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RotaryResurrection 07-27-07 02:10 PM

very questionable transaction: turbodrx7
First, let me reiterate that the seller did keep in contact with me and did work with me for a partial refund; what was said and what was given was not to my satisfaction and I still lost a good bit of money on the deal which is a burden I should not have had to bear. In fact, I wasn't going to post at all, but the seller's continued attitude made me decide that this needed to be done after all.

I am not posting this as a "bad guy" or a "rip off" but as a "questionable transaction" that prospective buyers should consider and use caution before buying.

Here's the story:

I bought this guy's t70 turbo kit advertised as good working order with minimal shaft play, no smoke, no issues. It came with manifold, wastegate, turbo, and downpipe. There were only a few pics...one of each part basically, but everything looked okay and the price was right at $700. I was mainly buying the "kit" for the turbo itself, and planned to possibly change some of the other parts if they didnt suit my tastes.

So it shows up, all packaged in this one long and skinny box, very thin, with a hole in the side and peanuts spilling out. Turns out that this 50lb turbo KIT had been sent in this long, skinny box with nothing BUT peanuts...so all the parts shifted to the bottom. Both air nipples were broken off the wastegate, which had been banging around on the bottom.

The wastegate looked like it was from 1956, but it appeared to work normally other than the broken air nipples. However, it was rigged onto the exhaust manifold with a GHETTO adaptor plate, some random bolts, and RTV sealant on each side of this metal plate instead of actual gaskets (the RTV had been blown out and would have been an exhaust leak).


The downpipe was a piece of shit that my 3 year old could have welded. The pic showed only the top 12", which was perfectly welded and mandrel bent. From there down was totally hacked, with unneccessary odd-looking flanges and shitty transitions/welds. The pipe was mostly 3", but narrowed to 2.5" at the bottom.

The manifold was fine...as expected. The seller claimed he spent $100 in "reinforcement welding" but all i could find were 2) 2" beads welded in one corner...not for reinforcement, likely to fix an existing crack. The welds were maybe 10-20 dollars worth. This was one of the SSAC cheap manifolds, which I knew and I was fine with that.

The turbo was trash. I sat it on the bench and it had 2-3mm of shaft play, and 1mm+ of thrust play. So it was trashed. The seller claimed it had just a little play which was normal. I showed him a digicam video of me moving the shaft, and he said "it didnt have that much when it left here..." implying that it was somehow my fault. I PM'd him the video about 3 hours after delivery at my house, so clearly I couldnt have tore it up myself.


I pulled off the compressor housing and the wheel had been rubbing, you could see the edges of the fins were shiny and abraded, and the inside of the housing had scratches on it.


I pulled off the turbine housing and got a shock. The turbine fins were CHEWED up from a previous apex seal going through them.


So...the turbo basically was useless...the bearings and seals needed replaced. the shaft and turbine wheel needed replaced, and the compressor wheel was questionable.

I called a master power turbo retailer/rebuilder and told him the situation...he advised me that I might as well buy a new one because the repair costs would meet or exceed that cost...$600.

I notified the seller, and he got defensive pretty quickly. He told me I should just sell the pieces to get my money back...I told him that the pieces were not worth much at all, plus it would take time and energy to sell them, and I shouldn't have to fool with this shit.

I wanted him to take the kit back, and give me a partial refund. I even offered (generously, IMO) to take the loss on the shipping cost from him to me, and from me back to him, and I offered to take $600 of my 700 back and be done with it. He refused and told me I was being unreasonable.

The way I added it up, the turbo, manifold, wastegate, and (shitty) downpipe were worth MAYBE $250-275 on a good day. He was offering me an additional $250 refund, but even after investing time and energy into selling the pieces, I would not break anywhere near even.

Finally he bitched and whined more and offered me $350 and told me to either take it or leave it. Obviously I took it, rather than running the risk of getting nothing at all. I let it be known I did not believe this was fair and that I was not happy with it. I did thank him and give him credit for at least staying in contact and making an effort.

I still do not see how he could not have known the turbo was trash...all it took was 10 seconds to grab the shaft and go "uh oh...". This is probably the worst worn/destroyed turbocharger I have ever layed hands on, so I dont really believe that "he didn't know" it was bad.

So far I have sold all the parts of the kit for the following prices (after shipping was paid for); this took 3-4 weeks to completely recover this much money, and I am still out $100 even after the seller's refund, plus my time and effort in listing, selling, packing and shipping the parts.

turbo core/downpipe: $100
manifold: $95
wastegate: $55

So I paid $700, got $350 refund, took time to document and sell these parts on my own, and still lost $100 for my trouble. And the seller says I am whining and being unreasonable. :ugh2:

Sprockett 07-27-07 02:17 PM

Yikes! Yeah, I'd say that is questionable...although, to be fair, most people won't take their turbo apart to see if something is wrong with it before selling it - they should, but they won't. He probably wiggled it a bit, and thought it was OK.

