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-   -   Landon's FC Conservations! (https://www.rx7club.com/build-threads-294/landons-fc-conservations-1021838/)

Landon303 12-31-12 06:42 PM

Landon's FC Conservations!
Hey guys- Got a few build threads here but decided to do one single build thread for all the FCs as I have so many.

EVERYBODY (and probably most of you too) thinks I'm a loon & have totally gone off the deep end. Which is probably true, but you gotta do what you love I guess. Haha. I've always wanted to "collect" cars, and have fallen completely in love w/ the FC, and they're just soooo cheap and parts are still "easy enough" to find, so, what the hell.

As of now (12/31/12) I'm still at home w/ my parents, but I'll be closing on a house by the end of Jan, on 2.5 acres, w/ a pole barn & steel building. The perfect place for a buncha' junk cars to be saved!

The plan for most of these cars is to just fully take apart, and do "budget" restorations- IE, re-using as much as possible after a good cleaning, finding HEAPS of stuff at you-pull-it salvage yards, but still being very thorough. The whole car's will come apart, and go back together, but not w/ loads & loads of rare NOS stuff haha.

I'll start taking them apart once I'm moved into said house, hopefully around March 2013. For now, I just want to get this thread started as I know it's going to be lengthy and I've wanted to write this for a long while, but am just now getting to it. Anyway, here goes!

In order of year:

First is this K8 Tornado Silver '87 B.A.S.E. model. It's almost as base as you can get!


A friend of mine about, 4 years ago, tell's me "Hey so I'm driving around, and found a grey 2nd gen! It's over on such & such street, I'll take you by it." Sure enough, there it is. It kind of became a common "pass by" spot when ever I was out bored driving around. Basically checking if it was still there, or had been sold... just always curious what would be the fate of it. I remember back in 05 or so, you could find 7's a lot more just parked out front of houses. I'd always make a mental note, "black vert over here, gold GXL over there"... weird "you know you're obsessed when" stuff lol. Eventually, I'd start seeing those SAME cars end up in the u-pull-it junkyards, which is a TOTAL waste because only what, 75% of the car get's purchased, and then it's crushed? Well, I decided that if I can, I'm not going to let this happen to this car, and, frankly, most all the other cars you'll see in this thread. I rang the guy's door bell one day, and started talking to him. He was reluctant at first, didn't even come out past the screen door. But the more I talked to him, the more he thought "this crazy guy is actually just who this car needs!" A few hours later, we settled on a price, and I came and bought it some days later. I over-paid at $1200, but the fact it's so original and I'd known about it for so long makes me not worry about it.

It's Still in his drive way as of now, but I'll be trailering it up to the house as soon as I can. Figure it's been sitting there since about 2005, a few more months won't do much more.

The guy had owned it since 1988, with the original owner being an old lady who had Lupus. Apparently the windshield's tinted, and is legal being as she had that diease. Kinda a weird/neat story. He daily drove it up until about 03, when "everything started breaking" and took it off the road in 05.

Here's some more pictures!


It's a hard top, which is pretty dang rare w/ FCs. This would make a PERFECT track car!


Check it-- Only the AM/FM radio. Like I said, it was really a bottom of the barrel car. I think the only options would be the AC, alloy wheels (over the steelies), and the fact it even has the radio! Haha-


No storage bins. Like, what is the point? Functionality = gone


The nasty interior. The white stuff on the floor mat is all mold! Not sure how much of this will clean up lol. In storage though, I've got 2 full red interiors plus duplicates of a lot of trim- should have a pretty spiffy interior when the time comes!


TPS/other wiring consumed. Weird animals


Battery box lid! Manual Rack!


Guy had it painted back in I think he said '95. Has a few spots where the clear coat is coming off, but I think it'll be OK. A good buff and it'll be just right for my taste. I'm going to have to paint, or remove the grey, from the S4 molding/mirrors/tail lights. Remember, I keep these things as stock as I can (meaning the phone dials, red interior, and AM/FM radio will all be staying, among other things commonly removed).

That's where I'm at with that car- Just can not wait to rip into it! I've got to be one of few who gets such a rush from working on old junk hahaha

Landon303 12-31-12 07:00 PM

This second car has a story too. Well I guess all of them do, some are just more extensive than others.

