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REVHED 07-12-02 05:54 PM

Originally posted by David88vert

Please quit repetting what you hear on the internet and go talk to real race car builders.

Why don't you try to convince Jim Downing, Rick Engman, Guch, and many other established race engine builders that they don't know what they are talking about? Do you need their phone numbers?
How about drivers like Gene Wilson (last years World Champion 1/8 mile drag funny car)?
Why don't you call NASCAR and tell them that their contract is a waste of money?

Dynojets are the main established way of measuring a car's true rwhp. No other method is recognized by the industry like Dynojet's Chassis Dynameters.

Baahaha!! Real race car builders use engine dyno's you fucking dimwit. You think F1 teams slap their cars on a chassis dyno so they can brag to each about their numbers at pit lane? :D You're a joke.

It's a simple fact that chassis dyno's give varying results. We call these unusually high reading dyno's (such as the one you ran your car on) "magic dyno's". I know because I have seen a 15% difference between different dyno's with my car in the same state of tune.

And don't even get me started about Dynojet's. They aren't even used anywhere outside the US because they're an inferior dyno. I suggest you study up a bit on the difference between Dynojets and the Dynodynamics style load cell dyno's we use here.

And lastly, don't assume what I do and don't know... you're just making yourself sound like a wanker. (not that you need any help) :D

SilverRocket 07-12-02 05:56 PM

On driveline losses, ask any established builder or tuner what they say the RX7 losses. They will all say 15%-20%.
Hmmm... ok I'll apologize on this one. I was thinking 10%, but I just did some research and I'll retract my statement. My bad.

Anyways, it still doesn't change the fact that you don't run 16's with 190 hp:)

Done with you. If need more, PM me.
Ooooo... sorry there tough guy. You won't get me to shut up just by saying that. I'll post whatever the fuck I want:cool:

mar3 07-12-02 05:57 PM

Originally posted by David88vert

My cousin's GSL has the dual Weber 36's with the RP intake. I'll try to get you photos of it next. No promises, but I'll try to get him to dyno it soon. Would that make you happy?[/B]
That's where I'm at...butt dynos don't count and drag wars are all driver...if we're talking HP, it's gotta be a dyno slip. And remember, dyno numbers can be corrected so that they are comparable the world over...:cool:

SilverRocket 07-12-02 06:06 PM

I've been building them since 96. I have built several 12a's.
Wow, you must be a real expert.

As for me, I haven't built a single 12A. I'm still running the one that came under the hood of my RX-7 when I slid into the seat 6 years ago. But I do know that 120hp RX-7s run 16 second quartermiles. I also know that 157hp stockport 12A's don't exist, except when doing speculative calculations using variable dyno figures and unknown driveline losses. I also know that said cars would run better than 16 second quartermiles, even in hot weather and with shitty launches.

You don't have to be Jim Downing to figure this one out.

RXcetera 07-14-02 01:12 AM

Haha, that was hilarious :D.

I think I need to get rid of Action's picture... it's making me look bad lol.

peejay 07-14-02 02:36 AM

I will say this one more time...


My 2200lb car turned best 15.1/90.5. That is 130 flywheel HP! NOT wheel HP. Go on, plug it in, figure a 200lb driver.

I also take issue with loaded GSL weighing 2300lb. (Where did THAT come from???) You can't tell me that my SA weighed 2200lb, and my GSL, with its power steering, electronic everything, heavy rear end, and four wheel disks (disk brakes are much heavier than drum brakes) weighs only 100lb more than a mildly stripped SA! By mildly stripped I mean no passenger seat, no spare tire/jack, no rear insulation, and just enough fuel in the take to get me 3-4 miles to the nearest gas station.

Rotor13B 07-14-02 10:33 AM

Why not? my 83 gsl weighs in at a bit over 2300lbs....

peejay 07-14-02 10:35 AM

Physically weighed it?

RXcetera 07-14-02 10:41 AM

I can believe it. My similarily equiped SA weighs more than my stock 83 weight (100+ pounds more). I have all the different weights somewhere, lemme dig it up. Off the top of my head though, 83 GSL weight was 2290 pounds and 2325 pounds in 84-85 (both these is without a/c).

peejay 07-14-02 10:53 AM

I'll have to weigh the '85 then.

