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Callsign_Vega 06-07-08 02:46 AM

Just because someone put a lot of time into making a custom peice of shit, does not mean in the end it still isn't a peice of shit. I can say my custom motorycycle was appraised at $112,000. Does that mean it's true? That "car" would have absolutely zero value for me, so no, I do not care how much some sap laid down for it. I also could care less what someone posted about my FD.

The funniest part of your posts is your defense against people calling it a peice of shit, then basically you saying it is a peice of shit in your description of the vehicle.

Tenacious 06-07-08 09:16 AM

put air ride on your FB!!!!! mebbe you can cut off the rear and weld on a pickup bed!!! best of both world for you! trucks and rx7!

wecycle 06-07-08 08:35 PM

Well said
I commend you for your restraint in view of the narrow minded comments posted in this thread.
While I autocross a pair of 1979 RX7's I am also into other vehicles including several turbo Dodges and a few show cars. While I have my preferences I can appreciate the workmanship and engineering others put into their vehicles even if it is not a make I prefer. This is doubly so if the work was by the owner not a "checkbook" hot rodder. I have a friend who built an A modified car completly in his garage. Powered by a Suzuki Hayabusa. Another built an all aluminum A modified powered with a Cosworth Vega engine. I applaud the effort in both cases even though neither is something that I would build. Now back to my current project. a 318 TTII. 1971 Colt hardtop Twin Turbo Injected Intercooled with 318 Dodge power (estimated 900+ per the desktop dyno)

Originally Posted by rxforspeed (Post 8263540)
Good point, Revere. I should've rejected this job, and I would've if I had known what was in store for me. My gosh, the steering shaft has 6"+ of play in it, and the list of quirks and all the things that are wrong or incorrect on this car amaze me. But the bottom line is this: I don't own the car and I'm not going to buy the pieces to correct everything that's wrong on it for a penny-pinching rich man. I've done what I can do, and I've pointed out all the problems that I've seen and noticed to the owner. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

The work that I've done to the car will make it stand out even more. A car like this tends to draw attention, and it's not everyday you see one with an adjustable suspension. And no matter how badly it was constructed to begin with, the exterior looks alone will always attract a crowd-no matter where it goes. It may be pointless to try and defend it, but I'd do the same if some absent-minded minitrucker was talking shit about one of our RX-7's. There are some people out there that have absolutely no clue how much time and effort are involved in creating something TRULY custom. Even though most of the previous work on this car is shoddy, it still took somebody a long time to construct it...

Believe me, I've seen my share of tasteless and substandard work-hell, I live in Kentucky! We're not all inbred and rednecks, but you couldn't possibly imagine what some of those that are consider "cool". The import scene in this town is nonexistant-and the cars that are modded are usually all bolt-on ricer wannabes. Most of the minitrucks around here are poorly done (or were, when I was more involved in that scene). I've seen some nice ones here lately, but I've also seen my share of substandard work on some. For most people, that's the way they have to start-cutting and hacking up their own vehicles with what most would consider substandard work when they first start out. Hell, I learned how to weld building my first truck, and I'm sure a few of those beads would be substandard to many. But that's how I learned, I couldn't afford to go to welding school or MIT-I cut, chopped, and rewelded until I had it right. Then if something broke, I fixed it. The smart ones are the ones that learn from their mistakes and don't make them a second time, especially on somebody else's vehicle. So instead of calling the "ricer wannabe" in the lane beside me a poser or call his work substandard, I try to incourage him to keep at it on his own vehicle until he knows what he's doing and can do the work right. This car could've been the first built of the 20 or so that were made that year-or maybe a new guy built the steering and did the fab work on the front frame clip. I don't know, so I'm not going to say all these cars are hack-jobs-just this one has some "flaws" that can be fixed, and maybe a few that can't. I'm a perfectionist with my work, so the 1/4" or 1/2" here or there to me is a big deal where it may not even matter to most. The owner of the car sure doesn't seem to care, but that's not really saying much...

