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REDLINE 06-20-05 03:57 PM

How hard is it join the LAPD?
I have a great job right now in the entertainment design field, but I've been thinking about the LAPD for a long time now...a complete switch in my career...how hard is it to get in? I'm 28, in pretty good health. Can anyone share their experiences?

Siraniko 06-20-05 04:11 PM

Sure!!!! what do you need to know. I have over 20 years of experience with the force. ;)

Kory_yahi 06-20-05 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
Sure!!!! what do you need to know. I have over 20 years of experience with the force. ;)

Officer: Spread your cheeks and lift your sack
Wacky: :moon:

REDLINE 06-20-05 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
Sure!!!! what do you need to know. I have over 20 years of experience with the force. ;)

Uh oh...coming from Wacky racer, I don't know whether this is true or not...uhhhh..damn beligirents..:0

88GT 06-20-05 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by REDLINE
I have a great job right now in the entertainment design field, but I've been thinking about the LAPD for a long time now...a complete switch in my career...how hard is it to get in? I'm 28, in pretty good health. Can anyone share their experiences?

Can you swing a batton or flashlight?
Kidding.. Seriously though.. go to their website. There's several written test per week to get you started. Good luck!

REDLINE 06-20-05 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by 88GT
Can you swing a batton or flashlight?
Kidding.. Seriously though.. go to their website. There's several written test per week to get you started. Good luck!

Thanks, I'll check it out. I've heard stories of people passing everything, but yet were DQ'ed for unknown reasons...its strange considering their large hiring campaign....

BATMAN 06-20-05 04:59 PM

They will try to fuck with ur head in the part where they test if ur the kinda cop that will beat someone down for suspects emitting words at u.

Or course a few people managed to slip pass the system. ;)

kim307 06-20-05 05:16 PM

Couple of my friends recently tried out, but didn't make the cut:

Both UCLA grads
1. over 1000+ community service
2. goes 20 mile hikes for fun on weekends
3. runs 5 miles daily
4. aced the primary written exam
5. aka "nature boy" for his stupid love for various physical abuse that only a neaderthal can handle.

1. UCLA varsity level crewteam captain
2. rows and works out close to 8 hours a day.
3. passed the primary written exam
4. aka "iron man" for 4 years of waking up at 4am to go row his boat and working out 3-4 hours in the afternoon. Then playing Startcraft or CS until 2am. He's a monster.

As you can see, they are both in very good shape, very intelligent and hard working. Maybe these guys did something in the past that I don't know about, but they did not make it.

From what I hear, if you can make it as LAPD or NYPD, you'll be welcome any where in the US with promotion and raise when you want to make a geographical move.

GOOD LUCK...but if you make it, imagine all the power. If you haven't lived in LA, you don't know the power they possess. It's completely different from anywhere else in CA, and I would imagine the whole country.

REDLINE 06-20-05 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by kim307
Couple of my friends recently tried out, but didn't make the cut:

Both UCLA grads
1. over 1000+ community service
2. goes 20 mile hikes for fun on weekends
3. runs 5 miles daily
4. aced the primary written exam
5. aka "nature boy" for his stupid love for various physical abuse that only a neaderthal can handle.

1. UCLA varsity level crewteam captain
2. rows and works out close to 8 hours a day.
3. passed the primary written exam
4. aka "iron man" for 4 years of waking up at 4am to go row his boat and working out 3-4 hours in the afternoon. Then playing Startcraft or CS until 2am. He's a monster.

As you can see, they are both in very good shape, very intelligent and hard working. Maybe these guys did something in the past that I don't know about, but they did not make it.

From what I hear, if you can make it as LAPD or NYPD, you'll be welcome any where in the US with promotion and raise when you want to make a geographical move.

GOOD LUCK...but if you make it, imagine all the power. If you haven't lived in LA, you don't know the power they possess. It's completely different from anywhere else in CA, and I would imagine the whole country.

You see? That's what I'm talking about! I've heard similar stories! I see all sorts of unfit rookies in the lapd. Or even female officers I could easily out run, out smart and out handle...I don't get it.....

dark phoenix 06-20-05 05:40 PM

You see? That's what I'm talking about! I've heard similar stories! I see all sorts of unfit rookies in the lapd. Or even female officers I could easily out run, out smart and out handle...I don't get it.....
It's not about if you are physically stronger than someone. What they are looking for is if you can hack the day to day stress. Alot of people get cut during the background phase and psych exam.

