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-   -   ARE THERE ANY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS WITH RX7'S IN tir state area of WASH DC` (https://www.rx7club.com/ne-rx-7-forum-30/there-any-christian-brothers-rx7s-tir-state-area-wash-dc%60-415488/)

mazda/feed 04-15-05 12:47 PM

HEY guys i just wanted to know if there were in any born again christian guys with 7's. It would be nice to fellowship with you if you are willing to come out and talk about christ and rx7's if so please let me know maybe we can get togethere and have a cook out


Tofuball 04-15-05 01:46 PM

Nope, None that I know of :p


neptuneRX 04-15-05 01:53 PM

sup? :) come to the Fuddruckers (https://www.rx7club.com/showthread.p...6&page=5&pp=40) meet

DarkAngelKamui 04-15-05 02:36 PM

This is an original idea... :D

But sadly, i'm not Christian... I'm a man who walks the nameless path to righteousness... :cool:

EH339 04-15-05 02:44 PM

Does being a born again Christian make your seven more reliable a car? ;)

mazda/feed 04-15-05 02:56 PM

YEA EH339 it could very well make it more reliable, if you do his will, he will look out for you, so give it a try

REAmemiya FD3S 04-15-05 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by mazda/feed
HEY guys i just wanted to know if there were in any born again christian guys with 7's. It would be nice to fellowship with you if you are willing to come out and talk about christ and rx7's if so please let me know maybe we can get togethere and have a cook out


hey eric,

i'm also a born again christian...it's too bad i'm not really in your area...i'm up in jersey...but we could always have fellowship over PMs...=)

take care.


mazda/feed 04-15-05 03:29 PM

hey andy thats great to hear, and yes we can. ill be taken my 7 up to south jersey to let jim at jrr/performance take the engine out, maybe we can meet up when i do that

Nuvolari 04-15-05 04:13 PM

No but, I do find myself praying often for devine intervention with my FD

But I am a " bloody Catholic. Filling the bloody world up with bloody people they can't afford to bloody feed."

EH339 04-15-05 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by mazda/feed
YEA EH339 it could very well make it more reliable, if you do his will, he will look out for you, so give it a try

Actually keeping a Honda my daily driver allows me to be a happy heathen. I take a lot of long road trips in my Si and she has over 327K miles on her... Soichiro Honda is my savior... actually I just follow the laws of science and math. Physics is my friend.

Well to each his own. Whatever makes you happy is cool with me, but you should also accept that Christianity isn't for everyone. I follow my own will and choose my own destiny. Heaven is really here on earth, but unfortunately many don't understand that. The ten commandments make a lot of sense, but I don't need a god to tell me how to be "good".

My bf is a recovered Catholic and cursing at whatever car he is working is a winning formula for him. :)

Go in peace guys!

mazda/feed 04-15-05 06:53 PM

being a cristian IS for everybody but its on you to follow the ways of christ, some dont want to follow becuase it might get in the way of there everyday of doing nothing. so the only thing i can say is follow the lord still have fun with your rx7 and then make it to heaven, beacuase heaven and hell is not on this earth let me tell you

sectachrome 04-15-05 09:08 PM

hahaha. wow.

is yzf back again?

EH339 04-15-05 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by mazda/feed
being a cristian IS for everybody but its on you to follow the ways of christ, some dont want to follow becuase it might get in the way of there everyday of doing nothing. so the only thing i can say is follow the lord still have fun with your rx7 and then make it to heaven, beacuase heaven and hell is not on this earth let me tell you

Being Christian wouldn't get in the way of anything I do. I just don't believe in your god or that Jesus was his son. And I pity you for not appreciating how wonderful life is on this wonderful planet called Earth... and your idea of heaven (and hell) doesn't appeal nor does it make any sense to me.

