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rx7bomex 12-08-06 04:42 AM

i have no need to resort to pms as i am telling the truth and allways have been

GoodfellaFD3S 12-08-06 07:49 AM

Something about this whole situation smells like shit to me. Getting that fake 'apology' PM is really odd, because it definitely came from the guy's user account, it wasn't a made up account....

Do you know what I'd like to see? The hard copy of your invoice sent from your bank. Snap a picture of that showing the refund.

rx7bomex 12-08-06 08:24 AM

i have been 100% upfront about all this
all the screenshots and email from paypal are correct..goodfella i will fwdd u the email sent by paypal confirming no refund ever made from this guy

GoodfellaFD3S 12-08-06 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by rx7bomex
i have been 100% upfront about all this
all the screenshots and email from paypal are correct..goodfella i will fwdd u the email sent by paypal confirming no refund ever made from this guy

why don't you post up a screenshot for us all to look at?

rx7bomex 12-08-06 08:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hope this works
better size on next one
honestly i ordered and paid
1/first backorder
2/then sent usps no insurance no tracking amd no proof of posting???
3/no idea where it was
4/after weeks of waffle claimed turbo sent to wrong guy who hadnt ordered one??
5/waiting for turbo to come back from wrong guy??then will offer refund
6/got fed up and filed a claim with paypal
7/more waffle that he had refunded me
8/paypal confirmed time and again by email and phone no refund and restriction on paypal account and no funds avail
9/then he claims i gave wrong address when everyone knows the delivery address shows on paypal
10/altered his invoice after i posted the copy lifted from dctuner.com(his site)my address and billing address alterd.he only claimed i gave wrong address after i posted the invoice
11/he has since deleted my access to that invoice
i have hidden nothing

rx7bomex 12-08-06 08:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hope this is clearer

Mahjik 12-08-06 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S
Something about this whole situation smells like shit to me. Getting that fake 'apology' PM is really odd, because it definitely came from the guy's user account, it wasn't a made up account....

Do you know what I'd like to see? The hard copy of your invoice sent from your bank. Snap a picture of that showing the refund.

This whole thing is a mess and should have been handled a long time ago, differently, from both sides. Both sides are talking the "short road" by saying "I refunded the money" and then "I don't have any money". Nobody is asking Paypal where this supposed "refund" ended up and that's the disconnect.

The refunder needs to verify with Paypal that funds were removed from his account and to what account they went to with Paypal. That will get half of the ball rolling. Then they can verify that the funds either did or didn't get to the proper account. Anything less at this point is pointless.

Heisenberg 12-08-06 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by Mahjik
This whole thing is a mess and should have been handled a long time ago, differently, from both sides. Both sides are talking the "short road" by saying "I refunded the money" and then "I don't have any money". Nobody is asking Paypal where this supposed "refund" ended up and that's the disconnect.

The refunder needs to verify with Paypal that funds were removed from his account and to what account they went to with Paypal. That will get half of the ball rolling. Then they can verify that the funds either did or didn't get to the proper account. Anything less at this point is pointless.

I agree. I think Rx7Bomex has a great case here. I know i have my mailing adress set on Paypal so how did the seller get the wrong shipping adress?? Also what seller in there right mind would ship a $950 turbo overseas with no tracking information.

Plus Rx7Bomex has what appears to be a recent email from paypal showing they would take the funds from his account if it had funds. At this point if i was a buisness owner i would try and rectify the situation.

rx7bomex 12-08-06 10:57 AM

the prob is i am telling the truth and greg isnt paypal have confirmed no funds were avail to refund me in the first place

Mahjik 12-08-06 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by rx7bomex
the prob is i am telling the truth and greg isnt paypal have confirmed no funds were avail to refund me in the first place

The problem is both of you have handled this wrong. Jumping into every thread saying "give me my money" isn't the right solution. That's just going to annoy him and make him ignore you, which he did. When he first told you that he refunded the money and you noticed you didn't receive it, your first response should have been to have Paypal verify that his account was in fact debited and figure out where did it go.