1984se 06-20-05 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by REDLINE
You see? That's what I'm talking about! I've heard similar stories! I see all sorts of unfit rookies in the lapd. Or even female officers I could easily out run, out smart and out handle...I don't get it.....

Just apply and see what happens.

Im going thru the process right now.


Siraniko 06-20-05 05:44 PM

2 things:

Good background - they are strick on background check.

Good stomach - they eat lots of jelly donuts.

John Magnuson 06-20-05 05:46 PM

Step 1) Sell your soul to Satan

Step 2) Learn to hate anyone who isn't white

Well... at least those used to be the requirements... they've probably cleaned their act up in recent years.

DJDINO 06-20-05 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
2 things:

Good background - they are strick on background check.

Good stomach - they eat lots of jelly donuts.

:rlaugh: :rlaugh:

I'm waiting for FUMAN to chime in. He's a specialist on Law Enforcement. :cool:

web777 06-20-05 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by dark phoenix
It's not about if you are physically stronger than someone. What they are looking for is if you can hack the day to day stress. Alot of people get cut during the background phase and psych exam.

Exactly, anybody can be fit with enough training, it's your head and backgound they are looking at. They want to make sure you're not or prone to be psycho. They also interview your old neighbors and friends to see what kind of kid you were growing up.

Fumanchu 06-20-05 06:34 PM

I am at the very end of the process for Ventura County Sheriffs. Started in January with the written test and just took my final physical this last week. Signed my conditional job offer 3 weeks ago and am going into the academy in August.

The first thing I notice that might make it hard for you is your age. Agencies tend to hire younger applicants(low 20's) over older people. Doesn't mean that it won't happen, but if you are interested, get working towards it. Chances are you will have to go through the process a few times until you get hired. No one gets hired their first time out. It took me 2 times to make it.

The initial written test and physical test are easy. The written consists of 4 or 5 parts and is pretty basic. Map reading, reading comprehension, grammar and spelling, memory are the major sections. There are a few books out there that can help with the test. Go to Borders or Barnes and Noble to see. It seems easy to me, but only 60% of the applicants pass this test.

The Physical test is basic too. Usually a short run (500 yards in 3 min), body drag (155lbs dummy 30 feet), chain link fence climb(6ft.), solid wall climb(6ft.), and a small obstical course. 90% of the applicants pass this test usually.

After you pass the initial tests, the real fun begins. :D You have to fill out a Personal History Statement(P.H.S.) which is around 40 pages long. This is where you list all your neighbors, all past drug use, finance questions, school, all past residences, ex-wives, and pretty much anything else you can think of. The number one thing to remember is, DO NOT LIE. They will find out the truth even if you think they won't. If you lie once, you will NEVER hold a job in law enforcement. The sad thing is, most people that lie do it on stupid questions that wouldn't have been a big deal either. You will need all school transcripts, birth certificate, vehicle registrations, selective service info and accident reports. Get these ready to go so they don't have to wait for you to get them.

I am not sure if you ever did drugs, but I will go over that. Marijuana use is not a big deal. They will ask you when the last time you used it, and how many total times you did. As long as you did it when you were in college and kept it to a minimum, it's not a big deal. Harder drugs are a different story. Make sure you accurately estimate how many times you used it. They will find out for sure once the polygraph test comes around anyways.

It depends on the department, but somewhere around this time you will meet with your background investigator. Treat him like your god since he is the one that basically gets you hired. If he wants to meet you, clear your schedule for him. It helps a lot to have a job that lets you take time off. He will come to your house and will be contacting all of your refrences.

Usually next is the polygraph exam. The examiner usually has your PHS and asks you 20 questions or so while you are hooked up to the machine. You go over all the questions and answers before you are hooked up though so there is no confusion. This is honestly the most stressful time of the process but gets easier the more times you have to do it.

After you successfully pass the Polygraph, the Psychological test is next. But you can't take the Psych. or last Physical until you sign a conditional job offer. It has to with something about the American Disabilites Act. It might vary from where you take it, but for me it was around 600 multiple choice questions about your personality. Then usually a short interview with the doctor. Just be yourself and don't over analize the questions and it's not hard.

The next step is a final physical test. You have to go to a hospital and run on a treadmill to monitor your heart. Usually a 5 minute run and not very hard. Some X-Rays of your back are taken as well. Then a full physical is done on you. They just want to make sure you have no problems.

