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-   -   Wolf 3D Auto tuner in progress (https://www.rx7club.com/wolf-3d-125/auto-tuner-progress-496055/)

signofinfinity 01-29-06 11:27 PM


Michael Smith 01-31-06 06:31 AM

Last night I built it without errors and have it ready to install on my laptop .busy tonight getting exersice playing squash bloody hot 32 C 85% humidity any way I kicked ass.

Michael Smith

signofinfinity 02-15-06 02:46 PM

....any news??? I am dying to see this!!

go michael go..... Wolf AU need to employ you full time.....


Michael Smith 02-16-06 03:45 AM

Broken suspension car out of action for a week. Broken bearing plate :) anyway I needed a excuse to fit lowered springs. :Kill1: I won't run my car on jacks so I will have to write code instead.

Michael Smith

signofinfinity 02-16-06 10:18 AM

hey.... is that a synchro i hear griding? lol how about more codes then....



RotorMotor2 02-16-06 08:36 PM

Yeah, i got a blown engine you can borrow and pretend is yours! eh?

signofinfinity 02-21-06 05:30 AM

any success yet???? curious to know!

Michael Smith 02-21-06 07:43 AM

Hi Guys I have been busy my Mum is ill and my car is apart. I have all the bits now but I have been working on helping out my Mum who has Lymphoma from a drug that she had been giving by a Doctor to treat Arthritus..I am not a happy chap thats for sure. There is a current class action against this drug and yet it is being prescribed without telling the people using it of it's 99% probability of getting Lymphoma.... If any of you have freinds using Cyclosporin get them to stop it WILL KILL them.

I will do some more coding later this week.
Michael Smith

signofinfinity 02-22-06 10:25 AM

Screw the codes Mike! Get with your mum! She deserves your support!

I am awfully sorry to hear about your mum's illness. Wishing her a speedy recovery and a get well hug!

Take care Michael... and need less to say good Luck!!!



RotorMotor2 02-24-06 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by signofinfinity
any success yet???? curious to know!


Originally Posted by Michael Smith
Hi Guys I have been busy my Mum is ill and my car is apart. ........
I will do some more coding later this week.
Michael Smith

Sympathys man, sux that both your gals arent well..... hows your mom now? (or is it a long illness?, cures?)

too bad you cant code up an auto healer for humans! (hope the humor is ok...)

Michael Smith 02-24-06 01:40 AM

Actually thats where I cut my teeth in programming, writing code to electromagnetic healing devices but mine is broken. I am also working on a device that can find a persons problem without even touching them. I have been working on it for about 4 years. You basically stand in a cabnet it goes thump and it gives you the diagnosis in 20 sec .
The machine is still many years off yet. Some of the gear that a collective group that I am part of has been responsible for MRI's , CT scans and many other devices. I guess I need to pull my boots up hey and fix my healing device ...it basically blows up viruses and bacteria but the waste can make you pretty crook for a few days.

Michael Smith

RotorMotor2 02-24-06 01:48 AM

hows your alfa wolf autotuner? beta soon?

Michael Smith 03-08-06 07:35 AM

I have done more coding tonight. I still wouldn't let it loose yet as it screw up your engine quick smart. I am at the stage of writing the code that decides if a point is mapable(and this part is no easy task!!) and if it is, then read the data from the Wolf and compair the fuel on the map with the fuel actually delivered.
2 B Done Next
If the fuel is within 2% it will then attempt to change the Map Point using the O2 Voltage as a guide.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 03-27-06 08:56 PM

Autotuner pic.

Michael Smith

rotamotive 03-28-06 11:07 PM

Hey Michael,
I can see how easily [or easier] the auto tuner would work on a piston motor but how is it going to determine whether to add more from the primary or secondary bank or do you just turn the secondary injector bank to 100% on both load and RPM and have all injectors spraying the same amount?

Michael Smith 03-29-06 05:39 AM

Its not that smart yet ....I have got to leave you some work. It will work with Piston engines real well but if you have staged injectors you need to watch the logs from the autotuner and make sure that they don't want to go over 5.5 ms if it does bring the staged injectors in earlier. The new Wolf software makes it easier to see good linier staging as it is presented as a graph.

Michael Smith :)

Michael Smith 03-31-06 10:52 PM

OK everyone I am having technical issues with my computer. My mother board is in its death throughs. I have backed up my data and hope to be back up within 2 weeks.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 04-17-06 04:05 PM

I am back up with all my data and twice as fast!!! My windows partition took a day and a half to sort out including changing the mother board and fixing the broken programs. My Linux partition took 30 min to get working ,damm, Linux is getting better every day!!! Mandrake 10.1 I will have to start writing my programs in Java so I can run them on any machine.
I will write a little more code this week too I am up to the hairy part...changing data on the fly I wonder how it going to go :bigthumb: or :pow:

Michael Smith

Michael Smith 04-22-06 03:46 AM

It LIVES Auto tuner had its first run today and it didn't kill my car. It didn't lockup. It didn't work the way it should but it kept running. I have fixed about 4 problems and will have another go early in the week. I can smell the end of this project but the next few weeks will be busy for me.