I've known of this car to be sitting at an apartment complex for YEARS. 87 Sport model. It had always been "rough"-- primer body, just a well used car. Well, one day it had bad front- end damage! Uh oh! Months went on, & it still sat there, and would change parking spots, so it was still being driven. I left a note on it asking to purchase the car, or pieces from it (sport spoiler, aero), but never heard anything back.

One day, about a year after it had crashed, it vanished. Shiiiit, it's crushed. No one would want that thing but me I thought. So I forgot about it, but was always saddened.

Fast forward to Nov 2012- I get an email from a local RX-7 friend saying he's selling all his RX stuff, including the sport model parts car. Ouu, a Sport! Don't know why, but those are my favorite of all FCs. Perhaps it's the cheesy aero package that only got a tiny blurb in the brochure. Or the fact that it's just unique. I don't know honestly haha. Anyway, I asked what he wanted, and he said $600. Figure it's worth a look any how.

So I go down to find this:


Primer/artic silver body (not sure which color honestly.. It's like someone started body work but just gave up.) Still has some of the aero, though it's missing the front & the aluminum under tray


The damage. By this point I had NO CLUE it was the same car from that apartment earlyer... It's not really that bad, still drives fine, tracks straight, etc. Just needs the core support replaced.




Some rust coming through. Originally from NJ- I'm sure it's seen a winter or 2. Hopefully it's not too bad. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


More rust on the fender.


The BEST PART of the car... Mazda Reman'd engine w/ 25K miles! Holy crap does it run niiiice! Easily got my money's worth in just that haha.


Most of the interior is there, just need to clean & fix what's broken.



Old Gold!

So anyway, the day after I bought it my GF & I go out for a drive. She's as ate up as I am w/ these cars, which is a VERY good thing for me. Matter of fact, I don't think I'd have more than 2 if it wasn't for her.

So here we are, driving.. Excited about picking up the sport, I then begin thinking of that one wrecked sport, and how WEIRD it was that I'd just got one. Then I remember how they were both primer.... waiit.... HOLY SHIT I JUST BOUGHT THAT SPORT!!! The one I'd thought was surely crushed, is now saved & mine! Un real!

For this car, I'm going to have to chop the front off another car (junkyard/local part out) & weld it on. I'll then strip it down to nothing, build a car-tissare, and then piece back together. Going to paint it, Artic Silver of course. Hopefully I can learn enough to do a good job. I'm one of those people that have to do EVERYthing myself, so painting is no exception. It just wouldn't be a restoration if someone else did it for me.

That's pretty much it, this car's also still at the guy's house who I bought it from. Very nice people, I'm REALLY lucky to have nice enough people help me out and let me keep junk at their places. Plan on "paying it forward" by letting people keep their crap heaps at the house once I'm movedin haha.

So, that's where this one stands. I may do a few mods to this one, but not really mods by any means. Maybe some period-correct huge blue pin striping under the trim, and some louvers. But nothing performance oriented or far from stock.

Landon303 12-31-12 07:17 PM

Here's another 87 sport!

Back story on this car: Go to the junkyard about 2 years ago, and ended up getting some storage bin lids for my '88 DD. Get home, naturally the first thing I do is install them. As I walk out to the car (took my GF's then DD Saturn) to in stall them, I see a note on my '88. Uh oh... who hit my car haha. I read it: I have an '87 RX-7 for sale, runs and drives, call if interested -

Hah, haha. Rebecca & I had been talking about getting a project car, and here it seems one may have just fallen into our lap. We really didn't have the space for it (so we thought), but I mean, what's the worse that can happen from calling...

So I ring the guy. I ask what color, he says it's white, NO sunroof.. I'm already interested. Is it 4 or 5 lug? "5 Lug" He replied.. I get off the phone w/ him some minutes later, excited as could be- "Becca it's a SPORT! we've GOT to go look!" We went that night to see the thing.

We get there and it's pretty rough haha. Dude apparently was given the car from a friend before he left for the middle east for a year or so for the military. He raced the car, and had stripped the ENTIRE interior. Well, the next guy (previous owner to us) bought a full blue interior from either a late '87 sport, or an 88 GTU, but PAINTED it all black! FUUUUUUUU. Might as well just left it gutted. That was a huge downer.

