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-   -   Getting her back on the road again (and sitting pretty..) (https://www.rx7club.com/build-threads-294/getting-her-back-road-again-sitting-pretty-1030202/)

clokker 07-27-13 09:55 AM

Good ruck.

meerkat8701 08-13-13 02:54 PM

just a quick update. yes im still alive albeit a little rough around the edges. i managed to be unemployed for three days but it was apparently not written in the stars that i would be without money to finish this here project so i was called late last wednesday evening and sent on quite short notice to another city approx 3 hours away to work. there is talk of me getting good money for it but of course the proof is in the paycheck:nod:

i have now been promised that my engine will be ready this week and the plan is that im going to be travelling home on friday and then returning to work on monday. (driving there sunday evening) so if the promise is kept i will be driving down on saturday and picking up my engine. i wont have time to get much done or i think my other half would be most displeased and one has to prioritise dont'cha know =P

i beseech all who read this to murmer a silent prayer to the god of rotary engines that the arrival of my engine will come to pass and I, in return, will repay you with pictures and descriptions of my mechanical blunders that are sure to happen.

fingers crossed eh?

meerkat8701 09-15-13 04:21 PM

So.. two weeks later and im still waiting for my motor which i must admit despite my attempts to be patient and understanding, is becoming quite irksome.
the last time i spoke with him he said that he had run into a problem and i would have to wait until this week. yeah.. the week thats just gone.
this shit is starting to make me nervous for two reasons..

1. im pretty sure the snow will start falling 'roundabout december which at the moment would give me two and a half months to install the engine, test and troubleshoot and break it in before i start the long wait before warmth and daylight blesses the scandinavian landscape again. (why didnt i emigrate to australia? oh well..whats done is done)

2. its been so bloody long im beginning to wonder if im going to be able to get my brain, (heres a picture of it)


to actually function correctly and remember what i did whilst removing the engine so that i can put it back.

I sincerely doubt that i will be a happy bunny again until i have got my grubby mitts on that 13b and am on my way back to stockholm with it in my boot.
well, thats enough moaning for today. i shall return to checking my phone every 5 minuites for 'that' phonecall...

clokker 09-15-13 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11574019)
So.. two weeks later and im still waiting for my motor which i must admit despite my attempts to be patient and understanding, is becoming quite irksome.

Quite understandable given the builder is being a dick.

Presumably the chassis is fully prepped and ready to go once the engine arrives.

meerkat8701 09-15-13 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11574060)
Quite understandable given the builder is being a dick.

Presumably the chassis is fully prepped and ready to go once the engine arrives.

im definately having difficulty being able to see the bright side of this deal. i wonder how he would have been towards me if i had stalled with his cash for 3 months? i just hope the engine is proper when i get it..

tbh i havent had a proper look at all the bushings and whatnot, ill have to get down the garage tmrw and have a butchers... i have actually procrastinated somewhat due to being a bit bummed about the engine. engine bay is prepped (providing i havent missed something), i thought id have a go at getting my s13 lip ready considering its been sitting there gathering dust all year.

if theres anything glaringly obvious that you would recommend that i check i would be super appreciative if you let me know, i just caught up with your thread so im sure theres some bits and bobs you can give me to do to pass the time while i wait for my engine =)

clokker 09-16-13 07:34 PM

Oh, come on.
There are probably dozens of piddly little jobs you know should be done but have put off for later.
Well, now is later.

Inspected/repacked front wheel bearings?
Cleaned all bulb sockets and greased them?
Changed diff and trans fluids?
Cleaned/lubed window tracks and relayed the switches (if you have them)?

