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DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:22 AM

Can a police officer use an individual's driveway for the purpose of catching speeders?
I've seen this a few times w/ motorcycle cops who try to be sneaky. Their motorcycle is sitting on someone's driveway and are clearly trying to catch speeders. While I do appreciate the fact that they are ensuring public safety...is it LEGAL for them to set up a "stake out" point on someone's private property? (IMO, I don't think this is legal w/o consent from the owner). And note, I'm clearly stating driveway and not the sidewalk (which would be public/common property).

DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:28 AM

If law enforcement has cameras mounted in their cars for use in court proceedings where traffic violations occur (we've all seen this type of video footage), can't a private individual do the same to his/her car for use in contesting tickets, entrapment and unlawful police harrassment? The reason I ask, is what if a cop is trailing a vehicle EXTREMELY close (within reason that if a normal person was doing this, a ticket would be issued for following too closely)? This video footage would show that the police officer was "possibly" harrassing an individual. (Again, I do not see a problem w/ video footage in this case, but thought I would ask).

DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:32 AM

If your hood is broken and is unable to open when an officer asks for a "hood pop", can the officer order a tow? (I don't think so as the officer may suspect, but can do nothing w/o a search warrant which authorizes searching under the hood. Even then, they are not the official judge for stuff like lack of emissions, etc.. So I'm wondering, what "powers" they have in this scenario).

DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:43 AM

If an officer cites an individual for a suspected mod (when in fact it was an OEM offering), does the ticket get dismissed? Example, STI wing, EVO wing and roof spoiler/diffuser, stock OEM tint on a luxury vehicle, etc.). I'm assuming this will have to be demonstrated or proven in court?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:53 AM

IF everyone is driving above the posted speed limit (say...early morning drive to work), you are going w/ the flow of traffic at the time...and a cop pulls YOU over, what grounds do you have to show you were going w/ the flow of traffic (despite the fact that everyone was speeding in the morning)? (I guess my idea of a personal mounted video camera would be useful in this case?)

DomFD3S 03-01-07 08:56 AM

Is it lawful for a police officer to flip on his red lights and drive through an intersection for the express purpose of not waiting at the light any longer? (I've seen this, and thought I would ask). And no, the officer was not trying to get to go to the scene of a crime or anything. Merely to run a red light/not wait.

Would this not be somewhat of an abuse of their power?

If so, what can be done to report this type of activity?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:02 AM

If you are driving through an area that is far away from home and get ticketed (like driving from NorCal to SoCal), assuming you get ticketed in NorCal...what can you do to contest the ticket (besides the written)? Driving up to NorCal for the express purpose of contesting the ticket would be nuts. So what can be done?

Or assume you get a ticket while you are vacationing in Vegas? Do they honestly expect me to drive back to Vegas to contest the ticket? (I know it gets a bit murky given it is another state...)

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:08 AM

This may sound dumb, but assuming you are in the carpool lane, and your exit is coming up. There are NO dashed lines to permit you to exit the carpool lane to get to your exit. WTF can you do? The carpool lanes usually have a double yellow line which do not permit crossing.

This occurs on the 10 freeway near Alhambra. The problem is there are not nearly enough "exit" points for the carpool lane...so am I expected to drive past my f*cking exit to get to my destination?

Tell me what the law says, what a police officer's opinion is, and then what they would personally do if they were in my situation?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:10 AM

If you are in an accident...and a police officer is able to show up. Can you request for a police report be filed? This scenario occurred in the past. And the cop said that since no one was seriously hurt and the damage didn't seem to amount to much, he didn't HAVE TO file one.

But what if I wanted one for the sake of documentation? (As the other party could try to screw me over later)

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:12 AM

If you can get busted for a "modified exhaust"...wouldn't this immediately be a problem for anyone coming out of (exhaust) service from a Midas shop?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:18 AM

When can an individual perform a "citizens arrest"?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:21 AM

This one is simple. What is the legal size for a knife?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:23 AM

If I'm on the freeway, and I see a drunk driver...who do I call?

I've called 911, but that ultimately was useless, as they referred me to CHP.
When I called CHP, nothing happend as no officer showed up at all after I followed the individual (for miles!!!)

BoostedRex 03-01-07 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by Fumanchu
Not really. I guess you can write you representatives or something but there isn't really any other way except for getting some big named company to back you. I guy writing a letter won't do anything.

