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horrible communication and misinformed on part
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Buyer magus2222 (22)
05-21-10, 06:38 PM
bought the orc super single off of him. for 100$ i figured no problem, if all i need to do is replace the disk and surface the flywheel, then damn, im ahead of the game.
it wasnt just the part that sucked, his communication was horrible to say the least. i paid him on the 22nd, i sent him a pm, i didnt hear anything back til the 28th, after i had sent him 2 pm's.
long story short, he finally sends the clutch, and it comes when i was out of state, 2 weeks later.......
sure, he refunded me shipping, i didnt ask for that nor did i want it. if i had wanted that, i would have just asked for a refund of the whole thing.
basically, horrible seller and communication. idk if this was a random happening, but i would never buy from him again.


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