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CCarlisi 06-29-02 06:05 PM

ran over a deer, what did I break?
Hey guys, I did the search and came up empty handed.
I ran over a deer(that the car in front of me nailed). The passanger side went over it front and rear, using up all available wheel travel and then some. Now my steering feels completely dead on center for a good 3 degrees each way, I get really bad shuddering over bumps, and it drifts a half lane at a time on rough corners. Dave (at KD) doesn't have time to look at it until sept.

Does anybody have any ideas of what the problem(s) could be? Could a mazda dealer diagnose it-seems like a general automotive problem, but I'm not sure they would know what a "normal" properly functioning FD feels like.......ok well nobody does, but at least one that doesn't have any steering problems.

Any ideas?


-Chris C.

CCarlisi 06-29-02 06:50 PM

ok here's an easy one-the deer was definately damaged and will probably need to be replaced....

paw140 06-29-02 07:03 PM

I would think a mazda dealer, or any suspension repair place would be able to figure out the problem. Its a general car problem that a non RX7 shop *should* be able to handle. I mean, bent suspension components should be pretty obvious. It probably needs an alignment too.

ShotCaller 06-29-02 07:12 PM

I smell salvage title on the deer :(

cmartinp28 06-29-02 07:12 PM

dont go to the dealer........ cuz they will only replace anything that is not working properly with expensive stock parts........ you're better off bringin it to a performance shop..... not necessarily rotary related...... and upgrade, might be cheaper that way

Van Sema 06-29-02 07:15 PM

Well ... I'd say stick it in the garage and don't drive it until september when Dave can check it out. I wouldn't risk taking it to a mazda dealership. I would definitely check into other rx7 shops close to you ... PFS maybe?

Hope you have a beater car that you can drive in the mean time.

Good luck

Silex 06-29-02 07:24 PM

Man you broke the deer. Heard those go for a pretty penny underground.

cmartinp28 06-29-02 07:25 PM

true........ sell it to the nearest chinese restaurant...... maybe you'll be able to cover the cost of the damages

Cap'nWankel 06-29-02 07:28 PM

Prolly his legs at least

cmartinp28 06-29-02 07:30 PM

holy shit...... maybe you can even make one of those displays where the deer's head is poppin out...... and hang it in your living room!!!!!!!!

turbojeff 06-29-02 07:31 PM

The bottom of the FD doesn't really have much hanging down.

As far as your funny steering that might be a bent tie rod. FD tie rods bend/break easily when they hit something. The vibration might be a bent wheel, I can't really imagine that a deer would bend a wheel though.

I'd also check the sway bar mount and radiator. Several under body covers could get broken or bent. First and foremost would be the one under the engine.

Otherwise there isn't really a lot to bend down there via impact with deer laying on pavement.

Just be glad it wasn't standing up!


cmartinp28 06-29-02 07:35 PM

what kind of rx7 did you drive..... cuz i dont think i can run over a deer on my fd...... too low to the ground...... probably would get pushed to the side or soemtrhing..... and if it was standing up..... maybe i can go underneath it like fast and the furious .....hehe

wozzoom 06-29-02 07:51 PM

I'd strongly recommend you check the radiator and coolers in the front before you drive the car anymore. Fur is not adventagous to cooling. You don't want to overheat and make the situation worse.

CCarlisi 06-29-02 08:00 PM

I drive a 94 touring, and the deer didn't exactly slide under the car. The car ahead of me took the kill and I hit the aftermath. I was going about 65 when I nailed it so everything happened prettty fast, but I do believe the passagner side was airborn for a split second. No body damage except a couple broken R1 spoiler mounting bolts.

A bunch of people have suggested tie rods. If that is the problem, will they be visibly damaged? If not how can I tell if they're ok.

Van, I'll pass on going to PFS, remember I was the one that did all the research for Gordon's case:) Needless to say I don't think I'm on Peter's christmas card list for that reason!

Thanks to everybody that replied, I'll post back after I get it on a lift.

-Chris C.

JONSKI 06-29-02 08:41 PM


FD3S LIGHTNING 06-29-02 09:29 PM

I'm just shocked that the front of your bumper isn't bent or cracked. I mean... a deer isn't exactly a small animal like a cat or dog

turbojeff 06-29-02 09:59 PM

Originally posted by CCarlisi
I drive a 94 touring, and the deer didn't exactly slide under the car. The car ahead of me took the kill and I hit the aftermath. I was going about 65 when I nailed it so everything happened prettty fast, but I do believe the passagner side was airborn for a split second. No body damage except a couple broken R1 spoiler mounting bolts.

A bunch of people have suggested tie rods. If that is the problem, will they be visibly damaged? If not how can I tell if they're ok.

Van, I'll pass on going to PFS, remember I was the one that did all the research for Gordon's case:) Needless to say I don't think I'm on Peter's christmas card list for that reason!

Thanks to everybody that replied, I'll post back after I get it on a lift.

-Chris C.

The tie rod would be visibly bent, most likely right at the end where it meets the tie rod end (wheel side). They seem to always bend there from impact.

It should be easy to see any bending in the tie rod. If you look at it and it looks straight keep looking around.

The lower control arm is strong as hell, I can't imagine that was bent.


CCarlisi 07-16-02 12:03 PM

well I had one shop check it out and they couldn't find anything wrong with the tie rods. I am taking it to a mazda dealer in NJ this friday to have an alignment and visual inspection done. Hopefully something will turn up.