Until you can say the car is perfect, there's always stuff to do and you don't need us to tell you what the "stuff" is.

meerkat8701 09-16-13 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11575035)
Until you can say the car is perfect, there's always stuff to do and you don't need us to tell you what the "stuff" is.

you know what clokker? your bloody well right and i apreciate your sound advice and patience with my facepalm-worthy questions lol :tonque:

i stand to have a bit of time off after tmrw so im gna get my ass down to the garage, get that haynes manual out, and start tinkering!

dhennessey 09-17-13 10:27 AM

Nothing like a little tough love haha

clokker 09-17-13 12:15 PM

"Spare the rod and spoil the fishing" as I like to say.

meerkat8701 09-22-13 03:17 PM

True that! Got called in for more work so i didnt get down to the garage this Week. I have now been told that my Engine will be ready next thursday so we'll see what happens. As you can imagine i have heard this promise so many Times that ill beleive it when i see it. This was not supposed to be a bloody two year project but thats the way it goes sometimes i geuss. As Long as the Engine is in and i have a chance to break it in before the snow falls i should be able to have it ready for spring 2014...

meerkat8701 09-22-13 03:19 PM

Itll be Nice to spend some time getting some things done this Winter. (piddly Jobs) =)

clokker 09-22-13 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11579571)
I have now been told that my Engine will be ready next thursday so we'll see what happens. As you can imagine i have heard this promise so many Times that ill beleive it when i see it.

OK pseudo-Swede, time to sack up.
Show up at this rapscallions shop with a vaguely threatening, frighteningly erudite backup...maybe Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Kingsley, or you can go nuclear and bring Nicolas Cage.

Ask for the engine- politely but with a tinge of implied menace- and either...
...take possession of completed motor, pay for the work at the agreed upon rate and leave.
...banter ironically and trenchantly with your wingman (you might want to work this out ahead of time), then kill the crooked tradesman in a cinematic manner. Preferably in slow motion.
Slow motion is key.

Scenario #1 gives you a good chance of a running car in the near future but really, as a student of the forum, you know as well as I that a running RX7 is only working as long as it takes to plot the next spectacularly expensive/massively destructive failure.
Why just last week, my carefully pampered car killed a turn signal bulb...just an example of the egregious disregard these cars hold us in.

The second outcome leaves your car disabled in its remote garage (a natural habitat of the Mazda) but gives you an epic story to tell all your twitter followers and probably a date with a Kardashian.

Seems like a no-brainer.

Don't skimp on the slo-mo (or the lens flares).

88fc3sT2 09-22-13 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11579663)
OK pseudo-Swede, time to sack up.
Show up at this rapscallions shop with a vaguely threatening, frighteningly erudite backup...maybe Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Kingsley, or you can go nuclear and bring Nicolas Cage.

Ask for the engine- politely but with a tinge of implied menace- and either...
...take possession of completed motor, pay for the work at the agreed upon rate and leave.
...banter ironically and trenchantly with your wingman (you might want to work this out ahead of time), then kill the crooked tradesman in a cinematic manner. Preferably in slow motion.
Slow motion is key.

Scenario #1 gives you a good chance of a running car in the near future but really, as a student of the forum, you know as well as I that a running RX7 is only working as long as it takes to plot the next spectacularly expensive/massively destructive failure.
Why just last week, my carefully pampered car killed a turn signal bulb...just an example of the egregious disregard these cars hold us in.

The second outcome leaves your car disabled in its remote garage (a natural habitat of the Mazda) but gives you an epic story to tell all your twitter followers and probably a date with a Kardashian.

Seems like a no-brainer.

Don't skimp on the slo-mo (or the lens flares).

Your posts always make me laugh clok.

And to Meerkat, good luck!

meerkat8701 09-22-13 07:10 PM

Although quite inclined to go with scenario #2,
(it would definately be Samuel l Jackson. "say next Week again muthafukka! I dare you..i double dare you.. Say it again!" ect ect)
the very thought of my beloved 7 ending up like my skyline, which is currently enjoying Nature (yeah loads of crap falling off the trees and getting lodged in every conceivable crevice) without an Engine and MAYBE might get sorted out next year, makes Me feel like im on the verge of a full-on panic attack.

