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cmanns 03-30-09 04:18 PM

How many tickets have you got in the 7
I hear about people getting tickets for exhaust and such, I've never been bothered

I had a corksport catback, I even drove downtown silicon valley where the cops arnt too nice at all

The corksport got stolen a few weeks ago, so I was driving with no exhaust, this would always set off car alarms. I never got pulled over _for it_ these people called the cops saying we stole something, the cop said the loud exhaust gave away my car but we didn't steal anything, so we were let off.

Now I got a motoria dual exhaust, it'll set off alarms but it's pretty tame sounding, never have a cop even look at me with this exhaust.

How come people moan about exhaust tickets -_-, corksport is like the loudest, and having the muffler stolen is just a straight pipe lol:lol:

87 t-66 03-30-09 04:33 PM


Rob XX 7 03-30-09 04:34 PM

I have been stopped a bunch of times, let me stroll down memory lane and type this shit out.

1: waiting in front of my friends house for him to come out, this was at 1am, cop drove past, stopped, backed up- bitched about the no front plate asked for my paperwork, I guess he was checking me out to see if I had been drinking, my paperwork was good and I told him I was waiting for a new bracket for the front plate. No tickets.

2: Check point on a entry ramp of a parkway: I had expired inspection ( 4 months ), and still no front plate- but was wearing my seatbelt, they sort of laughed at me for the inspection to which I told them it was the first time I had driven the car since having it away for the winter, did not question the exaust- they let me go without even asking for my paperwork.

3: driving to Rotorfest, we are in New Jersey and we had 2 cars, my car and my wife's car following. We were both doing about 90 in a 55, BOTH cars get pulled over by the one cop, he takes all our paperwork. Asks me why do I think he stopped me- I tell him I was speeding, the road was so clear and it was such a nice day that I did not realize how fast I was going. Asks why I have my other car following and I tell him we are all going to a car show ( 4 people total in the cars ) He then goes and talks to my wife, she told them her dad was a retired detective in NYC. He checks out paperwork and lets us both go- really dodged a fucking bullet on that one, my insurance would have went CRAZY. Again never mentions the exaust.

4: this happened 2 times, same situation, same road, SAME COP! driving home from hanging out with some friends, was doing about 50 in a 30, pulled over, paperwork checked, checked if I was drinking- let me go. Did not mention the exaust. I drive this road at least 3-4 times a week and I never speed ever again on that road.

5: driving in the middle of the day with the top down, a female cop spun her car around and came after me like I had just robbed a bank, she looked at my car all over, asked if I had a converter on it, which I did not at the time, just a pre-silencer, but she did not know the difference. Proceeded to write me for no front plate and window tint- fucking windows and top was down and this bitch still wrote me for window tint. When I went to court turns out I knew the DA and I ended up paying $35 total in fines.

Stanello 03-30-09 04:57 PM

4-6, mostly for noise. Bridgeport NA was loud.

20Bforme 03-30-09 05:27 PM


Squeeb 03-30-09 05:30 PM

none, yet... *knocks on wood*

JoeyMazda 03-30-09 05:33 PM

I got 2. Driving with suspended license and going through a stop sign.

Rob XX 7 03-30-09 05:51 PM

I guess in my babbling the point was I have never been stopped just for exaust, its always been for other things.

rxdrift7 03-30-09 07:09 PM

I've had my FC for about two years now. I got one ticket last October for speeding. He clocked me 84 in a 65, that was on decel from a number I wont disclose. We all make mistakes. :lol: Cop was cool though and it was my first and only ticket so far so I didn't argue. I knew it could have been way worse had he been a few miles earlier.

Now to a on topic post:

Two weeks ago I spent my spring break driving my friends T2 swapped FC to North California. My brother was driving and we saw a motorcycle cop on the side of the road with a lady pulled over. We were doing about 80 in a 55 but he had someone pulled over so we kept going not really worried.

