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rx7kcass 04-08-02 11:02 PM

Whats the best wax
ok guys i need to know what the best wax to use is. And where can i get it from, i dont want to order any shit, this stuff has to be able to be in the market at any store.

7-sins 04-08-02 11:09 PM

You probably would have to order Zaino Brothers unless you can find a dealer. Check stores for Zymol too, I am pretty impressed with that stuff. If you need any more info search on the forum for the 2 brands.

Rotaree 04-08-02 11:33 PM

Go to a paint store. Products that you will find here are most likely reputable and work very well. Just about anything in 3M's line is awesome. If I was to wax the car, which I choose not to, I would probably use Zaino Bros.


JONSKI 04-09-02 12:11 AM

Isn't zaino bros. a car polish? What's the difference between a car polish and a wax? Car polish sounds like a complete PITA... whatever it is. I waxed my car with BMW Autowachs and holy shit was it easy. Real smooth and even glue will slide off the car. I know it's expensive, but I don't know how much, because it's my friend's and he let me use it before I left.

capt. bill1 04-09-02 12:16 AM

Zaino zainobros.com

RX7 RAGE 04-09-02 01:33 AM

I can vouch for zainobros too. I used it on my car and now it looks new again. :)

rynberg 04-09-02 02:51 AM

Re: Whats the best wax

Originally posted by rx7kcass
ok guys i need to know what the best wax to use is. And where can i get it from, i dont want to order any shit, this stuff has to be able to be in the market at any store.
If you're looking for the best wax that is commonly available at stores, just get Meguiar's Gold Class liquid wax. It doesn't last as long as their normal line but looks very good. I know some people have said that Meguiar's doesn't come off very easy but I have never had that experience in 7+ years of using their product.

FWIW, I'm thinking about trying that Zaino Bros stuff, it seems to be getting good reviews from everyone.

maxpesce 04-09-02 09:42 AM

MOTHERS pure carnuba paste wax, or HARLEY , also pure carnuba but much harder to find.

ek9220ps 04-09-02 09:22 PM

mothers clay bar with there wax, you can feel the smoothness

1FAST7 04-09-02 09:33 PM

go with zaino or mothers


rotorhead 04-10-02 10:59 PM

clay bars rule! they'll make any wax job 10 times slicker.

hawk 7 04-10-02 11:55 PM

Check out this test that the NSX club did on waxes. Zanio was better that all the one's in the test. It even beat the Zymol NSX wax and that guy supports the club and it cost $144 a bottle.


mightyslash 04-12-02 10:34 PM

No love for Meguiars :mad:

dzungh 04-12-02 11:22 PM

I like Meguiar's. Then again, I'm the product of late 90's yuppy culture that rules the middle class suburbs.

djantlive 04-13-02 02:03 AM

Gordon, I have Zaino and I certainly would love to try some Griot's as well. I have their catalog and called them once about a tool. Ppl at Griot knows their stuff well (kind of like Crutchfield in the stereo biz). If Griot can send me some of the wax to try, I promise to provide an unbiased evaluation (not to mention the promo for the winning product)

MAESTRUL 04-14-02 10:12 AM


I'd like to try it, too.
What's their website?(your link does not work)

user 84205 04-16-02 05:50 AM


inittab 04-16-02 06:29 AM

Zaino all the way!!! This is how I do it and the car is truely amazing. WARNING, be sure to have plenty of time and beer as this will take a better part of a Saturday to complete.

1. Wash the car with Dawn dish soap. This removes ALL wax and road grime.
2. Z-18 ClayBar. I clayed the ENTIRE car. I added Z-7 into a spray bottle with water and used that as the lubricant.
3. Washed the car with Z-7
4. Waxed the car with Z-1 and let dry WITHOUT removing.
5. Waxed with Z-5 directly over the Z-1
6. Removed the Z-5
7. Went over the entire car with Z-6 Ultra Clean "Gloss Enhancer" Spray
8. Waxed the car with Z-2
9. Removed the Z-2
10. Repeated step 7.

That was what I did the FIRST time I put the Zaino on my car. Every time AFTER that I did steps 3, 5 and 7. I have not put Z-1 back on the car. I will be doing that only 2 or 3 times each year. I have been using the Z-5 and Z-2 every other time I wax the car.

