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REVHED 01-08-03 02:23 PM

All I'll say is... I'm bloody glad I live in Australia. :eek:

mar3 01-08-03 02:58 PM

Just wait...with all the Pacifists in the world, Australia is sure to get the population densities the USA has and then you'll be in the same boat...there's been a ton of studies on lab animals, social-types and not, and it's the pop densities that triggers the change in behaviors from co-operation to territorialism and animosity...man is just a talking animal and is subject to the same genetic hardwiring as those lab animals. The difference is that we can make a rational choice to try to control our animal brain, but we can never stop it completely....



And the self-righteous, soap box types are the ones that get my goat which is why I'm kicking this dead horse, especially when they base it on a personal experience like that is the ultimate qualifier that elevates their opinion above all others as the "truth" or true "moral compass"...:cool:

Fennix_sr 01-08-03 03:30 PM

well i am ordering somethin from Selfdefenseproducts.com

RotorMotorDriver 01-08-03 04:24 PM

Originally posted by wwilliam54

hell yeah

I had a couple guys start a fight with me, and i have had some martial arts training.
I got kicked in the face a few times, and a tooth knocked out.
but the other guys spend the night at the ER :D

martial arts=teh win

Yeah, even though I won, I barely did, and I still had to go to the ER myself :(.


Northern 7 01-08-03 04:46 PM

I'm not sure what "Fittest" has to do with shooting people. A gun is the altimate equalizer and fittness has nothing to do with it. I'm now beginning to understand where the phrase "guns don't kill people, people kill people" came from.

pratch 01-08-03 04:54 PM

A gun isn't an equalizer - it's either a tool, or something to hide behind - it depends solely on each person as to which way it is used.

timmya2 01-08-03 04:58 PM

why cant we all just get along..

i wish everyone got laid once in a while.. then they wont be so frustrated..

mar3 01-08-03 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Northern 7

I'm not sure what "Fittest" has to do with shooting people. A gun is the altimate(sic) equalizer and fittness(sic) has nothing to do with it.
Doesn't matter how it happens...if you're stupid enough to jump out of your car in traffic and run up to another car looking for some smackdown, you're not mentally fit to survive and will eventually be selected out of the gene pool...that's how it applies...:cool:

Originally posted by Northern 7

I'm now beginning to understand where the phrase "guns don't kill people, people kill people" came from...
Charlton Heston and the NRA love ya, baby!! The message is finally sinking into the general population...:cool:

Wankelguy 01-08-03 05:28 PM

Originally posted by REVHED
All I'll say is... I'm bloody glad I live in Australia. :eek:
Why? Because your government took MOST of the guns away from it's SUBJECTS?
Or because the crime in YOUR cities rivals that of the worst cities in America?
The difference being that Americans can defend themselves, or hunt, or just go shoot targets with our legally-owned firearms.
Well, I'm bloody glad I live in America! -WG

fatboy7 01-08-03 05:38 PM

When time plays its ugly game, its not a question of survival....in the end, none survive. Its a matter of who can live with themselves and their actions. You can't go into an encounter with intent to kill someone if he so much as threatens the livelihood of your car, if you do, you have issues. You must live in a world of fear and hate. Its a natural reation to such events to get angry. I have a serious temper, but it thankfully, I've learned to control my thoughts and actions. But to plan to kill someone for a mild display of physical supremacy is just plain incompassionate.

There is a time to fight. Fight for your familly, your freedom, your life. But only fight if your enemy leaves you no other choice. First exhaust all other possible exits, I like the pepper spray thing, it gives you an exit without permanant damage if you must. But in similar situation as snake eyes', just drive off. Thats where the seven does its wonders.....

I've had guns, knives and many other weapons pulled on me for almost no reason at all. By staying calm, and unagressive, you can talk amost anyone down. Those you can't talk down, most often you can avoid or run from. Carring a weapon may seem like a good idea, but as more and more people carry weapons, the threat only escalates. Call me a pacifist if you must, but I'd rather be a pacifist, that have to explain why I needlessly killed a fellow human being.

