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Siraniko 12-07-10 06:30 PM

most parts are made in china. US and Europeans sends the raw materials and specs to China for parts to be manufactured. then they are shipped back to US for packaging

84stock 12-07-10 06:36 PM

Wow, this guy must work as a buyer for Walmart if he is so against buying American.........................if you wanna go Chinese (still Asian) you can get turbo's for cheap on ebay...

wankel=awesome 12-07-10 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by 84stock (Post 10355855)
Wow, this guy must work as a buyer for Walmart if he is so against buying American.........................if you wanna go Chinese (still Asian) you can get turbo's for cheap on ebay...

Or better yet, just make your own stuff. If you dont have the fabrication skills, then youre stuff already sucks more than the worst junk on ebay. I think 20+ years experience (no matter the country of origin) has got to be good. But I understand if your going for a theme or something.

As for suspension, thats available (AND AWESOME), try respeed or if you wanna go uber, G-force engineering. Not japanese, but premium.

Ill do some digging and try to see if some of the socal guys can still get RE amemiya.

Oh, and your welcome.:icon_tup:

jshiz 12-07-10 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by Directfreak (Post 10355536)
This kind of post is sufficient enough for a 3 day ban. Consider this your first warning.

You agreed to follow the rules the moment you signed up as a member. This kind of Foul Language - (specifically aimed at our U.S./Canada residents) will not be tolerated again on this forum. You have the right to say whatever you want, and we have the right to throw your ass out.

- the management.

Let's not ban him. Lets just move this thread to the lounge.

Murrayyy 12-08-10 01:56 AM

i give up

DivinDriver 12-08-10 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Murrayyy (Post 10355432)
the US can go fuck themselves. so can Canada.

ORLY? And just where is little 'Murrayyy' from?

Originally Posted by Murrayyy (Post 10355432)
dont worry im already applying for my visa out of here.

Getting a serious whiff of bovine effluence from this assertion. One cannot apply for that which does not exist.

You don't need a visa to leave the US. Only totalitarian countries like the USSR have ever required people to get permission to leave.

You may need one to enter another country (if you can find one that wants you), and depending on your situation you may need one to be allowed to come back, but all you need to leave the so-despised-by-you US of A is your own two feet.

Or you can swim.

Originally Posted by Murrayyy (Post 10355432)
i asked a simpole question and a few were nice and answered so thank you.

No, you asked a question, and then expressed an ignorant and bigoted opinion that a number of us took umbrage to. You then doubled down with more belligerent e-peen-waving like this:

Originally Posted by Murrayyy (Post 10355432)
to the other guys, go fuck your american parts in the ass. well see what the forum has to say about you guys bashing on me for a question

Judging from DirectFreak's admonishment, I'd say you got your answer.

Originally Posted by Murrayyy (Post 10355432)
i give up

You didn't give up, little weaboo... you lost.

patmac6075 12-08-10 09:44 AM

Quick question Murray (and meant with no disrespect).

You have flatly stated you are against American parts..... your tone intimated your are against America in general.... But you don't seem to have any trouble asking Americans for advice and help? Why is that?
Just seems a bit hypocritical....perhaps immature.... most of the people on here were trying to educate you (you asked for their advice)..."most parts aren't made in The USA or Japan, most are made in China or India, and besides, the best parts are the best parts wherever they're made." (I paraphrase)

I have friends who have fought and died for your right to say what you want...that's cool... they weren't fighting for you, they were fighting for The United States of America and what it represent....you're just lucky enough to live here and reap the benefits.
Good Luck with the Visa....and Good Luck with the whole "free speech" thing in Japan...or Pakistan... or wherever you plan on relocating.

Have a nice day.

DivinDriver 12-08-10 09:50 AM

Readin' my mind, PatMac. I was just realizing that Murrayyy has been happily mining the accumulated experience of a whole lot of people from a number of countries here, including a number of Americans.

Didn't seem to bother him at all to benefiting from the freely-offered expertise of Americans as well as others.

Seems to me he owes a few people an apology.

Maybe he just lost his head and didn't think his position through.

Murrayyy 12-08-10 10:57 AM

because i love rotarys at heart but i dont know much about them. you guys know exactly what you are doing when it comes to them. thats why i came to you. i never said american parts are bad. i know RB is great i know other vendors american made are great. i just wish to not use them. and yes i dont like america. im scared of our government. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. this thread is over. im tired of talking about it. i got my help from the few who understood my question. kthanksbye

Murrayyy 12-08-10 11:03 AM

dude pakistan? wtf do you think im a terrosist? did you guys know that about a 1/3 of our population is against our government? im white. as white as i can get. i have like 7% sioux indian and the other is german and some other stuff. im not a freaking terrorist. i just dont like it here. and im sorry about your friends. im sorry to all of you. i didnt mean to blow up like that. im actually bipolar so sometimes in my highs i say things i wouldnt normally say. so i am very sorry. thanks for the help.

t_g_farrell 12-08-10 11:41 AM

You need help!

RustyRacer 12-08-10 11:47 AM

To help plan your "escape" make sure you have a bachelor degree from an accredited American University, not many countries want high school educated anti-american americans since most of those countries depend on the U.S. Think you're paranoid of our government, just imagine how paranoid another country would be of you.

patmac6075 12-08-10 12:46 PM

^^^+1 on that Rusty!
Seriously...you're afraid of the government? Are you afraid of Conservatives or Liberals, Democrats or Republicans, Non-Whites, policeman, fireman, librarians, garbageman, postal workers,
When your house is burning....do you hate government then? When a convict escapes from prison and is loose in Fargo...do you hate government then? How about when the temperature drops below zero and your friendly oil company decides "it's a supply and demand world"...you hate them then.

Broaden your horizons Murrayy....."The only thing to fear, is fear itself. Get involved...go out and vote...if you don't like the status quo, become the agent of change.
Or you could hole-up in a shanty in Fargo...just you, your manifesto, and your keyboard.

Not Pakistan? What country are you thinking of?

Really, I'm not trying to mock you....reread your posts and ask yourself "is this an accurate representation of how I really feel"? I can't believe it is.

RustyRacer 12-08-10 04:56 PM

Not trying to be a jerk Murrayyy, but maybe you ought to join the military, how about the coast guard. No chance of being stuck in ND. Well, maybe MN or other great lake states, but think miami, socal, or hawaii. It might help you get a better perspective.

thanks patmac, not just for agreeing, but also for serving.

84stock 12-08-10 06:16 PM

Did anyone see Murrayyy on Jerry Springer lately??

Murrayyy 12-09-10 02:58 PM

thanks for the thought but ive already tried to be in the military in some way shaope or form. they wont except me because i have something called asthma. so ya. i just sold my rx7. so this whole thing here is done. thanks everything for being so very kind to my sorry a$$. ban me. i could give two . the moderator are assholes. and so is everyone on this thread. JUST because i dont like YOUR country doesnt give me the right to live. peace

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