Anyway, I may be a "perfectionist", but please don't mistake that as calling myself perfect. I'm far from it. Just try to imagine the time and work involved in the next custom vehicle you see before saying anything bad about it. Don't be too quick to judge-it's not your car and just maybe it's the next "Jesse James" that's just learning how to weld or the next big tuner that's only starting to learn what he's doing. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and the same goes for their vehicles, too...

jdhuegel1 06-08-08 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by Callsign_Vega (Post 8264495)
Just because someone put a lot of time into making a custom peice of shit, does not mean in the end it still isn't a peice of shit. I can say my custom motorycycle was appraised at $112,000. Does that mean it's true? That "car" would have absolutely zero value for me, so no, I do not care how much some sap laid down for it. I also could care less what someone posted about my FD.

The funniest part of your posts is your defense against people calling it a peice of shit, then basically you saying it is a peice of shit in your description of the vehicle.

Dude posted here to show a project. What the fuck are you arguing about? You've posted twice in this thread, both times have been negative in manner. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but goddamn dude lighten the fuck up.

OP - cool work, keep it coming.

therotorrooter 06-08-08 12:24 PM

I think its cool to see what others are doing that are avid rx-7 owners. Just because we love 7's doesn't mean we don't love other cars or have other professions such as this gentleman does. As a side note, I drive OTR for Fedex and I saw one of the old Zimmers on a car hauler. Had no clue what it was until I saw this thread and followed the link to the Zimmer web site. The car I saw was the 1985 Quicksilver....yeah you wold definately just have to have a craving for these cars.....but hey its different and to each their own. Everyone is intitled to dream....remember Tucker? Anyhow....I find it interesting and I learned something, so hey, keep up the good work man and good luck!!

rxforspeed 06-09-08 05:36 PM

Great call guys-I'm VERY pleased to see that there are others that share my opinion on other types of custom vehicles besides just our '7's. I try my best to be optimistic towards anything custom, no matter if it's a vehicle that I'd personally own or modify or one that I'd rather not bother spending the time and effort on.

I've been trying to defend this same principal, not just the car I'm working on. True, there are quite a few flaws, quirks, screw-ups, etc. (whatever you want to call 'em) on this thing, but somebody made a load of cash building these things, and I can only try to imagine the time and effort involved in the process. I'd like to build a few "kit" cars similar to this, maybe not the "Rolls Royce" style, but something more like a Locust or the Flyin' Miata's open top racer someday. But I'm not in any position to start a project like that anytime soon. Regardless of what you've built or are building, there's always going to be critics-I'm just trying to help open the eyes of some of those that are really clueless to how much time and effort is really involved in making something like this. No matter how much you dislike it, there's always going to be some part of the vehicle that you can appreciate or at least compliment. I'd spend a few winters fixing all the things wrong with this car (like the steering for one) if it were mine, but I wouldn't buy this thing for a fraction of what it's appraised for. I can, however, appreciate all the time and effort involved in manufacturing it-and I can look up to the guys that built it because even though there's some "shoddy" work (in my opinion), it still works, drives, and serves the purpose that the owner wants. And the builders made a crapload of money producing the 20 or so the year they made them.

Again guys, thanks for getting my back and appreciating true custom craftsmanship. And to the others-please just try to find something postive to say about a custom vehicle before you state your opinions. Opinions are like assholes-everybody has one. And just like assholes, not everybody wants to see yours. Think positively, and speak in the same manner. You never know-the owner of the car that you hate may be the nicest person in the world, so just think before you act or speak. You'll reduce the stress in your life if you strive to be positive about everything, too-so it's for the good of everyone. And please, feel free to call me a hypocrite if you ever catch me saying something negative about somebody else's car. I may try to share constructive criticism from time to time, but I always try to uphold these principals. Believe me, your life will improve if you do the same...

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