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Seller 1bad95rx7 (0)
10-27-16, 11:14 PM
When Mr. Mario Aguilar texted me and stated there were some damages to the airbox that I sent him, I told him please text me some pictures of the airbox because I know I inspected the airbox for any visible damages that the box might have and I didn't notice any damages to the airbox. Mr. Mario Aguilar texted me some pictures of the airbox that didn't look like the one I have sent him. So I told him I have doubts because when I inspected the box there weren't any visible damages to the box. Next thing I know Mr. Mario Aguilar started to get really nasty with his language.

Here are the text messages we have exchanged:

He said: The metal insert is not pictured inside the rear tab it holds the bolt that attachs the top to bottom with the bolt. The pipe is broken and the pieces are not in box. You do gooky business morherfucking smelly piece of shit. I will leave negetive feedback piece of shit today.

I said: Wow that's real mature. U can't even spell it right

He said: Don't do bad business and people won't stereotype you. Not cool man I paid you top dollar. Anyways I fixed the insert with parts from my old box bottom. The pipe insert not broken to bad so I can use it. My old airbox was returned after a bastard from your community filed a PayPal claim and swapped out top half with his junk. You people are shit. You have a bad reputation in business.
I will broadcast that reputation on the forums feedback smelly ugly bastard. Asian creatures are shit.

I said: I will for sure to let other people on the forum to see all the text messages you have sent let them be the judge

He said: Your mama should work in massage parlor giving hand jobs to construction workers to support her loser son. Puto
I will also share the pictures on feddback loser with the missing tab and broken snorkel inlet at the top. No pieces in box and wrapped like with plastic like spider.
Your a lying cocky little rice bowl bastard.

I said: lol what a such cry baby. You go ahead do thAt on the forum like I said I will let other people be the judge

He said: Go fuck yourself loser. Get a life. Your just a punk in a mans world. Goodbye.

After that point I refused to communicate with Mr. Mario Aguilar because he was acting childish and immature with all the name callling.

People please be aware if you have to do business with Mr. Mario Aguilar he is very immature and childish.

10-28-16, 05:01 AM
And your a Scumbag selling broken parts as good on the forums. Absolutely no business ethics. I meant everything I said. You get an A for Trick Photography. Scumbag Asian!!! You earned your negative feedback. I am not picking on you because your a good person your a low life seller on the forums who steals.

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