It also had some weird crinkled dent thing on the driver side QT panel, that looks like it'd been bondo'd over... As I'm standing there staring at it, I remember another white 87 sport that had similar damage, and always parked at an Advanced Auto parts at East Bay & Belcher... "Hey wait a second, did you work at--?" "Yes I did, and so did the guy who I got this from, how did you know?" Another small world car I'd known for YEARS before purchasing it hahahah

So, we start it up, and neither the temp or oil pressure gauges work. Of course none of the wires were on...

I put them on, and take it for a spin. The temp stayed at C, & the oil pressure rose & rose... I get back to the guy's house, and it's overheating like mad! apparently the oil pressure gauge is reading the temp? This thing needs help haha. So I ask what he wants. He said $800, & I tell him if it's overheating this badly (puking coolant from the over flow) it's got a bad engine. He drops it to $600, and we buy it. Not too bad! As it was a "project" we figure an engine rebuild wouldn't be too bad :P


It looks rougher up close lol


That weird dent thing! Apparently- the Milatary guy had a blow out going 120 & the tire whip destroyed the QT. Probably took out the aero too as that was missing hahah


Gross black interior, obligatory "muscle car hurst knob", spare parts out the wazoo


More spares!

Landon303 12-31-12 07:24 PM


Notice the lack of belly pan & fan shroud. No mystery why it over heated. The clutch line was just a single bent piece of advance auto parts line. haha


Not bad! There was another pair holding down the thermostat cover!!


More of that line, and this weird black box which wasn't wired to anything. AC is totally gutted too... ugh


Broke that spare engine down, and stripped the interior,


Door panels from a local part out, after cleaning them up. We get the upholstery wet w/ a hose, then sprinkle a bunch of Oxyclean on. Scrub w/ a hard bristle brush, then pressure wash and you've got nearly like-new rugs!


Putting more factory stuff back on there.


Found this bumper local, a lot better shape than what was on there


Rear interior going in, dude's painted the inside black too! What in the WORLD?!? hahaha. Upholstery is post cleaning. Again, from a local car which was being parted :)


Some freshly cleaned, NON PAINTED (the important part) pillar trim plastic

Landon303 12-31-12 07:35 PM


Hatch interior back together


Fresh rug!


New foam on the mix box


Nice cleaned & washed dash :)


Mostly back together! From this point on we kinda stopped taking pictures haha. We bought a running engine locally for $400, and put it in. Was cheaper & easier than rebuilding what was in it, and we just wanted to hurry up & drive the thing lol. Definitely got "rushed" as things moved along. We tracked down a complete AC system thru junkyards/CL, etc. and finally got that installed. Used Jackhild's R152a Duster "mod", and we are CHILLING!

Here's a few pics of the car as is:


Found the COMPLETE aero kit, including the aluminum under tray. Also got some louvers! I broke my door handle on my '88 while this was still un registered, so I bummed it's door handle, so for now, it has the primer one hahah

So, not too much different, but it's well loved, and Rebecca drives it everyday! Ol' Saturn got retired hahaha

Landon303 12-31-12 08:02 PM

Here's the 3rd '87 Sport, it's IDENTICAL to that crashed one from earlyer. No cool sweet story on this one, just a friend had it and needed to sell for money to finish his MR2. Originally a CT car, has some rust, but much nicer paint than the other artic silver.

Picked it up w/ 172K on it, runs, but needs a good going thru. Pretty complete car though, so it shouldn't be too bad. Already tracked down the rest of the aero, as well as a pacific glass sunroof!




It was definitely someone's baby.