But yeah, that definitely sucks.

rx7goomba 07-27-07 02:24 PM


Thats they kinda shit that scares me about buying anything on here these days.Honest people are hard to come by these days. Sorry...but i would've goten a full refund. Thats crap turbodrx7....man up and give the man a full refund ya greasy bastard. :icon_no2:

cool_as_crap 07-27-07 03:02 PM

Wow that thing is trashed. :icon_tdow
Sorry to hear man, that sucks.

rx7goomba 07-27-07 04:01 PM

You must have some strong ass fingers Kevin. You obviously ruined it by pulling on it like that. :uhh: Love that he stated "it didnt have that much when it left here..."


Typical bull$hiter trying to cover it up. Sorry to see that happen to ya Kevin. Thanks for pointing it out so we'll all know not buy parts from him.

K.ronic 07-27-07 05:19 PM

LMAO! Of all people on here to try and pass off some crap like that and he chose Kevin? WOW.....Some one got ran over by the short bus.....

RotaryResurrection 07-27-07 11:22 PM

BTW here is the seller's original description:

"T-70 turbo setup. Ebay manifold, welds have been renforced(sp lol). Custom downpipe, turbonetics deltaII wastegate. Turbo has a little shaft play, is journal bearing so it is supposed to have a bit. It does not blow oil, or smoke of any kind, and spools and boost fine. $750+shipping for it all."

Another thing to note...this transaction happened several weeks ago. Why am I just now getting around to posting it? Well...even though I did not make an agreement not to post a GG/BG thread about the seller, I had decided that I would be more generous than usual because he did communicate with me and issue a halfway reasonable refund even though I voiced my opinion that I was not happy with it nor did I feel it was fair. I was still right on the edge of wanting to, though.

Later, the same seller made another FS post with some other parts. A couple days went by and I resisted the urge once again. Finally my smartass side got to me and I made a comment in his thread, which only HINTED at what had happened between us. Given most of the illiterate users of this forum, 95% of the people would not have picked up on what I was getting at anyway.

Now...this may just be the odd way I see things. But in my mind, if someone had "dirt" on me, I would tend to lay low, and unless they outright posted what I had done, I would pretty much let them make whatever comments they wanted, for fear of the truth being brought out into the open. IN other words I would cut them a wide latitude in order to keep from pissing them off further and getting my name drug through the mud. I would permit them small comments etc. to avoid a public display.

Not this guy. Once I posted a little comment in his thread, he starts raising a bitch fit telling me that I shouldnt be in his thread, pm'ing mods to whine that I am in his thread, sending me PM's telling me to either post a GG/BG thread or shut the hell up, etc. Bottom line, he dared me to post.

So, that is why I ultimately decided to do so...not only did he have the disrespect to screw me over in the first place, but he had the further disrespect to start shit with me afterwards.

gracer7-rx7 07-28-07 12:45 AM

Thanks for posting. I rarely bother to waste the energy posting about some of the poor transactions or sellers I've dealt with. Maybe if I did others wouldn't have to deal with other problems down the line.

13b4me 07-28-07 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7179887)
wide latitude


RotaryResurrection 07-28-07 01:31 AM

Hey man, don't be a bitch, or you'll be next. :slap:



13b4me 07-28-07 01:36 AM

Hey I'm not gonna be around for a little bit. Let me have my fun. :D

RotaryResurrection 07-28-07 01:40 AM

Mess with me and I'll call you "unreasonable" and report you to a mod for posting in my thread, like turbodrx7. :rlaugh:

Why dont you make like a tree, and leave.


13b4me 07-28-07 01:42 AM

I'll make like a tree and fall on your house fool. :lol2:

str8ryd 07-28-07 10:52 AM

I don't understand why you even felt the need to call this a "questionable transaction?" There's nothing to question here. TurbodRX-7 from the info you've given screwed you! If he was an honest seller he would've refunded you all the money or atleast enough to the point that you were satisfied. On top of all that, he's pushing you to post a GG/BG thread. WTF:confused: ???

IMO start another thread and post "BAD SELLER/Possible Scammer: TurbodRX7". That will show him.....

spandy 07-28-07 12:43 PM

:iwstupid: :rlaugh: I have to completely agree, I don't see anything "questionable" about it. The only questionable thing to consider would be whether or not you kick him in the nuts first, or the head when you find him. :rlaugh:

Juiceh 07-28-07 01:31 PM

Well, he sure did ask for this thread to be made...

RotaryResurrection 07-28-07 01:58 PM


Here is teh comment that started it all. Turbodrx7 has a sig pic of his FD inside a building beside a fire truck. In his second for sale thread, some guy made the comment "your sig is cool, an FD inside an FD".

At the time, my sig read something like "90 turbo II: would have been t70 powered but turbodrx7 fucked me on a junk turbo" along with the big pic of my blue FC below.

I went into his thread and posted,

"As long as there are no moving parts in these items, the buyer should be fine.

My sig is also cool."

