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-   -   XxMerlinxX: I will NEVER EVER EVER Buy a Part from Him Again!!! (https://www.rx7club.com/bad-fugly-members-185/xxmerlinxx-i-will-never-ever-ever-buy-part-him-again-679979/)

str8ryd 08-15-07 09:59 AM

XxMerlinxX: I will NEVER EVER EVER Buy a Part from Him Again!!!

First of all, I’d like to say this is my FIRST ever negative feedback thread against anyone. I’ve had more than 100+ transactions on this forum alone and I’ve never felt the need to disrespect, dishonor or damage another forum member’s reputation. Even though, I have had deals go sour in the past, the seller and I always managed to come to agreeable terms.

However, this time is a little different. I would not have made this thread had XxMerlinxX been somewhat civil and understandable over this whole transaction. This wasn’t the case at all and on top of all of this, he himself has kept pushing me to make one. So, I did :coolkid01 !


Xx MerlinxX made a thread advertising some parts he had for sale. One of them in particular caught my attention:

4. Passenger side footrest. If you've ever seen pictures of the jdm FD's, I believe it was on the newer models, they've got an aluminum footrest that's mounted in the passenger footwell. A member of the board replicated this and did a short production run and I was told this was the last one purchased. $125.

I KNOW how difficult and rare this part is to get a hold of so I immediately PM’d him asking for pictures. He was very quick to reply and provided me with the information I requested and I in turn decided to purchase it. I asked how much the total shipped would be and he mentioned it would cost $25 for shipping. I felt the price quoted was on the high side. Keep in mind, I’ve shipped out over 150+ items before and I have a fairly accurate judge of how much shipping usually will be. I figured I still wanted the part and he was firm on price so I sent a Paypal payment the same day.

Following payment, he mentions that he won’t be shipping the part out until the following week. Oh well, no big deal, I can wait. Time goes by and I send another PM to him wondering whether my part has been shipped. He tells me it has. I then send another PM requesting tracking. He tells me he has it and he’ll send it over. I never received it! I continue to wait for a few days and finally receive the part. It was left on my doorstep by the UPS carrier. As I’m approaching the package something looks a little off. The box is a very thin and long and I’m trying to figure out how in the world he managed to put an aluminum footrest in to this package. Maybe, there’s some ingenious way of packaging I hadn’t discovered yet that XxMerlinxX must have stumbled upon.

I open up the package and to my dismay it’s NOT the part I ordered. Multiple thoughts start flooding my head: Did he send the wrong part?, could he possibly never have had an aluminum footrest (USDM)?, was this some sort of scam? Instead of receiving the part I ordered, I was sent Aluminum footrests. I proceed to contact XxMerlinxX and explain the situation. He mentions that he shipped multiple parts out at once and it’s quite possible the shipping company mixed up the labels and sent me someone else’s part. In the meantime, the other party involved (I won’t mention his name unless he’d like me to) sends me a PM telling me he received my part and I had received his. He goes on to mention that he’ll send it out via FedEx himself (At his own expense) to me. In hindsight, I really truly wish we had done this......

Unfortunately though, XxMerlinxX tells us that UPS is taking responsibility for the mix-up. He informs us to leave the package out front and they’ll come and pick it up the next day. I do and they don’t. A week goes by and after I believe some complaining on Merlin’s part they finally come and pick it up. At this point, nearly a month has gone by and I have no part and no money. All I have is the trust I’ve put in XxMerlinxX to make things right. Another week goes by and I hear nothing from Merlin. I again decide to PM him to figure out what’s going on. He mentions that the UPS store received my part, but hasn’t received the part from the other party involved yet. Apparently both parts had to be received by Merlin’s UPS in South Carolina prior to them shipping either of our parts back.

I’ve begun to get frustrated at this ridiculous situation. XxMerlinxX is telling me the other party hasn’t shipped out the part. Meanwhile, the other party has been in constant communication and is telling me that he sent it out the day after XxMerlinxX told him what to do. I’m thinking WTF??? Again, I hear no word from XxMerlinxX for another week. I again PM him asking for an update. He tells me he didn’t call the UPS store because they were supposed to take care of everything and ship the part back. At this point he also drops a line, hinting at the fact that the other party involved is trying to possibly screw ME! After he said this, I snapped!

I don’t like to get upset nor do I enjoy starting fights with people over the internet. At the same time however, I’m not an idiot and I don’t like the feeling that I’m being taken advantage of. So, I sent him this PM:

“Listen Porter, there really isn't going to be any screwing going on. I honestly don't care what the other individual has planned. I held up my side of the agreement, including paying you and sending the sills back.

It's not my fault you or whoever else made a mistake in shipping. I've sold 100+ item on here and EBAY and not once have I sent the right part to the wrong buyer. You need to assume full responsibility here and figure out what's going on. Otherwise, I will be filing a Paypal claim soon.

I don't mean to sound like an Ass and if you ask any forum member on this forum who's met or dealt with me, I'm not. However, I do believe in honesty and responsibility both of which I expect any reputable seller to uphold.

I will contact (Omitted) again. I doubt that he's trying to scam anyone though considering he has nearly 10,000 posts on this forum and has been around a long long time. Please try to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. I don't want to take further measures, but I'm prepared to do so if there isn't any other option.



Apparently, he took offense to what I said and from here on out is where his demeanor toward me significantly changed. He started acting like the XxMerlinxX I see posting on this forum. He began distancing himself from the situation saying it’s not his fault and he is not responsible. I didn’t believe what I posted above was bitching, but apparently that’s how he chose to interpret it. He told me to bitch at someone else, in particular the UPS store, and not him.