If his account was in fact debited, I wouldn't want to send out another $950 either. If for some reason, the account was never debited, then you need to find out why. Both of you have "pictures" showing that:

1. The transaction was reversed
2. No funds received

You keep missing the fact that you are using a 3rd Party "Paypal" to make all this happen. Figure out where the disconnect happened between #1 and #2. It's possible that Paypal shows the transaction reversed but failed on actually getting the money. However, you need to talk to Paypal about that, not bicker on this forum.

rx7bomex 12-08-06 11:46 AM

sorry i aggree on this not being the best place but i think ur missing the point..he never sent the goods in the first place and then claimed all kinds of rubbish..paypal have in my previous email confirmed no funds avail and no refund has ever been made to me and that they have placed restrictions on his account
would someone who is telling the truth rush to alter ythe orig invoice and input ficticious adddress and billing address and claim i didnt know my own address and gave a wrong one even though paypal payment has my billing address...this was back in august he scammed me and never had any intention of supplying the turbo or a refund
he took my money never supplied the goods and then claimed a refund had been done and dont forget i have phoned paypal 5 times and told every time no refund has ever been issued and restrictions have been placed on his account and have had at least 4 emails confirming the same thing .paypal address appeared on ,my payment do u honestly blve i then told him wrong address and billing addrss(why would i for gods sake)..my screenshots show my account activity and all it shows are my payment to him

Mahjik 12-08-06 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by rx7bomex
sorry i aggree on this not being the best place but i think ur missing the point..he never sent the goods in the first place and then claimed all kinds of rubbish..paypal have in my previous email confirmed no funds avail and no refund has ever been made to me and that they have placed restrictions on his account
would someone who is telling the truth rush to alter ythe orig invoice and input ficticious adddress and billing address and claim i didnt know my own address and gave a wrong one even though paypal payment has my billing address...this was back in august he scammed me and never had any intention of supplying the turbo or a refund

Did you look at his PayPal screenshot showing the transaction reversed?

rx7bomex 12-08-06 11:54 AM

how can i blve that image when he has lied thru his teeth all along...as god is my witness would i go to this trouble to fraudently obtain a second refund that paypal could then have me prosecuted for

would an honest man alter the invoice just after i had posted the orig to expose his lie about having the wrong delivery address
would an honest man claim to send a 950 dollar turbo with no ins no tracking and no proof of posting
i will never get my money back but i will make sure he doesnt scam anyone else like he did me
just ask yourself why would i be so unhappy if i had had the refund

Mahjik 12-08-06 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by rx7bomex
how can i blve that image

Same thing on your end. How can he believe your images and that you aren't trying to get another $950 from him?

Do you see how that works? You need to verify with the 3rd Party whether or not the money was debited from his account. End of story. Without that, both sides can post up images all they want but neither side will believe the other.

rx7bomex 12-08-06 12:10 PM

he knows he hasnt refunded me so does paypal they have told me and if he rung paypal they would tell him the same..the whole point is he conned me not the other way round and if u guys want to trust him then please go ahead
does anyone on this planet think paypal have pinched the 950.00 dollars because i sure as hell dont have it and only he can rectify that situation and he wont
what is the point him ringing paypal he knows he hasnt refunded me..i challenge him to get paypal to confirm where the 950.00 dollar refund has gone because i have indisputible proof it wasnt to me
pls bear in mind i would be prosecuted for fraudently obtaining a duplicate refund and obtaining goods(ie money by deception)which would hardly be in my best interest would it

Mahjik 12-08-06 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by rx7bomex
pls bear in mind i would be prosecuted for fraudently obtaining a duplicate refund and obtaining goods(ie money by deception)which would hardly be in my best interest would it

If caught, yes. But it happens all the time.

But, the problem, for the forum is that:

1. There are two sides to each story
2. In this case, both sides have posted "images" showing their position
3. Nobody here but you two can work it out

How does anyone here on this forum know (or why should they care) which images are correct or fake? Again, since you are using a 3rd Party transfer system (i.e. Paypal), it may also be a technical glitch that happened thus making you both right (i.e. he refunded the money, and you never got it). However you aren't going to figure that out here on the RX7 Forum as this is not Paypal.

My suggestion to you is to contact the Better Business Bureau online where the store is based (i.e. if its California based, Google for "California Better Business Bureau") or start here: http://www.bbb.org/ . They have online forums to complete for complaints.

tdazmansFD 12-08-06 02:27 PM

Even if it was a mistake with the third party, what about all of the "BS" PM's going to various forum members?
Something Stinks!
I would'nt do business with any of you two.