Since my beemer got smashed up in 2009, all i wanted was to have a fun, cool japanese car to be able to experience what its like to own and drive these beautys. The buying and owning part was easy, but WHO the f wants a jackstand racer? Four years of false promises and let downs is beginning to erode my Good humour. Im a stubborn bugger though and by hell or high water, this rx7 Will roll nomatter the cost..
Im sure there are great Engine builders out there, even this Guy definately knows his way around a rotary Engine, but i have yet to meet one that is capable of getting the work they promise to Do done when they say theyre gna Do it!
Scoundrels and Blackgaurds.. the ruddy lot of 'em...

meerkat8701 09-22-13 07:12 PM

@88fc3st2 thanks bro! Fingers crossed =)

clokker 09-27-13 10:01 AM

Thursday has come and gone.
I'd like to see a picture of either the engine or the builder's severed head.

dhennessey 09-27-13 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11583917)
thursday has come and gone.
I'd like to see a picture of either the engine or the builder's severed head.


meerkat8701 09-27-13 02:27 PM

I sent him a text on tuesday i Think asking for a status update. He Said that he Will be building the Engine on Sunday. I dont rightly know what to do. He has my 13b hostage. This is the second time this is happening to me and its getting really old, really quickly.. When I do get my engine back I shall most certainly shall not be getting anymore work done by this man and he will only have himself to blame...it seems like most car enthusiasts I have spoken to have experienced some kind of similar fuckery in one way or another with an engine builder. I Dont understand what is so difficult. I know for a fact that he is capable of the work so I dont get whats taking so long. The only plausible cinclusion I can come to is that im being thouroughly messed about by a peraon who has absolutely no respect for.other peoples time. He has literally promised me via word of mouth/sms/email that he would be finished like ten times and has not done what he said. From a professional standing, this is not fucking professional..
Yup, im pissed

Tanakinn 09-27-13 02:49 PM

Crossing my fingers for you to get her back and running before the snow hits!

meerkat8701 09-27-13 04:39 PM

Cheers tanakinn im gna need it. Even at my usual snail-like pace i would have come alot further if i had received my motor at the time we agreed upon..

clokker 09-27-13 05:48 PM

Has this wastrel ever given a coherent reason for all the delays?

"I've run into some problems" doesn't count.

meerkat8701 09-27-13 06:34 PM

All summer its been "helping this race team and that race team" then there was something to Do with him importing Another car from southafrica that ran into problems with the freight and whatnot.. I showed patience and understanding for what was obviously my engine having a lower priority than anything else that came along. Then, when I was just about to get it, he rang and said that he had made a mistake and built it with a housing that was not compatible with my intake. He then said that he would have to strip down the engine again, that he had the correct housing but it would need to be sent off for lapping and then he would rebuild it. This has now taken about three weeks. I hasten to add that he Did actually apologize and say that I was a silly mistake to make which I can accept but he did also say that my engine was now top priority (after being three months behind schedule) which further concretes my suspicions that my engine was definately NOT top priority before and it still seems to be taking forever. I have lost complete faith in his ability to keep time. I just hope he doesnt give me cause to lose faith in his abilities as an engine builder. The worst thing is, I decided to put down what is to me alot of money to get my engine done quickly and efficiently. A 3 month wait is acceptable in my book considering I have waited three years for the other one and its still not built,registered,and safety tested. But past a half a year its beginning to look like my other project and I really dont want that. I dont want to argue with people either. This whole situation sucks donkey bollocks...

clokker 09-27-13 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11584340)
The worst thing is, I decided to put down what is to me alot of money to get my engine done quickly and efficiently.

Was this a formal agreement or a "he said/Swede said" kinda deal?

meerkat8701 09-27-13 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11584398)
Was this a formal agreement or a "he said/Swede said" kinda deal?

i received a quote a couple of days after i had left the engine with him. it goes as follows..