The ticket for the taillights is all good in my opinion. Are the taillights tinted or are they not? It would be impossible for officers to know what OEM tailights look like on the 100's of thousands different designs that are out there. When the person received the ticket, it is not an admission of guilt. If it is an bogus ticket then he or she has every right to go fight it in court and not pay any money other than the time off from work. That's how the system works. The cop saw tinted taillights that are for the most part illegal and he wrote the ticket. No harm, no foul.

I understand that the cop might have thought the tails were tinted. However, when any number of Mustangs, Camaro's, etc... can drive by with tinted tails running open headers and the cops give them a "what's up" nod while harrassing me... That's what pisses me off. Profiling is the problem. If they want to enforce the laws then enforce them equally on both imports AND domestics. And before it's said, I know that it's not all cops that are doing this. But the vast majority of them in NorCal are this way.

Now when you said "get a big company to back me," what exactly were you talking about?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:51 AM

What are the noise restrictions of motorcycles anyway? Some of them are god-awful loud.

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:52 AM

Can a motorcycle legally drive between vehicles (between lanes)?

DomFD3S 03-01-07 09:55 AM

What can I do, to say "Thank You" to my local law enforcement?
Will they accept a basket of cookies (for example)? Or will they call the bomb squad and blow up the basket? What if I buy them a coffee in the morning? Will they deny it or what?

Is there a way to make a donation to my local law enforcement (like a fund or something) to help pay for things they need...like ammo, pens, etc.? A fund that goes toward the purchase of new equipment/maintenance.

DomFD3S 03-01-07 10:00 AM

Do officers bust out the "COPS" tune in their head when on patrol?

"Bad Boys. Bad Boys. Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?
Bad Boys. Bad Boys..."

DomFD3S 03-01-07 10:01 AM

If I know there is a gang member living on my street...can I make a request that law enforcement patrol my street more often? Or is that just useless and will go nowhere.

DCrosby 03-01-07 10:03 AM

To: BoostedRex What if "Someone" Illegally Floods a forum with nearly 2 pages of questions can they be banned from the Forum for 24 Hours or do I have to call a Judge ?? :rlaugh:

Seriously Fuman, are you going to show up at any events in the near future ? I'd like to hang and chat again sometime....


Natey 03-01-07 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by DomFD3S
Can a motorcycle legally drive between vehicles (between lanes)?

I know this one.

It's not legal, and it's not illegal. It's up to the officer to make the call. If someone's putt-putting to the front of the line at a red light, then they'll usually be OK, but if he's weaving between lanes on the freeway at 60+ MPH, he'll get a ticket.

...at least that's what a CHP officer told me one day up on Hwy9. :)

cool_as_crap 03-01-07 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by DomFD3S
Can a motorcycle legally drive between vehicles (between lanes)?

yes it's legal, it's in the dmv handbook. you cannot go over 15 mph when your doing it i think.

sleeper7 03-01-07 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by DomFD3S
Can a police officer use an individual's driveway for the purpose of catching speeders?
I've seen this a few times w/ motorcycle cops who try to be sneaky. Their motorcycle is sitting on someone's driveway and are clearly trying to catch speeders. While I do appreciate the fact that they are ensuring public safety...is it LEGAL for them to set up a "stake out" point on someone's private property? (IMO, I don't think this is legal w/o consent from the owner). And note, I'm clearly stating driveway and not the sidewalk (which would be public/common property).

yes it is illegal to do this. (unless they have expressed written conccent from the owner prior to doing so) it is also illegal for them to do the same with church property. (took criminal justice for a yr.)

sleeper7 03-01-07 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by cool_as_crap
yes it's legal, it's in the dmv handbook. you cannot go over 15 mph when your doing it i think.

^^ you and Natey make sure you know what your talking about before you go giving *facts*. It is legal in some states. where i live (utah) its illegal, and you get a pretty heavy fine for doing this. To find out if its legal in your state consult with someone who has passed the state bar exam, or check with your states Department of Motor Vehicles.

sleeper7 03-01-07 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by DomFD3S
What can I do, to say "Thank You" to my local law enforcement?
Will they accept a basket of cookies (for example)? Or will they call the bomb squad and blow up the basket? What if I buy them a coffee in the morning? Will they deny it or what?

Is there a way to make a donation to my local law enforcement (like a fund or something) to help pay for things they need...like ammo, pens, etc.? A fund that goes toward the purchase of new equipment/maintenance.

well hopefully they arent going through enough ammo to need donations for. However, my father is a fire captain here in Salt Lake County. They get cookies, donuts, cakes, and various goodies brought over all the time. the sherriffs department stops buy from time to time. (once when i was there) One officer stated, "o you guys get that shit too"?

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