GregFD3S 12-08-06 06:08 PM

rx7bomex This message is hidden because rx7bomex is on your ignore list.
I keep on giving him my phone number but he dosent call me. this cant be resolved on a forum, and id like to get back to talking about my FD build up.

Heath 12-08-06 09:54 PM

It seems odd that rx7bomex would feel the need to take it this far if he were indeed looking for another $950.
1.3- where is the proof of shipping? Being a business don't you keep records? Do you have a shipping account? Fishy as hell!
At this point I gotta say rx7bomex has my support on this.....not that it matters what I think but I find it very strange no insurance was provided. I don't think it ever shipped.
That's all I'll say. I hope it gets resolved and the rightful person ends up with the $

rx7bomex 12-08-06 11:51 PM

tks heath i know i am never going to get my money back that isnt the point.i have been cheated plain and simple greg has not been honest in his dealings and everything that could be said has been said so what wld be the point in phoning and having a slagging match i gave him my no at work and his reply was he was going to bed but stayed on the forum a long time after
you understand my point of why in gods name wld i pursue a 2nd fraudulent traceable transaction that paypal uk could prosecute me for
greg came on here and i recognised his bullshit and sought to highlight his economy with the truth..everyone here knows u can never reach 500whp with a .82 hot side anyway u wld need to be running so much boost ur intake temps wld rocket and turbo wld prob fry......


mirabile 12-09-06 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by 1.3 liter V8 eater
I keep on giving him my phone number but he dosent call me. this cant be resolved on a forum, and id like to get back to talking about my FD build up.

Are there any satisfied customers? Above you said you have sold a bunch of these turbos...always good to get things like this on the forum to prevent scams, so I think this is a good medium for it all.

tdazmansFD 12-09-06 12:11 AM

I find it odd that this Transaction happened in August and 1.3 registered on the forum in September, but yet RX7Bomex seemed to track him down still. Weird Eh?

Now...Back to Topic

Monkman33 12-09-06 12:21 AM

So... will that turbo even flow enough to support 450 hp?

rx7bomex 12-09-06 12:51 AM

the spec i ordered but was never supplied or refunded for was coincedentaly the same a gregs new turbo

gt3540 .82ar hot side and 3inch v band so is prob my turbo
on full spec streetport/550/1600inj/skyline pump/uprated fpr etc 380 at wheels at 1.1 was best i could get
i ordered the .82 for quicker spool but this will never handlr 500whp
i read this thread but as soon as i read first post i realised it was none other than my cheating friend greg
i am not out to ruin his thread blve me but when someone suckers u for 950.00 it leaves a very bitter taste and only a lunatic wld give themself so much agro to try and get a fraudulent traceable and arrestable 2nd refund dont u agree

rx7bomex 12-09-06 01:09 AM

i dont think gred wld try this on with anyone in the states as too much danger of someone turning up and giving him a smack
i think he needed a turbo for his car and i was the ideal candidate to tuck up
too far away to turn up on his doorstep and able to create sufficient doubt to people on that side of the pond
my guess is that he is using the turbo i paid for as it is the exact same spec i ordered in august and then he suddenly announced he has a new gt35/40r like i ordered to put on his car weeks later.no one looking for big power wld order a turbo with a .82ar hot side as it simply cant flow well enough it will be ok with supporting mods up to 400whp but very little more
i had a 1.06 hot side before switching to .82 and the 1.06 managed 418whp at 1.1 so the .82 will never manage it
but i suppose when u are getting the turbo for free you cant really complain can you

mirabile 12-09-06 01:37 AM

man this dude is pissed, seems past a free refund now. I wouldnt be surprised if he came to visit the old US of A

tdazmansFD 12-09-06 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by mirabile
man this dude is pissed, seems past a free refund now. I wouldnt be surprised if he came to visit the old US of A

Seems like every time I log onto the Forum this threads at the top and He's the last one to post something lol!
I feel really bad for you man. And not just because of the money! But because it seems as though your life has come to an end.
Come on man...Pull yourself together!! :molepoke:
Unfortunately You're not the only one on here that's (Allegedly) lost money to another member here.
I wish you Gentleman good luck in working this out. :cuddle:

So....Can we have our Forum back now? :)

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:14 AM

i have posted a bit about the 500whp prospect and i would love to shake gregs hand.i admit i would like him to be dangling from san franciscos bridge at the time and all he has to do is give me my hard earned 950.00 dollars back