That is usually the last step. Sometimes some departments have a Chief's Oral at the end. That is just where you sit down and have a chat with the Chief. If you make it to this step, you basically have a job. Just don't fuck up. :D

Some more things that I forgot. Make sure your finances are together. They will run a credit report on you and take it HIGHLY in their decision. The last thing they need is a cop with a shitty money situation that takes bribes or steals evidence. Also, take some classes at your local community colleges in report writing or weapon handling. They look highly upon that. Also, go out and buy a $500 suit. Should be solid black with a solid colored tie. No flashy colors and make sure the suit fits like a champ. You have no idea how much a good suit helps you. And always wear it to anything you have to do in the process. They will assume you really want the job if you take the time to impress them.

That is everything I can come up with right now but I know I left some things out. If you need any more information or want to talk to me. PM me and I will give you my number.

**edit** Also if you want PM me with any background info that you are worried about. I have a pretty good idea on what's ok or not.

REDLINE 06-20-05 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Fumanchu
I am at the very end of the process for Ventura County Sheriffs. Started in January with the written test and just took my final physical this last week. Signed my conditional job offer 3 weeks ago and am going into the academy in August.

The first thing I notice that might make it hard for you is your age. Agencies tend to hire younger applicants(low 20's) over older people. Doesn't mean that it won't happen, but if you are interested, get working towards it. Chances are you will have to go through the process a few times until you get hired. No one gets hired their first time out. It took me 2 times to make it.

The initial written test and physical test are easy. The written consists of 4 or 5 parts and is pretty basic. Map reading, reading comprehension, grammar and spelling, memory are the major sections. There are a few books out there that can help with the test. Go to Borders or Barnes and Noble to see. It seems easy to me, but only 60% of the applicants pass this test.

The Physical test is basic too. Usually a short run (500 yards in 3 min), body drag (155lbs dummy 30 feet), chain link fence climb(6ft.), solid wall climb(6ft.), and a small obstical course. 90% of the applicants pass this test usually.

After you pass the initial tests, the real fun begins. :D You have to fill out a Personal History Statement(P.H.S.) which is around 40 pages long. This is where you list all your neighbors, all past drug use, finance questions, school, all past residences, ex-wives, and pretty much anything else you can think of. The number one thing to remember is, DO NOT LIE. They will find out the truth even if you think they won't. If you lie once, you will NEVER hold a job in law enforcement. The sad thing is, most people that lie do it on stupid questions that wouldn't have been a big deal either. You will need all school transcripts, birth certificate, vehicle registrations, selective service info and accident reports. Get these ready to go so they don't have to wait for you to get them.

I am not sure if you ever did drugs, but I will go over that. Marijuana use is not a big deal. They will ask you when the last time you used it, and how many total times you did. As long as you did it when you were in college and kept it to a minimum, it's not a big deal. Harder drugs are a different story. Make sure you accurately estimate how many times you used it. They will find out for sure once the polygraph test comes around anyways.

It depends on the department, but somewhere around this time you will meet with your background investigator. Treat him like your god since he is the one that basically gets you hired. If he wants to meet you, clear your schedule for him. It helps a lot to have a job that lets you take time off. He will come to your house and will be contacting all of your refrences.

Usually next is the polygraph exam. The examiner usually has your PHS and asks you 20 questions or so while you are hooked up to the machine. You go over all the questions and answers before you are hooked up though so there is no confusion. This is honestly the most stressful time of the process but gets easier the more times you have to do it.

After you successfully pass the Polygraph, the Psychological test is next. But you can't take the Psych. or last Physical until you sign a conditional job offer. It has to with something about the American Disabilites Act. It might vary from where you take it, but for me it was around 600 multiple choice questions about your personality. Then usually a short interview with the doctor. Just be yourself and don't over analize the questions and it's not hard.

The next step is a final physical test. You have to go to a hospital and run on a treadmill to monitor your heart. Usually a 5 minute run and not very hard. Some X-Rays of your back are taken as well. Then a full physical is done on you. They just want to make sure you have no problems.

That is usually the last step. Sometimes some departments have a Chief's Oral at the end. That is just where you sit down and have a chat with the Chief. If you make it to this step, you basically have a job. Just don't fuck up. :D

Some more things that I forgot. Make sure your finances are together. They will run a credit report on you and take it HIGHLY in their decision. The last thing they need is a cop with a shitty money situation that takes bribes or steals evidence. Also, take some classes at your local community colleges in report writing or weapon handling. They look highly upon that. Also, go out and buy a $500 suit. Should be solid black with a solid colored tie. No flashy colors and make sure the suit fits like a champ. You have no idea how much a good suit helps you. And always wear it to anything you have to do in the process. They will assume you really want the job if you take the time to impress them.