Out of nowhere the motorcycle cop apperead behind us and pulled us over without clocking us. Radar detector never went off. Now keep in mind this FC makes a conservative 300whp, has a loud as hell corksport turbo back exhaust, and premix's 1:1 due to the omp removal. What resulted was one of the funniest conversations I have had with a cop to date:

Cop walks up to the passenger side window
-Cop: Please turn off the car.
-Me: Uhh we'd rather not, we have to push start it back on. (Blown fuse which we later fixed you don't drive 2400 miles and not break something)
-Cop: Alright nevermind then. Where you guys headed?
-Me: We came from Dayton, Ohio sir and we are heading to Monterey. (Very large rear hatch sticker that says just that)
-Cop:Is this car modified? Does it have the stock motor?
-Me: Uhh I think so, I have no idea officer I don't know anything about cars. This is my friends car we are delivering. (Total lie)
-Cop: Want to get out and show me the engine bay? Pop the hood please.

Now's when I get kind of nervous, I know the motor is by no means stock and am not sure how I will play dumb once the hood is popped. I also know that California cops are not keen on modified cars and really don't want my friends car towed and me and my brother stranded on the highway 2000 miles from home. I get out open the hood and stand there looking at the engine bay with the cop.

-Cop: So this is the stock motor? This comes in Rx7's? (See picture)
-Me: Yeah it's a stock 13BT. Turboed rotary engine. (5 minutes ago I knew nothing about cars)
Cop points to the Greddy Type S.
-Cop: That blow off valve isn't stock.
-Me: No sir I guess not.
This conversation goes on all the while the cop scrutinizes the engine bay.
-Cop: This motor purged for nitrous?
-Me: No sir (who needs that, I thought to myself, look at that turbo)
-Cop: So if I look in the back I wont see a bottle?
-Me: You can go look if you want all you'll see is boxes and a lot of oil. (It's a huge glass hatch he walked past, who's trying to keep secrets?)
-Cop: Ok, that answer usually means there isn't one. Man this thing is loud as hell! Is the exhaust even hooked up, or is it coming from the headers?! It stinks like shit!
-Me: No it's coming out the back go look. (Still worried, but I really couldn't stop myself from smiling)

At this point the cop goes back to his bike to check the insurance and my brothers license. While he stands by the back end the car decides it's a prefect time to start emitting a nice cloud of white premix smoke. My heart drops, but at the same time my pride for rotaries glows. Cop finally notices the smoke surrounding him. To say the least he doesn't see it in the same light as I do.

-Cop: Look at all this smoke!! What the hell is wrong with this thing!!

Cop now thoroughly perturbed at this abomination of a car, quickly whips out his digital point and shoot camera. Back at the engine bay:

-Cop: I am taking some pictures of this. You really don't see these done up like this.
-Me: Uhhhhh...... ok? (I, not knowing the law of California or the difference between anger and excitement in his voice, just keep playing it cool)

After he is satisfied with his photographic adventure he lets me close the hood and get back into the car. He goes back to his motorcycle and appears to be writing a ticket of some sort. When he comes back to the car window he says:

-Cop: So is this thing retarded?! (Yelling over the exhaust and I hope referencing timing)
-Me (doing my best stifling the laughter I have in my throat): I have no clue sir. (not everyday does a cop ask if your car is retarded)
-Cop: Ok well your friend (Names the owner of the car) has a ticket in the mail for his exhaust and his non-carb approved intake. You guys be on your way.

And the cop just walks back to his motorcycle. My brother and I exchange glances with a myriad of thoughts floating between us: did he really not mention speeding at all? Did that cop just say retarded? What the hell is a carb approved intake? Is he really letting us go? No mention of the stickers?

But we didn't argue our luck and happily brapped our way back to 70mph laughing for a few long miles. My friend isn't too worried about the tickets, should just be a fine and even then he might be able to get out of them since the car is registered in Ohio. Here are some aids for our visual learners:

Me working on the engine bay:

The car in question and it's sweet road trip sticker job :lol: :

Not trying to steal the thread just had a very on topic story that is relevant to the OP's question and location. Damn that's a long post, sorry guys. :) Keep a look out for the thread with all the pics I took along the way. :icon_tup:

93rx74lyfe 03-30-09 07:37 PM


RotaryWeaponSE7EN 03-30-09 07:58 PM

22 in the old n/a over a 9yr period

only one in the new TII

rotary#10 03-30-09 08:04 PM

about 3 fix-it tickets in CA for driving with no plates. but haven't got a speeding ticket in the 7 yet..
Oddly enough i am more likely to get a ticket in my moms or dads car for some reason LOL.. !!