AGreen 12-31-12 09:14 PM

I'm jealous. I still maintain that you're the "crazy cat lady" of the FC :lol:

I wish I had your collection though. I'd never be able to take care of all of them like I'd want to though. I have one, and I treat it like it's my only child (although I have 2 real ones that I actually spend all my money and time on lol)

87 t-66 12-31-12 09:29 PM

needs more turbo

Landon303 01-01-13 06:35 AM

I'm jealous. I still maintain that you're the "crazy cat lady" of the FC

I wish I had your collection though. I'd never be able to take care of all of them like I'd want to though. I have one, and I treat it like it's my only child (although I have 2 real ones that I actually spend all my money and time on lol)
Haha yea I'd have to agree w/ you on the crazy cat lady thing :P. Give me a shout if you're in tampa!

needs more turbo
The NA's are soooo cheap, but I'm getting to that, lol

Landon303 01-01-13 07:00 AM

Next 87: the Turbo II donor:



This thing sat & sat on CL for $9k. Slowly, the price dropped, and dropped again.. Finally it hit 6. A friend of a friend ended up buying it. At the time, it only had 22,000 original miles. He ended up moving to CA, and sold it to our mutual friend for what he paid.

Said dude daily'd it for a year, and at the 36K mile mark, it got hit in the front in a parking lot...

It is pretty minimal damage, hood is a little wrenkled, both fenders are trashed, and the bumper needs replacing. Frame rail has a bend in it, but the car still drove straight. But because of the age, the car got totalled :(

He ended up buying the car back from insurance for $800, (they gave him $7500 value for it), and sold the interior out of it. I then bought the whole car for $1200, minus interior, back bumper, & sunroof panel. I basically struck GOLD on that deal!

All of the mechanical went into my '88 That I got for free 3 years ago, and was THE car that got me hooked on FCs:


A whole thread on it. I didn't really take that many pictures while doing the swap, was more concerned on getting it done as it was my daily, and I was doing it at a friends house & didn't want to take up space longer than I needed to. Here's a few though:


LOL-- I accidently left/dropped/didn't know that one of the 4 flat fender washers from under the nuts that hold the turbo to the manifold... was IN the manifold. Needless to say, I ran the car, it actually boosted for a few miles, and then the washer fell into the turbine and locked it. Man did I feel STUPID after that...


Pulling the engine from the '87. I'm going to repair the 87 BTW, but as a fully gutted NA Peripheral port monster. Totally ass backwards from the other builds, but I feel I've got to have a few wild cars to go along w/ the stock ones.


(pic taken a few months before the swap)

Landon303 01-01-13 07:22 AM

So on to the '89 Vert: This one has it's own build thread on here as well, at:



I won't re-write the story, but there's when I got it, and is it after all the hard work:


Crazy what buffing can do, haha

Then, about a month after getting the vert, my friend who had the red '87 T2 calls me. Says he was at a boat store w/ his car (pre-crash) when some other customer there saw it and came over to talk to him. He offered him for sale an '89 GTUs for $600! Ofcourse I had to get it.

I immediately contacted the guy, and stupidly, asked "if you can hold it for a year". He agreed, so a few months go by, and I call him again. Turns out, he didn't think I'd call back for it (who would though, honestly), & had since begun working on it to get it to run. Car had sat dormant since 2003.

So we figure we might as well pick it up now before I loose out on the opportunity entirely.

We go there & got this:


For $1200. He'd raised the price according to what he put into it: a new fuel pump, a new FC01 CPU ($300 from mazda, ouch), a NEW (not rebuilt) wiper switch, new brake pads, & clutch hydraulics. We got the car, but let this be a lesson- if there's a deal, JUMP on it, otherwise you may never get it.




It's a VERY complete car, I had it running as soon as I got a chance to work on it. But until we get that house, it's true "restoration" can't begin. '

Apparently, the old man who had it owned it since '90 or 91, and quit driving it around 02 or 03, when it was parked. He "got too old" for the car (classic). FL car it's whole life, but there's some rust underneith from living near a salty/muddy river, & having mud & such flung on the car. That's why the bottom half is black. Will be re-doing that back to red. Also need to track down some GTUs stickers, or have some made.

Landon303 01-01-13 07:32 AM

The final FC, until we buy more lol, is this '91 A pkg.

Rebecca is actually the one who found it! It was listed on CL for $3500 for a little while, & then made a giant drop to $1000. In the ad, it read "if no one buys it, I'm going to junk it :(" (frown face included!)

She show's me the ad, very excitedly! I told her, we REALLY do not have ANY more room for these cars, considering: 2 are at my parents house, 2 are at her parents house, and the rest are at old owners/friends houses...