Hej Anthony,
Jag har kollat igenom dina delar idag och mätt rotorer och delar och det håller toleranser och
Är i bra skick till din renovering.
I följande förslag så ingår Alla modifikationer på föregående sida och alla nya delar till motorn.
Blocket helrenoveras enligt de saker vi kom överens om, och skicket på Rotorhusen som vi
inspekterade när du besökte mig i Lördags.
Jag har även gett dig rabatt på vissa tjänster och bjuder dig på några.
Pris: 48.950.-
Inkörning, bromsning, mappning och övrigt tuning av motor ingår ej i ovan priser.
– Dock kan alla dessa tjänster tillhandahållas av oss.
Jag tycker det skulle vara mycket spännande att få bygga en riktigt bra motor till din bil,
och hoppas att detta förslag känns spännande, och vi får dig se dig som kund hos oss.
Normalt behöver jag ha handpenning för att kunna köpa in delar som behövs till motorbygget,
men jag har alla delar hemma och vissa delar har du själv.
- Levaranstid av färdig motor är ca 3-4 veckor.
- Detta förslag är giltigt 10 dagar from 14/4-2013
- Kontant betalning vid leverans av motor
Hör gärna av er om du vill fråga om något,


hi anthony,
i have i have gone through your parts today and measured your rotors and parts they hold tolerances and are in good condition for your rebuild.

in the following quote all modifications listed in the in the previous page and all new parts for your motor are included.

the block will be completely rebuilt as to what we agreed on, and the condition of your rotor housings that we inspected when you visited me on saturday.

i have even given you a discount for certain services and i will do some for free.

price:_48.950 (swedish crowns)

breaking in the motor, dyno, mapping and other tuning of the motor are not included in the price listed, saying that we offer these services too.

i think i would be very exciting to build a really good motor for your car,and i hope that this quote feels exciting and we can see you as a customer with us.

normally i need a deposit to be able to buy the parts needed for the rebuild but i have them all here and you have brought some of them yourself

-delivery of completed motor is approximately 3-4 weeks
-this quote is valid 10 days from 14/4/2013
-cash payment upon delivery of the motor

call me if you have any questions.

the work he was going to do is as follows..

Prisförslag på komplett 13B motor för Mazda Rx-7 FC N/A
Angående: Mazda 13B motor
Trimning: Stor Streetport av insug 6-port 6500.-
Mild Avgasportning
Motordelar: Apextätningar, komplett sats 6900.-
Sidotätningar komplett sats 3450.-
Oljeringar, komplett sats 3850.-
Hörntätningar, 12st 1450.-
Fjädrar för oljetätningar, 8st 760.-
Extra starka bultar, 18st 2000.-
Nya lager till motorn, 4st 1800.-
Bra begagnade FC S4 gavlar (Pris 2400/st) 4000.-
Motorarbete: Motorbyggnation 6500.-
Uppmätning av toleranser på alla motordelar (2000.-) 1000
Tvättning av alla motordelar med ultraljud (2000.-) 1000.-
Inslipning av sidotätningar 1200.-
Inslipning av Apextätningar 600.-
Pressning av lager 800.-
Planslipning av 3st gavlar 2800.-
Balansering av vevparti, svänghjul och koppling 3000.-
Gulkromatering av övriga bultar/skruv/muttrar
som inte hör till motorn, det ingår i Motorbygget 800.-
Pressning av oljeregulator och shimsning av
främre för högre oljetryck Bjuder på det
Förbrukningsmaterial: Allt materiel som går åt till motorbyggnationen
såsom färg, packningsmaterial, tätningar, klister 540.-
Totalt: 48950

quote for a complete 13b motor for mazda rx7 fc N/A

concerning; mazda 13b motor

large streetport of intake
mild exhaust port

apex seals, complete set
side seals complete set
oilrings complete set
corner seals 12
springs for oil seals, 8
extra strong bolts 18
new bearings for the engine 4
good used housings 2

engine work

measurement of tolerances of all engine parts
washing of all parts with ultrasound
clearancing of side seals
clearancing of apex seals
pressing of bearings
lapping, 3 housings
balancing of crankset, flywheel and clutch
gold-chroming of all other bolts,screws and nuts
that dont belong to the engine, they are included in the rebuild

pressing of oil regulator and shimming of the front for higher oil pressure
(bjuder på det means he did it for free)

all materials that are used for the rebuild such as paint, gasket material seals and (klister) means sticky as far as i know.