Now, as I said, most illiterate readers of the forum wouldn't even pick up on that...only me and turbodrx7 knew about the bad turbo at the time, and most users would not read text in my signature, but would simply think I was talking about the picture of my car.

Hell, for that matter, most readers don't even scan the thread for replies anyway, they just read the first post and hit reply.

That's why it's so funny that he made a big deal out of my comment...it would have went unnoticed until he started talking shit in his own thread, and drew attention to me, away from his sales. :rofl:

turbodrx7 07-28-07 02:30 PM

well now that the thread is made, before anyone jumps in and of course starts riding kevins nuts, as most people do ill explain the situation from a different side.

I listed the turbo kit in my original thread for $1100 BEFORE i had taken the turbo off. I took the turbo off, checked it out and relized there was shaft play. Right then i dropped my price to $700+shipping. Kevin Pmed me, asked about the turbo, had seen ALL the pics that were posted, and made me an offer. I accepted it, and it was off. First he didnt add 3% fee which is CLEARLY a fair amount of money on $700. So im down to 675. I then take the turbo to a shipping place as i dont have time, or materials to package things myself, and payed to have it packaged up. I payed $44 to have it packed and shipped. The guy always packaged things good in the past, and if not i could always make a claim as i get insurance on every package i ship. So im now down to $630. I take the manifold to a welding place to have it reenforced, as i said it would be, and payed $60 for it. Now that im done with that, i just made $570 on a FULL turbo kit, with EVERYTHING working. He got the kit, of course started bitching and complaining about how things "were not up to his standards". He saw pictures, and saw exactly what he was getting. Complaining about downpipe welds? Please, are the pretty police going to shine a flash light down your tranny tunnel and see them? The turbo made 400whp on 15psi, trust me, that downpipe flowed just fine. Now onto the wastegate, there was NOT an exhaust leak, the wastegate did have a adaptor plate, again, not "up to my standards" for kevin. It worked fine, obviously since you can tell it was used. I showed pictures of the wastegate, of the manifold, and of the downpipe in my thread. Now onto the turbo. I did not have any reason to pull the turbo apart, why would i? I saw the pics and was in contact with kevin the WHOLE time. Never did i not respond to his PM, or leave him in the dark about anything. I saw the turbo and offered kevin the refund of $250 as he stated. Kevin then told me, that he would like me to refund his $700-paypal fee, which would have put me out $130 dollars, and he would ship it back and was WILLING to lose the $100 from it all. I dont have a purpose for this stuff, i dont even have an FC anymore. Why would i want it back? He saw the pictures. He then told me if i payed for a turbo rebuild it would be fine. Yea, because im going to pay for a new turbo and you get a turbo kit for free. I woulnt think about doing that. I offered the $350 which is HALF of what kevin payed, and barly less than what i made off of it. Meanwhile kevin is attempting(very poorly i might add) to sway me to his side with his pms, and have me deal with the situation the way i see fit. Not going to happen. Now kevin got his $350 and i even added money for the paypal fee. Then he told the turbo for $110, made 100 off it, $450, sold the manifold for $95, $545 and then the wastegate for $55, $600. This is assuming you are actually stating the prices you sold the stuff for. Either way you would have been out the $100, you agreed to be out it if i refunded your money, so why are you complaing right now? You dont have a reason to make this thread, you shouldnt have posted in my thread int he first place, you can be happy with your signature and let it go. I shouldnt have given you anything back had i know this is how you would act. I gave you what i, and a few people i explained the situation to thought was fair. Its kinda hard buying a car to part without much info, because you never really know whats up with the car or parts. I have sold a TON of stuff on her, and had NO complaints, only the tool box kevin landers. Plenty of people know me, and plenty of people would buy things from me without thinking twice. Kevin obviously was seeing this as"hopefully this guy doesnt know what he is taking about, ill get a good deal and run with it". You dont get something for nothing kevin, it doesnt work that way.

rx7goomba-You dont know me, and responded with this very snyde comment before i posted my side, you should do some reasearch on both partys and mabye you will relize that kevin does like to whine a little more than most people.

str8ryd-You post made me chuckle, you obviously didnt read too much of it. scammer? LOL. That is too funny. bad seller, i dunno how you are coming up with that, a bad seller wouldnt have responded to PMS, refunded his money ASA kevin sent the Ok to do so. You have your opinion, but i am far from a scammer or a bad seller. Why wouldnt i push him to post it, i didnt do anything wrong, i wasnt about to loose money to make a guy that acts like him happy, i dont care who he is, or what he does, he is still a class A tool who was expecting something for nothing. It doesnt work that way.

RotaryResurrection 07-28-07 03:18 PM

...and the floodgates of ownage are about to open, carrying you off of this forum like many before you who have come up against me. :rofl:

turbodrx7 07-28-07 04:15 PM

You say that like he is any better than any other person? Stay off his nuts for a little bit, please.