Turbonut 07-16-02 12:58 PM

Hopefully it isn't too bad. My daughter struck a dead deer in an Eclipse...Pushed left wheel back @ 3 " and caved in the oil pan. If you struck the head, it's like hitting a curb @ 60mph. Mazda control arm a lot stronger, however, I would take a good look at the wheel, especially if you're going to travel to NJ. The stock wheels had a problem with the outer part of the wheel detaching from the center spokes during racing. I still remember a picture in Autoweek of a 7 demolished when the stock wheel broke.

mightyslash 07-16-02 01:06 PM

Originally posted by CCarlisi
I drive a 94 touring, and the deer didn't exactly slide under the car. The car ahead of me took the kill and I hit the aftermath. I was going about 65 when I nailed it so everything happened prettty fast, but I do believe the passagner side was airborn for a split second. No body damage except a couple broken R1 spoiler mounting bolts.

Dang that's pretty amazing. I guess the deer was small...BY the way, did the whole deer nail you or just some of its body parts?

CCarlisi 07-16-02 02:38 PM

not really sure but the truck that was responsible for the intial impact more or less transformed it into a 2D object:)

actionhank 07-16-02 03:35 PM

bambi done got trucked up... sorry about your luck.

I was scared about hiting a rabbit or something thinking that would destroy my car as i watch it go back into the woods unscathed, but i guess my car is more durable than i thought.

mightyslash 07-16-02 03:38 PM

Originally posted by CCarlisi
not really sure but the truck that was responsible for the intial impact more or less transformed it into a 2D object:)

maxpesce 07-16-02 06:34 PM

The Stering rack may be loose - check the rack mounts for broken/loose bolts also you may have damaged the rack internally causing increased clearance between the rack itself and the steering pinion, that can/will cause a lot of free play in the steering and the WANDERING sensation you described

CCarlisi 07-16-02 08:04 PM


When I jacked the car up there didn't seem to be any play, and when driving straight it doesn't wander, but the steering feels numb for the first couple of degrees-it responds, but in a caddy like fashion.

In high speed corners it goes wide and bumps seem to exacerbate this. But the most noticable difference is that the feedback through the wheel from bumps (going straight or cornering) is extremely rough-almost as if you're holding onto a solid metal pole that is banging against the pavement under the car.

I noticed something else unusual tonight. One of my front brakes squeaks when making sharp right hand turns. The pads are less than a year old and I can't get them to squeak under any other circumstances.....not sure if it's related to this but it seems kind of odd.

CCarlisi 07-19-02 11:24 AM

I just got back from the dealer and it wasn't what I would call productive. The tech did a visual inspection and nothing turned up (tie rods ect). This wasn't a suprise since I had already check it out with another mechanic.

Next we went for a drive and the mechanic immediately noticed that the steering wheel oscilates a couple degrees right/left when hitting bumps. I told him to take some corners at high speed to generate some G forces. He observed that the car goes wide and drifts abruptly when hitting bumps.

Here is his analysis taken from the receipt: "Road tested vehicle vehicle vibrates need to dissasemble suspension to determine any further damage"
Great thanks that helps. That cost me $40!

My ins comapny wants an estimate. What should I do? I told him to write up a hypo-ie if we get in there and everything needs to be replaced it will cost X, but they either weren't willing or able to do it.

Any suggestions or possible causes would be appreciated.

Thanks guys

JConn2299 07-19-02 11:48 AM

This may be a stupid suggestion, but did any of the people who looked at the car also examine the rear suspension closely and not just the front? You seem to be describing something that sounds like a bump steer condtion, and it could be that something in the rear is messed up.

Turbonut 07-19-02 12:09 PM

Ask ins. co. for any recommendation and take it there. If you're covered let them pay for it. In NJ if you hit a deer it's not chargeable agiainst your insurance.

neo_omega 07-19-02 12:11 PM

Next time go deer hunting with a gun, not you car. ;)

CCarlisi 07-19-02 12:26 PM

Originally posted by JConn2299
This may be a stupid suggestion, but did any of the people who looked at the car also examine the rear suspension closely and not just the front? You seem to be describing something that sounds like a bump steer condtion, and it could be that something in the rear is messed up.
The rear bushings are shot, but they've been shot for awhile. I actually have the replacement parts but don't want to install them until I know if I need to replace the shocks. Rather do it all at once.

Thanks for the tip about ins....they've been pretty straight forward so far. I haven't formally filed a claim. I was told by my adjuster to get a bill and then consult w them before filing. deer damage is apparently a "comp" item and thus has a lower impact on your rate. I haven't filed a claim in 3 years so I have a reduced rate. If I file this my rates go up 120 a year(b/c I lose the reduction). As a rule of thumb a normal driver files 1 claim every five years. I filed one 4 years ago when a truck tire exploded on the expressway and put 3 dents in the passanger side of my car. With this claim I'll be up to 2, but since it's not collision I should still be able to avoid getting dropped

Neo: or at the very least mount a couple spinning saw blades on the front bumper when driving through CT.

SPOautos 07-19-02 12:36 PM

I say if it goes to insurance get a nice fat quote from the dealer then buy a nice aftermarket suspension.

Maybe your alignment is just off. I saw on Speed channel one day that oddly enough your alignment can get messed up to where its more noticeable thru turns.

I dont know, suspension isnt my strong point.

Glad to hear you didnt head on with the dear!!!!! It prob would have turned your car into 2D!!!! haha


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