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Shipped to wrong guy? Lots of e-mails but no real info; 4 wks to get my stuff!
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Buyer RobbyWally (2)
03-26-12, 12:42 AM
Feedback would have been no worse than neutral if you have just explained what happened and told me on Mar 14th that you were re-shipping by FedEx. But you continued to ask if it had arrived even after you sent it FedEx and continued to blame it all on USPS - even though it was your decision to use a non-trackable USPS service.

I have not even mentioned the condition of the clutch cylinders because I figured there wasn't any point. Both were rusted and frozen. If they came from the rear end wreck that you '...heard run when you picked it up', then that must have been quite a while ago. Even if I eventually get the T2 short block, I'm not real optimistic about its condition if it came from the same car as the clutch cylinders and ABS pump.

No one expects sellers to be perfect...but we expect clear, complete and honest / accurate information between the time we pay and the arrival of our purchases. I didn't get anything like that from you. If you plan to continue selling stuff through this forum, you need to get your act together.

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