That is everything I can come up with right now but I know I left some things out. If you need any more information or want to talk to me. PM me and I will give you my number.

**edit** Also if you want PM me with any background info that you are worried about. I have a pretty good idea on what's ok or not.

Thanks Fumanchu! I appreciate it. I'll definetly PM you. My situation is a little stranger than other candidates. Hopefully you know whats up.

DJDINO 06-20-05 09:29 PM

WOWZERS! That's our Fuman at his best. Thanks for the insights bud. You'll be clearing my traffic violations soon enough. :)

scratchjunkie 06-20-05 09:56 PM


good luck

GOOFYROTOR 06-20-05 11:51 PM

i heard that LAPD can beat the fuck on an individual if you don't get caught doing it.
also, you can be a KING behind the badge.

Siraniko 06-21-05 12:54 AM

And they are good for giving tickets but lame in responding to emergency calls. And when it comes to their hungry stomachs, sirens are always "ON".

GUITARJUNKIE28 06-21-05 01:34 AM

fuman's gonna fix my tickets :)

Jesuscookies 06-21-05 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by GUITARJUNKIE28
fuman's gonna fix my tickets :)

I bet you fufu actually gives you a ticket before he ever fixes one. :bigthumb:

scratchjunkie 06-21-05 11:30 AM

dont sherrifs have to work the jail their first couple of years though?

fd3s800 06-21-05 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by John Magnuson
Step 1) Sell your soul to Satan

Step 2) Learn to hate anyone who isn't white

Well... at least those used to be the requirements... they've probably cleaned their act up in recent years.


breesej 06-21-05 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by scratchjunkie
dont sherrifs have to work the jail their first couple of years though?

LA County Sherrifs...yes, but you need to be as close to white trash as possible. They do it to toughen you up and to train you on how to be an A$$. Then after sufficient "training" you become a bailiff in the court system so you can beat down defendants and get some "stick time" in. After that you get out on the street and further hone your stick and pepper spray technique on inocent civilians.

This information was relayed to me by a few friends who are LA County Sherrifs. I had one friend try out and was denied because he was too much of an independant thinker. You need to be able to follow orders and like Wacky said, your stomach needs to be top notch for all those donuts.

On a side note, at the LA Auto show, there was a recuiter there trying to get people to sign up for the program. I told them that I would sign up if I could shoot a real gun (.45 auto), not those pea shooter 9mm. He smiled and agreed that the guns are weak and that he owns many 1911's which he favors over the 9mm issue.

To the original poster...Good luck and be kind to your rotary family.

Siraniko 06-21-05 06:21 PM

I was denied 2 decades ago - cant pass background check. I told them I didnt exhale but they didnt believe me. And I always wanted to be in the crash unit or asian task force.

DJDINO 06-21-05 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
And I always wanted to be in the crash unit or asian task force.

What, you wanted to chill with CrashUnit....ah sir....please. :D

Siraniko 06-21-05 06:28 PM

free food in chinatown and j-town. ;)

Fumanchu 06-21-05 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by breesej
LA County Sherrifs...yes, but you need to be as close to white trash as possible. They do it to toughen you up and to train you on how to be an A$$. Then after sufficient "training" you become a bailiff in the court system so you can beat down defendants and get some "stick time" in. After that you get out on the street and further hone your stick and pepper spray technique on inocent civilians.

This information was relayed to me by a few friends who are LA County Sherrifs. I had one friend try out and was denied because he was too much of an independant thinker. You need to be able to follow orders and like Wacky said, your stomach needs to be top notch for all those donuts.

:rofl: I seriously hope you were being sarcastic in this post. I've never heard such bullshit. Damn those mindless zombies. :rlaugh: :rolleyes:

scratchjunkie 06-21-05 10:01 PM

^ its a pretty good theory though hahahahaha

breesej 06-21-05 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by Fumanchu
:rofl: I seriously hope you were being sarcastic in this post. I've never heard such bullshit. Damn those mindless zombies. :rlaugh: :rolleyes:

Some of it was sarcasm. All of it was linking completely unrelated events into one though.