Carpe diem dude. :rolleyes:

gingenhagen 04-16-05 03:42 AM

Hehe, think of it this way. My friend has cancer. I found the cure. It would really suck if I didn't tell him. And I would be pretty sad if I don't told him the cure and he refused to try it. Same thing with Christianity. Anyways, that's how I see it.

falnfenix 04-16-05 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by EH339
Being Christian wouldn't get in the way of anything I do. I just don't believe in your god or that Jesus was his son. And I pity you for not appreciating how wonderful life is on this wonderful planet called Earth... and your idea of heaven (and hell) doesn't appeal nor does it make any sense to me.

Carpe diem dude. :rolleyes:

:bigthumb: agreed.

i think if i shared my ideas of christianity i'd frighten people...so that's all i'll say on the subject.

to the original poster: having faith and being on a car forum = ok. PREACHING on a car forum = NOT ok. you'll end up pissing people off :)

and what's with only saying brothers? are women not good enough to be in your "fellowship"? :rolleyes:

falnfenix 04-16-05 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by gingenhagen
Hehe, think of it this way. My friend has cancer. I found the cure. It would really suck if I didn't tell him. And I would be pretty sad if I don't told him the cure and he refused to try it. Same thing with Christianity. Anyways, that's how I see it.

:rlaugh: goooood way of putting it.

Tenacious 04-16-05 11:22 AM

Whenever I walk into a church I tend to burst into flames, is that normal?

EH339 04-16-05 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by gingenhagen
Hehe, think of it this way. My friend has cancer. I found the cure. It would really suck if I didn't tell him. And I would be pretty sad if I don't told him the cure and he refused to try it. Same thing with Christianity. Anyways, that's how I see it.

How about I've heard the Christian message, I respect your views, but I don't want any of it... and because I have a good analytical memory, you all don't need to tell me again about your "cure".

I think that spamming the world with your Christian message just ends up irking the rest of us and causing unnecessary strife. You insult the rest of us by persisting in propagating your spam. The Christian message is very obvious and not some special secret message that needs to be delivered.

Christians are spammers... and that is what many non-Christians think of your group. So don't be sad if you don't tell us about it.

falnfenix 04-16-05 12:30 PM

well...to go along with what you said...this is a CAR forum. we're not here to talk about religions...if you want to do that, it's cool to have a post about it asking people to PM you.

that's fine by me.

however, preaching in said thread when you open yourself up to flames in the first place only labels you as a bible beater...and honestly, i dealt with them for the first 18 years of my life. i don't need it anymore, thanks. by the way, there ARE forums out there that have to do with god...head on over to them, and ask if there's any car folks there. you're likely to have a much more positive response.

falnfenix 04-16-05 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by Tenacious
Whenever I walk into a church I tend to burst into flames, is that normal?

nah...just stay out of churches and you'll be fine.

PhoenixDownVII 04-16-05 02:02 PM

Wow. Why are you responding in a thread like this if you aren't christian?

The message title clearly states that the guy is looking for other Christian Rx7 owners. Why, then, would you post in this thread about how much you don't take to Christianity or God? What do you expect to happen besides a debate...Keep that for another thread.

Mazda/Feed: I'm a Christian. :) I am in Orange County, you should come to the AutoX tomorrow that I posted about in this sub-forum.

SlingShotRX7 04-16-05 02:09 PM

oh god, no pun intended..

all this person did was ask if there were religious christians out there,
that might want to get together and talk about god and rx'7's.

how is it any different from you guys getting together and talking about
girls and rx7's??

give the guy a break, he isn't banging the bible or throwing it,
he is just tapping it lightly.

Im no Saint, but i am tolerant. and:

if you doubt at all, that christianity doesn't effect the life you live and the influence
it has on humanity of the world, you are a fool.. And need to open up a history book.

for all you atheist and scientific folks that believe in evolution and the big bang and the
expansion of the universe or shrinking universe. " What caused the big bang"? To believe
that the universe at one time was as small as a needle point, is a little more far fetched than believing in Jesus.