It certainly FEELS heavier, that's for sure.

Wait... Without A/C? That's not very loaded, is it? A loaded GSL would have A/C and ('84-85) power steering and leather interior. Leather probably doesn't weigh any more, of course, it just means seats that reek and are too slippery to drive in. :)

RXcetera 07-14-02 11:42 AM

To clear some things up... I dont beleive powersteering was available on any 12A 1st gen and yes the leather seats and door panels DO weigh alot more than the cloth.

Here's what I've got from the sales brochures I have here (82-85).

82 manual isnt too specific, but it states 2345lbs as its figure. This must be WITH a/c because its the same weight as an A/C equipped 83. BTW, with automatic it's 2380lbs.

83: With 5-speed 2290lbs, with automatic 2325lbs, add 55lbs for a/c.

84: With 5-speed 2325lbs, with automatic 2390lbs, add 55lbs for a/c. GSL-SE: 2512lbs

85: Same as 84 for 12A. GSL-SE grows to 2575lbs :eek: !

Does anyone have the original Mazda weights for the SA's?

moremazda 07-14-02 11:51 AM

All of those weight you just listed are called "dry weight". There NO liquid in those cars that generated those numbers. Add 170-200lbs for gas, oil, gear lube, brake fluid and engine coolant.

RXcetera 07-14-02 12:19 PM

Yeah, but all cars have those fluids in them, and since no-one is stating real world weights, stating the dry weight works.

Sterling 07-14-02 06:14 PM

"I've been building rotaries for fifty years, and I can tell you a thing or two about...."
Hee hee! This is juat GREAT fun to watch!

Is'nt everybody here that I once held in high regard and respect for the "super-encyclopedia de'Rotarie" just showing their true asshole-isms!

Did anyone bother to call up Vwerts dynomologist? No, I thought not.

C'mon, bitch som'ore.
REVHED's nailed what I've maintained all along...Dynos are machines, and operated by humans, to boot. Variences for one run to the next on the same machine, let alone different ones, are to be expected.

I absolutely agree....Those that go around bragging that they have "such 'n such experience in the field of...what-the-fuck-ever..." are usually just plain fulla shit -Or at least half fulla shit.

However, SilverRocket maintains throughought that anything over 150HP (unported NA 12A) is vertualy unacheivable without devine intervention of physics as we (humans) understand it.

RxCetera (Did I get that right?) has a spiffy carb and is only pulling 15s. Tisk-Tisk.

We need SilverRocket to get into all of these cars and tell us to the nearest HP what each is pulling. (His ass-o-meter is quite sensitive, ya know!:))

Vert, you're too high in your numbers. They are just unbelievable in the world as we know it, consisting of "...OVER 18,000 MEMBERS..." - That is to say that out of 18,000 of your rotary bretheran, probably two or three would've come to your rescue to back you up in a thread that had nearly 850 visits!!! But t'wernt so, my friend.

I really belioeve that the max is indeed over 150 HP, but certainly not 170. But I've never even seen a fucking dynomometer! But I belong to the "REVHEDs Who Gives A Flying Fuck" party, anyways. You say kilometer, I say mile.

But when I read a thread like this, I really want to get involved, especially if I have the opportunity to piss someone off!

SilverRocket quote:
Ooooo... sorry there tough guy. You won't get me to shut up just by saying that. I'll post whatever the fuck I want


Ya know what I like the most?...Reading someone say that they have "such n' such" experience with rotaries; And then when you go to see how old they are on their profile, they did'nt fill it in.
Uh-huh. Yer fulla shit.
Who? 88Vert?
All of you have mentioned just how fucking wonderful you are!


Zulu 07-14-02 06:40 PM

I'm wonderful. :p:

Directfreak 07-14-02 07:07 PM

I am wonderful too!

