it is possible. Calculating both primary and secondaries would be easy aslong as method for retrieving the staging map could be found (this is smith's territory, nothing im even vaugly familiar with)

The information that is logged is in a very simple format. In excell its just 3 column's as of now (more if more information is decoded)

rpm load afr
rpm load afr
rpm load afr

etc etc. all in text format.

i am not sure how quickly i can log, it all depends on how quick i can get information from the wolf and decoded. atleast every halfsecond at worse case should be fine, im hoping for much much much better than that,, like every .2 sec log

im still working on getting the wolf to respond to my commands though a serial port terminal. have have gotten it to respond to connection commands, hwoever its sluggish to respond. ill figure it out.


Michael Smith 09-26-05 05:35 AM

Hey Jacob,
you may need to call a buffer flush to speed things up! The computer only transmits when its buffer is full with VB and sometimes you need to force the transmission. With the wolf software it is much faster than every 1/2 second. I have had a look at at injector pulse width but it only gives the primary duty, however if you know your staging you should be able to work out the secondry pulse width. You could use a macro in Excel from your fuel map staging to do the calculation automatically. I will look at decoding the pulse width next. I have been on holidays and have just go back. I may have a chance to decode it this week. I have also been teaching myself Java so that all my programs will be portable between platforms (I write other programs and build electronic equipment as a hobby) and I love cars too! Plus I have a great family as well that keeps me very busy.
Great work Jacob!!!!
Michael Smith

Michael Smith 10-09-05 09:15 AM

I can smell it now, getting closer quick. I still have a lot of work left but Jacob looks like he is finished his bit I have been dragging the chain a bit. Still a few problems and I have had to hit the books a couple of times. This is my first venture into serial communication in VB. I think it will be a no brainer to use. All you need is to select the com port, press "send command" it then asks to make sure the ecu connected. Off it goes and the screen will fill up with data. You then press stop, and then "save" the output is saved to a file of your own choosing. This bit can take quite a while becasue it is so large so don't get excited and click every button on the screen. It will tell you when it is all done. Press the export to excel button and it can be saved to work with excel.(this bit still need to be done the interworking bit between Jacob and myself) I then have lots of code I need to clean up because of the way I write code. I don't delete unused code until it is all working.

So it is still making progress!!

Michael Smith

CrackHeadMel 10-09-05 03:22 PM



With with converstion information that you gave me, it sounds as if it would be possible to streamline the process and strip and convert all the neccesary information, leaving less than 20 ascii char's to write per cycle..

Ill give it a shot regardless, worse case, there will be an extra step

We will get there eventualy, and its going to be awesome


Michael Smith 10-28-05 09:55 PM

Ok guys I had the bare bones logger up and running today. It has quiet a few issues yet but it does logon to the wolf and collects most of the data. I do have some critical problems yet that need addressing. It is still a while off yet but it was good to see the wolf was happy to talk to me. I have modified the code about 20 times today and still have problems but I am ironing them out one at a time. I also have to add the calibration tables to the logger so that different widebands can be used as long as you have a datasheet for the device.

tick tock it's getting closer .. I will give it break for a day or 2 to get more focused on the remaining problems.

Michael Smith

nyt 10-28-05 10:57 PM

..... dont you love that the new wolf software came out when promised?

raise your hand if you're surprised

Michael Smith 10-29-05 05:03 PM

If they don't pull there finger out they will get beaten to the post. Just like racing...it isn't always the one who leaves the line first who finishes first. They also know I am writing a logger too so you would think that they would speed things up a little.
More hacking went on last night got a little more done but the battery in my laptop went flat.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 11-01-05 07:08 PM

Calibration table added and working it uses the same layout as the Wolf O2 sensor calibration table 0.02 volts steps all the way to 4.98 Volts. ie 256 steps I still have to decode the hidden internal LSM11 calibration table.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 11-04-05 07:53 AM

I now have a nice large 4 digit led display for the Air Fuel Ratio ...bright green on a black background with a decimal point in the middle. ( had to hack someone elses code and make a ActiveX control and it was a pain). I also have 4 standard vertical bars for TPS,RPM,LOAD and o2 Voltage..I don't like the standard progress bars but if I want fancy ones I will have to either buy a flash ActiveX control or write one(which will be a pain I don't want to go through that again).

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 11-07-05 04:35 AM

Today I sorted out the most painful problem I had with the software. It logs on and gets data but the feedback and decoding have a few problems as well as the display refreshing problems. The data is getting from the ECU to the program . The biggest problem I have had is that the program has been too quick for the ECU. I have had to slow down the logging to 1/4 of a sec between polls. It looks very plain but it is a logger that works....almost. Once I get the data decoded the only thing left is formatting both the output files and the visual display. At the moment they are on 2 different forms, one for the text logging screen and the other for the Visual display. I will combine these, I think this will make a better functioning and performing program.

What should I call it? I was going to call it "SpyGlass" or "Wolf Logger" or " Saber Logger"

Any other suggestions???