Originally Posted by K.ronic (Post 7178972)
LMAO! Of all people on here to try and pass off some crap like that and he chose Kevin? WOW.....Some one got ran over by the short bus.....

rx7goomba 07-28-07 04:23 PM

How about he returns all the parts and you refund his money minus the shipping costs then? That seems reasonable.

"I have sold a TON of stuff on her, and had NO complaints"

Its not how many good transactions you've had on here....its the bad one thats gonna come back and bite you in the ass.

turbodrx7 07-28-07 04:43 PM

All the parts have been sold, that is where kevin is out the $100 he claimed. I will be posting his PMS shortly where he stated he would take the $100 hit if i took the stuff back, $100 is $100, now or then is the same thing. We will let some people read both sides...

dregg100 07-28-07 04:53 PM

turbodrx7, are you blind or something? the turbine side of that turbo is GONE. when did you blow your engine and shoot the apex seal out of it? people like you are why more and more forum members are scared to buy stuff on this fourm. kevin landers (im not associated with him in any way, nor have i ever met him) seems to be one of the most honest people on here and i would buy from him anyday! pics and video dont lie.

K.ronic 07-28-07 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by Asshat that tries to pass off a junk turbo as something worth a shit
You say that like he is any better than any other person? Stay off his nuts for a little bit, please.

No, I say this because Kevin knows what the hell he is talking about and for you to send a piece of garbage like that and think, for even a moment, that he wouldn't notice is fucking retarded. You don't have to take it apart to see that it's trashed. Videos don't lie asshat. There is no way in hell that the turbine fins could be that chewed up and you tell me that you didn't know. Not all of the people on this site are as fucking retarded as you seem to think we are. And as far as the rest of the trash that came with the junk turbo, I am honestly suprised that Kevin was even able to sell it. And the simple fact of the matter is that he never should have had to in the first place. And just so you know, I too have no ties to Kevin what so ever. I have never done buisness with him and all I know of him is the things that I've read on the site, but I would damn sure buy something from him before I EVER bought something from you after seeing that junk turbo.....

turbodrx7 07-28-07 05:50 PM

Dregg-The better quesation is...are you blind? Do you not see that i refunded kevin HALF his money because the turbo was chewed up like that? Im not calling pics or videos a lie, i refunded money BECAUSE of those pics and videos. Please read my post, i stated i bought the car and parted it, so i didnt KNOW the condition of these parts, i have no idea if the motor blew a seal through it...People like me huh? Do a search on my name...you will relize one thing, first that you are an idiot, and second that MANY people have bought a TON of things from me, and never had a single problem. I have seen your posts many a time, and you sure do like to point fingers pretty quickly, and jump on peoples cases without knowing anything...read up bud.

K-you are not a very smart man, i feel as though i have lost intelligence after reading that post you just made...Kevin knows what he is talking about huh? Says who? Once again, you thinking kevin is god and riding his sack...If you knew about a turbo, a chewed up fine doesnt mean shit, the turbo can still spool, make boost and power with chewed fins. The turbo did NOT blow oil or smoke, as stated in the original thread(kevin showed). You say you would never want to buy anything from me over him, good im glad, i would rather not deal with worthless dumbass people like you. I take it you own an FC, and thats the main reason, because kevin sells good FC parts at cheap as prices, because FC guys never want to pay for anything name brand, whatever works right? I do buisness very rarely on this forum...and always have NO problems...i wasnt trying to fool anybody, i wasnt trying to pull a quick one. Trust me, if i wanted to scam him, he wouldnt have ever seen the turbo kit.

AcidAngel7477 07-28-07 06:03 PM

damn, what are the odd's...?


MaczPayne 07-28-07 06:47 PM

::grabs cock and popcorn::

rogrx7 07-28-07 06:55 PM

common sense failed joo.

str8ryd 07-29-07 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by turbodrx7 (Post 7181194)
All the parts have been sold, that is where kevin is out the $100 he claimed. I will be posting his PMS shortly where he stated he would take the $100 hit if i took the stuff back, $100 is $100, now or then is the same thing. We will let some people read both sides...

Actually, it's NOT! You made him waste his time and effort to resell parts he never should have had to. Had you refunded him in the first place you would've never been in this situation and both parties would've been better off.

What I'm really having trouble with is understanding why you'd push him to post this thread:confused:? You stated that you let your shippers box everything up. If that's the case then why not file a claim when Kevin received the parts and noticed the damaged items? This would've solved both your problems if that was really the case.

Also, claiming that chewed up turbine fins is no big deal is a pretty uneducated comment. Shouldn't you atleast let the buyer decide?