I follow that PM with my own:

“As far as I'm concerned I've been dealing with YOU. Not UPS. I have no reason to call the store because the store doesn't concern me. You chose the courier to ship with, also not me! Being so, it is still your responsibility that the part arrives to me or I receive my money back. If it is indeed UPS' fault and you insured it for the proper amount, you can go ahead and file a claim.

I never said you're trying to scam me, but your outlook on this is NOT right. How the hell is it my fault you shipped with some retards working at UPS? In all my experiences shipping (Which is a LOT) I've not once had a mix-up like this happen. I don't even understand how it could've happen. Did you not place the proper packing labels yourself?

Oh, and trust me, this is not bitching. I've been very patient here, but this is starting to get ridiculous and it's starting to seem to me that you're distancing yourself from the whole situation. This is NOT my UPS store and the transaction was performed and completed by you, which is why I expect you to handle this completely. I completed everything expected from me, I only ask you to do the same.

Finally, no one is talking about how long they've been on this forum, hell I've been on for 5+ years, what difference does that make? I was simply saying don't be so quick to place blame on others (Omitted) as my experience has showed the longer someone on this forum is around the less likely they are to be scammers.



This is the point where he tells me I didn’t pay for insurance so he didn’t add it on. He goes on to mention that if I’d like him to file a claim, he would do so, but I would only get $100. WTF:confused: ??? Basically, I’d be out $50 for dealing with XxMerlinxX and the stupidity of his UPS store :icon_no2: . All this upset me even more. First off he never mentioned anything about insurance when I purchased the part. Since he was charging me $25 for shipping I wrongfully assumed it would include $1-2 worth of added on insurance. I assumed very very wrong. On top of all this, he basically said I would be out the $50 if I wanted a claim filed. So I sent him this PM:

“Wow, so you’re telling me you didn't place insurance because I didn't ask? Honestly, you’re just sounding like a bad seller by the minute. WTF kind of philosophy is that:confused: ? I insure EVERY single part I EVER ship. Unless I'm instructed to do otherwise, I insure it.

You fucking charged me $25 for shipping the part, which I rightfully assumed would include insurance, at least to the point where I'd get back what I paid you for purchasing the part. This is really pathetic. And now, you're actually telling me to get screwed and lose out $50 for your shipping mistakes (Using UPS was again your choice not mine).

What I want you to do is very simple: fix this problem and get me my part!! Talk to (Omitted), talk to UPS and let me know what the situation is. I expect you to do at least that, and you're giving me a hard time for it.”

He then tells me he NEVER insures parts when he ships unless someone asks. WTF is this shit? How do people not insure parts? I have ALWAYS and will ALWAYS continue to insure parts for anyone and everyone who purchases ANYTHING from me. I ALWAYS insure parts for their FULL VALUE just in case anything should go wrong. It turns out, that I’m apparently one of the few sellers on this forum that practices this philosophy. From now on, I will make SURE to mention in all my F/S threads that SHIPPED = INSURED!!! On top of all this, I can’t believe sellers don’t mention that they won’t be including insurance in their price. Every internet business I’ve purchased parts from practices the same policy as me. When they say shipped it means insured! If they run in to problems, both I as well as they are covered. This is how I always thought it is and should be, but apparently it’s not!

Now, in the meantime the other party is and has been throughout extremely helpful and in constant communication. He tells me he himself is trying to resolve this problem. He’s been contacting his UPS store to figure out what’s going on and taking time out of his very busy day/schedule to see what the problem could be. He finally figures out that there was a billing issue and the UPS store never put the box on the truck or activated the tracking #, which is why nobody knew anything. He tells me that he told them to screw it, picked up the package and shipped it out himself via FedEx. Now, this is what I call a stand-up guy:icon_tup: !!! And only a short while back XxMerlinxX was extremely quick to label him as a scammer :shocking: .

After all this, I hadn’t heard from XxMerlinxX for over 2 weeks. Once again, I have to PM him for updates.

Not ONCE did XxMerlinxX EVER contact me first himself. Never EVER! It was ALWAYS me PM’ing him to figure out what progress was made. From a buyers stand point this is complete bullshit! I don’t like to nag my sellers in to giving me information. They should be able and willing to provide it on their own ESPECIALLY in a situation like this. From a sellers stand point, whenever I’ve had issues with a sale I’ve always been the one contacting them. I will make SURE they know I’m doing whatever needs to be done to get things resolved. Usually, I’ll get some information and both the buyer and I will come to a reasonable solution within a few days. This is how it should be done. Not the bullshit XxMerlinxX has put me through. On top of all this, he has tried to make me feel as if I’m in the wrong for being upset. He has urged me on to post a negative feedback thread about him. I don’t like doing this type of thing, but XxMerlinxX is a complete asshole and deserves it!

This was my last PM to him:

“I'm going to be completely honest here when I say that this has been the "WORST!" transactions I've ever had on this forum. Just because I don't sit here harassing you for updates, doesn't mean you shouldn't at least shoot one over. This is pathetic!

Just an FYI I do plan on making a thread about this transaction in the GGBG forum. I'm not one bit pleased.”

He followed this with a PM mentioning how there was no need for him to send me a PM since there was no update. Again, WTF:uhh: ? It’s been two weeks since I spoke with him and he’s telling me there was no need for him to send me a PM since he didn’t gather any further information. I honestly don’t give one shit if he didn’t have any new information. I would just have appreciated if he could take the 1 minute out of his time within those 2 weeks to tell me he hasn’t heard anything. But NO! He couldn’t and didn’t feel the need to do that.