That considered, we decided to write him anyway. Rebecca texts the guy, saying how her & I are RX-7 collectors (is collector even the right term?), and that it'd live on a great life if we purchased it. If no one else buys it for what you're asking, we have $500 cash, just to keep it from being crushed.

To our shock... No one bought it. hahah. So off to Orlando we went!

Here's what we got:



Nice bondo patch :P


Acrylic long-boy shifter, for the lulz


Holley carb!! Fail!

Plan on this car, is to just keep it ratty, but make it run nice. I'd like to retire the '88 now turbo car from daily use, and build it up w/ a hybrid turbo, MS2 or 3 instead of stock, and other supporting mods. I'd need something else as a DD that's still rotary, but I wouldn't want to be OCD about it, as I become once I've restored a car, so this would be the PERFECT candidate.

I'll be going back to EFI, and using all of the carb stuff (fuel pump, FPR, engine core) to build up a PP'd 13B, w/ a pair of webers. Hopefully can trade/sell the holley & manifold straight up for the webers.

Well, that brings me to my current state in life w/ these cars, expect full-force updates once the house is a go!!!

Molotovman 01-01-13 08:51 AM

You're a nut!

Glad to see I'm not the only one. Sadly I'm down to one now, sold, parted, or scrapped my others. Good luck when you get the house. It's my reason for focusing on only one. No garage :(.

j9fd3s 01-01-13 11:34 AM

sweet! nice collection! i really like how you're trying to expand your collection, i'm trying to cut down...

diabolical1 01-01-13 12:34 PM

sweet Mary ... i wish i had your luck. i wish i had run into you when i lived in Largo.

anyway, nice collection. i wish you and your girl luck in caring for your growing family. :)
also, i think i'll have to PM you to pick your brain on getting my FC running. you seem to have a knack for bringing new life to them.

Landon303 01-01-13 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by j9fd3s (Post 11331496)
sweet! nice collection! i really like how you're trying to expand your collection, i'm trying to cut down...

Yea I dunno if I'll ever reach that point. We find that hardly anyone treats them well enough to "deserve them" hahaha

[IMG]sweet Mary ... i wish i had your luck. i wish i had run into you when i lived in Largo. anyway, nice collection. i wish you and your girl luck in caring for your growing family. also, i think i'll have to PM you to pick your brain on getting my FC running. you seem to have a knack for bringing new life to them.[/IMG]

Ahh yeah too bad you didn't! What'd you drive back when you were here?

Sure thing shoot me a message whenever

Panda86 01-01-13 07:21 PM

So i heard you like FC's

diabolical1 01-02-13 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by Landon303 (Post 11331882)
Ahh yeah too bad you didn't! What'd you drive back when you were here?

Sure thing shoot me a message whenever

cool. yeah, i'll send you a message when i get a few more parts together and square away a few other issues.

i was driving my Rx-8 when i lived there.

king_reyes 01-02-13 06:44 PM


Kewtdz 01-03-13 05:31 PM

Wow so many FCs! Great collection.

Landon303 01-05-13 10:14 PM

Thanks guys! Apparently I'm gonna be buying an '86 tomorrow. lol

j9fd3s 01-06-13 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Landon303 (Post 11335828)
Thanks guys! Apparently I'm gonna be buying an '86 tomorrow. lol


wthdidusay82 01-09-13 08:13 AM

So which one do you drive? I've had 4 fc's.

I just picked up an 87 turbo for $1000, its in pretty decent shape but not perfect.

Needs engine rebuild but came with a full 3" exhaust, lowering springs, s5 taillights and a blitz Nov

I think it may have had minor front end dmg because the lineup on the front bumper isn't the same on both sides, and the car was painted.

You can hardly tell unless you really look at it, I still think I got a good deal. Odometer reads 94k miles.

Rotary >Pistons

Landon303 01-09-13 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by wthdidusay82 (Post 11339534)
So which one do you drive? I've had 4 fc's.

I just picked up an 87 turbo for $1000, its in pretty decent shape but not perfect.

Needs engine rebuild but came with a full 3" exhaust, lowering springs, s5 taillights and a blitz Nov

I think it may have had minor front end dmg because the lineup on the front bumper isn't the same on both sides, and the car was painted.