Manntis 01-08-03 05:39 PM

I live in both Canada and the US, depending on what I'm working on at the time... granted, the slice of US I'm in (L.A.) has a higher crime rate than, say, small town Alabama, but it is FAR higher than the Canadian city I live in.

I have to go with Mar3 on the population density theorem; Americans aren't bad people individually, but packed in close quarters like rats in a cage, and crime goes up exponentially. The only reason you don't see high crime in areas like China is their punishment system is far more harsh; it's difficult for an executed thief to become a repeat offender.

Northern 7 01-08-03 06:00 PM

I have to go with Mar3 on the population density theorem; Americans aren't bad people individually, but packed in close quarters like rats in a cage, and crime goes up exponentially. The only reason you don't see high crime in areas like China is their punishment system is far more harsh; it's difficult for an executed thief to become a repeat offender.
How does that relate to cities like London, England - that's a fairly populated city with less violant crime than you would expect using this reasoning? Their cops don't even carry guns. And how about Toronto, Ont. - the 5th largest city in North America. Sorry guns (I mean guys), that Dog don't Hunt!

timmya2 01-08-03 06:08 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by REVHEAD
All I'll say is... I'm bloody glad I live in Australia. [QUOTE]

yeh i live in australia and there are worse things that happen here.. mostly because of the government..

stupid gun laws..

Fennix_sr 01-08-03 06:11 PM

Hey when I was tryin to be sorta sarcastic when i said if someone threatins my car they are gonna get smoked, tell me this tho what would you do if the buddy jumped out of there car... and smashed a huge dent into your hood... or any other part on your car would you just drive away?... im not trying to be tough but fuckin with another mans ride is just is not gonna happen in my books. and i totaly agree with avoidance... I have never ever started a fight EVER... and I dont plan on it either, but when some person puts me over the line I lose it.


oh ya... its prety hard to get me angry too.

Wankelguy 01-08-03 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Northern 7

How does that relate to cities like London, England - that's a fairly populated city with less violant crime than you would expect using this reasoning? Their cops don't even carry guns. And how about Toronto, Ont. - the 5th largest city in North America. Sorry guns (I mean guys), that Dog don't Hunt!

London, England saw it's sharpest rise in violent crime after the British government disarmed it's law-abiding gun owners, leaving them defenseless against the hordes of armed gangs in that city.

Where are you getting your information?

pratch 01-08-03 06:50 PM

Time for the fun numbers...

Over 11,000 shooting deaths in the US last year.

Only sixty-something (yes, only double digits) in Canada.

There are over 8 million guns owned by Canadians (pop around 30 million), so it's not an issue of gun ownership.

Again - watch Bowling for Columbine, and if it doesn't make you think, then please eliminate yourself from the gene pool, or remove your ability to procreate.

Northern 7 01-08-03 07:26 PM

London, England saw it's sharpest rise in violent crime after the British government disarmed it's law-abiding gun owners, leaving them defenseless against the hordes of armed gangs in that city.
I didn't say England's crime wasn't rising - I was only referring to dense populations and the murder rate similarities. 1.7 murders / 100,000 in England vs 7+ murders / 100,000 USA.
I'm note sure if this has anyting to do with guns or their impact on crime - my point was only that densely populated countries / cities is not, IMO, a measurable factor in determining the reasons for violent crimes.

mar3 01-08-03 08:35 PM

The English murderous population has a harder time fulfilling their wishes with just knives and bats or the murder rate would be closer...I will say this...illegal guns in thugs' ownership here in America is a bitch....that's why it's almost necessary to be armed yourself...the Old West returns in our times...:cool:

pratch 01-08-03 09:31 PM

Why do you say that, mar 3? Have you personally been held up by and illegal gun in the possession of a thug?

Manntis 01-08-03 09:39 PM

The majority of gun ownership in Canada is bolt-action rifles kept in gun cabinets (and last census put the population at 42 million), and the majority of gun ownership is in rural Canada. Toronto may be North America's 5th largest city, but just because there are a few million people in TO and a few million guns in Canada does not mean the guns are all in TO.

I was car jacked in San Diego.