P.S. I've never met, dealt or even talked to Kevin so -1 for "sack-chasin''" or whatever you'd like to call it.....

str8ryd 07-29-07 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by MaczPayne (Post 7181370)
::grabs cock and popcorn::

I don't even wanna know why you're readin' this thread, eating popcorn and grabbing "cock" :shocking:

turbodrx7 07-29-07 10:13 AM

I gave kevin GREAT customer service by responding to his PMs ASAP, working with what i personally thought was fair, and gave the best refund i could without completely losing my ass. He didnt waste his time, he is in this forum ALL the time selling parts, it really didnt hurt him to be on there 10 minutes longer to make the thread, and another minute each time to respond to the PMs. There was no effort, everything was sold in 2 days. Why wouldnt i push him to post? i wasnt going to deal with him sitting there making little comments all over when he thinks he had something...he doesnt have anything. This isnt a questionable transaction, this is a kevin landers didnt get the deal of a lifetime as he hoped and is whining about it. The turbo is NOT blown, it is damaged, NOT blown. Obviously his ways of solving it were in his favor, who doesnt want it that way, i gave him what i thought was the best and more fair refund.

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7182632)
Actually, it's NOT! You made him waste his time and effort to resell parts he never should have had to. Had you refunded him in the first place you would've never been in this situation and both parties would've been better off.

What I'm really having trouble with is understanding why you'd push him to post this thread:confused:? You stated that you let your shippers box everything up. If that's the case then why not file a claim when Kevin received the parts and noticed the damaged items? This would've solved both your problems if that was really the case.

Also, claiming that chewed up turbine fins is no big deal is a pretty uneducated comment. Shouldn't you atleast let the buyer decide?

P.S. I've never met, dealt or even talked to Kevin so -1 for "sack-chasin''" or whatever you'd like to call it.....

RotaryResurrection 07-30-07 01:10 AM

If it were so easy to sell those parts individually, then why did you refuse to have any part of it? Because you knew it'd be a pain in the ass. It took me almost a month to get rid of everything. I also had to put several hours into listing, answering questions, making shipping labels, packing items, and trips to UPS that I would not otherwise have had to do. TIME IS MONEY, and I lost both no matter how you look at it.

Yes, I offered to take a $100 loss if you'd refund most of my money and the deal would have been done, I could have shipped your junk back to you and you could have dealt with selling the shit yourself.

Instead, I STILL took a $100 loss, PLUS I had to expend time and resources to recoup the rest of my investment by selling off the other junk.

As I stated above, you did stay in communication. I would hardly call our discussions and your offer "great customer service" though. :rolleyes:

You say I wanted something for nothing? I only expected what was advertised, a working turbo kit with no issues, but I did not get it. The manifold was the only piece with no issues. The downpipe was hack, the wastegate was improperly installed and had broken air nipples, and the turbo was not useable. What...you think I want to contaminate my engine's oil supply with particles of bearing and shaft material from a destroyed turbo?

Tell me...exactly how efficient can a turbo be when 15% of it's fin mass is chewed away, thrown out of balance, and the compressor wheel is rubbing the housing (you can see material being chewed away on the fin on the right side of the pic above)? That's like saying that a car is perfectly driveable if the wheel is lodged up in the fender well and rubbing as you drive. "Ah, fuck it, it can still get up to 60mph, so it must be okay, no matter how it looks or sounds. Don't be such a perfectionist". :uhh:

Trying to defend your point of view in this thread is like trying to keep the titanic afloat with a 5 gallon bucket. Have fun.

turbodrx7 07-30-07 01:47 AM

No very many people are taking your side kevin, im sure you would be surprised if you knew how many people on this forum though the way i do of you. You may know your motors, but you sure as hell dont have mine, or anyone i talk to about motors buisness. How can you deny good customer service, i regret sending you that money back...

rx7goomba 07-30-07 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by turbodrx7 (Post 7185156)
No very many people are taking your side kevin, im sure you would be surprised if you knew how many people on this forum though the way i do of you. You may know your motors, but you sure as hell dont have mine, or anyone i talk to about motors buisness. How can you deny good customer service, i regret sending you that money back...

You keep trying redirect the attention onto Kevin. Why is that? If he in fact asked you to take the parts back minus the $100....why didnt you man up and do the right thing? Simple question. Why?

instead you posted this like he never asked you to take back the parts....

Originally Posted by turbodrx7 (Post 7181194)
All the parts have been sold, that is where kevin is out the $100 he claimed. I will be posting his PMS shortly where he stated he would take the $100 hit if i took the stuff back, $100 is $100, now or then is the same thing. We will let some people read both sides...

Hell..even the video showed you that turbo was toast even before taking it apart.


Guess your next excuse/question is...."how do i know thats the turbo i sent him!?" Sorry man....i dont care how many people you know on the forum...your deal was bull$hit and you know it.

turbodrx7 07-30-07 12:51 PM

Well i have to tell you, why would i claim that isnt the turbo i sent? I can see its the same thing. You really did just make yourself look like a complete moron...

instead you posted this like he never asked you to take back the parts....

so that is saying that i am stating that kevin never asked me to take the parts back, correct? Then you quote my statement that sais...

All the parts have been sold, that is where kevin is out the $100 he claimed. I WILL BE POSTING HIS PMS SHORTLY WHERE HE STATED HE WOULD TAKE THE $100 HIT IF I TOOK THE STUFF BACK, $100 is $100, now or then is the same thing. We will let some people read both sides...

