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str8ryd 02-14-08 12:45 AM


Any thought to the idea of letting us continue selling until this situation is resolved? As long as we give you our consent that we'll work with you when a plan is implemented...

Icemark 02-14-08 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7865458)

Any thought to the idea of letting us continue selling until this situation is resolved? As long as we give you our consent that we'll work with you when a plan is implemented...

That would be against the existing forum rules... the same rules that have been here for 8+ years.

So you think we should just ignore the forum rules again? Instead of coming up with a real solution?

str8ryd 02-14-08 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7865467)
That would be against the existing forum rules... the same rules that have been here for 8+ years.

So you think we should just ignore the forum rules again? Instead of coming up with a real solution?

Not at all. All I'm saying is put some thought in to atleast letting us continue selling until a solution is reached. I understand that the forum rules were being breached, but the fact is that they weren't being enforced properly by the existing ownership. Now that these violations are being addressed why not atleast let the forum continue running the way it was for these past years and once a solution is reached we can cooperate?

I don't believe anyone in this thread is against reaching a solution, we just want some more information and a possible solution date.

charlies7 02-14-08 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7865088)

Now we are working on a way that dealers can also sell. If you are loosing money because you can't post your free ad here, then you probably are a dealer, right?

That is a bad assumption. Example for myself and most likely many more affected by this:

I buy a turbo for 1300 from some dealer, I change my mind, like I can change underwear apparently, and I decide to sell the turbo for 800 because that is the used market. Then I have to pay because I have "escessive" forsale ad's and im losing even more of my hard earned money to have the previliage to sell on this board..

Make sense?

Indyparts 02-14-08 12:22 PM

Yes and No.

Yes it makes sense that it would suck to be paying more on your end to list the part that you are already listing lower than what you have invested.

No because to IB/ owners it does not matter to them. They are not going to customize the rules around each individual. To them, selling is selling.

Charlie, I understand where you are coming from, but in their eyes, whether your making $100 or loosing $500, you are still using their forum/ bandwidth to do it.

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7866279)
That is a bad assumption. Example for myself and most likely many more affected by this:

I buy a turbo for 1300 from some dealer, I change my mind, like I can change underwear apparently, and I decide to sell the turbo for 800 because that is the used market. Then I have to pay because I have "escessive" forsale ad's and im losing even more of my hard earned money to have the previliage to sell on this board..

Make sense?

RotaryResurrection 02-14-08 12:46 PM

So why not just shut the fucker down altogether if they are so worried about it, and let everyone use ebay? Oh right, I forgot...more than half of the people that come to this site, do so to buy and sell used parts for their car. A lot of my customers bring me cars and I give them a list of everything they need. I ask if they are on the forum, and they are like "whats the forum?". I send them here to find used parts that they need. IF they wander into the tech section and actually learn something about their car, so much the better.

Indyparts 02-14-08 01:55 PM

Charlie - Don't get me wrong. I don't consider myself a deal by slinging used parts, but if it comes down to dropping a dime to be able to continue to post then so be it.

I personally don't think that any changes should have been made until the decisions have been thoughtout and put into place. This shit if shutting people down, removing signatures and then saying "We are waiting on a decision" is a crock. I understand that the moderators listen to a higher power but this is exactly how you end up loosing members.

Icemark 02-14-08 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7866974)
So why not just shut the fucker down altogether if they are so worried about it, and let everyone use ebay? Oh right, I forgot...more than half of the people that come to this site, do so to buy and sell used parts for their car. A lot of my customers bring me cars and I give them a list of everything they need. I ask if they are on the forum, and they are like "whats the forum?". I send them here to find used parts that they need. IF they wander into the tech section and actually learn something about their car, so much the better.

Actually shutting down the classifieds all together was brought up several times, however as I said before, it takes time to make a decision. It is not like some small shop that has a single owner making all the decisions and can say funk you because he didn’t like something said. It is a community.

If you want to sell, and you just can't wait... put up your own website in the mean time like charlies7 did... however don't advertise your site here, unless you want to pay to be an advertiser or get banned... Right charlies7?

charlies7 02-14-08 06:53 PM

What exactly did I do to get an infraction...I followed forum rules.

charlies7 02-14-08 07:00 PM

Whats the difference between someone telling people to sell on EBAY like what you mods are doing....Vs what I said..???