Hypertek 03-30-09 08:11 PM

cmanns your car looks stock bro you shouldnt get any tickets lol

Napsterfreak15 03-30-09 09:01 PM

I got a warning.

It was great. he walked up to my passenger side thinking it was left hand drive. He then had to walked all the way back around.

He pulled me over for speeding but i honestly wasn't at all. iIfact i was passed by another car.

He said he had to pull me over because my car fit some description or he would have pulled over the person who passed me (which just so happened to be my crazy gf lol).

1SWEET7 03-30-09 09:46 PM

Yes I have been pulled over multiple times for loud exhaust, and had to have a CHP write off a ticket. This was on my n/a with straight through exhaust from the manifold back to a 4" apexi muffler.

First time I got pulled over the cop asked if my exhaust was broken or something, I almost laughed. The next time was the same, different cop. Both prior times a sheriff pulled me over. The third time a CHP got me with my silencer in even and ticketed me for a modified exhaust. I then switched my exhaust back to stock duals and had another local CHP officer write it off, no cat and all haha. She just stood behind my car and made me start it and idle it. I have been pulled over about 15 times but only had a few tickets. 2 speeding/1 other/2 fix it
I got pulled one time for making a U turn in an approved location in front of an oncoming police car with plenty of time. He pulled me over and told me I should have given more room, no ticket.

It is always up to the cop to give a ticket or not and some cops are cooler than others.

Napsterfreak15 03-30-09 10:19 PM

/\ cops can be pretty cool

I peeled out accidentally at a roll with a cop right behind me. (light turned green and i was going to slow to throw it in second and I over reved it and threw it in first.)

The cop followed me a bit but did not pull me over.

namelesspenguin 03-30-09 10:31 PM

2. exhaust being to loud and expired registration.
i just got my second one this past wednesday.
after the cop realized it was an rx7, he started asking questions about it.
any problems? is it fast? turbo? to all of which i answered "NO".
i told him its more fun to drive than anything.

mathprof 03-30-09 11:35 PM

2 tickets back in 1996 within the same week, both for speeding. I blamed it on cabin fever from a tough winter that year; the judge didn't buy it :(

eff_three_see_es 03-31-09 02:33 AM

18 in about 1 year. i think 16 of them were for noise.

Grappler 03-31-09 08:29 AM

So far I have had none...:)

t24todd 03-31-09 08:52 AM

about 10 so far
tint several times
dead inspection a couple times
65 in a 35 (Reckless)
no front plate couple times
93 in a 65 (it was on 95 bunch of dumb asses creeping in the left lane so i droped it and went up the right just to find there was a bike cop shooting hand radar right there...)
noise violation for the system
wreckless and loss of control(loss of control was completly bullshit i was spinning down slightly sideways but stayed that way for the whole strip) for ripping a bad ass strip of rubber across the packed parking lot. (Last day senior year i had to)
over a 2 year period
none in the last 5 months (knock on wood) starting to run out of funds for tickets:)

g14novak 03-31-09 09:51 AM

I've had my car for 1 year in august. I've only gotten 4 tickets with it so far but all were at the same time.

1. Loud exhaust (straight pipe FTW) - cop actually pulled out the decimal meter and told me my car was more than 2x the legal limit at idle.

2. Seat belt ticket - fought it and won because I was wearing my shoulder harness and have the lap harness removed from the car. I showed the judge interior pics of my car and that their is no lap harness, he let me off.

3. Car too low? - fought this one but lost. Evidently it actually is illegal for your car to be so low it scrapes going over railroad tracks. Something about its hazardous and the car can get stuck... You have to have something like either 6 or 12 inches minimum. They usually don't nail people with this one unless its a prick cop.

4. Speeding - 56 in a 35. No comment on this one. I got busted, everyone gets caught eventually. :)

CyborgRyu 03-31-09 10:16 AM

The only ticket I ever gotten in a 7 was for eluding. Best ticket ever. 1 month suspension and only like 270$ ticket.

killahrx7 03-31-09 10:22 AM

got pulled once for doing 75 in 30 zone, i told them i was testing the car so they gave me a ticket for tinted back glass.

RX710thAE 03-31-09 11:02 AM


stylEmon 03-31-09 01:00 PM

I've owned 3 T2s, and have been pulled over 3 trillion times since 1999.. only 3 tickets I think.