Ok, now read the caps locked part. That is saying that kevin stated in a PM i will be posting that if i took the parts back, he was willing to take the hit. In short, he asked to take the parts back. Nobody likes to lose money, i know for sure i dont. So why would i lose money off a deal, that i was attempting to make money off of? But kevin is expecting obviously to not lose money, which i cant blame him for, but one of us had to, my offer made it as little as possible. But as usual, you dont see me making a post "Kevin landers, questionable transaction". There was nothing questionable about this.

goomba-What is the RIGHT thing? Is the right thing for ME to lose money? Of course you are on kevins side, who isnt on these forums? I mean if i did rebuilds for next to nothing, i would have people flocking over me too. So you are implying that the RIGHT thing would be for me to have accepted kevin to take the turbo back. Im just as tired of responding to this as anyone else. Ill put up this offer, i am not a theif, i am NOT a scammer, and i am NOT a bad seller. I will split the difference of what kevin lost. I will paypal him $53(including paypal fee) He is out $50, and i am barly breaking even.

rx7goomba 07-30-07 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by turbodrx7 (Post 7186384)

goomba-What is the RIGHT thing? Is the right thing for ME to lose money? Of course you are on kevins side, who isnt on these forums? I mean if i did rebuilds for next to nothing, i would have people flocking over me too.

Sorry....Kevin's never done any work for me. Your comment there pretty much summed it up. Good luck on trying to sell anything on this forum in the future kid. :jerkit:

turbodrx7 07-30-07 02:16 PM

Thanks for the encouraging words :)

RotaryResurrection 07-30-07 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by turbodrx7 (Post 7186384)
All the parts have been sold, that is where kevin is out the $100 he claimed. I WILL BE POSTING HIS PMS SHORTLY WHERE HE STATED HE WOULD TAKE THE $100 HIT IF I TOOK THE STUFF BACK, $100 is $100, now or then is the same thing. We will let some people read both sides...

Don't sit here and act like you are going to bring forth some revelation...I have clearly stated this several times already.

Originally Posted by rotaryresurrection
Yes, I offered to take a $100 loss if you'd refund most of my money and the deal would have been done, I could have shipped your junk back to you and you could have dealt with selling the shit yourself.

Instead, I STILL took a $100 loss, PLUS I had to expend time and resources to recoup the rest of my investment by selling off the other junk.

It took me almost a month to get rid of everything. I also had to put several hours into listing, answering questions, making shipping labels, packing items, and trips to UPS that I would not otherwise have had to do. TIME IS MONEY, and I lost both no matter how you look at it.

Originally Posted by turbodrx7
Nobody likes to lose money, i know for sure i dont. So why would i lose money off a deal, that i was attempting to make money off of?

Why should I have had to lose money? You were the seller. You made the statements about the condition of the turbo. You packed and shipped the items. The world holds the SELLER responsible for these things. As the buyer, all I should have had to do was SIT BACK AND WAIT FOR MY PARTS TO SHOW UP, IN THE CONDITION STATED. IT's not my responsibility to worry about how much money I will be losing, nor is it my responsibility to sell your junk parts and recover my investment because you are too lazy to.

IF you had sent a "parts are sold without warranty, no refunds given" disclaimer before the money changed hands then you would have a valid reason to say the things you say.

charlies7 07-30-07 05:22 PM

LOL, this thread is too funny and pointless......

Landers: You get what you pay for, he took the pics that you requested and stood by the sale the entire time. What do you expect for 700 bucks?? He didnt know that the turbine wheel was chewed up, he pulled it off in working condition. He also took money off the intial asking price with the turbo having shaft play, 400 none the less.

Riz: This guy isnt a scammer, take it from me.:icon_tup: You have no idea of the situation, talk to him on the side and get the real story. In my mind he is by far credible and has had MANY great transactions on the forum. The kit was 700 dollars...remember that radaitor you sold??? Great example..you sold it at a steal of a price only because "you get what you pay for" remember?

rx7goomba: Well again...always there swinging..

K.ronic: ^^^ditto

Now as I grab MY cock hoping for a bashing..something for me to do tonight. You guys can bash me all you want, if you like. I just enjoy all nut swinging...but hey maybe you guys name calling and ripping on someone you DONT EVEN KNOW might get you a FREE *reliable* rebuild in the future woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good job...:uhh:


RotaryResurrection 07-30-07 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7187353)
LOL, this thread is too funny and pointless......

Landers: You get what you pay for, he took the pics that you requested and stood by the sale the entire time. What do you expect for 700 bucks?? He didnt know that the turbine wheel was chewed up, he pulled it off in working condition. He also took money off the intial asking price with the turbo having shaft play, 400 none the less.

I get what I pay for? What the fuck kind of justification is that? :uhh:

I should get what was described, which was a useable turbo kit. But I did not get that, did I. In fact, yes you are correct...I should get what I pay for. I paid for a useable turbo kit, and did not get it. By your own definition, I got a bad deal.