The products that I purchased:

Z-1 Show Car Polish LOK Pre-Cleaner and Gloss Enhancer
Z-2 Show Car Polish for Clear Coated Finishes
Z-5 Polish for Swirl Marks & Fine Scratches
Z-6 Ultra Clean "Gloss Enhancer" Spray
Z-10 "Leather in a Bottle" Treatment and Conditioner
Z-16 Perfect Tire Gloss
Z-18 ClayBar
#314 Custom 4x5 polish Applicator

I also went out and purchased a bunch of 100% Made in the US of A WHITE towels. This is the MOST important part of the PROPER care of your car! If the towel says 100% cotton and does NOT say Made in the USA, then the towel is NOT 100% cotton, just the matting is, the backing is polyester! Polyester will SCRATCH your car! You will need at least 4 LARGE bath towels and 2-4 hand towels. Also make sure you purchase 2-4 #314 Applicators to apply the various waxes/polishes, these are amazing!

The Zaino products go on and come off easier than ANYTHING you could ever imagine!

PS- I don't own stock in Zaino. ;)

Ouijan 04-16-02 09:12 PM

I have been very pleased with the 3M hand glaze. PITA to remove though.

rynberg 04-17-02 02:13 AM

Originally posted by gmonsen
guys, i have ordered 5 best of show wax bottles from griots and am prepared to divvy (sp?) out 4 of them to you deserving folks. but, how do we do something sighteous to compare zaino and griots best of show? it would seem that we somehow need to do one (red) car in zaino and one (red) car in griots and have them next to each other and a bumch of people to compare them without knowing which is which? any ther ideas? -gordon
Because of variabilities in paint, I think you would have to use both products on the SAME car. Just split the car down the middle. That way you could make comparisons of several different angles and body panels.

gfelber 04-18-02 06:20 PM

I've done the test
I've said this time and time again, the visual benefits you get from zaino is due to the damn polishing. What's that?...step 2- use zaino x, let dry. Polish. Step 3- use zaino x+1. Let dry. Polish. Step 4...

Try this with Mcguiars or any other polish and you'll be amazed too.

FIWI- I've compared zaino, Zymol creme, and Griot's using two cars (split down the center, fenders, and doors). Even had a few people over to judge the results. The winner? No one could really tell any difference (though if I had to pick it'd probably go to Griot's), primarily because I took care to use the proper procedures for each product, i.e, paint cleaning and polishing.

The NSX test is bullsh*t as the hood was not prepped properly for the other products. Moreover, that test was subject to application error- at least in the case of the zymol NSX wax.

One final comment: How may concourse winning cars use zaino? Come on?


Rx-7Addict 04-27-02 05:56 PM

What do people at concours use?

Besides the $1000+ Zymol stuff, thats insane.

I looked at getting Pinnacle Souveran paste wax once my new paint job cures. Its expensive (like $70 for 8oz.)..

http://www.properautocare.com/lib/cl...alphlauren.jpg Ralph Lauren's 1930 Mercedes Benz SSK "Count Trossi"
Winner, Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance Best of Show
Prepared and shown with Pinnacle Souveran Wax

Looks to be really good, if used with a polisher. Ive heard from many people that the key is to use a good "wax prep" which is basically a polisher and makes the car smoother for wax. Then use wax over it. Than add high carnuba content wax. This method is similar to Zainos reccomended application.

Perhaps Gordon or anyone else can let us know about Griots. A lot of Ferrari owners reccomend this stuff, and it looks reasonably priced and Richard guarentees his stuff.

I will need wax in a few months, and I will probably get that Souveran. Any advise from people who have tried many things for us would be great :)

Im willing to put in the time to make my car look great!

Rx-7Addict 07-27-02 12:35 PM

bump for possiability of new products

DCrosby 07-28-02 12:00 PM

I went to this Mazda Miata Place in L.A. that my friend recommended I talk to him about car care products...
(BTW) Place's name was Brain Storm I think they have a web site by the same name...

He recommended this stuff imported from Germany, called "Klasse" and there are two products a Cleaner / Wax and a Sealer, I used my friends Cleaner Wax first and got good results it seemed a bit shinier but oh boy did it feel smoother... the Terry Cotton Towels glided off the hood like one a cushion of air... I was impressed...
A week later I went back to him and he sold me the sealer and told me to apply it once every 6mo. and that's all I needed. So far he's right water beads off and car looks spectacular...

He also told me about a product called 301 vinyl / leather protectant with UV protection... My miata friend told me that that's all he uses on his vinyl top and it looks great, as opposed to armor all....
When I asked the brain storm guy about the stuff, he pulled me aside and said just whatever you do don't use armor all... I can't say I can explain exactly why but the jest of it was that the armor all seep into the dash, but then starts evaporating in less than a week and can cause the dash to loose moisture in the process, making frequent re-applications and possible cracking and fading a reality...

If anyone is seriously interested I will post some pictures of the products and any contact info on the bottles, they're a permanent addition to my storage bins :-)


DCrosby 07-28-02 12:06 PM

I went to this Mazda Miata Place in L.A. that my friend recommended I talk to him about car care products...
(BTW) Place's name was Brain Storm I think they have a web site by the same name...