GregFD3S 12-09-06 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by Heath
It seems odd that rx7bomex would feel the need to take it this far if he were indeed looking for another $950.
1.3- where is the proof of shipping? Being a business don't you keep records? Do you have a shipping account? Fishy as hell!
At this point I gotta say rx7bomex has my support on this.....not that it matters what I think but I find it very strange no insurance was provided. I don't think it ever shipped.
That's all I'll say. I hope it gets resolved and the rightful person ends up with the $

The insurance was offered but its optional, Paul (RX7veilslide) chose not to pay the extra to insure it. Insurance is not the case here, because we got the turbo back to our shop after about 2 weeks, which is why we refunded him his money.

Reciepts are usually stored, but that is done by somebody else. Eric is in charge of shipping. We usually keep the reciepts/tracking on file that way they are there for when a customer requests it. I gave him eric's email address to get the tracking number, and according to eric, paul never contacted him.

Im tired of talking about this, its exhausting because im covering the same ground over and over again. I put rx7veilslide on my ignore list because he dosent do anything except pm me and harass me.

look, i am a small business owner and I dont make my money ripping people off.

GregFD3S 12-09-06 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by tdazmansFD
I find it odd that this Transaction happened in August and 1.3 registered on the forum in September, but yet RX7Bomex seemed to track him down still. Weird Eh?

Now...Back to Topic

yea, i bought my RX7 in september, whats your point?

GregFD3S 12-09-06 03:20 AM

i dont think gred wld try this on with anyone in the states as too much danger of someone turning up and giving him a smack
i think he needed a turbo for his car and i was the ideal candidate to tuck up
too far away to turn up on his doorstep and able to create sufficient doubt to people on that side of the pond
my guess is that he is using the turbo i paid for as it is the exact same spec i ordered in august and then he suddenly announced he has a new gt35/40r like i ordered to put on his car weeks later.no one looking for big power wld order a turbo with a .82ar hot side as it simply cant flow well enough it will be ok with supporting mods up to 400whp but very little more
i had a 1.06 hot side before switching to .82 and the 1.06 managed 418whp at 1.1 so the .82 will never manage it
but i suppose when u are getting the turbo for free you cant really complain can you
First off... i BOUGHT the car with the GT3540R on it
Secondly... You bought a GT3582R, not a GT3540R, theres a difference.

Your turbo was sold the same week I issued you your refund, because you diddnt give me the right address.

GregFD3S 12-09-06 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by mirabile
Are there any satisfied customers? Above you said you have sold a bunch of these turbos...always good to get things like this on the forum to prevent scams, so I think this is a good medium for it all.

I can email atleast 50 people that have ordered Garrett turbos from me, GT12, GT28, GT30, GT35, T04Z, T3T4, etc.

If it was professional to have them defend me, I would do it. But I cant just ask a bunch of my happy customers to "defend" me in a childish flame war against an unsatisfied "customer".

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:30 AM

greg stop inhaling exhaust fumes the turbo was a 3540r we emailed each other several times to confirm as it was the one u listed on ebay
i never ordered a gt3582 whatever that is
so now u say i ordered completely the wrong turbo for my car i also gave completely the wrong address and i also gave the completely wrong billing address
does anyone on the planet blve i made all 3 mistakes
i know what i ordered i know where i live and i know the billing address
you wld have people blve i dont know all of these things

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:34 AM

the lies are flowing thick and fast
eric(the doughnut)and i had numerous mails after u informed me he had sent is usps with no tracking and no insurance
when i did ask for the shipping proof he became a mute
i specifically rqsd ups or fedex insured shipping as u well know
keep on lying greg as u are tying yourself in knots and making no sense at all

GregFD3S 12-09-06 03:47 AM

Originally Posted by still on ignore
the lies are flowing thick and fast
eric(the doughnut)and i had numerous mails after u informed me he had sent is usps with no tracking and no insurance
when i did ask for the shipping proof he became a mute
i specifically rqsd ups or fedex insured shipping as u well know
keep on lying greg as u are tying yourself in knots and making no sense at all

Eric said he never spoke with you after he said he shipped it. Just FYI, We offered insurance and you denied it. Tracking (or delivery conformation, as what USPS calls it) also cost extra when you use USPS, which you did not pay us for.

I have nothing to hide, everything I know is correct, and Eric isnt a liar.