For people that are curious I recieved an infraction for posting another link to a forum where selling is better for more people. I would post the infraction but I might be breaking the rules again....sigh.

Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 07:06 PM

Sorry Charlie,No, you did not.

It is a site that is offering buying and selling of parts. Read the rule and comprehend it. It is a vendor site.

5. Banners or information linking to vendor sites ARE NOT ALLOWED in signatures unless the vendor being listed is a paying site vendor.

It is not allowed in your signature and that's that.


Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7868356)
What exactly did I do to get an infraction...I followed forum rules.

RRTEC 02-14-08 07:06 PM

I was recently Pm'd regarding the # of posts that I had in the FS sections. I have recently sold a lot of parts using this forum and CL. I am not a buisness, I am a contributing member to the forum (in the tech section). RX7doctor was very helpful in cleaning up my mess, and I am adhering to the forum rules now...

I am selling parts recently to clean house (12 years of RX-7 collecting) has yielded tons of parts, and i am making room for yet another Rx-7. I don't count on this forum for my livelyhood by any means but I do like to assist the community in restoring thier cars ( I often sell parts for shipping alone or even free to locals).

I have missed people like Kevin posting in the FS section as he was one of the good people to buy from. His buisness is not a parts buisness and he does more of a service to the community then making money off parts. He builds motors.

Either way I do feel like the FS section brings tons of people to the forum (and those adsense deals work off visitors) so money is made via the click in ratios..

I hate to see GOOD members get blacklisted just because the happen to own a rotary based buisness...

$200 a year is steep for some... I can't imagine what it might actually turn out to cost. I just hope that I do not fall in that catagory..

charlies7 02-14-08 07:10 PM

Ummmm No, how is the actual site a vendor?

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7868403)
Sorry Charlie,No, you did not.

It is a site that is offering buying and selling of parts. Read the rule and comprehend it. It is a vendor site.

5. Banners or information linking to vendor sites ARE NOT ALLOWED in signatures unless the vendor being listed is a paying site vendor.

It is not allowed in your signature and that's that.


Indyparts 02-14-08 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7850185)
What you stated is saying, I need this fixed because it is hurting me. That sounds like a selfish statement, not one for the members. While you are waiting for this you could be selling your parts like everyone else out there. Yes, there are many places to post your ads.

Just so that I understand what you are saying about Charlie posting the ad earlier to another website... Won't this previous quote be a infraction as well?

Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 07:23 PM

Charlie, No offense but for a College student your comprehension is questionable.:)

Definition of "Vendor".

one that vends: seller.

Since there are classifieds in that site, that makes it a vendor site.

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7868418)
Ummmm No, how is the actual site a vendor?

Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 07:30 PM

Quotes are not the same as a "Signature".

Lets stop all of the nit picking again on what it what. It is not accomplishing anything at all here. That is why these threads get locked down. They turn into bitch sessions and offer nothing but more issues.


Originally Posted by Indyparts (Post 7868449)
Just so that I understand what you are saying about Charlie posting the ad earlier to another website... Won't this previous quote be a infraction as well?

FDNewbie 02-14-08 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7850185)
Their is a proposal for a Sub-forum that will allow the Charlies, the fritz's, etc to post up their for sale ads. It will be a paid for sub-forum and those that fall into that category will be able to do their business in that forum only, not the private classifieds as what the regular classifieds will be named.

I cannot comment on the cost yet but if it gets approved for the recommended cost it will be very reasonable for what you will be able to do.

All the regular rules will still apply. Meaning that group buys still are separate and only get advertised and started in the group buy forums. No businesses in the sub-forum. They still have to pay for business advertising.


Doc, I personally think this is a very bad idea/proposal. Allow me to explain...

1) As it stands, vendors are not allowed to sell in the general Classifieds section. I personally don't like that, because I think it imposes on our ability to reach the large # of forum members who aren't familiar w/ the various forum vendors, and thus do not frequent our vendor sections. Thus, it limits our ability to sell. And that is NOT good for IB, because the more we sell, the more we can afford to pay for advertising. So IMO, it's in IB's best interest to allow and encourage its vendors to continue to sell and prosper, because the are IB's largest source of profit.