However, since you have become soooo
good at pissing off your fellow brethren,

I hereby grant you the "Assclown" award.
you earn this award for pissing people off, not if you were right or wrong. :D

SilverRocket 07-14-02 07:13 PM

However, SilverRocket maintains throughought that anything over 150HP (unported NA 12A) is vertualy unacheivable without devine intervention of physics as we (humans) understand it.
You're right that I was a little too strong in my wording... I definitely don't "know" this to be true in any kind of certain sense. I'll rephrase to say: Everything I've learned based on what I've read, people I've talked to, and my own very limited experience leads me to believe that most stock-port 12A's are limited to something in the neighborhood of 150hp. I'm sure there are variances there, like there are with everything else in the world. I wouldn't be too surprised to hear that some elite race engine builder at some point was able to squeeze 160 hp out of a completely optimized stockport 12A. What I find very unlikely, however, is that David's friend with his daily-driver first gen is making that kind of horsepower with his relatively off-the-shelf setup and running slow 16 second quartermiles as reward for his efforts.

We need SilverRocket to get into all of these cars and tell us to the nearest HP what each is pulling. (His ass-o-meter is quite sensitive, ya know!)
Hey, no problem lads, I'll volunteer for that anytime!

RxCetera (Did I get that right?) has a spiffy carb and is only pulling 15s. Tisk-Tisk.
Lol, 15 flat is pretty decent for a stock 12A. I have the same carb and run pretty similar. What are you running with your fancy modded Nikki there Sterling? (that incidentally cost a lot more than our Dell's) You're running 15's I'll bet!

Ya know what I like the most?...Reading someone say that they have "such n' such" experience with rotaries; And then when you go to see how old they are on their profile, they did'nt fill it in.
Hey, I filled mine in. I've got no problem admitting I'm a 22 year old who's only been with the world of RX-7's for the past 6 years. I don't know shit compared to the experts around here, but I know a little bit as a result of 6 years of rotary fanaticism and driveway mechanics, and I'm learning more all the time. I'm allowed to give my opinion, and if it turns out I'm incorrect, I won't be afraid to admit it. I didn't mean to shamelessly profess my wonderfulness, so I'll excuse myself if that's how it looked.

But hold on for a sec Sterling... you aren't exactly known for your humble attitude around here either buddy:)

Directfreak 07-14-02 07:18 PM


SilverRocket 07-14-02 07:36 PM

Close?? Why?

Have you actually read the whole thread Directfreak?

I think we've all been doing fairly well at keeping this more or less civil... it's more humorous than blatantly antagonistic.

It's a valid discussion and no one has posted anything that brutally violates forum rules, so I don't see how this thread deserves to be closed.

Directfreak 07-14-02 07:42 PM

Originally posted by SilverRocket
Close?? Why?

Have you actually read the whole thread Directfreak?

I think we've all been doing fairly well at keeping this more or less civil... it's more humorous than blatantly antagonistic.

It's a valid discussion and no one has posted anything that brutally violates forum rules, so I don't see how this thread deserves to be closed.

Actually, I have read the whole thing. You're right, nobody has been violated yet. :) I guess the same arguements are just getting old for me.


Barwick 07-14-02 07:47 PM

:rolleyes: isn't this getting old kids?

mar3 07-14-02 08:35 PM

Originally posted by mar3

And then the fur started flying...:p: Saint's alive, begorrah!! :cool:

Did I call this on the money or what? Too bad the Saint was banned (?) or he might have come to the defense of the 170 HP stockport.

Originally posted by the marginally sane sterling...

Ya know what I like the most?...Reading someone say that they have "such n' such" experience with rotaries; And then when you go to see how old they are on their profile, they did'nt fill it in.
Uh-huh. Yer fulla shit.
Who? 88Vert?
All of you have mentioned just how fucking wonderful you are!

This is an interesting juxtaposition to an observation I made in the "Engines" thread that I believe you started, sterling...namely, that with all the people proud of their 120,000 + miles original 12A rotary engines that made up the majority of the poll by a huge margin, how the hell did any of the young roosters get the skills to become rotary experts if they're not even using the engines they would have had to build to get that experience??? No one replied then, it'll be interesting to see how it washes this time in light of sterling's ascerbic taunt!! ;)

RXcetera 07-14-02 10:17 PM

"Did I call this on the money or what? Too bad the Saint was banned (?) or he might have come to the defense of the 170 HP stockport."