XxMerlinxX: I don’t how you consider yourself a good seller and your reputation “spotless”. That’s a damn joke! The whole time throughout this transaction you treated me like the bad guy since I wanted to know what was going on. You kept telling me to find out for myself. Why the hell should I do that? I didn’t ship the part. I didn’t choose the shipping courier. This is not my mess to clean up. It’s yours! I ALWAYS take full responsibility whenever I ship a part out and something goes wrong. ALWAYS! This is how it’s done. You took absolutely NO responsibility for this situation. You started giving me attitude and your little slick demeaning remarks. I don’t know what your education level is, but you should never talk down to people especially when they’re the ones giving you business.

Even if it wasn’t directly your fault (Which is usually what the situation is when something goes wrong in shipping) it is still YOURS and no one else’s responsibility to alleviate the situation. You did NOTHING! In the end, it was the other party that did all the leg-work and figured out the problem and fixed it. Again, not YOU! I can’t believe your nerve to actually push me to start this thread. WTF has this forum come to when sellers are actually requesting their buyers to post negative feedback threads on them. It’s gone to shit! That’s what happened, because of people just like YOU!

I have NO part, NO money, and NO time-frame when I should get the part and your actually going around pushing me to post a thread about our transaction. I hope you’re happy. You got your wish :)!!!!



Sprockett 08-15-07 10:24 AM

Good writeup. Shitty situation, and I hope it all gets worked out.

Heisenberg 08-15-07 10:27 AM

*Grabs Popcorn*

7_rocket 08-15-07 10:39 AM

Man.. both you guys are cool, hope it turns out well... This section is turning into days of our lives

BackyardSog, give me some you greedy bastard

Heisenberg 08-15-07 10:47 AM

Only if you give me some of what you got going in your avatar.:yum:

charlies7 08-15-07 10:48 AM

LOL, I believe his avatars are for viewing pleasure only.

I agree both you guys are good guys....

rx7goomba 08-15-07 11:10 AM

Seems you owe Rizwan a refund. Its not his fault your shipping company screwed up with your multiple shipments. Its your responsibility XxMerlinxX...grow up and do the right thing.

charlies7 08-15-07 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7237745)
Seems you owe Rizwan a refund. Its not his fault your shipping company screwed up with your multiple shipments. Its your responsibility XxMerlinxX...grow up and do the right thing.

I agree that this transaction has taken A LONG TIME and should have been taken care of already. However, Merlin has NO control over what happen with "his" shipping company. UPS/the UPS store fucked up on the packages. He shipped it out on time and just ended up at the wrong destination. Merlins intensions were nothing but good. Riz, I feel ya man. I know how worked up you get over this kinda shit and I would get worked up to. Merlin the shipping company did fuck up but it still should have been handled sooner since you were the one shipping the part in the first place.. You dig? lol

Sprockett 08-15-07 11:23 AM

Yes, but the proper thing to do would be to refund the money to the two people involved and get your money back from the shipping company, or get your parts back. It isn't their fault that the shipping company messed up, and as buyers they are entitled to their parts or their money. Anything less would not be fair.

str8ryd 08-15-07 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Sprockett (Post 7237772)
Yes, but the proper thing to do would be to refund the money to the two people involved and get your money back from the shipping company, or get your parts back. It isn't their fault that the shipping company messed up, and as buyers they are entitled to their parts or their money. Anything less would not be fair.

He flat-out refused to give me a refund. To be honest, I didn't even want one. I wanted the part I readily paid for.

charlies7 08-15-07 11:33 AM

agree...But as far as I know they are both getting their parts..

Right Riz??? Are you getting the shit soon?

str8ryd 08-15-07 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7237755)
I agree that this transaction has taken A LONG TIME and should have been taken care of already. However, Merlin has NO control over what happen with "his" shipping company. UPS/the UPS store fucked up on the packages. He shipped it out on time and just ended up at the wrong destination. Merlins intensions were nothing but good. Riz, I feel ya man. I know how worked up you get over this kinda shit and I would get worked up to. Merlin the shipping company did fuck up but it still should have been handled sooner since you were the one shipping the part in the first place.. You dig? lol

This is why I didn't want to do this. I'm sure Merlin is a good-guy and this is a bad situation. What bothers me though is his response to the situation. All the evidence is there. Everyone can make their own conclusions.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7237549)

First of all, I’d like to say this is my FIRST ever negative feedback thread against anyone. I’ve had more than 100+ transactions on this forum alone and I’ve never felt the need to disrespect, dishonor or damage another forum member’s reputation. Even though, I have had deals go sour in the past, the seller and I always managed to come to agreeable terms.

And even now, I still don't know what else you want me to do to try and fix the situation. When I asked you that the first time, you replied with, "
What I want you to do is very simple: fix this problem and get me my part!! Talk to SonicRat, talk to UPS and let me know what the situation is. I expect you to do at least that, and you're giving me a hard time for it." Which is exactly what I HAVE been doing. There's only so much I can do without actually having the package physically in my hands.

However, this time is a little different. I would not have made this thread had XxMerlinxX been somewhat civil and understandable over this whole transaction. This wasn’t the case at all and on top of all of this, he himself has kept pushing me to make one. So, I did :coolkid01 !

Well you kept hinting in other threads that you were going to, so I wanted to make sure you did since this whole thing is completely ridiculous.


I’ve begun to get frustrated at this ridiculous situation. XxMerlinxX is telling me the other party hasn’t shipped out the part. Meanwhile, the other party has been in constant communication and is telling me that he sent it out the day after XxMerlinxX told him what to do. I’m thinking WTF??? Again, I hear no word from XxMerlinxX for another week. I again PM him asking for an update. He tells me he didn’t call the UPS store because they were supposed to take care of everything and ship the part back. At this point he also drops a line, hinting at the fact that the other party involved is trying to possibly screw ME! After he said this, I snapped!

