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-   -   Got scammed by Cory Fellows - ALERT (https://www.rx7club.com/bad-fugly-members-185/got-scammed-cory-fellows-alert-617959/)

honey4sd 03-13-08 04:11 PM

Hello everyone. Sadly to say I found this website AFTER I was screwed out of $3,000. I have gone to the police with everything and they told me their isnt much I could do. Cory seemed like such a good person but he had everone fooled. All he does is lie. I have been to two of what he said were his "sisters" houses and his moms house. Im trying to get help from anyone I can. I just want him to be put away so he will never to this again. SO if their is anything I can do to help or if you need more information from me feel free to ask!

MaczPayne 03-13-08 04:13 PM

What was your relation to Cory? I feel for your loss, this guy needs to be stopped, and fast!

honey4sd 03-14-08 01:19 PM

Well I first met Cory where I work and we started hanging out, kind of dating. He instantly lead me to believe that his intentions were sincere. He met my parents, I met his mom. Then he fed me all the " I love you". He basically told me everything a girl could ever want to hear. He then said that he wanted me to move in with him in a condo on the riverfront which his mom owned. LIE. He told me that we would move in together after he got back from Colorado, he was going their for work. He then told me that he needed new snowboarding stuff for his trip and that he also needed a new laptop for the job he was going to be doing. He asked if he could "barrow" the money from me just until he got back cause he would be getting paid when he was done. SO me being the nice person that I am bought him everything he needed for his trip, snowboard, boots, bindings, ugly orange and black jacket, basically everything you need for snow boarding.

**Usually I am not this weak of a person giving in to some guys request for me to buy him stuff but I had just left my husband of four years and was very vulnerable at the time. I also had no where to live so when Cory said something about moving in with him I thought all my problems were solved. **

So after running around buying him all the snowboarding stuff he needed he then told me that he needed a laptop, we were off to best buy. Keep in mind that everything that I had paid for he said he would be paying me back when he got paid and that it wasnt me buying this stuff but him and it was for "US". So we went and picked out a laptop, during this process he decided that "we" needed a 42" Samsung flatscreen tv to go in "our" new place. In the end I paid for everything which turned out to be around $3000-$4000. He always said not to worry how much stuff was that he would pay for everything. I never saw any of the money and when I confronted him about it he played stupid and was like "what those were gifts" then told me that he moved to Colorado and that if I wanted the stuff back I could go there and get it myself otherwise I could go F*** myself. Nice huh? I have receipts for everything and have none of it.

I can not believe how many lies one person can tell. The worst part is every time I asked him about the money he made ME feel like I was being mean, only careing about money and not him. At one point he even told me that he was dying and he acted like he had a seizure!!

Im sorry if this message is alittle scattered but alot of stuff happened and I was just trying to put the most important information out there so people know what happened with me and the parasite we call Cory.

If anyone has any information that might help me out or if their is anything I can help anyone with let me know, I want to be apart of taking this bastard DOWN!!

honey4sd 03-14-08 01:28 PM

The website says I need to make 3 post to be able to do PM so this is just my third one, everyone can ignore it,lol.

nick_the_guy 03-14-08 05:13 PM

Cory Fellows - Wanted Poster
Please share this poster on every car, motorcycle and snowboarding forum that you can. The wanted poster has photos with distinguishing tattoos, height, weight and birth date. The investigators' contact information is also included.

-- Hang on, attachment is too big.


GoodfellaFD3S 03-18-08 09:44 PM

Wow, it seems like this guy really take the cake.......

nick_the_guy 03-19-08 04:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Resized the photo so the wanted poster would meet the attachment maximum size. Please distribute on every forum that you can. Thanks.

MaczPayne 03-19-08 04:34 PM

Hey Nick, go ahead and send a copy to RX7Doctor as well.

rx7roller02 03-19-08 11:29 PM

posted on SCCOA.com and Stangnet forums, in the northwest sections

alloutFD 03-21-08 01:52 PM

ill make sure to stay clear thanx!!!...

gotscrewed 03-24-08 01:35 PM

Help catch Cory Fellows
Hey there everyone
So it is a slow day at work and I had an idea to make a myspace simply dedicated to catching Cory Fellows. I will leave the link for the myspace page on here and I encourage you all to add the page onto your friends list as well as encourage everyone you know to do the same. We need to catch Cory and soon! If anyone has any questions or comments about this or anything else leave them here, on the myspace page or on myspace page. I am on the friends list. Thanks everyone, have a good day!


gotscrewed 03-25-08 11:36 AM

Hey there again guys. I know I posted about the Catch Cory Fellows myspace that was made in his behalf yesterday :) but I wanted to stress the importance of passing around this myspace link. The more friends this profile has the more information we can get regarding Mr.Cory Fellows. We need this page to spread like wildfire so that this guy is caught and *soon*. You are 100% open to emailing myself (my myspace is on the friends list under Emily) or you can email any information to me or any of the detectives at catchcoryf@yahoo.com and I will give you my number if that is more comfortable for you all. Let me know, thank you all very much and I hope to talk to you soon!

Sprockett 03-26-08 07:25 AM

That fucker needs to be stopped. People like that will live their entire lives fucking over other people...they're leeches and viruses and need to be eliminated from society.

Good luck Emily.

GoodfellaFD3S 03-26-08 08:33 AM

On a positive note, your daughter's very cute Emily :)

gotscrewed 03-26-08 01:26 PM

he will definitely live the rest of his life screwing people over, you're right about that!
and thank you, my daughter is my life...unfortunately she refers to Cory as "the guy who stole my mommys money" booooo. have a good day folks :)

MaczPayne 03-26-08 05:44 PM

You live, you learn. I know I did. Karma will get him someday.

gotscrewed 03-28-08 11:01 AM

Good news everyone....Cory Fellows has been CAUGHT! :)
Everyone who has a case against him should get their information together and give it to one of the detectives or even myself and i can pass it along....that info needs to go to the prosecutor. say your prayers they dont let this slide guys...that he gets put away for an incredibly long time!!!
im driving to vancouver, wa today to hand them all my info anyone close by should think about doing the same
have a good day!

gotscrewed 03-29-08 01:04 AM

Attention Everyone!
what a LONG FUCKING DAY! i drove to vancouver in a snow storm and when i got to the place Cory was supposed to be at I was informed that he jumped out of a moving car and was well...gone. So in the end, after 4 hours of searching and some phone calls :) the little was caught. there is more to the story, but you all get the idea!

this guy is the cockiest, nasiest, most tweaked out in the damn world. gross.

old_skool 03-29-08 02:40 AM

if he bails again...i'll make a couple calls ;)

to some not so nice people who can find ANYONE...

Snack 03-29-08 02:56 AM

1haha owned!

anotherone 03-30-08 11:43 AM

this kid is garbage. who all is going to court on monday?

anotherone 03-30-08 11:44 AM

how many people in this forum has he scammed?

gotscrewed 03-30-08 11:46 AM

why am i not able to edit my posts here?

MaczPayne 03-30-08 01:44 PM

After a certain time has passed since a post, you will not be able to edit it anymore.

honey4sd 03-31-08 12:06 AM

does anyone know what time we are supposed to be there and where?

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