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Crit 07-11-05 06:32 PM

PDF Manuals
Does anyone have a .PDF version of an old rotary manual? I've got a Clymer, Haynes, and Mazda manual for my RX-2 and was gonna make a .pdf, but didn't know if they exist already.

If I bother scanning my whole manual, is there anyone here that could host it?

Kill No Cone 07-11-05 07:56 PM

I have seen the factory manuals in a PDF format, but now I can find the website.

trainwreck517 07-11-05 08:13 PM

I'd host it.

Crit 07-11-05 10:16 PM

Well, it'll take forever and a day to scan the manual, so if it exists, someone please let me know. That being said, I'd like to scan all three into PDF if I can't find them.

Matt22 07-12-05 12:23 AM

how are you gonna make good quality scans?
it seems to me that you would have to take the pages
out in order to get a good flat scan? what re you planning?
lates matt22

Crit 07-12-05 11:08 PM

We're talking about an original RX-2 factory manual, so I'm not going to be tearing out any pages. I don't mind wearing out the binding a little if I'm laying things flat, but the manual is for looks, not the PDF. I'll make it as clean as I can, but I've got to take care of the original manual itself.

Matt22 07-13-05 02:04 PM

very true
very true

Crit 07-14-05 01:13 AM

Well, I'm nearly done with the RX-2/3 Clymer manual and want to get it out, but it's looking to be around 200MB. I'd like to just publish it on emule, so if y'all want to download and install emule (peer-to-peer file sharing), it should be up on Thursday night. Full Mazda factory manual for RX-2 and 616 (Capella) is soon to follow.

Crit 07-14-05 01:18 AM

By the way, if anyone has some old-school manuals, posters, or anything else that they'd like to share with the world, let me know. I'll even split shipping to carefully scan and PDF-ify whatever you guys might have. These things are so damn hard to find, I'd like to do what I can.

Matt22 07-14-05 01:23 AM

have you considered building a website? and then we could get a huge collection of all things old school togather? i have been thinking of doing that for some time now. jsut a thought though.

Crit 07-14-05 10:02 PM

The first manual is complete and includes RX-2 and RX-3. If we can find a host or two (I've had two voluteer so far) I'd like to let ausrotary know about it, since I KNOW there are lots of guys there that need these.

If you want to DL or host the file, PM me.

Thanks Guys.

trainwreck517 07-15-05 02:05 AM

I can host it for you guys, its on a 100mbit line and I have 30gb or bandwitdh per month to spare.. so it should be enough. PM me or email me at trainwreck517@gmail.com with details on how to get it from you. :)

Matt22 07-15-05 07:03 PM

could you jsut email it to me? let me know Matt22

trainwreck517 07-15-05 11:51 PM

alright, well just waiting for crit to upload the manuals.

They will be available at http://www.godzilladefenceforce.com/...ads&file=index
So check back a few times to see when its up.

I think everyone should thank Crit for his hard work on this.

Crit 07-16-05 12:29 PM

The good Mazda Factory Service Manual (FSM) is uploaded. Clymer RX-2/RX-3 manual should be done around 6pm eastern (approx 350MB each)

vdo_game_junkie 07-16-05 11:51 PM

Wow that FSM came out really well. Thanks for doing that!

Crit 07-17-05 01:31 PM

Yeah, it actually came out well enough, after learning from the Clymer, that I'll do the Haynes too. I'll first break up the Clymer and Mazda into small PDFs by chapter, then do Haynes, and finally a lot of the old magazine reviews I have from the 70s from Road and Track and stuff like that. They sure liked to write about the RX-2s. If anyone has RX-3, 4, 5, or REPU stuff that they'd like shared, let me know!

Hullie 07-17-05 03:16 PM

Crit!! You Da Man Bro!!! :bigthumb:

trainwreck517 07-19-05 10:02 PM

alright well individal chapters and few articles are up for download.


Matt22 07-19-05 10:37 PM

Thank You Crit

Curtisleeyoung 07-20-05 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Crit
Does anyone have a .PDF version of an old rotary manual? I've got a Clymer, Haynes, and Mazda manual for my RX-2 and was gonna make a .pdf, but didn't know if they exist already.

If I bother scanning my whole manual, is there anyone here that could host it?

I host the manuals on my site, I'm trying to put together a rotary resource site. If you like it join my site it's free and motivates me to put more in the site.

Project Rotary Service Manuals

racerx7 08-03-05 11:25 PM

Thanks for all your hard work Crit. Thanks for hosting it trainwreck517.

I have four other manuals if you want. They are not
even close to the factory, so you probably do not
want to scan them and then ship it back to me.

I have
book 1 pub New York, NY
cover reads
"Mazda Rx2 range 1970-1973
workshop maitenance & repair manual
Drake Publishers, INC"

book 2 pub England
cover reads
owners workshop manual
Autobook 757
by Kenneth Ball"
ISBN 0 85147 377 6

book 3 pub England
cover reads
"mazda rx-2
owners workshop manual
Autobook 729
By Kenneth Ball"
ISBN 0 85147 497 7

book 4 pub CA
cover reads
"Mazda rx2 rotory
1971 to 1974
all models
ISBN 0 85696 109 4

I think I have so old magazines I will try and dig up.

thanks again.

Crit 08-04-05 04:48 PM

My Haynes manual has a lot of water damage, but I'd be happy to scan one that's functional. I've also seen the autobooks manual out there, but never knew if it was any good. I DEFINITELY want to scan old magazine articles, though. People don't know what they are now, and didn't know what to make of them then - kinda fun.

racerx7 08-04-05 10:51 PM

The magazine is Motor Manual Feb 1975. Four pages on the rx2.

Anyways, email your info and I will ship it out to you. How long until
you think I can get my books back?


Crit 08-04-05 11:32 PM

Magazine articles and stuff will be done the same day and returned immediately. Manuals take up to three days to scan, but usually less. PM sent.

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