You can hardly tell unless you really look at it, I still think I got a good deal. Odometer reads 94k miles.

Rotary >Pistons

I daily that '88 4 lug w/ the T2 swap, & the black convertible on weekends. My GF dailys the white 87 sport. I also have an '83 GS (not 2nd gen, not pictured lol) that is insured/registered. So 4 total road legal cars, the rest are "to be restored, then registered, as time goes along". I know there's lots of people out there who say "ill keep this car forever", and then they NEVER do, but I truly aim to keep these cars forever, and when I no longer can, I'd like to give them to a museum or something.

For $1000 it sounds like you got a really good deal on that T2!! Awesome man!

scrapp 01-09-13 12:04 PM

So, I bought the LAST EVER GTUs sticker a few years ago. (I keep it locked in a safe box. true story.) Meant to buy two, but as you said, "should jump on deals the second you can." thus stuck only buying one.

I know a vinyl dude who can make SPOT ON copies, but it will require me basically destroying my original sticker, and he wants a small chunk of change for the "R&D" of making copies. After that, its unlimited to make some.

Dunno if you wanna pitch in and get some GTUs stickers made...

Landon303 01-09-13 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by scrapp (Post 11339706)
So, I bought the LAST EVER GTUs sticker a few years ago. (I keep it locked in a safe box. true story.) Meant to buy two, but as you said, "should jump on deals the second you can." thus stuck only buying one.

I know a vinyl dude who can make SPOT ON copies, but it will require me basically destroying my original sticker, and he wants a small chunk of change for the "R&D" of making copies. After that, its unlimited to make some.

Dunno if you wanna pitch in and get some GTUs stickers made...

Yea I'm definitely down if you're OK ruining that sticker. I mean I guess technically it's for a bigger & better cause, ANNND you've only got that one... haha. Shoot me a PM or something if you want to work out the details!

j9fd3s 01-10-13 12:06 PM

my friend might be able to do it from pictures, it needs good measurements though. i'm not quite there yet, but i had him make me a "rotary turbo" decal and it looks really good, its just the wrong size!

Ma7daPOW3R 01-10-13 05:12 PM

Wow, great write-up Landon. I'm super jealous of your collection and your gf's shared passion. As you may know I have 2 FCs and my wife is at her tolerance limit :( I'm looking forward to seeing more on this thread and hopefully seeing you guys at DGRR.

Landon303 01-14-13 11:45 AM

I can provide pictures /measurements if needed, have a friend w/ a GTUs & I could just bring some calipers and a good camera. Let me know!

I got that '86. Weird car:

No pictures as of YET, but a funny description

I actually bought it back in June of 2012, was listed for $600 on local CL, and "to be sent to junkyard this saturday." Shiiiiiiiittttttt. So I bought it, w/ the intent to sell to a friend to be his daily driver. Some situations came up, and he was unable to keep it and I bought it back.

About the car- It's an '86, an early one at that (9/85 build date). Red, all signs point to it being a 4 lug base. But it's COMPLETELY S5. Someone had to have had an '89 or '90 red GTU, and rear ended someone, and just bought this as a donor shell and put everything in. Engine, wiring, interior, doors, everything! I'll try to get some pictures up soon to really do it justice, but what an awful lot of work to just sell at some point in time for only $600 lol

Landon303 04-01-13 11:35 AM


Just closed on the house this past wednesday- It's on 2.5 acres, has a large pole barn, steel building, & car port. Let the work begin!!!


Here's the first 4 cars up there. The '91 A pkg, 83 GSL, 89 GTUs, & 87 sport. SOOO EXCITED!

Also, since the last post, we obtained this '88 blue vert (originally a sapphire blue, will have to get it back to original color) for rebecca.


That's all for now, we'll definitely start tearing into a lot of these once the house is all squared away & "liveable".

But anyway, just had to post haha, grinning from ear to ear

Ma7daPOW3R 04-01-13 01:56 PM

Grats man! That's so exciting. We'll have to celebrate at the dragon! How's your sleeping situation working out?

Customisbetter 04-02-13 08:09 AM

A blue 88 Vert? I can't say I've ever seen one before... Awesome!

Panda86 04-02-13 10:02 AM

AHHHH you found a blue vert for the mrs, good on ya !