When I was in San Diego my host kept a Magnum 6-shooter laying around "in case of burgulars".
I'm not sure what the population of London is today, but LA/San Diego make up about 27 million.

In Los Angeles I was teased by my American friends for saying hi to 2 latinas who live in my complex but whom I'd never formally met. Apparently you don't just talk to strangers there (though the girls, newly immigrated from Mexico, seemed to appreciate it). The atmosphere of LA seems to be you aren't human until a person knows you - until then you're an object, and therefore your life has no value and can be taken without guilt.

mwpayne 01-08-03 09:43 PM

Canada's crime is low because even the most determined criminal is not going to freeze his ass off to grab a wallet with $5 in it.
Just too dang cold up there to do anything!

mar3 01-08-03 09:50 PM

Originally posted by mwpayne

Canada's crime is low because even the most determined criminal is not going to freeze his ass off to grab a wallet with $5 in it.
Just too dang cold up there to do anything!

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Originally posted by pratch

Why do you say that, mar 3? Have you personally been held up by and illegal gun in the possession of a thug?
No, thank God, but the crazy punksters at a street race a month ago surely didn't buy that firearm they discharged in the air since they looked freakin' 17......:cool:

And all it takes is once, and that's one time too many...

snake eyes<l><l> 01-08-03 10:29 PM

thanks for the advice guys few things though:

1. im only 17
2. 4v1 there is no real way to win with fists if worst comes to worst
3. it was a red light turning left to a 55mph road and I have personally seen cars get hit on that street for running the red.
and 4: I usually can get away with a line like "you touch my car again and ill come out and make sure u can't walk over and touch it again " :cool:

oh and now that I think about it, they probally where high/ drunk/ both cause they had a HUGE texas tech on back windshield.

Oh, what did I do? I passed them after a nice set of turns and gave them plenty of room to spare, guess they hate getting caught by a sports car

sides, im a lover, not a fighter :D

Snake Eyes<l><l>

REVHED 01-09-03 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Wankelguy

Why? Because your government took MOST of the guns away from it's SUBJECTS?
Or because the crime in YOUR cities rivals that of the worst cities in America?
The difference being that Americans can defend themselves, or hunt, or just go shoot targets with our legally-owned firearms.
Well, I'm bloody glad I live in America! -WG

lol No offense but you really have no idea what you're talking about.

Firstly, the government didn't take most of our guns away. The only guns that were banned are semi-automatic millitary style rifles. Granted, the regulation and licensing is pretty strict but it's still perfectly legal to own most types of firearms including handguns. Just so you know, I own several guns myself (Remington 12g pump, Tikka .22-250 and a .22) and have been shooting and hunting since I was 14. So, I think I'm more qualified on the in's and out's of this country's gun laws then you are.

As for the comment about crime in our cities rivaling that of the worst in America... what a joke. Things such as car-jacking's are unheard of, we don't have gangs blowing eachothers brains out while innocent people get caught in the crossfire, we don't need metal detectors in our schools (thank god) and you can generally walk the streets at night without fear of someone pulling a gun on you. Sure there's crime like anywhere else but to make a comment like that you must be on some serious crack. :bigthumb:

Sterling 01-09-03 12:32 AM

Originally posted by 79+80_rx-7
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wonder what Sterling would do? :p: ...

I opened this thread up and smelled all you monkeys having a pissing contest for "alpha male" status.
Big fuckin joke, you guys are- IMO, that is. (Sorry about the "fuckin", y'all. ;) )
"Woulda shot him in the head..." Puleeeeze!!!
And Mar3, I'm especially offended by your outrageous handeling of this. You do NOT do the gun owning community proud by your statements. I am part of that community, though I believe that handguns are soley for the express purpose of killing people, and therefore should only be carried by persons leagally authorized to use deadly force....IE, not you!
You too, Alex. A cop no less!!! You should think a bit harder about how your statements as a peacekeeper trusted with the awsome responsibility of carrying such a weopon will effect the lying little hot-shot-snots that are reading this!