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:47 AM

has anyone in rx7 history fitted a gt3582 i doubt it everyone knows the acceptable turbos for a rx7 ad gt3540r is one of them not a 3582

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here a screenshot of the paypal dispute in which u refer to the gt35r nothing about a gt3582 here u story teller

rx7bomex 12-09-06 03:58 AM

feel free to ring me greg like i said 208 750 8321 we can settle this as i am at work all day today

GregFD3S 12-09-06 04:07 AM

This message is hidden because rx7bomex is on your ignore list.
I dont know what hes saying still but if you need any proof pm me. Paul, like I said many times before, you can call me at any time to discuss this like men. 1 (408) 782-7504

rx7bomex 12-09-06 04:21 AM

greg what could u possibly say after all these lies i am at work u have my no call me tell me u are issuing my refund and our business is concluded i dont see that talking on the phone wld determine about us being men
you have made yourself look silly now claiming i
a/do not know my own address
b/dont know my billing address
3/dont know which turbo i ordered
and now u suddenly say i didnt pay for ins or tracking you have told so many lies and keep forgetting things
you can make me go away simply by giving me my money

of course i am harassing u what do u expect after stealing my money u numnut

AnthonyNYC 12-09-06 05:34 AM

Just call each other and work this out. Why not have a 3way conversation with Paypal and see if the money was credited? You are at work so call him and then call paypal.

1.3, if you are a small business owner, then work this out fast since most reading these posts will be somewhat reluctant to buy from you. He is so persistent in getting his money back that it does not seem logical that he "has" the money and is just doing this for fun.

Work this out and the next posts should be dyno sheets showing 501 HP :)


rx7bomex 12-09-06 05:48 AM

anthony very good advice mate but work arent going to swallow me using the phone to intl call for pers use
secondly plain and simply put greg is lying and so pointless calling paypal again i have called them 5 times and emailed them numerous times and the answer is allways the same

no refund has ever been issued to me
as u see from gregs posts he keeps trying to add more lies
as a rational adult do u think it is likely
a/i would take all this trouble to get a fraudulent 2nd refund
b/i dont know my delivery address
c/i dont know my billing address
d/i dont know what turbo i ordered
and suddenly i said dont insure or track it when the shipping charge was flat rate on his site and i specifically rqstd ups or fedex insured shipping even though this would result in me paying import duty and vat amounting to 23% extra my end
i have purchased from 3 other us vendors and all have shipped insured and tracked and i have paid the duty this end
would i honestly ask for a 950.00 dollar item to be shipped by basic shipping not even expedited with no tracking and no insurance and no proof of posting I WLD HAVE TO BE A LUNATIC TO GIVE MYSELF THIS MUCH GRIEF IF I HADNT BEEN SHAFTED

rx7bomex 12-09-06 05:50 AM

and regard the dyno sheet if its as ficticous as my refund my guess it will be fron santa claus tuning house :MissileSm

Mahjik 12-09-06 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by AnthonyNYC
Just call each other and work this out. Why not have a 3way conversation with Paypal and see if the money was credited? You are at work so call him and then call paypal.

Another voice of reason. ;)

1.3 liter V8 eater, take him off your ignore list and just deal with it. He obviously not going anywhere.

Originally Posted by rx7bomex

Those are the exact comments that are going to delay your refund that much longer. Stop acting like a spoiled kid and call him on the phone. Have him verify with Paypal "where" this refund went to and go from there.

rx7bomex 12-09-06 08:58 AM

ok forget all the bad blood
please greg can u ring paypal and tell me and anyone else who they paid the refund to that u claim was taken from your account and i will stop hassling as soon as it appears in my account

GregFD3S 12-09-06 04:28 PM

1 (408) 782-6504

GregFD3S 12-09-06 09:34 PM

5 Attachment(s)
I just updated the pics :D

KeloidJonesJr. 12-09-06 09:44 PM

Glad you're staying with the rotary.

GregFD3S 12-09-06 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by eatmyclutch
Glad you're staying with the rotary.

why would I get rid of it? :D

tdazmansFD 12-09-06 10:34 PM

I'm not sure if you mentioned it before and I'd rather not start reading the thread again but,
What are your goals for 500whp?
Are you planning on achieving this on Pump gas, Race, meth or combination of both? It seems like a rather large expectation but would be nice to see it happen.

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