Michael Smith

rotamotive 11-07-05 06:09 PM

So will we be able to use this soon...???
Cheers to the fella's that are making this happen...
I would caal it MS-log...lol

Michael Smith 11-08-05 10:15 PM

Today I got all the data up on the displays running live there are still some niggles with AFR calculations but it works live. It is still a little way off yet. It does supply a LARGE 4 Digit AFR display. ie XX.XX it provides AFR,RPM,Load and TPS Voltage(note this is NOT what is displayed on the hand contoller but the LIVE VOLTAGE) vertical displays. I will have to consider a calibration routine to address this.

Any Alpha testers out there?

Michael Smith

CrackHeadMel 11-09-05 06:20 AM

i think your going to win :( my logger is near the end of the list of projects that must be done

Michael Smith 11-10-05 03:20 PM

IT LIVES!!!! Today i had it up and running with the O2 display and everything running. There is work to be done with regards to file processing but it is working. I had to fix some technical problems with the program. I have also started to build a little utility to build the calibration table from YOUR measured data. I will supply the program with the data for a LSM11. At the moment I have random data in the O2 calibration table to test. I will decode the internal LSM11 data later this week. Hey Jacob hows the engine going?

Michael Smith

rotamotive 11-10-05 05:41 PM

Have you named the logger yet?
When it be ready for us...??? :)

Michael Smith 11-11-05 03:05 PM

I have no name yet but once I get most of the bugs sorted I will post it on my program webste. I still need to remove redundent code, make a Icon, choose a name, a splash screen and address the data file handling. I also need make a file to remember program settings. I then have to make the program for making calibration tables.
Michael Smith

Michael Smith 11-11-05 10:29 PM

Today I decoded the wideband data and now realise that the resolution will need to be increased in the calibration table. It is evident around the 14.5- 11.0 range that the resolution isn't that flash. I was reading data to 3 decimal points to check how accurate the Wolf output was.

Michael Smith

teknics 11-12-05 12:32 PM

wooo, sorry i was unable to help, i still havent found my damn VB.

cant wait to see this logger.


Michael Smith 11-12-05 08:51 PM

Who wants to try it???(2 to 3 Max)
Data handling fixed rough standalone works perfect. It only outputs a Text file but it works and is as accurate as the Wolf is itself(on the live display computer program). Internally the Wolf would use more accurate info though.

I am looking for someone to try( 2 or 3 people Max) the first version to see if you can break it. Win 98/win 2000/XP/XP pro/ME.... even win 95 if you have it. Now this program has not been finished yet but it is runable but not pretty. I am not going to give any instruction I want to see if you can work it out. You will need a LSM11 wideband and V4 3d Wolf running in a car .

Michael Smith
WaresDaWolfLoggerNow has been born!!! Pun intended, Maybe Called WareWolfLogger

rotamotive 11-13-05 07:08 PM

I'll try it out for you if you like...I have a private test n tune day comming up and will be taking the 323 out along with about 8 of our customer cars running wolf...
PS-is it hard to use? Im running windows XP ;)

Michael Smith 11-14-05 08:28 AM

Easy as to use! It's just rough thats all. Rotamotive you have Mail :) :) You will notice some things don't work but you get a file that you can save using the SAVE button.(after the Stop button) It takes a while to log on with this version.:( but that will be fixed soon :) It gives you Load from 0 to 107% , RPM , AFR, TPS (so you can ignore when the gas is being pressed becasue the accelerator function masks true fuel delivery) and finally the actual voltage from the O2 sensor, all on one line. It does this every 1/4 sec.
Michael Smith
PS one copy sent already 2 to go.... I need to know too if you have ANY instal or program problems please.

Michael Smith 11-14-05 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by teknics
wooo, sorry i was unable to help, i still havent found my damn VB.

cant wait to see this logger.


Thats Ok kevin thanks for offering. Did you know that Microsoft is offering free VB 2005,VC++2005,VS#2005, Vj# 2005 and Visual Web builder 2005 for free

Michael Smith
P.S. the only catch is that you must register within 1 years to keep using them with updates. These are fully functional.:)

Michael Smith 11-17-05 07:08 AM

I have been sorting out a few probems with the Logger, Rotamotive thanks for the feedback, sorry about all the emails. There is accuracy problems with the data that the wolf sends to the Laptop near the critical 13-11.2 AFR range(thats why Wolf didn't put a AFR Display on the computer software). I have been thinking of making a hardware encoder to decode the low voltage 0-1 Volt and recoding the data form 0 - 5Volts so that the output will be more accurate. Does anyone know if the Wolf O2 Calibration table actually works??? If it does I can make the AFR reading VERY accurate....much more accurate may be 10 times more accurate than we have at this time. My brain is ticking, a better more accurate AFR reading is well worth chasing. This is particularly important if I want to continue with building a auto tuner for the Wolf V4.
The logger at this stage is good enough to get a reasonable close tune and then you can use the MORE accurate Handset Display to finetune the final pulsewidths before you get your car dynoed.
Name = Wolf Logger.
Icon = Done
Splash screen = 2BDone
Speed Up Logging 2BDone
Decode other outputs for Logging = 2B Done *** release Logger here
Electrical Coverter for Wideband = 2BDone
Auto Tuner = Pipe Dream

Michael Smith = Dreamer:)

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