What am I supposed to think at this point? The UPS Store tells me that they have your package, but that the other tracking # hasn't even been activated, yet the other person is telling me that they've already shipped it out. I don't know SonicRat and I've never done business with him before. The prudent thing was to hold his package until we got some sort of confirmation, other than what he says, that your package was really enroute.

I don’t like to get upset nor do I enjoy starting fights with people over the internet. At the same time however, I’m not an idiot and I don’t like the feeling that I’m being taken advantage of. So, I sent him this PM:

“Listen Porter, there really isn't going to be any screwing going on. I honestly don't care what the other individual has planned. I held up my side of the agreement, including paying you and sending the sills back.

And I had somehow not held up my side considering I'd done everything in my power up until then to get this situation figured out?

It's not my fault you or whoever else made a mistake in shipping. I've sold 100+ item on here and EBAY and not once have I sent the right part to the wrong buyer. You need to assume full responsibility here and figure out what's going on. Otherwise, I will be filing a Paypal claim soon.

Yeah, I've never done that either. I tried to explain to you that the UPS Store had swapped the shipping labels, not me. I even PMed you back explaining that all I did was fill out a form and they box and label everything for you. That's why UPS was picking up the tab for having the parts shipped back, not me, because it was THEIR fault. I even gave you the phone number and name of the manager who was in charge of all of this so that you could confirm it if you wanted to.

I don't mean to sound like an Ass and if you ask any forum member on this forum who's met or dealt with me, I'm not. However, I do believe in honesty and responsibility both of which I expect any reputable seller to uphold.

When was I ever dishonest about anything??? And at what point did I act irresponsible???

I will contact (Omitted) again. I doubt that he's trying to scam anyone though considering he has nearly 10,000 posts on this forum and has been around a long long time. Please try to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. I don't want to take further measures, but I'm prepared to do so if there isn't any other option.



Apparently, he took offense to what I said and from here on out is where his demeanor toward me significantly changed. Well you called me irresponsible and a liar, how am I not supposed to take offense at that? He started acting like the XxMerlinxX I see posting on this forum. He began distancing himself from the situation saying it’s not his fault and he is not responsible. And it very clearly wasn't my fault, as I've tried to explain to you multiple times now. As for me being irresponsible, I don't see how you can say that considering I've done everything that you asked me to, plus more. If I was irresponsible, I would've told you tough luck, I'm not dealing with this, but instead of I've got a ton of PMs in my outbox letting you know what was going on and what I was doing. Besides actually driving their and getting the package myself, there wasn't anything else I could do. I didn’t believe what I posted above was bitching, but apparently that’s how he chose to interpret it. He told me to bitch at someone else, in particular the UPS store, and not him. You appropriately left out the other PMs you sent me. You kept telling me the same thing over and over again, but I can only do so much on my end. I told you if you wanted to yell at someone who's actually responsible for the mess, you could talk to the manager at the UPS Store.

I follow that PM with my own:

“As far as I'm concerned I've been dealing with YOU. Not UPS. I have no reason to call the store because the store doesn't concern me. You chose the courier to ship with, also not me! Being so, it is still your responsibility that the part arrives to me or I receive my money back. If it is indeed UPS' fault and you insured it for the proper amount, you can go ahead and file a claim.

How does UPS not concern you??? THEY'RE the ones who screwed up the shipment. They're the only ones who can rectify the situation at this point. Somehow because I chose to use UPS this is my fault? Get real.

I never said you're trying to scam me, but your outlook on this is NOT right. How the hell is it my fault you shipped with some retards working at UPS? In all my experiences shipping (Which is a LOT) I've not once had a mix-up like this happen. I don't even understand how it could've happen. Did you not place the proper packing labels yourself?

I've already explained that I was not the one who labeled it. They did this, they screwed up, they were supposed to handle it.

Oh, and trust me, this is not bitching. I've been very patient here, but this is starting to get ridiculous and it's starting to seem to me that you're distancing yourself from the whole situation. This is NOT my UPS store and the transaction was performed and completed by you, which is why I expect you to handle this completely. I completed everything expected from me, I only ask you to do the same.

And how did I not do this? Like I've been saying, there's only so much that I can do on my end. I contacted the UPS Store, told them about the mix up, and had them pick up the part for redelivery. What more should I have done???

Finally, no one is talking about how long they've been on this forum, hell I've been on for 5+ years, what difference does that make? I was simply saying don't be so quick to place blame on others (Omitted) as my experience has showed the longer someone on this forum is around the less likely they are to be scammers.

I never blamed this on the other person. I simply said that I didn't know him and that he may have been trying to pull a fast one, like many on this board seem to do.



This is the point where he tells me I didn’t pay for insurance so he didn’t add it on. He goes on to mention that if I’d like him to file a claim, he would do so, but I would only get $100. WTF:confused: ??? Basically, I’d be out $50 for dealing with XxMerlinxX and the stupidity of his UPS store :icon_no2: . All this upset me even more. First off he never mentioned anything about insurance when I purchased the part. Since he was charging me $25 for shipping I wrongfully assumed it would include $1-2 worth of added on insurance. I assumed very very wrong. On top of all this, he basically said I would be out the $50 if I wanted a claim filed. So I sent him this PM:

“Wow, so you’re telling me you didn't place insurance because I didn't ask? Honestly, you’re just sounding like a bad seller by the minute. WTF kind of philosophy is that:confused: ? I insure EVERY single part I EVER ship. Unless I'm instructed to do otherwise, I insure it.