RX7UP 04-16-05 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by SlingShotRX7
oh god, no pun intended..

all this person did was ask if there were religious christians out there,
that might want to get together and talk about god and rx'7's.

how is it any different from you guys getting together and talking about
girls and rx7's??

give the guy a break, he isn't banging the bible or throwing it,
he is just tapping it lightly.

Im no Saint, but i am tolerant. and:

if you doubt at all, that christianity doesn't effect the life you live and the influence
it has on humanity of the world, you are a fool.. And need to open up a history book.

for all you atheist and scientific folks that believe in evolution and the big bang and the
expansion of the universe or shrinking universe. " What caused the big bang"? To believe
that the universe at one time was as small as a needle point, is a little more far fetched than believing in Jesus.


Growing Christian here...

crashdummy 04-17-05 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by falnfenix
:bigthumb: agreed.

and what's with only saying brothers? are women not good enough to be in your "fellowship"? :rolleyes:


Tofuball 04-17-05 08:11 AM

Ok, I'll clarify: I'd love to fellowship with you guys, I've been a Christian for about 2 years, much to the dismay of my "Jewish" friends and family.

I threw away what this world told me about what a Christian was, and listend to what God had to say on the subject, reading the bible the whole way through convinced me beyond any hope of a doubt that I should throw away my Hentai, stop lying on my timesheet, stop constructing my own 'religion' and basically distance myself from my past life, thus "Dying" to my old life, and finding out what true Joy really is. Finding that this world and its ways really are fallen and it is time to leave it behind for something that is actually worth working for.

Some people have interesting ideas of what christianity is if they think "Being Good" has anything to do with it. "Being Good" comes as a secondary, your faith is first. As it is written: "Works without faith is dead"

The idea is simple: man has a Sinful heart, that he would rather go do his own selfish and sinful things then seek God, becoming a slave to his/her body and addictions, refusing wisdom for the lies of this world, and defiling their bodies and minds.

As stated in Genisis and many other places throughout, "The wages of sin is death"
That this world is mortal, that we are mortal, and if we want to go against what God wants us to do, God basically says 'fine, you can do what you want, you can betray me, curse my name, my followers, and the true way, but when you are done, I will be here to take you back with open arms and love, and forget the whole thing ever happened.'

So we are all sinners, I can say that confidently. But God did not want us all to just die in sin, so to atone for our sins, he sent another to conquer death, just as Mosses and the other Hebrew prophets of hundreds, and thousands, of years ago fortold. He came and we beat the living crap out of him, we naturally hated him then as we do now, we rejected his message and spat on him, we stripped him naked and mocked him and nailed him to a cross.

And he forgave us for what we did to him and he took all of our sin, our misdeed, our shame, on his back, and to accept this glorious gift, we dont have to do a thing. Thats right, we will be scrubbed completely free of sinm nothing we can do will save us, he came and took it away so that we can be pure in the eyes of God.

Thats a really dumbed down version of what a 'christian' belives, if you want the whole story, you've gotta read this book thats out there, I'm sure you've heard of it and seen it, it's the one on the shelf thats never opened, thats used to flatten out crumpled paper when you can't find the phonebook.

It is not a Christian's job to "Convert people," That is God's job, to work in their hearts and let them see the light. We are simply to "Spread the Good News" (Yes, thats what Jesus said after he rose from the dead, not "OMG KILL THE HEATHENS!!1")

So if you want to post here about the evils of "Christianity," I encourage you to read the bible and understand exactly what a Christian is, if at least for historical value, or cultural value, or for the fact it's a very interesting read. And I urge you to throw away all of your preconceptions of this book, and read it with an open mind on your search for meaning and/or understanding in this life.

. . . PS: If anyone is going to argue about how organized religion is evil . .. you're right! and God agrees with you! It's all in the begining of the book of Isaiah. (well, its in other places, but if you want the general idea after only reading one chapter, Isaiah is a good place to start)

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