Michael Smith

rotamotive 04-22-06 05:01 AM

Well Done Mate...
Hoping to see a copy of this real soon.
Can i just ask if you have to put a rough tune in,or will this calculate from scratch...?
Good to see that you have progress...

Michael Smith 04-22-06 05:19 AM

Originally Posted by rotamotive
Well Done Mate...
Hoping to see a copy of this real soon.
Can i just ask if you have to put a rough tune in,or will this calculate from scratch...?
Good to see that you have progress...

Just set it up with say 4.7 ms above idle (You need to tune idle) and make sure that you have all your staging nice and smooth the tuner will cut a path through the map if you get near 5.5 ms then increase your staging. Then smooth out the map both sides and your done. You still have to tune your spark and accelleration for good running.
Michael Smith

Michael Smith 05-06-06 09:22 PM

More work is being done I am working on pulling data on the fly from the Wolf and adding or subtracting fuel then rewriting . This is a pain in the behind as it disrupts the usual program flow and while the data is changing logging actually halts for about 1/2 second. This gets quite complex as you need to pull one data point out of a large block of data then write the the 2 bytes back to the right locations, then reread the block of data and make sure you changed the right one!

CONFUSED???? Me too!!! No chance of throughing a rod ha ha ha!!!


Michael Smith

Michael Smith 06-04-06 07:10 AM

Hopefully I will get my laptop back this week it looks like it has morphed into a Anchor only useful for mooring boats!! I hope to write some more code this week. I have written all the base code I think for every function. I now have to carefully try it out a bit at a time and without a laptop it makes this very hard. I have a 8 M lead on my down stairs computer but you can't drive very far like that!!!

Michael Smith

RotorMotor2 06-13-06 09:43 PM

Hey there Michael, how is the auto tuner coming along? few questions:
1. will your autotuner work with the new wolf software?
2. will your autotuner get its o2 readings from the wolf software? so we will have to use a narrowband simmulator from our widebands into the wolf?
3. will you have it make an updated map that we can either choose to be our new one or not or will it just change our existing maps?
4. when will it be estimated to be completed in stable using conditions?
5. what will the resolution be for the voltage in your program?

and on another note:
can you explain in more detail what you have been talking about regarding opening up the hand controller to get a signal? why cant you get the signal from the software? what is it for again?

thank you greatly for all your time and hard work!

Michael Smith 06-14-06 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by RotorMotor2
Hey there Michael, how is the auto tuner coming along? few questions:
1. will your autotuner work with the new wolf software?
2. will your autotuner get its o2 readings from the wolf software? so we will have to use a narrowband simmulator from our widebands into the wolf?
3. will you have it make an updated map that we can either choose to be our new one or not or will it just change our existing maps?
4. when will it be estimated to be completed in stable using conditions?
5. what will the resolution be for the voltage in your program?

and on another note:
can you explain in more detail what you have been talking about regarding opening up the hand controller to get a signal? why cant you get the signal from the software? what is it for again?

thank you greatly for all your time and hard work!

Jeremy it is very slow. I should have my laptop back tomorrow.
1 The Auto tuner doesn't use any Wolf software it talks directly to the ECU
2 The output of the ECU is in 2 Mv steps The Calibration file determines the displayed AFR. Just set the Wide Band to 20 AFR = 0 and 10AFR = 5 Volts I had a few requests for this custom Calibration file. The Auto tuner uses ONLY VOLTAGE to tune with and you can set it anywhere from 0 volts to 5 Volts in 2Mv steps. AFR means nothing to the Autotuner or the Wolf logger for that matter. It really only reads voltage. It uses this voltage and looks up a table to set the AFR display for you to see. So you really only need to know is what voltage you need. So you can use any wideband as long as you know the AFR verses Voltage curve for your wideband. Most are programmable.
3 You need to save your original map before running the Auto tuner because it changes the map in the ECU while driving. (this is best practice anyway) This method can be very dangerous but it tunes much faster.
4 I don't know when I think it is safe.
5 2Mv becasue thats unchangeable in the ECU that talks to the Computer port.

Now here here is the tricky bit if you look at the AFR display with a LSM11 it shows the correct AFR even if the sensor is cold and the voltage is low. The handset always has the correct AFR in 0.1 steps. Now knowing that this really good data is displayed on the handset it makes sense that If I could get this data out of the handset you could have a great way to get a accurate AFR using a LSM11. This would give better resolution than we currently have on the computer port using a LSM11 and you just have to hack the handcontroller data to do it, and add a comms port. This could then be a retrofit handset made by Wolf and they could make some cash from it too!!

Make sense????

Michael Smith

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