Haha, that guy will never be forgotten! It was 190 at the flywheel I beleive :D.

As far as the age thing is concerned... Damn, I never realized that kind of thing was considered important by some. I've personaly never posted my bday on any forum. To any interested, I'm 26 for 2 more months lol. I hang out with youngins like Silver to keep up to date on all the fresh mad kool wordz yo (I suck lol) :D.

SilverRocket 07-14-02 10:26 PM

I hang out with youngins like Silver to keep up to date on all the fresh mad kool wordz yo (I suck lol)
Wat tha dizzle? You always have mad sicker words than me yo... that's why I ill with you dawg.

Sterling 07-14-02 10:31 PM

Directfreak has that "selective" sense of humour...He can dish it out real well, but when I joked around with him earlier this season, he could'nt figure out I was messin with him. I had to PM him to 'clear the air'.
Too easy to piss off.

BTW, Where'd ja get my picture?

Originally posted by the marginally sane sterling...

Marginally sane!!! Waddaya mean? heh heh

Listen, all you "matter-of-factly know-it-alls";
Enter into your self-eccentricated epichoidral universe the very notion that some backyard mechanic with a degree in nothing more than "How to piss off DirectFreak" might actually -accidently even, hit some astounding 160 completely unproven Horse Power with his stockport 12A, a Yaw carb, and many hours of, "Well HELL, That did'nt work. What's next?" type of just plain good ole fashoned FUCKIN AROUND!

Anyone here that can type in all good conciousness that this scenerio is not plauseable, let alone just plain possible, can go SHIT IN YER HAT!

I don't really give a crap if people at the track have been trying for a decade to break some magical mystery number on their dyno runs.
It was Manntis who, in an effort to make a point on a thread that most of the participants here were a part of, recently wrote something like:

"It's dark.
Whales stomaches are dark inside.
Therefore, I must be inside a whale."

Goober at the track has tried for ten years to get his NA 12A to put out more than 152 HP, but can't seem to do it.
Do you know him? HE can't do it, and he knows more than me. Therefore, I cannot do it.
What a crock o' shit!

I have nothing to back me. I have no claim to make. Having never driven an RX-7 with 160 HP, I have nothing to compare my car to. I don't even know where to go to get dynoed.
But hell...Until I have something I desperately need to try on my car to see real numbers differences, why would I bother? So I can have a number to tell all my friends? Hell, I just tell them all I got 200HP anyways- what the hell do they know?
So would it be just to print the sheet here for all you guys to gawk at? Would any...ANY of you actually be impressed by a dyno sheet that I produced that demonstrated my NA stockport 12A w/Yaw carb @ 160 HP?

I thought not.

Or would everyone then suddenly start to take up REVHEDs thoughts on dynos, that previously (in this thread) seem to have been ignored?

You're a mob. You're all a stone throwing mob. A big ole Texas style cattle herd. That's why this thread now has over 900 visits! It's a big rock throwing contest, and everybody that is'nt trying to be part of it wants to at least watch.

Anything to learn from this thread stopped on the very first page.

So, as I have to look up to you all with the sun glaring in my eyes, and thus not see the stones being cast at my face, I ask you all to dismount from your high steeds, and join me down here on the ground.

You're all just so Goddamn smart. In my eyes, anyone who refuses to think outside of the parameters defined by others that make up his environment; Well, they are just plain stuck at exactly one hundred-fifty horse power.

As far as dyno sheets...Well I guess they don't prove shit to you all afterall when the leading Nikki carb modifier (argueably, I suppose) uses one on his website to demonstrate how much improved his moddifcations are in the operation of his modded Nikki. Yaw states, what -158 (point something) HP? Has the dyno sheet right there.

Oh but there must be something wrong, there, huh? Was HIS dyno; HIS engine.
And further to think that someone like myself could possibly take that carb to another level...Only in that Paul Yaw would have had to charge $1000 for the time put in to porting the airhorn completely and remanufacturing from scratch linkages of his own design; and possibly squeeze even more power out of it - enough to say with confidence that it has at least the power that Paul Yaw said it would...
Gueeze, does anybody even get my gripe?