Well I don't, along with many others on this board. Unless the buyer specifically asks for insurance, I normally don't insure it. Take ebay for example, shipping isn't included unless asked for. There are some people who do, I guess you do?, but there are also those who don't. This last batch of parts that I shipped out I did add on extra insurance and will continue to do so to avoid further situations like this. I shouldn't have assumed you didn't want it and you shouldn't have assumed I was offering it.

You fucking charged me $25 for shipping the part, which I rightfully assumed would include insurance, at least to the point where I'd get back what I paid you for purchasing the part. This is really pathetic. And now, you're actually telling me to get screwed and lose out $50 for your shipping mistakes (Using UPS was again your choice not mine).

No, I never told you to get screwed and lose $50. I told you to wait on the part. It wasn't lost, we knew where it was and why it was there. All you had to do was wait for them to pick it up and send it back to you. Filing a claim shouldn't even have been mentioned due to that fact.

What I want you to do is very simple: fix this problem and get me my part!! Talk to (Omitted), talk to UPS and let me know what the situation is. I expect you to do at least that, and you're giving me a hard time for it.”

And what did I tell you for at least the 3rd time? That I was doing everything that I could. I truly don't know what else I could've done and you've yet to tell me that.

Now, in the meantime the other party is and has been throughout extremely helpful and in constant communication. Well I would hope so considering he was the one who actually had the part in his possession. He tells me he himself is trying to resolve this problem. He’s been contacting his UPS store to figure out what’s going on and taking time out of his very busy day/schedule to see what the problem could be. He finally figures out that there was a billing issue and the UPS store never put the box on the truck or activated the tracking #, which is why nobody knew anything. He tells me that he told them to screw it, picked up the package and shipped it out himself via FedEx. Now, this is what I call a stand-up guy:icon_tup: !!! And only a short while back XxMerlinxX was extremely quick to label him as a scammer :shocking: .

All of this I wasn't made aware of until AFTER he had already done so. The only information I got from him was that he had dropped the part off so that it was on it's way. Later he tells me that the UPS Store wouldn't ship it and that he had already shipped the part again through Fedex. I was never given a chance to fix the problem with the UPS Store on his end.

Not ONCE did XxMerlinxX EVER contact me first himself. Never EVER! It was ALWAYS me PM’ing him to figure out what progress was made. That's complete and utter BS. Check your inbox for 7-12-07. The rest of the time I was in constant contact from you and responded the same day to every PM you sent me. There wasn't one PM that you sent me that didn't get responded to. From a buyers stand point this is complete bullshit! I don’t like to nag my sellers in to giving me information. They should be able and willing to provide it on their own ESPECIALLY in a situation like this. From a sellers stand point, whenever I’ve had issues with a sale I’ve always been the one contacting them. I will make SURE they know I’m doing whatever needs to be done to get things resolved. Usually, I’ll get some information and both the buyer and I will come to a reasonable solution within a few days. This is how it should be done. Not the bullshit XxMerlinxX has put me through. What BS did I put you through? I didn't lie to you about anything. I told you exactly what was going on and what I was doing to remedy the situation. I did everything that I could possibly do. So please tell me what else I should have done? On top of all this, he has tried to make me feel as if I’m in the wrong for being upset. No I haven't. I even told you in a PM that I understood why you were upset, but that I was doing everything that I could. For some reason, you didn't want to read any of that and to this day you continue to act like I had no part in any of this other than it all obviously being my fault. He has urged me on to post a negative feedback thread about him. I don’t like doing this type of thing, but XxMerlinxX is a complete asshole and deserves it!

He followed this with a PM mentioning how there was no need for him to send me a PM since there was no update. Again, WTF:uhh: ? It’s been two weeks since I spoke with him and he’s telling me there was no need for him to send me a PM since he didn’t gather any further information. I honestly don’t give one shit if he didn’t have any new information. I would just have appreciated if he could take the 1 minute out of his time within those 2 weeks to tell me he hasn’t heard anything. But NO! He couldn’t and didn’t feel the need to do that.

The longest you went without hearing from me was from 7-21 to 7-31. Those 10 days were when both of your packages should've been enroute. Up until that point I thought everything was covered and that you should've gotten your rightful package, so why would I have sent you a PM then? I was waiting on you to tell me that you had gotten your package and everything was okay. When that wasn't the case, I stayed in constant contact with you.

XxMerlinxX: I don’t how you consider yourself a good seller and your reputation “spotless”. That’s a damn joke! Really? That's funny considering this is the only BG post I've gotten for selling something. The other BG post was from AkiraTDK for HIM fucking up MY order on multiple occasions. So yes, I have a spotless record. The whole time throughout this transaction you treated me like the bad guy since I wanted to know what was going on. You kept telling me to find out for myself. I did no such thing. You kept telling me to get you your part, over and over again. I can only do so much. After multiple times of telling you this, I finally told you to contact the UPS Store to find out for yourself that it was actually being handled. You didn't want to believe me, so maybe you'd accept the fact from someone else. Why the hell should I do that? I didn’t ship the part. I didn’t choose the shipping courier. This is not my mess to clean up. It’s yours! I ALWAYS take full responsibility whenever I ship a part out and something goes wrong. ALWAYS! This is how it’s done. You took absolutely NO responsibility for this situation. You started giving me attitude and your little slick demeaning remarks. I don’t know what your education level is, but you should never talk down to people especially when they’re the ones giving you business.

Show me one time when I talked down to you. Tell me what else I should have done.