2) Making a sub-forum for only paid sellers is also a very bad idea. As other members have mentioned, because most of the big time (and well trusted) sellers have been prohibited from selling on on the forum, the Classifieds section is full of noobs and scammers. I, for one, am VERY hesitant to purchase expensive parts from sellers I have no previous positive history on. So by limiting the well known and trusted sellers to a subforum, you're gonna have the vast majority of buyers visiting only this paid subection, essentially ignoring the general classifieds section, which is full of new guys and those of doubt (which often end up going hand-in-hand). And because of this, you'll be bringing upon yourself A HUGE headache from complaints about this setup (although the well known sellers prob. won't have much too complain about haha ;))

So what's MY proposal? Simple. Allow EVERYONE to post in the Classifieds section, and simply label ppl (somewhere around their username/avatar) based on their seller status. Paid sellers can be "Gold" or "Verified" members, or even "Power Seller," so everyone (mods as well as regular forum guys) know that member has paid his dues. And vendors will be labeled as "Forum Vendor" too. Everyone sells and competes on a level playing field, in one subforum, w/o having redundant forums that would otherwise be ignored, and without unnecessary restrictions limiting ppl from posting For Sale threads in only specific situations & locations.

Again, the premise here is simple: make commerce on the forum EASY, because the more WE make, the more IB makes.

That's my $0.02,

Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 08:10 PM

There was a mis-interpretation of the Classified sections.

Paying vendors are allowed to post for sale threads in the classified sections. The only non-allowable threads for paying vendors in the classifieds are the group buys.
So feel free to post your regular for sale threads there.

Thank you for taking the time to give input on this subject. All suggestions/recommendations are being looked at to resolve this situation.


FDNewbie 02-14-08 08:14 PM


LET THE SELLING BEGIN! :bigthumb::ylsuper: :rock: :score: :bluesuit: :101384_l: :us4allswi :suitdance :git: :dubs: :djcelebra :jump: :smiley309 :blue:

Indyparts 02-14-08 08:18 PM

So... since the numbers have been bounced around.

What is the cost for a vendor?

What is the incentive's of this?


charlies7 02-14-08 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7868460)
Charlie, No offense but for a College student your comprehension is questionable.:)

Definition of "Vendor".

one that vends: seller.

Since there are classifieds in that site, that makes it a vendor site.

I understand that, however why its never a problem when people post there local websites on this forum with FS sections and theres never an issue..so I beg the question. "Whats the difference?"

Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 08:31 PM

You need to contact the advertising department for this information.
AutoAdvertiser@internetbrands.com for more information.

Originally Posted by Indyparts (Post 7868642)
So... since the numbers have been bounced around.

What is the cost for a vendor?

What is the incentive's of this?


charlies7 02-14-08 08:35 PM

I'll calm myself down and wait until you guys come up with a solid solution to all of this.

Believe it, but I thank you guys for trying to get stuff figured out.

FDNewbie 02-14-08 08:36 PM

Indyparts, one of the long-held limitations were that you could NOT start your own FS threads in the Classifieds section; you could only respond to existing threads. So as you can imagine, it was quite frustrating reaching a large enough market to sell parts to.

What was even MORE frustrating that certain vendors on this forum (albeit that they were never PAYING vendors...ie they sold on the forum for free) would routinely post in the Classifieds section. In fact, that's ALL they did, day after day, month after month. And of course, naturally, it rubbed me the wrong way, cuz there I was, taking the legit route, paying several thousand dollars out of pocket for the Forum Vendor privileges (and restrictions) that others WEREN'T paying, while posting freely in the Classifieds section, where I technically could NOT do so.

But hey, alas, that's been clarified, and it's no longer an issue for me. Good things come to those who wait ;) So hopefully now the only thing left is that these individuals (that I believe need not be named at this point) man up and respect the forum rules, pay their advertising fees, and venture down the legit route that others have already adopted.


Rx-7Doctor 02-14-08 08:40 PM


You need to provide me with an example of this.
If it is not in their signature then it is not an issue. The acceptable norm of this as an example is when a member asks in a thread in their specific forum something like this. Where can I find a replacement rear hatch support for my car?

Then a member responds with. Try rockauto.com or mazdatrix.com,etc.....

1). When a member posts in their signature their own personal site that sells or a site that offers items for sale then that is direct advertising for those sites and are not allowable unless those site are paying fees on this Club.

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7868692)
I understand that, however why its never a problem when people post there local websites on this forum with FS sections and theres never an issue..so I beg the question. "Whats the difference?"

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