No front License Plate Ticket (TX)
It was mounted on the windshield, but since I was out at a local street racing spot, he said "If you want to hang out here, your car has to be perfect". He actually gave me a ticket. I never paid it, got ID'd at a party, had a warrant and spent the night in jail. Sucked, but didn't have to pay the ticket, time served... LOL

Pulled over for driving "suspicious". Expired Registration Ticket
I was tuning my car, and hitting the low rpm/load areas. Cop said I drove too slow for the type of car I had, so he pulled me over. I was still running the previous owners tags... big no-no in AZ. Since I swapped the dash, there was a different VIN on the dash from the one on the firewall... So I was treated like a car jacker for a few minutes until that was straightened out. The cop actually took my license plate off the car, but still let me drive the car home.

Speeding Ticket
The last one was bunk. There was a fart-can-Honda next to me speeding; actually passing me by, and I got pulled over. While the bike cop was writing the ticket, I was contemplating leaving the car running, maybe the gas fumes would make him pass out... LOL

I've been pulled over for:
Doing 60 OVER, yes 60 over, and walked away with no ticket.
Supposedly squealing the tires, but the cop really wanted to tell me about his 5.0... funny stuff
No tags, got away once, not so lucky the second time.
Speeding, Speeding and Speeding, but only got the ticket the time I wasn't speeding.
Once, I got pulled over for speeding, and told the cop I was coming back from a party were I was the DD. He let me go! (it was true too)

Boosted11 03-31-09 01:04 PM

Its like rx7s are dazzling to the officers. I haven't had a single ticket in the 7 either.

1. I was driving home and the speed limit was 50km/h. I was going 70km/h or somewhere around there not exactly sure. Then I seen a car out the corner of my eye and immediately thought oh shit cop. Sure enough here he comes pulling out onto the street and I basically pulled over right away cause I knew it was for me. He comes to my door and says how fast were you going back there. I told him 60 and he said theres no way you were going 60. He also said I can judge speed with my eyes you were going atleast 80. So I argued that for a bit then he changed his subject to me drinking. He then puts me on the breathalyzer, of course I passed. Then he let me go. Definetly laim cop.

2. Going up cypress mountain with bcrotary. We were coming down and I was trying to catch up to the pack ahead so I sped up and a cop was going up. He seen us and turned around, put on his lights and pulled me over. I told him I was speeding 30km/h over, because I was trying to catch up to my buddies. He let me go. I was completely in shock I got off that one. I was speeding, no N which is a letter you have to display on your car saying your a "New driver", I had no front license plate on.

2slow4stock 03-31-09 01:04 PM

0 tickets

MaczPayne 03-31-09 01:34 PM

One. Pulled over while exiting the Racetrack at Buttonwillow. Speeding.

Oh the irony.

shika805 03-31-09 03:45 PM

1 parking ticket, ha...

LaSkt9 03-31-09 04:06 PM


Rob XX 7 03-31-09 04:19 PM

dont be a douche, and dont push your luck and with the right attitude you can drive away with a bullshit ticket or none at all

dvs71990 03-31-09 04:29 PM

I got pulled over doing 117 in a 55mph. Not so fun

stylEmon 03-31-09 04:58 PM

140 in a 65.


rx7 FC TII 03-31-09 05:18 PM

101 in a 70. reckless but i got the cop fired. he had a roid rage on me and he refused a drug test....i still had to pay the fines.

45 in a 30 speeding. no comment. i was in the wrong.

expired registration. i got pulled 3 times in 45 min and the 4th wrote me...what a dick.

80 in a 60. meh once again i was in the wrong...

and no comments about exhaust yet. im about to put a new DP and MP so im sure i will soon.

stylEmon 03-31-09 05:29 PM

I did get quite a few parking tickets at TSU. I got stuck with a commuter parking sticker some how.

rotarydriver108 03-31-09 05:58 PM

6 point worthy tickets 2 parking tickets 7 loud muffler tickets 11 points on my card and paid 325 dollar surcharge last year and now another 325 dollars are due april 10th im ok wit the tickets havent got any since oct 2008 but the surcharge is pain in my wallet lol

Sojin 03-31-09 06:13 PM

Ive Had ALOT of close call but 0 in my Rx

RyosukeD 03-31-09 06:16 PM

First and only ticket was for not having my insurance card on me. :icon_tdow:icon_tdow

I was working on my car, and thought I had it where I wanted it. I took my plate off because I thought I would have to take off the bumper, but never did. I forgot to put it back on.