Even if it wasn’t directly your fault (Which is usually what the situation is when something goes wrong in shipping) it is still YOURS and no one else’s responsibility to alleviate the situation. You did NOTHING! In the end, it was the other party that did all the leg-work and figured out the problem and fixed it. Again, not YOU! I can’t believe your nerve to actually push me to start this thread. WTF has this forum come to when sellers are actually requesting their buyers to post negative feedback threads on them. It’s gone to shit! That’s what happened, because of people just like YOU!

Again, that's complete BS. So I suppose the 12 PMs in my outbox addressed to you are imaginary. I never had UPS come to pick up the packages to have them reshipped? I never called up there multiple times to try to find out what was happening and why things hadn't been figured out yet? The PMs I sent to the other person are also imaginary. I never tried to see what was happening on your end. Are you completely blind? Like I've been saying this entire post, I did absolutely all I could. So please, tell me what else I should have or could have done.

I have NO part, NO money, and NO time-frame when I should get the part and your actually going around pushing me to post a thread about our transaction. I hope you’re happy. You got your wish :)!!!!

According to the other person who received it, it's already been shipped out and you should contact him for a tracking # of some sort. I told you to post it so that I could respond in like turn, instead of whoring up someone elses GG/BG thread.




str8ryd 08-15-07 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7237801)
agree...But as far as I know they are both getting their parts..

Right Riz??? Are you getting the shit soon?

I have no idea man. Like I said before XxMerlinxX has NEVER initiated contact with me and I'm honestly done talking to him at this point. Hopefully, I get something, but at this point I'm just extremelly fed up:wallbash: !

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7237800)
He flat-out refused to give me a refund. To be honest, I didn't even want one. I wanted the part I readily paid for.

That is not true as well. I never refused to start the insurance claim, I simply told you that the minimum amount that UPS uses would be returned because I did not put extra on it. In my reply to your post, I told you that I normally don't do that, but I will from now on to avoid this situations should it ever happen again. And considering that you did want the part, that we knew where it was, and that it was going to get shipped to you, I don't see why it's even an issue?

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Sprockett (Post 7237772)
Yes, but the proper thing to do would be to refund the money to the two people involved and get your money back from the shipping company, or get your parts back. It isn't their fault that the shipping company messed up, and as buyers they are entitled to their parts or their money. Anything less would not be fair.

Why would that be the proper thing to do? He said he wanted the part and not a refund. If the part had been completely lost, then yes, I would've filed the claim. Considering the fuss he's made, I probably would've reimbursed him the $50. I say probably because his conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. But like I said earlier, it doesn't matter considering he WILL get his part, according to the guy who shipped it to him.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 11:44 AM

Crap, I put the other guy's name in. Nobody quote my reply until I edit it out if you please.

Edit- Nevermind, his name was mentioned in Riz's original post and I'm thinking it's been too long to go back and edit that as well. I don't understand why we can't have a longer time to edit posts.

str8ryd 08-15-07 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7237830)
Crap, I put the other guy's name in. Nobody quote my reply until I edit it out if you please.

Edit- Nevermind, his name was mentioned in Riz's original post and I'm thinking it's been too long to go back and edit that as well. I don't understand why we can't have a longer time to edit posts.

I never mentioned his name. Atleast I don't think so. It was an unfortunate oversight if I did so and I apologize.

I will answer the rest of your reply's later tonight. I will not have access to the forum for sometime so don't assume I'm dodging your comments.

str8ryd 08-15-07 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7237825)
Why would that be the proper thing to do? He said he wanted the part and not a refund. If the part had been completely lost, then yes, I would've filed the claim. Considering the fuss he's made, I probably would've reimbursed him the $50. I say probably because his conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. But like I said earlier, it doesn't matter considering he WILL get his part, according to the guy who shipped it to him.

My conduct was appropriate for the situation. Like I mentioned before there's a reason why I don't post these type of threads. I usually manage to solve the problem before it progresses to this point. You really shouldn't have forced me to post this. I wouldn't have, but your insistance and blatant disregard really started to upset me.

Oh, and please read your above comments. That's what I call disrespect. I didn't fuss. I don't know where you get off complaining about people fussing. If anything from what I hear you're one of the most annoying buyers EVER! This information comes from people who have dealt directly with you and have been where I am now. So, don't say I'm fussing. You have my money, I have no part, and yet you're still giving me a hard time. What I did (PM'ing you) was not fussing it was trying to figure out what's going on when the seller obviously doesn't give 2 shits to inform me or provide me with updates.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7237917)
My conduct was appropriate for the situation. Like I mentioned before there's a reason why I don't post these type of threads. I usually manage to solve the problem before it progresses to this point. You really shouldn't have forced me to post this. I wouldn't have, but your insistance and blatant disregard really started to upset me.

You sent me a PM saying you were going to post this. You stated on more than one occasion in another thread that you were going to post this. I simply said go ahead.

Oh, and please read your above comments. That's what I call disrespect. I didn't fuss. I don't know where you get off complaining about people fussing. If anything from what I hear you're one of the most annoying buyers EVER! This information comes from people who have dealt directly with you and have been where I am now. So, don't say I'm fussing. You have my money, I have no part, and yet you're still giving me a hard time. What I did (PM'ing you) was not fussing it was trying to figure out what's going on when the seller obviously doesn't give 2 shits to inform me or provide me with updates.

Again, I have 12 PMs in my outbox saying otherwise.

John64 08-15-07 12:41 PM

Where roll? Why is he not going crazy now???

charlies7 08-15-07 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7238016)
Where roll? Why is he not going crazy now???

Lets keep this thread civil, dont start any shit.