Can you imagine what would happen if I, as a well known and reputed seller, were to sell some part like this with this many major flaws? I would have my name smeared up and down this fucking forum and have people screaming bloody murder. People would say the buyer was in the right for complaining.

What's the difference? There is none...except that you and your little friend here are on the other side of the coin.

The condition of the turbo is not in dispute. What is shown above is not merely "some shaft play". It's called being fucking destroyed internally. No moving part of the turbo is reuseable, and the rebuild costs meet or exceed replacement cost. As for the turbine wheel being "in working condition" I just dont know what to say about that. I can take my car and bolt on a flat tire and a wheel with a chunk gone out of one side and force it to drive down the road a little ways...but it won't last long and it'll fuck something else up, and I wouldn't consider it 'working condition" just because it can be forced to work for a short period of time.

You are demonstrating your own level of knowledge and common sense by defending this stance.

FrankV702 07-30-07 11:24 PM

Scammer! :/ Why would you try to defend selling a turbo with a messed up compressor housing and chewed up rear turbine?? Are you blind? you didnt "notice" it was so messed up when you were trying to sell it? How can you bitch about the paypal fees? You ever read paypal? its a SELLERS FEE!! Not a buyers fee. Again, your bitching about losing money on paypal fees, and packing fees, and shipping fees. Yet you agreed on the price on selling him a "good working" turbo kit. Not some junked up piece of crap that was barely sold for for anything by Kevin to try to recouperate his losses (which he shouldnt have had to go thru in the first place).

I dont know Kevin personally, but I defintly know you were in the wrong here TurbodRx7. I would never EVER purchase anything from you and would definitly encourage friends of mine to stay away from anything you have.

Your one of those people that claims to have a good working product that your selling for "cheap". Then when the buyer gets it and its just an overpriced paperweight, you tell them. "Oh well, You got it for cheap. So deal with it"

turbodrx7 07-31-07 12:40 AM

Well frank, as i have stated before i dont want buisness from people like you... You really need to read before you type, how could i see a messed up turbine wheel when you can not see the damage without the turbine housing off...? So paypal is a sellers fee huh, thanks for helping what i said. Have you ever noticed that when you send money for an item, the fee does NOT show up on your side. Why would it show up on the buyers side while taking money out of the amount they recieve? Do i read paypal? You are a tool. What you extremely stupid guys are missing, is that i NEVER claimed this turbo kit in perfect conditon. I posted and said there was shaft play, and even dropped my price. Show me the words "good working" in my description

charlies7 07-31-07 01:38 AM

You got exactly what you payed for...You recieved everything that you asked for also..And in my opinion the turbo kit was in working order, just not to your standards. I've ran a turbo with a little bit of chewing on the turbine wheel and it worked just fine.

str8ryd 07-31-07 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7187353)
Riz: This guy isnt a scammer, take it from me.:icon_tup: You have no idea of the situation, talk to him on the side and get the real story. In my mind he is by far credible and has had MANY great transactions on the forum. The kit was 700 dollars...remember that radaitor you sold??? Great example..you sold it at a steal of a price only because "you get what you pay for" remember?


Well, I shouldn't have said "scammer." My mistake. I do understand the situation, my only problem is that:

1- He could have gotten out of this situation just as easily as he got in to i.e. refund the money -$100 and sold the parts himself.

2- Filed charges against the shipping company for damaging the wastegate and whatever else was damaged and packed improperly for shipping.

RE Radiator: Very true, but I also stated to the buyer at the time that I didn't know the condition (whether it works or not) and therefore my price reflected that.

turbodrx7 07-31-07 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7189415)
Well, I shouldn't have said "scammer." My mistake. I do understand the situation, my only problem is that:

1- He could have gotten out of this situation just as easily as he got in to i.e. refund the money -$100 and sold the parts himself.

2- Filed charges against the shipping company for damaging the wastegate and whatever else was damaged and packed improperly for shipping.

RE Radiator: Very true, but I also stated to the buyer at the time that I didn't know the condition (whether it works or not) and therefore my price reflected that.

1-I could not take the hit on money, if i did what kevin was offering, i would have still lost money, and i couldnt afford to do that at the time. Charges against the shipping company would have been next to useless, since the only thing broken were the wastegate nipples(which i offered to pay for) i dont know the radiator story, but as i have showed, when i found the shaft play, my price reflected that. I dropped it $400. In my head, kevin only wanted a steal of a turbo kit, and he didnt get one. What can you honestly expect for $700 when he himself just sold a hybrid turbo ALONE for what...$400? I have since found out that the turbo was a gt40 by precision turbo which is FAR better than a masterpower.

str8ryd 07-31-07 12:50 PM

Hey, I actually understand where you're coming from. I would've still filed claims for the wastegate and got the FULL refund for however much it costs new.