I'm with SilverRocket, Manntis, and the like. I'm a hot head, 79=80, not stupid. I'll tell ya what I woulda done; LEAVE! The asshole's out of the car, so I already know I got the jump on his ass!
You fools mean to tell me you're in a running rocket with no one in front of you, and you have to ponder pulling a piece out?

No- I don't know like some of you guys do. But I did illeagally carry a .380 for a while. Cute, compact- not looking for "Dirty Harry" shit to happen. But in Chapel Hill NC, you ought to be protecting yourself, or so I thought. It was "cool", and it was cheap. But it invited bad Karma, I think.
I found myself in a bad way with some bitches that were'nt just playing around. Ya know what?- I almost wet myself. I did'nt pull my gun out (excuse me...'draw my weopon'), but I remember thinking about it, and that I would probably be shot dead. Probably woulda dropped it. But no one got hurt except my pride, and I'm not a convicted felon (from that;) ).
Laugh all you want, and if you do, I'll just call you an asshole. Alot. But when you're out numbered and you know the 3 drug dealers you're in front of DO have guns, and may very well have used them, your "My Dicks Bigger Than Your Dick" attitude can change REAL FAST!
You think target practicing in the woods, and becoming aquainted with your gun so that you can operate it without looking at it gives you the power (and balls) to use it. But no training is exactly that- NO TRAINING. I was too young to know better, and not trained #1, how to handle the situation, #2 how to use a gun, #3 WHEN to use a gun.
In other words, I was not a cop!!!
...Plus I was pretty high. :cool:

I've been in fights, and I've done pretty well. But I've never been so frightened and intimidated by a confrontation my whole life as that night. And I attribute it to the fact that I had it within my means to change my life only for the worst in less than one, wrong, second. Forever. It's very very lonely when you realize what "in over your head" really is.
I was 18 that night, and 25 the next morning. I left Durham, NC that week and though I've been back to visit, I never did return to Chapel Hill.
So that's my story. I'm no pushover, so when I read all your comment on just how you all woulda handled the situation, I just gotta laugh. Cause when it comes down to the wire, there's no time for ponderance, only hope that there will be time for retrospect, and not in jail!
I carry a breaker bar in the car, and since I make knives, I always have a rather large one on my person- sometimes more than one. It can be a weopon that changes the course of your life quickly, too, but somehow it feels more secure to me because it requires a physical up-close struggle to do its dirty.

My buddy Mario-
I love guns. But IMO, there are groups of people whos causes seem all to trivial in a world with some serious issues that need some friggin attention, and the NRA is all about having their fingers in the U.S. governments pie. (You brought it up, Mar3, so it's open for my opinion.) Chuck Heston is as much a detriment the group he represents as Al Sharpton is to his. I believe in the right to own registered firearms, and I believe in equality for all people, but both those guys are assholes! So don't quote an asshole when you want people to take your cause seriously.
We've all heard every friggin reason in the world for and against gun ownership. Any parent stupid enough not to have secured their firearms, and then have their child shoot themself, siblings, or others; well then the test for owning a handgun and the proper safe handeling is kinda FUCKIN FLAWED.
Kinda like stupid people that can get their drivers liscence. You don't like it, but it is their right, right? Whether you have a child you don't want shot when he goes over to Lil' Billys house, or you have a mint condition 79 Rx-7 you don't want dented by some stupid fuck in the Walmart parking lot- It's all the same.
But unless you're looking for someone to hit your car, don't go putting a sticker saying "Dont Hit My Car, You Stupid Fuck" on your bumper, cause it will get hit! (I.E., don't go being all "staunch" on such an issue in a public forum unless you need to take a time-out and go to the "loungey-pooh".

Oh, and this opinion does'nt get presented without the usual dose of "Sterling Cynicism"...
Every gun carrying moron that does NOT work for law enforcement, the government, or a security agency (including bondsman, ect) ought to move to Texas, "...so's y'all can kill each other off".
We need to thin the Earths population abit, and a side benifit would be a sort of human induced natural selection.

.....Awwwwww- did I piss someone off?
Shit, man. That's my [/i]job[/i]!:D

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