thats basicly what he sent me. it had of course his company, name or address on it but im not going to hang him out on the net. i shan't be advertising his services either, fairs fair eh?
does this count as a formal agreement?

clokker 09-28-13 06:13 AM

-delivery of completed motor is approximately 3-4 weeks
Yeah, I'd say that's pretty formal.
He's had this since April?

samjaza78 09-28-13 06:32 AM

If you have a copy of your agreeing to that quote, all's formal. There's just the standard formal noose, "-this quote is valid 10 days from 14/4/2013"

In your shoes, I imagine I'd be throwing things. I would call him Monday morning, and if he gives you another run around, tell him you'll be in to pick up the incomplete job. And no, why should you pay him for his time?

meerkat8701 09-28-13 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11584678)
Yeah, I'd say that's pretty formal.
He's had this since April?

i left the engine with him on the 13th of april and and he said that he had two motors to build first but he would be finished by the middle of june. since then its just been promises and letdowns. if he had just said to me that it would be ready in september, then i wouldn't have left it with him in the first place.

clokker 09-29-13 09:26 AM

What, if any, leverage do you feel you have?

Now would be the time to apply it.

clokker 09-29-13 07:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 660264

meerkat8701 09-30-13 03:08 AM

i have learnt my lesson this time samjaza 78. im going to make sure i have guarantees that work gets done on time, for example, every month extra i have to wait, i will deduct x amount of money fom my payment. a company that intends to give me my shit on time woudnt have a problem with this or at least would give me a realistic completion date instead of stringing me along..

@clokker hahahah where did you find that? definately done by a swede :lol:

my only leverage at the moment has been to fervently call and text him often in an attempt to counteract the whole "out of sight, out of mind" treatment i seem to be getting. one of the problems i see with this is that i only have asked him to do one job. im obviously being prioritised after people that contract work from him regularly because if hes late with their stuff then they would probably find someone else.

he actually called me back yesterday and said that he has built it again and there were some small bits left to do. i have been told that i will be able to go down and pick it up on sunday.

one thing that gives me a glimmer of hope is that he asked me if i could take some parts from another dude living here in stockholm with me so hopefully this is the one. well it had better be. its already starting to get proper cold here now. another problem is that the clocks go forward on the 26th oct and the days become noticeably shorter (at its worst it gets dark around 3pm!) so i cant help but feel pressed fo time if im going to get the engine in and break it in before the snow comes. then i can get her sitting pretty.

lets hope that the guy whom is ill be asking to widen my wheels is not like this.

airwolf16 10-01-13 10:32 PM

Marry that girl!!!

Frisky Arab 10-06-13 02:28 AM

Had a similar experience getting my head replaced on my old Honda. Opted for the cheaper of 3 mechanics. Turns out the one I chose had blown up the transmission in his race car shortly before me needing my car rebuilt. He put priority of his car over that of the paying customer, thus my car (which was my only car at the time) spent a whole summer in his shop.

Hope you get your engine back soon. Sucks to go through crap like this.

meerkat8701 10-06-13 12:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by airwolf16 (Post 11587613)
Marry that girl!!!

were probably gna tie the knot next year. (gotta finish my 7 first hehe)

Originally Posted by Frisky Arab (Post 11590839)
Had a similar experience getting my head replaced on my old Honda. Opted for the cheaper of 3 mechanics. Turns out the one I chose had blown up the transmission in his race car shortly before me needing my car rebuilt. He put priority of his car over that of the paying customer, thus my car (which was my only car at the time) spent a whole summer in his shop.

Hope you get your engine back soon. Sucks to go through crap like this.

yeah man its proper frustrating. i really hope this is the last time i have to go through this.

i received a call from him yesterday, and after we had exchanged the usual pleasantries, i waited with bated breath for the latest update..