Landon303 04-07-13 07:39 PM


Thanks guys!! -- Few more moved up there. Can't wait to start restoring!!!

Ma7daPOW3R 04-08-13 07:19 AM

Jesus man, you've got a lot of cars

gear_grinder 04-08-13 08:52 AM

holy dog nuts

i bet out of all your cars non of them are as rusty as my tII :/

Panda86 04-08-13 09:05 AM


Landon303 04-28-13 05:49 AM

Heh some aee kinda rusty. But if you've got something driven thru salt than I bet you're right :P

Spent some of the day fixing a few cars hatch/sunroof drains. One car sat under a tree and roof edge for about 8 years. The stuff that was in that hatch drain area was awful. It took about 45 min to get it right, including putting a new hatch in as it was that far gone haha. Pictures soon!

Landon303 11-04-13 09:00 PM

5 Attachment(s)

We got married on 10/5. Went to Germany& Austria for our honeymoon, great fun. Also bought a few more rydes:

Attachment 657104

Attachment 657105

Built this monstrosity from a heap of parts I had. Hideously awesome lol. It's an '87 that I almost bought when it was veery near mint approx 4 years ago. 1 adult owner car, 83K orig miles, $1000. Nice ride. Passed on it, and the car was sold. It changed hands maybe, 5 times, going further & further down hill w/ each change of owner. Finally, in around June/July of this year, it got hit in a parking lot. This mangled the pass QT panel as well as the door. I became friends w/ the owner of it about a year before this happened, & he gave me the shell in exchange for helping him tow his replacement RX home, as well as yank the engine/running gear out of this car.

I'd just gotten a bunch of race parts from a contact here locally, & had been wanting a total roach rat rod style car for a long while. Something I could hop in & have nothing but fun in... No cares about crashing, scratches, tearing the seats, too much UV exposure on the cheezy old interior, idiotic FL drivers, etc... you get the idea. A light went off, & I HAD to build this newly aquired shell into THAT car. It's worth mentioning that his insurance company did do a settlement for when it got hit in that parking lot-- I can't recall the numbers to a tee any more but it was something to the tune of "we'll give you $2240 for the repair, and you lucked out as we valued the car at $2270!!" Wild. Here's a close up of the QT damage.

Attachment 657106

List of goodies in this car:

-Ultrashield race seat
-Grant quick removeable steering wheel
-full gut on the interior. Uses an S5 pass seat as they have the rear pocket, & I needed somewhere to put the paperwork lol
-Ricer magnaflow muffle, dat rasp
S5 NA block. broke the center iron approx 1000 miles after installing (on original mazda built engine from '98, a factory reman). Opened it up, replaced iron, did a "mad budget" rebuild that only cost $200. Basically, an atkins basic kit, front cover gasket, and used eveeeeeeerything else. Springs/seals etc. Had apexs' laying around that were all around 7.80mm height, new is 8.00, replace is something like 6.50. Haha. "Spec'd" side seals by fitting used one after used one until I got something that was .003" gapage. lulz. Mazda comp tester converted to PSI was from 101 to 115 @ 245 or so rpm. Freakin sweet set up for a slapped together junk box. Cut out exhaust diffusers, opened up ports, RB header
-delrin control arm bushings front & rear
-delrin engine mounts I machined
- speedway engineering sway, check these out if you haven't they're mental
-ksport front, emusa rear coils, hilarious
-XXR wheels
-4pot brakes, 929 MC/BC
-dtss eliminators
-alum hood
-various body panels from "hilarious cars"-- extremely rusted pass fender, one headlight lid from a rolled GTUs, another from a fire victim vert, ricer stripe painted door, no door handles, another door w/ "MAT BUYS CARS" written on it. Both bumpers have hit WAY too much stuff, dangling piston ornament from tow hook...
-WICKED SWEET gauges my friend made me!! https://www.rx7club.com/2nd-generati...auges-1048851/

It's basically THE car that I loose all my credibility with. If i'm out & I see another car that I might want to buy or something, probably best not to talk to them while driving this one. Also loosing chance of a raise at work, haha.

Have a neighbor back home at my parents house that would ROUTINELY complain if I worked on a car there. Well, guess which car is now the ONLY car to take when I go back to visit my parents?? hahahahahah. winning.

