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-   -   Rotary Engine Book Has Finally Been Published (https://www.rx7club.com/rotary-car-performance-77/rotary-engine-book-has-finally-been-published-838478/)

mhwarner 05-08-09 06:32 PM

Rotary Engine Book Has Finally Been Published
Well guys and gals, after 2+ years of researching, writing, editing, and rewriting, the book is finally out: http://tinyurl.com/StreetRotary

Quite a few of you had a hand in its creation, whether you realize it or not. Heck, the enthusiasm and knowledge contained in this forum alone is one of the main reasons I had the gumption to propose the book in the first place; I knew there were a lot of smart people here who could keep me on track and out of trouble.

I'd personally like to thank everyone who contributed technical information, photos, diagrams, and other material. I'd also like to express my appreciation to the suppliers and engine builders who gave me backstage passes to their workshops, and to the technical reviewers (also mostly from this forum) who slogged their way through the draft manuscript and offered critical advice and/or suggestions on how to improve the project.

I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
Mark Warner

RX-Heven 05-10-09 05:14 PM

Looking forward to getting mine in the mail in a few days..

rotarygod 05-11-09 08:40 AM

Mark, thanks for letting me take part in it. Even if it was a small part.

sinned2545 05-11-09 09:31 AM

is it possible to get some screens shots of the table of contents... or maybe list of it....
That way i can see if its helpful for me to purchase it.

rotarygod 05-11-09 10:05 AM

It's only $15! Are you really that cheap?

sinned2545 05-11-09 10:31 AM

well if thats chump change, can buy it for me... ill Pm u my address, ;) Thanks in advance..

Its not a matter of being cheap, I just dont want to spend money on something that im not going to use.

I dont want a free copy, nor do i want him to post images of the whole book.
No offense to the writer of the book, but on Amazon theres about 6 other books for Rx7's. What makes his better than the rest.

Im sure other people would like to know what the book contains, other than just buying it because its a book on RX7's.

You say it your self "If you aren't testing, you are guessing." I just dont want to guess that its a good book, then once i receive it never use it again.

Viper GTSR 05-11-09 10:42 AM

Ordered* Can't wait to review this book and see how helpful it really is... :icon_tup:

...I'll let you guys know and post my opinion/review.

~ Kayvon

rotarygod 05-11-09 10:45 AM

This isn't an RX-7 book. It's a rotary book. Since most 7 owners feel they know everything already, then you probably won't like it. It does open the door for a more advanced followup book though. He had to leave out 3 chapters of this one so they are a head start on the next book if it ever happens. I've had a copy of the text for nearly a year now and it's pretty good. You'll probably already know alot of the stuff in it but I guarantee there's something in it you didn't know.

mhwarner 05-11-09 11:01 AM

Here's the chapter list, below. If it helps make your decision to purchase the book or not, I had help from over 60 rotary engine experts in writing & reviewing the book, including engineers from Mazda and experts like Paul Yaw, Glen Weaver, Cam Worth, Fred Swain, et al. In other words, I think it's a pretty decent compilation of the current collective wisdom on rotary engine performance mods.

At last count, the book was 85,000 words long and had over 415 images and photographs. If you're already a world-renowned expert on rotary engines, the book isn't for you. But if you're an average enthusiast, IMHO it would be a nice addition to your bookshelf. I didn't write the book to get rich (I would have made a lot more flipping burgers at McDonalds, given the amount of time I put into it); rather, I wrote it simply because I'm a mechanical engineer who's always been fascinated by the Wankel. I just wanted to write a book that explained a) how this incredible machine works; and b) how to modify it for increased performance. You will have to be the judge of whether I hit those goals or not.
Chapter 1: The History of the Rotary Engine
Chapter 2: Rotary Engine Basics & Power Production
Chapter 3: Intake & Exhaust Porting
Chapter 4: Internal Engine Components
Chapter 5: Exhaust Systems
Chapter 6: Intake Systems
Chapter 7: Fuel Systems
Chapter 8: Engine Management Systems
Chapter 9: Ignition Systems
Chapter 10: Oil & Lubrication Systems
Chapter 11: Cooling Systems
Chapter 12: Turbochargers, Superchargers & Forced Induction
Chapter 13: Nitrous Oxide, Water & Alcohol Injection

sinned2545 05-11-09 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by rotarygod (Post 9198512)
Since most 7 owners feel they know everything already, then you probably won't like it.