Roto7FD 08-15-07 01:24 PM

I think that I'll throw in my .03 cents here. I believe that the buyer feels that you should've took the initiatve to Pm him to let him know that you're on top of things, even though no new information could be given. It at least shows you care and you offer some sort of sympathy for the screw up that happened with UPS. This is just pertaining to you not contacting him and him Pming you first to get a reponse, I think that that was one of his gripes. Not saying you didn't do anything helpful at all to rectify the situation.

Just some advice perhaps for future reference, you should take your shipping service elsewhere. That way you can avoid having them paste the labels on the wrong box and prevent a mess like this happening.

Good luck to both you, I doubt there will be any future business done between you two, but at the very least maybe you guys can leave this thread having a understanding for one another and still maintain some sort of respect for each other. :)

Sprockett 08-15-07 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7237825)
Why would that be the proper thing to do? He said he wanted the part and not a refund. If the part had been completely lost, then yes, I would've filed the claim. Considering the fuss he's made, I probably would've reimbursed him the $50. I say probably because his conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. But like I said earlier, it doesn't matter considering he WILL get his part, according to the guy who shipped it to him.

I meant it in a general way. In any transaction the buyer should either get what they paid for, or get their money back. There is no situation where the buyer should be out a sum of money and get absolutely nothing in return.

John64 08-15-07 01:40 PM

Tuff when others are jumping on you huh?

charlies7 08-15-07 01:44 PM

No one is jumping on anyone......

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7237825)
Why would that be the proper thing to do? He said he wanted the part and not a refund. If the part had been completely lost, then yes, I would've filed the claim. Considering the fuss he's made, I probably would've reimbursed him the $50. I say probably because his conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. But like I said earlier, it doesn't matter considering he WILL get his part, according to the guy who shipped it to him.

Go look back on some transactions you've had in the past....you're conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. :icon_tdow

Herblenny 08-15-07 02:03 PM

Rizwan, Sorry to hear about your mishap..

To me, all the bitching XxMerlinxX been doing in the pass have taught him nothing and he's now the person who's inconsiderate and lack customer service. Quite funny how when your instinct about someone comes true...

Again, sorry you have to deal with this kind of issue with another member on this forum..

Herblenny 08-15-07 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238266)
Go look back on some transactions you've had in the past....you're conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either.

LOL! Thats for sure...

Like this one..


LOL! Its quite funny that I get to chime in and say stuff that Merlins been doing to me for the past 6 months...

7_rocket 08-15-07 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238266)
Go look back on some transactions you've had in the past....you're conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. :icon_tdow

Back on riding on dudes penis huh? Carry on :icon_no2:

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by herblenny (Post 7238274)
Rizwan, Sorry to hear about your mishap..

To me, all the bitching XxMerlinxX been doing in the pass have taught him nothing and he's now the person who's inconsiderate and lack customer service. Quite funny how when your instinct about someone comes true...

So how is it I'm inconsiderate and lack customer service?

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238266)
Go look back on some transactions you've had in the past....you're conduct hasn't been of the utmost character either. :icon_tdow

Like? The only other negative post in this section was with AkiraTDK and IIRC, EVERYONE sided with me because it was obvious he was trying to shaft me. He straight up lied about me having a horrible history on here, his complaint was the first, he lied when he said I doctored pictures to make them look bad when that was obviously not the case, and he got the order wrong 3 different times. So what bad transactions have I had on here, or anywhere for that matter, exactly?

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by 7_rocket (Post 7238315)
Back on riding on dudes penis huh? Carry on :icon_no2:

Its kinda funny how you always come to his rescue. Good luck defending him this time. What exactly do you have against me? Please explain? His past history explains it all....so you can say anything you want....your just letting everyone here see what an ass you are. :icon_tup:

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by 7_rocket (Post 7238315)
Back on riding on dudes penis huh? Carry on :icon_no2:

Let'em go. They can try to twist the truth however they want to. It's all posted online, I'll quote or link what I need to, and they'll continue to look like assholes for trying to make me look bad. When I get a chance, I'm going to rehost the thread that started this all, when Phil first got his panties in a twist and Goomba tried to save him. He thinks that thread got deleted, but I downloaded every single page of it first.

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:21 PM

Deleted? I hope not....cuz ya got banned for a little bit for that bullshit you tried to pull on Phil in case you dont remember that. :icon_no2:

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 02:23 PM

Yeah, odd how I got banned but you little shit stains got away scott free. Also odd how those pages mysteriously vanished after it happened and the mod that banned me wouldn't answer any PMs.

7_rocket 08-15-07 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238347)
Its kinda funny how you always come to his rescue. Good luck defending him this time. What exactly do you have against me? Please explain? His past history explains it all....so you can say anything you want....your just letting everyone here see what an ass you are. :icon_tup:

I never defended him once in this thread, all I said was there both good guys and I hope it works out, the end. But you seem to have something personal aganist this guy. Did he ever screw you over? If thats a no then why you on his case for? Your always following him around in threads. Now if he did screw you over then maybe I can understand.

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7238369)
Yeah, odd how I got banned but you little shit stains got away scott free. Also odd how those pages mysteriously vanished after it happened and the mod that banned me wouldn't answer any PMs.

Got away scott free from what? You're idiot ass comments is what got your ass into trouble. And why charles and rocket defended you in the past baffles me. Ive never had a problem with them....yet ALOT of people on here have had a problem with you. Wake up......your shit does stink. Your not that important.