Anyway, driving through my small town and I see a cop and think nothing of it. I'm not speeding or driving like a tard barn. He comes after me and pulls me over.

Him- You know why I pulled you over?
Me- No sir
Him- Your front plate isn't on. Do you have it or is it stolen?
Me- Oh! It's in my garage. I was doing some work to my car, and I'm taking it on a test drive now.
Him- Oh ok. License/registration/insurance
Me- (OH SHIT) Sir I don't have my wallet on me.

I give him all the info he needs verbally and he comes back.

Him- Well it looks like you check out in the system, you're all up to date.
Me- Great!
Him- But I'm giving you this citation anyway.
Me- uhhhh.

he then proceeded to tell me the things I could do to not go to court and how to make it all go away.

dick head.

SecondGenPat 03-31-09 07:08 PM

pulled for 76 in a 60.
I was nice to the cop and drove away with no ticket.

iani1.1 03-31-09 07:39 PM

1, 40 in a 30...

bl00dlust 04-01-09 02:22 PM

I've gotten 2 ticket and 1 warning.

Fail to stop at flashing red light (LIE LIE LIE!!!! i'm actually going to court for this one)

and the warning was for no front license plate.

classicauto 04-01-09 02:24 PM

One for speeding. 10(kms) over the limit. No points.

rksti89 04-01-09 03:49 PM

pulled over three times for loud exhuast (straight pipe with one cat and 4 in apexi tip) but not ticket...didnt want to chance it so i changed exhausts.

once for front plate wedged between dash and windshield but no ticket

and have been questioned plenty of times while running touge, or just sitting at drift spots.

i've been cool with cops in my seven. my friends with 240s on the other hand have no luck at all lol

TRIANGLE_BOY 04-02-09 12:20 AM

In my first RX7 87 GXL 2 exhibition of speed tickets 1 speeding ticket and 1 no front plate denied license ticket.

I was racing a 250hp Type R (lost)

Then supposedly racing a civic. It was a wide road and it looked like we were side by side. Told the cop i wouldnt waste my time trying to race a stock civic that i know i could beat. He didnt believe me and gave me the ticket

I was cited for 46 in a 40. I reached a top speed of 100mph but the officer could not see me only heard my car.

Had my front plate in my window and was told it had to be mounted on the front. I didnt know I had to have my license re-instated so my license was not valid. He let me drive home.

My 88 SE

I have been pulled over numerous times for my exhaust( pace setter header straight pipe no mufflers)

Got a fix-it-ticket one time for it. Went on a long mountain cruise with my friends and when we go back in the city two cops blocked us in a parking lot (6 cars) every one with a after market mufflers got a ticket. My borlas looked stock and the cop signed off my fix-it-ticket ha ha. The cops liked my car and gave me lots of praise while writing tickets

Havoc 04-02-09 12:34 AM

roughly 12 times...

Lost my licence 3 times in 2 years because of it.

need RX7 04-02-09 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by stylEmon (Post 9088352)
140 in a 65.



kodarren 04-02-09 01:00 AM

never......one time a cop was next to me and said nice car to me...lol

SleepeR1st 04-02-09 07:01 AM

Pulled over on a 45 mph S turn doing 65. It's hard not to engage in boost :P

No ticket, cop told me to slow down a bit.

RoninRX7 04-07-09 04:02 PM

Ive gotten two tickets through out the 4 RX7's ive owned.

The first ticket was back in 2007 100 miles north of Las Vegas at 10:30pm headed south. I was clocked doing 110 in a 65 in my 90 FC vert. I took it to court and got it down to a $415 broken tail light ticket with no points!

The second was in 2007 for doing 74 in a 50 in the 10th AE. My clutch was even slipping at the time and i was trying to pass a drunk driver late at night in rural nevada, the cop was headed towards me and speeding. He was a douche but knew about RX7's and we talked about em on the side of the road for a bit. I ended up getting it down to 55 in a 50 and points.

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