:icon_no2: thats a pretty shitty statement. I guess you fall into the Most rotary owners are Dicks category??

Listen man, im not here to sling mudd...
I for one am interested in the book. But im interested in knowing if its written in a way i can understand??
Is it a book From "Mechanics to Mechanics" Or from "Mechanics to public".
Some writer's are too smart for there own good, and the general public gets lost in the language and descriptions.

I in the past as im sure many here have, purchased books thinking they will help....Then after the first couple of chapters, couldn't get a good understanding because of the way the author explained it.

sinned2545 05-11-09 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by mhwarner (Post 9198535)
At last count, the book was 85,000 words long and had over 415 images and photographs. If you're already a world-renowned expert on rotary engines, the book isn't for you. But if you're an average enthusiast, IMHO it would be a nice addition to your bookshelf. I didn't write the book to get rich (I would have made a lot more flipping burgers at McDonalds, given the amount of time I put into it); rather, I wrote it simply because I'm a mechanical engineer who's always been fascinated by the Wankel. I just wanted to write a book that explained a) how this incredible machine works; and b) how to modify it for increased performance. You will have to be the judge of whether I hit those goals or not.

Thank you,
My goals are for more knowledge... so by the way it sounds this book is going to hit the mark.
Im ordering my copy now, And thanks for the time and dedication. The truth is you probably would make more money flipping burgers..lol.. but its the appreciation and respect from the community that cant be replaced. :icon_tup:

Sorry for the unnecessary bickering in the thread... Mods feel free to delete.

gracer7-rx7 05-11-09 11:21 AM


Look forward to reading it.

rotarygod 05-11-09 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by sinned2545 (Post 9198541)
:icon_no2: thats a pretty shitty statement. I guess you fall into the Most rotary owners are Dicks category??

Listen man, im not here to sling mudd...
I for one am interested in the book. But im interested in knowing if its written in a way i can understand??
Is it a book From "Mechanics to Mechanics" Or from "Mechanics to public".
Some writer's are too smart for there own good, and the general public gets lost in the language and descriptions.

I in the past as im sure many here have, purchased books thinking they will help....Then after the first couple of chapters, couldn't get a good understanding because of the way the author explained it.

Yep I guess I'm a dick! I just figured I had an appropriate response to the question of:

is it possible to get some screens shots of the table of contents... or maybe list of it....
That way i can see if its helpful for me to purchase it.

To me this implies that " I already know it all and I want to see if a $15 book is a waste of my time." That's the way I took your question. I you really meant it from a standpoint that you were afraid that it is written in too technical of a form for the average Joe to understand then I'd definitely say no. Anyone can understand it.

dj55b 05-12-09 02:35 AM

might just pick it up

Carlos Iglesias 05-12-09 09:51 PM

I enjoyed "Street Turbocharging" so it's sibling is in my Amazon cart.

Thanks Mark.

Jeff20B 05-13-09 02:07 AM

I'm glad I could contribute.

dj55b 05-13-09 04:21 PM

Hey Mark ... is this the book that my ITB's are in?

mhwarner 05-14-09 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by dj55b (Post 9205773)
Hey Mark ... is this the book that my ITB's are in?

Yep! Pages 76 and 81, to be precise... :-)

dj55b 05-14-09 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by mhwarner (Post 9208087)
Yep! Pages 76 and 81, to be precise... :-)

Nice Nice :D ... getting 2 copies :D

rotarygod 05-14-09 03:18 PM

I love how he included many different rotary enthusiasts rather than just the "big boys". That's awesome!

t-von 05-16-09 02:45 PM

I just got my copy a couple days ago. Overal just skimming though, there is a ton of info for newbs and vets. As RG said earlier, their are some things that rotay know it alls (myself included) ;) will learn from. The oil mods section actually taught me something I didn't previously know. I see no reason why any rotary enthusiast should be without this book.

diabolical1 05-16-09 08:26 PM

will be ordering mine next week.

GoodfellaFD3S 05-16-09 08:39 PM

Nice, this is the first I've heard of this book. Might have to pick up a copy, can't beat the price :)

nillahcaz 05-17-09 01:56 AM

I petitioned the local library to get i copy.

Originally Posted by rotarygod (Post 9198435)
Are you really that cheap?

He may not but I am.... I do not read a book more than once, I take good info and then use my own know how to do the rest if i get fubar results i know what dose not work, and now when the die hard v8 punks give me "That look" after telling them how it works i can tell them to go check out the book :).