That's about all there is to this one, I daily it, and hate to say it but it's kinda my favorite...

Attachment 657107

Got this red '88 vert for $350, currently under the knife for a T2 swap!!!

Attachment 657108
'79 I traded a microtech for!! Sorry, not FC related

Landon303 11-04-13 09:07 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Finally got one of these things

Attachment 657098

Attachment 657099

VIN code ends in "666"!! Wicked evil 10AE. Definitely stoked to work on this one!!

Attachment 657100

parts or restore car, was only $100 for this golden '87. Empty as far as driveline goes, but hey, a door at the local pick & pull is more than $100, why not get a whole car /w the same cash??

Attachment 657101

You know how much WE LOVE red interiors, so that was a huge selling point lol

Attachment 657102

'87 T2, has diff & axles. $150. 84k miles. sadly someone used it as a target for some rifle shooting!!! Bec wants it as a new daily... not too sure it's saveable. But maybe!!

Attachment 657103

T2 parts car, this is what I did the '88 4 lug T2 swap with

Think that's about all I've got for now. Well I've got plenty more but I'm strung out on typing on here for the night. Enjoy!

jaseraserx7 11-04-13 10:27 PM

I am so jealous. You finding RUNNING FCs for 600 bucks. Congratulations on getting married too!

88fc3sT2 11-05-13 01:00 AM

I'd really love to see how you end up restoring that 10AE.

Landon303 11-05-13 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by jaseraserx7 (Post 11614400)
I am so jealous. You finding RUNNING FCs for 600 bucks. Congratulations on getting married too!

Thanks dude! It's not that often, several months go by at least between each one, & that amount of time is getting larger as time goes by (yikes!)

88fc3sT2 I'd really love to see how you end up restoring that 10AE.
It's going to be similar to the '89 vert. P/O already did some modding to it, so it won't be 100% original, but should be pretty close. I want to kinda "mack it out" as it is the top tier most BA 2nd gen. What I'm planning-

-Classic full repair of anything not working. AC, all the poor solder joints, etc etc
-Different seats. Friend hooked me up w/ some S5 t2 leather seats that are identical minus the pass rear storage pocket. Will be using those, they're still torn, but much much less.
-Pacific glass sunroof
-Interior resto, carpets/upholstery wise
-Louvers (don't think many will agree w/ me here)
-sport/88GTU/88T2 aero- those polyurethane black foam pieces. I want to run them, but I'll paint them white to match! I don't know why the 10th missed out on them, but I think they should be there.
-Engine rebuild (he popped the rear apex seal. Have a housing here ready tho!)
-S5 turbo
-Shocks, lowering springs. New bushings

Some sweet goodies it already has/came with!

-Full RB exhaust, w/ only about 2000 miles use
-completely serviced & non-leaking PS. This is keeping me from going manual rack
-S5 turbo & all gaskets
-new antenna
-CS intake tube, header panel
-CS short throw shifter (i'm gonna ditch this infavor of the stock to use dat momo knob)
-new diff mounts
-New tires

It's a shame for it to be sitting around haha. I think I'm going to wrap up the red 88 vert then this one goes under the knife. Can't let those new tires go bad because I sat on my ass for too long. It also earned it's own spot under the pole barn too lol

JerryLH3 11-06-13 08:10 AM

Holy cow! I didn't realize you were in quite so deep. I'm going to show this thread to my wife next time she shakes her head at RX-7 parts strewn across the garage.

j9fd3s 11-06-13 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Landon303 (Post 11614526)
Thanks dude! It's not that often, several months go by at least between each one, & that amount of time is getting larger as time goes by (yikes!)

this is because you own them all. i'm jealous.

Landon303 11-22-13 11:45 AM


I have a problem.

driftxsequence 11-22-13 11:57 AM

I can help you with your problem. just send a few my way.

clokker 11-22-13 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Landon303 (Post 11626836)
I have a problem.

What, you can't leave Florida?

7speed 11-22-13 12:48 PM

So as of right now, exactly how many shells running or not-running do you have in your back yard?

RotaryEvolution 11-22-13 02:40 PM

they should put you on that show "hoarders". ;)

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