My advice to you next time: You have rights as a seller too. Use them! Mainly, being able to refuse a sale to anyone you don't deem qualified or wouldn't like to deal with. I'm usually willing to sell to everyone, but there are those few instances were I've flat-out refused. The buyers were giving me such a hard-time and hassle prior to anything being exchanged, I decided to move on with the sale instead.

classicauto 07-31-07 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by from FS thread
Turbo has a little shaft play, is journal bearing so it is supposed to have a bit. It does not blow oil, or smoke of any kind, and spools and boost fine.

From: https://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=659888

*disclaimer* everything in here is in a non-harsh tone, merely questions and observations.

I have no involvment in the situation but the quote above is where the problem has evolved from IMHO.

To me - that description indicates a USED, but still quite funcitonal turbo. Quite different from what was recieved. If I as a seller am going to sell an item (regardless of how cheap I sell it, cuz $700 is a pretty good steal) I need to have REAL solid descriptions that match my parts. <---edit: which means very clsoe inspection. Pulling the comp. cover off could've saved a lot of hassle and only taken 6 bolts and 10 minutes.

I see an incosistency here in one area. In your ad - you state it has some shaft play which you claim to be typical for a non-BB turbo (which is true, my new T04-R has a *TEENCY WEENCY* bit of in/out, but zero thrust play)........but if the play you discovered was "typical" and normal for a turbo of that type, why did you drop your price?

Next - You claim you bought the parts car, and parted it, nothing more or less. How did you know the turbo boosted fine or didn't smoke?

Aside from those couple questions, the only thing I have to say is this. You chose your asking price of $700. Your description says "boosts fine and doesn't smoke". If Kevin wasn't happy with the purchase, why didn't you take the turbo etc. back, and re-sell it again at that price taking only the loss of shipping (or maybe having kevin eat the shipping as he seemed willing to take SOME type of loss) since you indeed believed the turbo to be worth the money? If it REALLY is worth $700, why didn't you just take it back and sell it again?

EDIT: I see no wrong doing here, just some crossed wires.

charlies7 07-31-07 01:02 PM

I see no wrong doing also on BOTH parties, just they both didnt cover there ass. We all know that Landers likes things in TOP NOTCH quality, like everyone else, however he never asked for pictures of the wheels. If i was the seller i would only take pictures if requested upon. Turbodrx7 believed the turbo was fine, he gave kevin some money back, kevin still wasnt satisfied. All in all this thread is pointless, both parties fucked up and didnt cover eachother. For all you sellers/buyers make sure you ask the right questions.

turbodrx7 07-31-07 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by classicauto (Post 7190289)
From: https://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=659888

*disclaimer* everything in here is in a non-harsh tone, merely questions and observations.

I have no involvment in the situation but the quote above is where the problem has evolved from IMHO.

To me - that description indicates a USED, but still quite funcitonal turbo. Quite different from what was recieved. If I as a seller am going to sell an item (regardless of how cheap I sell it, cuz $700 is a pretty good steal) I need to have REAL solid descriptions that match my parts. <---edit: which means very clsoe inspection. Pulling the comp. cover off could've saved a lot of hassle and only taken 6 bolts and 10 minutes.

I see an incosistency here in one area. In your ad - you state it has some shaft play which you claim to be typical for a non-BB turbo (which is true, my new T04-R has a *TEENCY WEENCY* bit of in/out, but zero thrust play)........but if the play you discovered was "typical" and normal for a turbo of that type, why did you drop your price?

Next - You claim you bought the parts car, and parted it, nothing more or less. How did you know the turbo boosted fine or didn't smoke?

Aside from those couple questions, the only thing I have to say is this. You chose your asking price of $700. Your description says "boosts fine and doesn't smoke". If Kevin wasn't happy with the purchase, why didn't you take the turbo etc. back, and re-sell it again at that price taking only the loss of shipping (or maybe having kevin eat the shipping as he seemed willing to take SOME type of loss) since you indeed believed the turbo to be worth the money? If it REALLY is worth $700, why didn't you just take it back and sell it again?

EDIT: I see no wrong doing here, just some crossed wires.

I dropped my price because before i had checked, i assumed it had NONE, but then found some. At that point, people get scared when they see shaftplay, its known, so i dropped my price to reflect that. I know it spools and boosts fine because i had ridden in the car previous to buying it. It spools to a good 15psi, held and pulled HARD, with not a puff of smoke out the back. I didnt want it, flat out, i wanted it gone, i had PILES of parts in my room. I gave kevin a HELL of a deal, and i do not feel i "screwed" him. I knew the turbo would NEVER fetch a fair amount after discovering what kevin showed me, which was my reason for giving the refund. With my refund, and him selling the stuff, he came out pretty close to the same place he would have had he taken the hit with shipping.

charlies7 07-31-07 03:10 PM

^ no worries, you didnt screw him. You did sell him a useable turbo kit, he got what he asked for but wasnt happy with the product. If you knew the wheels were shot then you would be claimed an asshole but since you didnt know and you werent asked to take pictures your not :) :icon_tup:

Ask a mod to close this thread. Its just going to get filled with more useless information and name calling from other people :uhh:

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