Im sure they werent deleted and the reason the mods dont deal with you probably is because your an unreasonable spoiled kid who bitches and moans about everything! Its like your all jacked up on mountain dew or something when you come on here to post shit. Settle down....and take care of your problem.:sadwavey:

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238408)
Got away scott free from what? You're idiot ass comments is what got your ass into trouble. And why charles and rocket defended you in the past baffles me. Ive never had a problem with them....yet ALOT of people on here have had a problem with you. Wake up......your shit does stink. Your not that important.

Im sure they werent deleted and the reason the mods dont deal with you probably is because your an unreasonable spoiled kid who bitches and moans about everything! Its like your all jacked up on mountain dew or something when you come on here to post shit.

You got away scott free from getting banned. You and Phil started it, slung just as much shit, and I was the only one that got banned for it. Even now, every chance you get, you have to say something completely ignorant and stupid to try to make up for how dumb you looked before. Wake up, you still don't have any sort of argument other than to just make shit up. And if I'm not that important, how about you see your way out then?

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7238433)
You got away scott free from getting banned. You and Phil started it, slung just as much shit, and I was the only one that got banned for it. Even now, every chance you get, you have to say something completely ignorant and stupid to try to make up for how dumb you looked before. Wake up, you still don't have any sort of argument other than to just make shit up. And if I'm not that important, how about you see your way out then?

Ahhh.....so unlike you. You want me to see my way out this? Funny how in the past you dont follow your own rules jackass! You've ran your mouth more than anyone ive seen on here lately. Riz is a good guy....and i'll stand up for him as well. Shoe's not fitting to well on the other foot is it Judge Judy? :icon_tdow

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 03:04 PM

That's it, just keep up the name calling. That looks real good you know. :icon_tup:

charlies7 08-15-07 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238408)
And why charles and rocket defended you in the past baffles me. Ive never had a problem with them....

I dont see it as standing up for people, I just like to voice my opinion, play devils advocate :icon_tup:. If i feel like there is AN HONEST mistake with a transaction your going to hear it from me. I just dont think its right for people like YOU to jump on the bandwagon, especially if you dont like the person.:icon_tdow IM not saying I defend scammers, cause i dont obviously, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and whenever I seem to give mine you act like a little girl towards me calling me dumb, stupid etc. Have I once ripped on you for something you had to say, before i even posted in a thread? NO.

Like i said before, I have had AWESOME transactions with Riz and merlin. I even owe Riz money still :scared:. Ive sold parts to Merlin without any problems. Everything will get worked out im sure. Yes maybe Merlin might have to work on his "business skills" but who doesnt? Everyone get aggravated and loses it sometimes.

rx7goomba 08-15-07 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7238580)
I dont see it as standing up for people, I just like to voice my opinion, play devils advocate :icon_tup:. If i feel like there is AN HONEST mistake with a transaction your going to hear it from me. I just dont think its right for people like YOU to jump on the bandwagon, especially if you dont like the person.:icon_tdow IM not saying I defend scammers, cause i dont obviously, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and whenever I seem to give mine you act like a little girl towards me calling me dumb, stupid etc. Have I once ripped on you for something you had to say, before i even posted in a thread? NO.

Like i said before, I have had AWESOME transactions with Riz and merlin. I even owe Riz money still :scared:. Ive sold parts to Merlin without any problems. Everything will get worked out im sure. Yes maybe Merlin might have to work on his "business skills" but who doesnt? Everyone get aggravated and loses it sometimes.

Like me jumping on the bandwagon? Do you see me following anybody around like you do with XxMerlinxX? And yes you ripped on mein the past. Are you serious??? Where do you think this all came from?! People that know me....know i dont start shit. But im not gonna sit back and take it from someone like you. Your the one who follows XxmerlinxX around on every other damn post. Facts dont lie pal....get it straight. Your digging yourself into a hole on this matter. Ive never had a problem with you....just that idiot ass kid XxMerlinxX.

charlies7 08-15-07 04:38 PM

gotcha, but I dont follow him around. Get YOUR facts straight. Am i sticking up for him now? NO. I dont start shit either so you must have :)

charlies7 08-15-07 04:40 PM

I wouldnt have a problem with you if you stopped the name calling bullshit..

rx7goomba 08-15-07 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7238927)
I wouldnt have a problem with you if you stopped the name calling bullshit..

Ohh....sorry then. Nothing against you. :beerchug:

gonzz 08-15-07 06:33 PM

Is this the merlin that's shit don't stink and was slamming me yesterday.. oh no.. Can't be him...XXXXXMeRlInXXXXXXXXXXXX what happened. Had a bad night?

rx7roller02 08-15-07 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7239259)
Is this the merlin that's shit don't stink and was slamming me yesterday.. oh no.. Can't be him...XXXXXMeRlInXXXXXXXXXXXX what happened. Had a bad night?

dont you have your own negative feedback thread to worry about?? Imagine that--not only are you too much of a punk ass to handle your own shit like a man, but now you have to ignore it by shitting on someone else's thread to boot.....

Maybe you can post the pics that Tim sent you in here, since you cant handle your own thread....

RotaryResurrection 08-15-07 08:30 PM

Damn, a four course meal of ownership is being served on a silver platter to several people in this thread. :owned:

I see that after trying to start shit with me in my thread (and being on the losing end) the three stooges are present and accounted for here as well, and still not doing so well. :lol:

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7239704)
Damn, a four course meal of ownership is being served on a silver platter to several people in this thread. :owned:

I see that after trying to start shit with me in my thread (and being on the losing end) the three stooges are present and accounted for here as well, and still not doing so well. :lol:

And I see after getting soundly beat in your own thread, Dumb and Dumber have reunited for more punishment. Can't respond to your own thread so you've come to try and look intelligent in this one? I can tell you already, that's probably not gonna work out so well. :icon_tdow

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