.....and...... bugger me sideways and call me susan, he was finished!

surprisingly enough, despite my '5 yr old on xmas eve' excitement i was able to sleep. i got up at the crack of dawn and got my trusty nissan micra out on the motorway westwards.

700 kilometers later...

Attachment 659659

clokker 10-06-13 02:03 PM

I thought you were getting a rebuilt, reliable engine.

That appears to be a rotary.

JayPoc 10-06-13 02:13 PM

Nice, that motor is shiny!

88fc3sT2 10-06-13 03:41 PM

About damn time! I hope he gave you some free shit along with that.

samjaza78 10-06-13 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11591127)
I thought you were getting a rebuilt, reliable engine.

That appears to be a rotary.


Now, having established that this guy is a jackass, I would do a compression check on it the second you have it installed.

And then tell him your compression on the rear rotor is low.

Just to be a jackass. :nod:

Now clean thy engine bay! (Really, if mine's cleaner than yours, with ridiculous piles of rotted pine needles and hornet nests, you don't deserve that engine.)

clokker 10-06-13 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by samjaza78 (Post 11591218)
Now clean thy engine bay!

I'm sure he will as soon as Sweden thaws out.
Next August.

meerkat8701 10-06-13 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by samjaza78 (Post 11591218)

Now, having established that this guy is a jackass, I would do a compression check on it the second you have it installed.

And then tell him your compression on the rear rotor is low.

Just to be a jackass. :nod:

Now clean thy engine bay! (Really, if mine's cleaner than yours, with ridiculous piles of rotted pine needles and hornet nests, you don't deserve that engine.)

hehe tempting but not my style. the comp test isn't a bad idea though, i have developed trust issues when it comes to what engine builders say which is sad
really. engine bay is as clean as i could get it without repainting it, though im sure its a bit dusty now. nothing a little wipe off wont fix :nod:

my skylines engine bay however, is well worthy of that description. jeez im not looking forward to sorting that out. usch..

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11591417)
I'm sure he will as soon as Sweden thaws out.
Next August.

thats not even far off.. im looking forward to this global warming everyones been raving about. hasnt reached here yet thats for sure..

Originally Posted by 88fc3sT2 (Post 11591190)
About damn time! I hope he gave you some free shit along with that.

too right mate! he never offered and i never asked. i was just glad to be on my way home with my engine.

i just woke up 20 minuites ago at 5am... again. i passed out at about 8.30 yesterday all that driving must have taken its toll cos i couldnt keep my eyes open for love nor money..

hoping i can get my buddy to swing by the garage this morning to help lift it out of my car and in to the garage. otherwise i geuss ill have to lump it myself.

ill be there all day today and see what i can get done!. one problem i noticed straight away is that he gold chromed (?) all my bolts that i had left with him that were all separate in there bags with descriptions of what they were for written on them. now i just got a bag back with nice shiny bolts but no clue where they go. this may complicate things a bit for me. i have no idea how im gna figure this out. does it even say in the manual which bolts are used?

i also heard a rumour that you can use an volvo (940 850) airpump to actuate the auxiliary ports. is there any truth to this? i read abit about it but only saw it being applied to fd's.

right. shower ,shit and a shave (ok no shave its getting cold here) and im off to the garage! fuurk yeah =)

meerkat8701 10-07-13 01:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 659573
time to get cracking. my updates will be alot more frequent i can imagine.

Attachment 659574
as you can see in the picture, the butterflies are in place but the builder said that i can now use the sleeves. i cant use both and if the butterflies are what worked before i would prefer to use them. just checking to make sure i have'nt missed something...

meerkat8701 10-07-13 02:48 PM

No pics today but after 14 and a half hours at the garage im well and truly shattered but pleased. Joel came after work and the pace and my odds of success improved dramatically. Changed the oil Lines, replaced some of the vacuum lines and cleaned the rest of the parts and painted some after Joel kindly pointed out that they looked like, and I quote.. 'a bag of shit'. Not entirely finished but theyll be done tmrw.