Could possibly Paul Yaw not have been fulla shit? Could I possibly have found the perfect jetting-airbleed-pressure-AP shot combo for my carb? Could my mods actually have done anything to improve the breathing ability of my carb to give just that hair more than expected power?

Naw, probly not. I mean, not if all you guys say no, right?

Directfreak, I love you, man!

RXcetera 07-14-02 11:03 PM

My head hurts lol.

Should we all throw convention to the wind then? Believe the backyard tunners that claim to get 160+ out of little stockport 12A's when the pros cant? Nope, I aint buying any of it... 150hp, at the flywheel (a nice round number, it's probably less). For me, that's the max until somebody proves me otherwise. Maybe if someone throws tens of thousands of dollars into his project, he might get his engine to register an extra 10hp on a "magic dyno" (see, I've been paying attention to REVHED ;) wether the engine is actually driveable in that state of tune is another story), but that's about all I'm ready to believe at this point.

DriveFast7 07-14-02 11:26 PM

Boy this thread went nowhere. If anyone out there is making more than 150 flywheel hp with stock porting, normally aspirated, get it on the dyno and show all of us the dyno slip. Brink the slip and the car it to Seven Stock 5 so we can all say "we're not worthy!"


Directfreak 07-14-02 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Sterling
Directfreak has that "selective" sense of humour...He can dish it out real well, but when I joked around with him earlier this season, he could'nt figure out I was messin with him. I had to PM him to 'clear the air'.
Too easy to piss off.

Directfreak, I love you, man!

I love you too man..

Directfreak 07-14-02 11:55 PM



Zulu 07-14-02 11:57 PM

heh, ran my '85 gsl-se w/ everything, me and a 3/4 tank of gas thru a truck weigh scale, 2668lbs.

peejay 07-15-02 04:03 AM

Originally posted by RXcetera
To clear some things up... I dont beleive powersteering was available on any 12A 1st gen and yes the leather seats and door panels DO weigh alot more than the cloth.

You are officially invited to take a look at my '85 GSL, which has power steering and A/C.

RXcetera 07-15-02 09:39 AM

Damn! I guess I dont know it all :(. The leather bit is fo sho true though ;).

RXcetera 07-15-02 09:50 AM

I apologize Peejay, you're absolutely right. Check out the middle of the page. Sometimes I should read before I speak :(...


PaulFitzwarryne 07-15-02 10:03 PM

I very strongly object to Directfreak's carton on 'retarded' people. Its a degrading description of a person with a mental disability which went out of professional use long before the RX-7 was thought of.

Should I call Directfreak retarded because he has not the IQ to be a top lawyer who can afford a souped-up Gen 3 rather than the ancient Gen 1?

I work with People with a Disability at the Olympic and community sport level. They win, and have fun, because they train hard and reach their full potential.
Perhaps Directfreak should try wheelchair basketball, or ski down hill with one leg tied up behind to see what obstacles are overcome with determination.

This thread has gone on far too long, the first few posts to well responded to the question. To sum up:-

1. The average 12a engine has the potential to have a maximum 150hp SAE output at the flywheel. This will require a modified carb, good header/exhaust, K&N filter minor changes such as dump the ac and air pump, and some hours of fine tuning as no engine is the same.

2. A hand built engine can be optimised to give top end power and a genuine guru may get another 10%.

3. Don,t believe personal views from self-claimed 'experts', be beware of dyno results as different machines and pressure/temperature variations give plus or minus 10%.

But then I must be retarded because I prefer to drive a 1984 convertible RX-7 over my latest Skyline R34 25GT.t - perhaps because Nissan don't do a Sunrise Red!

REVHED 07-15-02 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Paul Fitzwarryne
1. The average 12a engine has the potential to have a maximum 150hp SAE output at the flywheel. This will require a modified carb, good header/exhaust, K&N filter minor changes such as dump the ac and air pump, and some hours of fine tuning as no engine is the same.

2. A hand built engine can be optimised to give top end power and a genuine guru may get another 10%.

3. Don,t believe personal views from self-claimed 'experts', be beware of dyno results as different machines and pressure/temperature variations give plus or minus 10%.

Well said Paul. That pretty much sums up my views on these topics perfectly.

End of discussion. :D

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