Originally Posted by sinned2545 (Post 9198541)
I guess you fall into the Most rotary owners are Dicks category??

Ya but we love him for it. He's not near RETed's level on that. The thing with the RX community you will see is that ALOT of the users on this forum are hard to teach and the guys that are dicks help more noobs than the rest of us.

To the OP thank you for taking the time to do this:icon_tup:.

need RX7 05-17-09 09:11 PM

Thanks for taking the time to put this together :icon_tup: I'll be picking up a copy very soon. I learned alot from 'Street Turbocharging', and if 'Street Rotary' is anything like it it is a must-have.

lov-2-rev 05-17-09 10:45 PM

I just ordered a copy of each! ('Rotary' & 'Turbocharging') Looking forward to getting some new reading material.

theorie 05-19-09 10:23 AM

is this book similar to this Rx-7 "Performance Handbook" by Mike Ancas. it was published back in 2000... i've got a copy, but never actually read it haha


rotarygod 05-19-09 10:23 AM

It's a brand new book.

94touringFD 05-19-09 08:51 PM

I just picked up the one and only copy my local Borders had:)

rob20rx7 05-20-09 12:52 AM

i just ordered a copy on Amazon

Drifter288 05-20-09 04:00 PM

I'm going to head to Borders just to find it. If not Amazon here I come.

phinsn98 05-20-09 10:49 PM

time to add a new book to collection :)

teknics 05-24-09 08:49 PM

i think i'll be ordering this, just found it and wound up running into this topic when looking for more info on it.


VincenzoL 05-27-09 03:14 PM

Thanks for taking the time to write this! This will also make for an excellent gift... to me!

13B Etc 05-27-09 05:18 PM

Snagged it for cheap at a Borders. Very well written and will definitely teach you something whether you're just getting into the rotary engine or are already knowledgeable on various aspects of it.

GoodfellaFD3S 05-27-09 05:23 PM

Just picked up a copy to add to my collection :)

dj55b 05-28-09 01:47 AM

getting my copy from chapters tomorrow :) ...

dj55b 05-29-09 01:32 AM

Well finally got the copy on hands and is definatly worth the buy ... not only because there's good info in there, but also becaue I'm in there ... 4 pictures from my stuff! I thought there were only too but he surprised me :) Thanks Mark!

Rotarboi 06-01-09 02:56 PM

OMC!!! that is amazing i'm totaly ordering my copy when i get home from work!!

fidelity101 06-01-09 04:01 PM

speaking of books my roommate found me an rx7 book ( http://www.amazon.com/Rx-7-Mazda-Rot...890039&sr=1-10 ) at some thrift store for a dollar! its pretty nifty

but I gotta order this book!

papsmagu 06-01-09 04:08 PM

just ordered mine....should have it in about a week!!

kwerks 06-17-09 09:20 AM

Have had the book for some time now and makes for an EXCELLENT resource book. I learned a lot of interesting facts and recommend every rotary owner to invest into this book.
Very up to date!!!
This will set you on the right path if your a newb and enrich your knowledge if you've been around. :icon_tup:

Worth every penny!




I do wish the book never ended. Someone should sticky the book into the FAQ.

rotarygod 06-17-09 10:48 AM

Is that the Chinese version that reads from right to left? ;)

kwerks 06-17-09 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by rotarygod (Post 9295541)
Is that the Chinese version that reads from right to left? ;)

Imagine if this book was top seller and people actually read the thing cover to cover... your PM box would never open. :lol: I saw your mention in the book pretty cool to even include the board name.


rotarygod 06-17-09 01:15 PM

He spelled it wrong though. It's all one word. No caps. Oh well. Cool nevertheless and I'm very honored.

I'm actually in there twice. The second one is in the intake section which I didn't expect at all. There is also a direct quote from Brian Cain (BDC) in there in the porting section.

patman 06-19-09 12:52 PM

Glad to see it is all done Mark, can't wait to get my copy! I'd love to help on the sequel as well when you write that one....

rotarygod 06-19-09 01:00 PM

^ I thought of you when I read the line about how some people have made their own oil metering bypass adapter.

fredox19 06-23-09 05:00 PM

Just order it, can't wait to get it. Currently rebuilding my motor, almost done with my porting. So there should be some good info there before I put everything together.

fredox19 06-29-09 07:08 PM

Got the book and loving it. Learned a lot so far, going to get the turbo book pretty soon too.

coreypinsd 06-29-09 07:14 PM

thats gonna help me alot thanks

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