The few people I know in the LA County Sherrifs Department are white trash, they live in the Inland Empire and readily admit they are white trash in every sense of the word. One friend went through the academy and her first assignment right out of the academy was in LA County lock-up, Downtown. Immediately after her assignment or perhaps after a transfer request, she was put to work at CCD (6th and Commonwealth) as a Bailif. I once saw a Bailif jump an elderly man who didn't understand the sentence given to him by an underqualified commisioner and he (old man) was mumbling something. The Bailif grabbed his arm authoritatively, the old man said "Get your hands off of me" and jerked his elbo away. All hell broke loose then. Pepper spray, and batons were drawn. I later found out that the Bailif came straight from County lock-up and was transfered for being too violent.

Perhaps Ventura County runs their show different...

Fumanchu 06-21-05 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by breesej
Some of it was sarcasm. All of it was linking completely unrelated events into one though.

The few people I know in the LA County Sherrifs Department are white trash, they live in the Inland Empire and readily admit they are white trash in every sense of the word. One friend went through the academy and her first assignment right out of the academy was in LA County lock-up, Downtown. Immediately after her assignment or perhaps after a transfer request, she was put to work at CCD (6th and Commonwealth) as a Bailif. I once saw a Bailif jump an elderly man who didn't understand the sentence given to him by an underqualified commisioner and he (old man) was mumbling something. The Bailif grabbed his arm authoritatively, the old man said "Get your hands off of me" and jerked his elbo away. All hell broke loose then. Pepper spray, and batons were drawn. I later found out that the Bailif came straight from County lock-up and was transfered for being too violent.

Perhaps Ventura County runs their show different...

No, perhaps you shouldn't take one incident and apply it as fact or policy. :rofl: It leads to you looking like an ass. :bigthumb:

Siraniko 06-21-05 11:44 PM

wow, this part reminds me of "COLORS" with the wannabee homeboys from temple and beaudry. Can someone tell me the story about the cow??? :D

Jesuscookies 06-21-05 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
wow, this part reminds me of "COLORS" with the wannabee homeboys from temple and beaudry. Can someone tell me the story about the cow??? :D

Fufu = pacman :bigthumb:

Siraniko 06-22-05 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Jesuscookies
Fufu = pacman :bigthumb:


Fumanchu 06-22-05 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by Jesuscookies
Fufu = pacman :bigthumb:



DJDINO 06-22-05 12:51 AM

HAHAHAHAH, this is good stuff.

InsaneGideon 06-22-05 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by kim307
1. UCLA varsity level crewteam captain
2. rows and works out close to 8 hours a day.
3. passed the primary written exam
4. aka "iron man" for 4 years of waking up at 4am to go row his boat and working out 3-4 hours in the afternoon. Then playing Startcraft or CS until 2am. He's a monster.

2 hrs. of sleep? So basically, you just told me this guy's a tweaker.


ReZ311 06-22-05 12:50 PM

American Disabilites Act and Fumanchu made it!


Siraniko 06-22-05 03:40 PM

Fumichi should take notes from Blood In-Blood Out, American Me and Year of the Dragon.

DJDINO 06-22-05 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
Fumichi should take notes from Blood In-Blood Out, American Me and Year of the Dragon.

Don't forget about Angel Town :D

kim307 06-22-05 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by InsaneGideon
2 hrs. of sleep? So basically, you just told me this guy's a tweaker.


You tell me. I'm not awake during those hours. I don't know what he does, but did have some cool stories of hitting floating bodies in Marina Del Rey during his practice. He ran into a couple during those years too, not just one.

The sad thing is that I heard our beloved Santa Clara County Sheriff lost the "privilege" of serving in jails b/c of their incompetency. Sad shiet.

Personally I would love to be a cop just to bust some fixed up rides and just enjoy the driver's bull shit as he tries to explain how his downpipe is really a cat.

FYI: What's really interesting is the turf war between CHP and LAPD. Those guys went at it a few years back. They started pulling each other over and giving tickets until the chief laid it down on them: CHP on highways, LAPD on the streets.

Siraniko 06-22-05 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by DJDINO
Don't forget about Angel Town :D

isnt that mi vida loca? :D

DJDINO 06-22-05 07:06 PM

Nope, this one:


Siraniko 06-22-05 07:49 PM

I remember that one now. I thought you were referring to Boulevard Nights.

Jesuscookies 06-22-05 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer
Fumichi should take notes from Blood In-Blood Out, American Me and Year of the Dragon.

And the 'bad lieutenant' especially the part where the guy kills himself. :bigthumb:

Oh no!!! I'm really gonna get a fixit ticket now.

spitfire7 06-23-05 12:36 PM

nwa said it best f the police

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