Alot of the aforementioned nuts, bolts and studs have found a home and its all starting to come together nicely.
I dont dare give any forecasts for what tomorrow will bring but I will be there all day and will give an update on our progress in the evening. (with some nice piccys)

Thinking back to when I found out that I would have to get the engine rebuilt and this excruciatingly long wait for it, it feels like things (knock on wood) are looking up!

I am a very happy bunny.

clokker 10-07-13 03:43 PM

Happy bunnies make good stew.

So I've heard.

samjaza78 10-07-13 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11592092)
I am a very happy bunny.

Attachment 659538

meerkat8701 10-08-13 02:17 AM

You gotta be careful when eating rx7 owning bunnys though, they are known to carry a disease called 'mixupmyrotors'
Budum tssssss =)

clokker 10-08-13 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11592565)
You gotta be careful when eating rx7 owning bunnys though, they are known to carry a disease called 'mixupmyrotors'
Budum tssssss =)

Be that as it may, rotary bunnies are still the easiest pickins.

Half can't run at all and the others run out of gas so quickly you needn't chase them far.

meerkat8701 10-08-13 01:01 PM

Panic stations!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11592625)
Be that as it may, rotary bunnies are still the easiest pickins.

Half can't run at all and the others run out of gas so quickly you needn't chase them far.

and it looks mine is already on its way to joining those that cant run at all.

Attachment 659498

whatever it is that connects to this is gone. i have spent the last two hours looking for it and am stumped. this is bad and im wondering if it is among the parts i had thrown away. (why was i that cocky?)

i dont know what it is, what it does, or how it looks.

any clue guys?

meerkat8701 10-08-13 02:25 PM

i also checked through the pictures i have taken since i started removing the motor and in the picture where i have the engine suspended over the engine bay i can see that the part has already been removed which means that it should still be in the engine bay somewhere but it isnt. i have been very careful to make sure that i had everything either in or on the car so i dont get how it could have dissapeared. another theory can be that it has managed to find its way into the pile of parts that i through away when deleted the emissions but when i looked at the picture of the pile of parts that i took off (which is in this thread also) i dont seem to see anything either. im stumped. and beginning to worry..:confused::crying:

meerkat8701 10-08-13 06:31 PM

i think i have worked it out. (famous last words..again..)

am i right in assuming that this is where the EGR valve sat? in which case it would make sense that i dont remember removing it during the engine removal because i did it when i removed the original exhaust system and replaced it with the racing beat one last summer. i can just block it off and im done right? the interesting thing is that it means that i have been driving with it open all this time.

also.. on the top of the middle housing there was a hole for something which wasnt on the old one. i read that this was for the egr valve for a turbo model? which means ill need two different egr block off plates for the same motor.

by the way, i spent the day sorting out a block off plate for the acv and a pipe that originally sat in the housing to the cooling system that was corroded. all of this was sorted out by my mate robert that is very nifty with a lathe. without him i probably would have wasted loads of time trying to source these bits.

i also ordered new spark plugs (two bur7eq and two bur9eq ngks), fuel filter and oil filter which will come tomorrow afternoon and we did a bit more cleaning and painting of parts. joel is the painting expert so he took care of that and i put my turd polishing skills to use.

man..that shiny new motor has a downside. it makes everything else look proper cruddy.

please tell me im right about the egr valve thing.

i sleep now. update tomorrow:)

clokker 10-08-13 08:00 PM

I thought "EGR valve" myself when I saw the pic but wasn't confident enough to say so.

Too many weird European differences I'm unfamiliar with.
I briefly considered that you might stuff herrings in there, use the fish oil as seal lube instead of the OMP.

Admit it, you guys have done stranger things.

meerkat8701 10-09-13 03:02 AM

Yeah man even the haynes manual wasnt much help either. I really had to root around but i worked it out in the End. I really thought i had misplaced a part or something.. Scary. im sure somebody up North has tried the fish oil thing hehe it wouldnt surprise me at all

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