He recommended this stuff imported from Germany, called "Klasse" and there are two products a Cleaner / Wax and a Sealer, I used my friends Cleaner Wax first and got good results it seemed a bit shinier but oh boy did it feel smoother... the Terry Cotton Towels glided off the hood like one a cushion of air... I was impressed...
A week later I went back to him and he sold me the sealer and told me to apply it once every 6mo. and that's all I needed. So far he's right water beads off and car looks spectacular...

He also told me about a product called 301 vinyl / leather protectant with UV protection... My miata friend told me that that's all he uses on his vinyl top and it looks great, as opposed to armor all....
When I asked the brain storm guy about the stuff, he pulled me aside and said just whatever you do don't use armor all... I can't say I can explain exactly why but the jest of it was that the armor all seep into the dash, but then starts evaporating in less than a week and can cause the dash to loose moisture in the process, making frequent re-applications and possible cracking and fading a reality...

If anyone is seriously interested I will post some pictures of the products and any contact info on the bottles, they're a permanent addition to my storage bins :-)


ZMhacker 07-29-02 07:12 AM

I use 3m finish restorer in combination with zymol carbon or japon with great results

RXJJang 07-29-02 09:11 AM

Has anyone used Liquid Glass (www.liquidglass.com)? This stuff is simply amazing. It's pretty expensive at ~$20.00 for 16oz., but it adds a whole new dimension to your paint.

Rx-7Addict 07-29-02 05:26 PM

Klasse and liquid glass can be bought at www.properautocare.com

I have bought P21s stuff from them and I like them a lot. Totally high end stuff and many different product lines. I was going to order some Pinnacle Soveran paste wax but didnt know if it would be worth it. But 30 waxes worth for $70 doesnt seem bad at all :)

Rx-7Addict 07-29-02 10:51 PM

Now that I know i am keeping my car, I ordered the Souveran kit. It includes polish, wax and instant detail stuff. It seemed like a good deal at $100, because it included a lot of other stuff besides just the wax.

When it arrives, I will let you know what I think. I am expecting a lot, especially at $70 for 8 ounces. i have emailed the owner of properautocare, and I am convinced this will give my red car the best depth, clarity, and color.

I will let you know what I think, Gordon. I wish i could compare it to zainos, but oh well

PVerdieck 07-30-02 08:00 AM

Don't forget Rain-X for the exterior glass...

Rx-7Addict 08-03-02 12:17 PM

Here are some pics of my car after a polishing using the Pinnacle Paintwork cleansing lotion and then using the Pinnacle Souveran.


Let me know what you think, Gordon

Rx-7Addict 08-05-02 12:23 AM

Here is a website found


It basically tests every wax available, from Griots, Pinnacle (souveran and "glaz"), P21s, several zymol, Zainos, etc.

Zainos won the synthetic class

Strangely enough, P21s won the expensive class. I have used lots of P21s products and like them, but haven't tried the wax.

I bought my friend the P21s kit for his birthday a few weeks ago. I will have to steal some wax from him , because Im anxious to see how it does. :)

I was surprised by the result. I will have to try this P21s. Its only like $25 for a container I think.

Gordon, as for the Souveran, I am impressed. It has an immense depth to it. It also seems to shimmer and have that liquid look. Very nice. It was easy to apply and buffed off easily. It did not stain moldings bad, only lighty.

Hopefully you will pick some Souveran or P21s so you can compare it to what you have used before (Zymol, Griots etc)

Redevvl 08-05-02 06:08 PM

I just converted to Zaino after years of using various products; Zymol, Meguires, Klasse. I have a 93 VR touring, bought in 6/92. The optical quality of the Zaino after application was extraordinary. Some of the comments I get are, "Did you just have it painted"?; or "Man that is shiny". I found it very easy to use and am now using it on my Obsidian Black C280 Sport MBZ. The Zaino promotes a true mirror reflection and you don't need to apply a lot of product. When washing the car, the water just beads up and glides right off. I am extremely pleased with the results.

JPowers 08-05-02 10:56 PM

This guy did a great test on his black Porsche using Meguiars and Zaino:


Here's a good car detailing forum:


There is no such thing as one miracle product. Zaino, Liquid Glass, Klasse are pretty much the same thing. Zaino may seem to give better results sometimes, but more steps are being taken to prepare the paint surface. Do this with any high quality products and you'll get similar results. I've been using 3M Imperial Hand Glaze, followed by One Grand Blitz Wax and the results are spectacular enough for me. Unfortunately, with carnauba based waxes, longevity isn't as good. So, I'm going to give Klasse a try. Many people are using Klasse, and following it up with a coat of Blitz for added depth of shine. Check the forum above for more info about this.

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