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notveryhappyjack 03-03-08 01:17 PM

the car isn't fixed yet you selective reading dummy. you being in this thread = fail.
I'm still attempting to get a 445hp FD in the picture to make this worth while, and haven't heard back yet
yeah I can race a whole lot of cars with out a driveshaft and a differential installed on the car :rolleyes: stupid people

KhanArtisT 03-03-08 02:03 PM

You're getting flamed because you posted a "who would win" thread (which are already frowned upon), and its been almost two weeks and you haven't raced.

zack4173 03-03-08 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by notveryhappyjack (Post 7934643)
the car isn't fixed yet you selective reading dummy. you being in this thread = fail.
I'm still attempting to get a 445hp FD in the picture to make this worth while, and haven't heard back yet
yeah I can race a whole lot of cars with out a driveshaft and a differential installed on the car :rolleyes: stupid people

A 445WHP would not make it interesting he would destroy the both of you. If he is running that much power he should be in the mid 11"s.

Upgrayedd 03-03-08 11:54 PM

the car is now fixed!! aaron and I got the new differential and driveshaft install finished. Filled fluids and changed the oil. Car is driving beautifully! Hopefully he'll have some race results for us soon. Forecast shows lots of rain this week :(

notveryhappyjack 03-04-08 04:16 AM

again thanks a ton tim:) It was kinda hard working on the car fresh off my surgery and you helped me out huge man.
well it did not take long. I raced a supercharged 04 rsx type s earlier tonight tim. from a 4th gear 70 roll. Not much of a fight he put up and I pulled on him pretty easy, I was only about 75% throttle since I just got it back on the road and don't wanna break anything first day. Talked with the rsx guy .nd he thought it was a 280z haha "your car started shooting flames once you passed me, I hope I never come across you again on the street"

anyways, I'm not concerened about losing to any of those 3 cars. Its part of a race, someone losses. But for sure once the race happens it will be video taped, valerie already agreeded to flim it. hold your horses guys it will be soon

Upgrayedd 03-04-08 11:28 AM

So I Valerie going to ride along or trailer? Cuz I don't think her VW is gonna be able to keep up ;)

notveryhappyjack 03-04-08 01:17 PM

valerie drives faster then you think, shit she drives faster then I do. We made it to bellingham from seattle in 45 mins the other day. She was driving 120 the whole time it seemed, ha she is a very respoinsible driver and I trust her.

I think chris, the guy you met yesterday is going to roll his fd and valerie is going to sit shotty to film it. haha I still need to talk to superfast.... hope hes down.

Upgrayedd 03-04-08 02:49 PM

Awesome :) Can't wait to see the vid!! Hell if we fix my PPF I could trailer ;)

darkphantom 03-04-08 09:04 PM

RWD OWN FWD. ive had alot of gti's that ive raced and from experience. theres no gti that ive lost to YET!

even some of them that supposely had have 50 horses more than me have end up short!

Upgrayedd 03-05-08 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by darkphantom (Post 7940940)
RWD OWN FWD. ive had alot of gti's that ive raced and from experience. theres no gti that ive lost to YET!

even some of them that supposely had have 50 horses more than me have end up short!

Yeah I've raced many including an R32 when they first came out. Not impressed. Raced one guy from a dig with a built engine (2.0T) and upgraded turbo running 20psi and he didn't even put up a fight... Quite sad. BUT! Enough thread jacking! Aaron go race :)

p4nc7 03-05-08 01:51 PM

Is the 350 really "only" 3200 lbs? I thought it was more. Anyways, post A.S.A.P with results pl0x. =D

FirebirdSlayer666 03-11-08 03:44 AM

I'm with you, they are like 2400lbs with no driver. Yeah he may have 150 whp more but you are at least 1000lbs ligher, that makes things quite interesting. I'll be keeping an eye out on this

Upgrayedd 03-12-08 04:47 PM

Aaron, I'm surprised you hven't posted any of your recent kills The two Audis, the Porsche, any others I'm forgetting... You're slackin ;) Good to hear Suprfast93 wants to join in tho! 456whp FD should destroy you all

CyberPitz 03-12-08 08:44 PM

vids vids vids vids!

notveryhappyjack 03-13-08 12:29 PM

sorry guys I have been slacking. hehe, I liked that 911 it looked pretty good. Too bad it was so slooooow. I even had tim fat ass sitting shotgun. ;)
yeah superfast is down, he needs to get some c16 then hes coming out.

it has been raining cats and dogs here. No scooby race yet, I'm really waiting to get the z and all three rx's out there at once. Its hard to cordinate a time with all these cars and weather in wa. bear with me

LT1 RX7 03-13-08 01:13 PM

THIS THREAD SUCKS! I can't believe it's still going. And now I'm perpetuating it. :wallbash: OP, just jump off a bridge already.

notveryhappyjack 03-13-08 09:13 PM

lol, you will get your video. pull the stick out your ass then go grab a beer and relax. We can't all live in the desert where it is nice racing weather all the time.

LT1 RX7 03-14-08 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by notveryhappyjack (Post 7975938)
lol, you will get your video. pull the stick out your ass then go grab a beer and relax. We can't all live in the desert where it is nice racing weather all the time.

:) Just pullin your chain. BTW the weather is pretty damn nice. Still good for racing until it goes over 100.

neogum 03-25-08 12:06 PM

have you guys gotten down to racing? Or is the weather still bad out there?

sonick117x 03-26-08 01:07 AM

Yawn... friggin Washington.

z-beater 03-27-08 03:20 PM

Snowed yesterday, WTF?

Icemastr 03-27-08 03:41 PM

This is going down at a legally sanctioned location because this is the Legally Sanctioned Racing Kills Section now right? It snowed pretty good yesterday but it didn't stick. Should be good weather from now on.

sonick117x 03-27-08 04:08 PM

This thread was started before the legally sanctioned clause and therefore the pending race is grandfathered in. ROCK N ROLL ::guitar riff::

ihumplegs62 03-27-08 05:58 PM

i hope no one gets hurt....... street racing FTL

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