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MikeC 04-27-05 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by 13btnos
I could give a rats ass. Yes you are correct it is 3.9L. What ever. I still know that I can extract a whole lot of horsepower out of these little engines. And I guess when I tell people that it's 3.9L they will be dumbfounded. Have a nice day on your side of the pond MikeC. Man some of you guys are soo uptight.

LOL! Pot kettle black. Don't you see the irony in the fact that you are uptight + that you're coming in here telling people to stop throwing insults when your posts are full of insults. If you don't want to involve yourself in the thread then fuck off somewhere else and let those who do continue.

quicksilver_rx7 04-27-05 05:20 PM

This IS pointless. Fact is, Mazda owns the engine so they get to determine the specs. Even if people disagree, the fact still remains that Mazda OWNS it. It's their ball, and if they don't want you to play with it....too bad. Get it? Please lock this Evil!

13btnos 04-27-05 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by MikeC
LOL! Pot kettle black. Don't you see the irony in the fact that you are uptight + that you're coming in here telling people to stop throwing insults when your posts are full of insults. If you don't want to involve yourself in the thread then fuck off somewhere else and let those who do continue.

HA! :rlaugh: I got to you. G-day mate. And when did I insult you. I don't insult anyone, atleast not on a forum I'd do it to your face, and if it was taken that way I apologize.

MikeC 04-27-05 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by quicksilver_rx7
This IS pointless. Fact is, Mazda owns the engine so they get to determine the specs. Even if people disagree, the fact still remains that Mazda OWNS it. It's their ball, and if they don't want you to play with it....too bad. Get it? Please lock this Evil!

That's the whole point, MAZDA ARE LYING!!!

MikeC 04-27-05 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by 13btnos
HA! :rlaugh: I got to you. G-day mate. And when did I insult you. I don't insult anyone, atleast not on a forum I'd do it to your face, and if it was taken that way I apologize.

I replied before your edit ...

I took this as an insult, my apologies if it was not meant that way. "Man you guys just like to show off how smart you are. Cracks me up."

sar 04-27-05 11:51 PM

its already published

RX7.com publishes this and shows displacement to be 2.6L based on degrees of rotation even though they show that the 3.9L is calculated just by the engine faces and chambers stuff.

maxcooper 04-28-05 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by quicksilver_rx7
This IS pointless. Fact is, Mazda owns the engine so they get to determine the specs. Even if people disagree, the fact still remains that Mazda OWNS it. It's their ball, and if they don't want you to play with it....too bad. Get it? Please lock this Evil!

I own a blue shirt, but I decided that anyone referring to the color of my shirt should say that it is red. I own the shirt, so I get to make the rules.

This argument doesn't make any sense.


t-von 04-28-05 03:14 AM

Ok how about this?

1.3L in one rotation of the e-shaft.

2.6L in two rotations of the e-shaft.

3.9L in three rotations of the e-shaft.

5.2L in four rotations of the e-shaft.

6.5L in five rotation of the e-shaft.

7.8L in six rotations of the e-shaft.

Notice how redundant this is getting?

MikeC 04-28-05 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by sar

RX7.com publishes this and shows displacement to be 2.6L based on degrees of rotation even though they show that the 3.9L is calculated just by the engine faces and chambers stuff.

That article started off well but they didn't make any explanation of why they chose 2 revs to measure displacement over. There explanation was "The best way is to study 720° of rotation of the two-rotor engine." which really just says "we're going to use 2 revs". Then they wrote "720° will have a total of four faces completing their cycle." which isn't true. In 720 degrees none of the chambers will have completed a cycle, it takes 1080 degrees for any chamber to complete the full otto cycle.

The reason 2 revs is used with piston 4 stroke piston motors is because that's how long it takes them to complete the full otto cycle. For the rotary it takes 3 revs and the displacement should be measured over 3 revs. A rotary is *much* more like a 6 cylinder motor than it is a 4. It has 6 chambers, it has the same overlap between the chambers/pistons, it has the same torque flutuation graph as a 6 cylinder (different from the torque curve), the volumes follow the same curve etc etc. Measuring the rotary as 4x654cc is ignoring 2 of the chambers.

quicksilver_rx7 04-28-05 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by maxcooper
I own a blue shirt, but I decided that anyone referring to the color of my shirt should say that it is red. I own the shirt, so I get to make the rules.

This argument doesn't make any sense.


It does if you made the color red

I never said that I agreed or disagreed with the proposed theories of displacement. Just stated the fact that it's Mazda's baby and they got to name it. Understand?

GentlemenVII 04-28-05 10:11 AM

Damn Dave Coleman!!!!
Ok the 13B, 13BT, 13B-REW are all 1.3 liters!!!! The Laws of physics, the people who designed it, and the educated that own them all KNOW THIS!!!!!! Ever since Dave Coleman want on a "I think I am an engineer that works for a stupid magazine". who wrote mulitple articles on this topic all stating that a 13B is 2.6L with his half assed math and false theories!!!!!(which is way I have never bought a SCC in about 2 years)

So Dave Coleman and all you others that think a 13B is a 2.6L are wrong unless you can prove that your IQ is higher then some of the best minds in the Engineering feild or mastered physics on a new level!!!!!!!

MikeC 04-28-05 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by quicksilver_rx7
It does if you made the color red

But they didn't make it red, they made it blue and just said it was red.

Originally Posted by quicksilver_rx7
I never said that I agreed or disagreed with the proposed theories of displacement. Just stated the fact that it's Mazda's baby and they got to name it. Understand?

No, it doesn't make sense. Mazda have so much to gain from rating the engine lower than it really is they should be the last people anyone believes. If you look back through the last page or 2 of this thread this "mazda say it's 1.3 so it must be so" has been repeated over and over. Anyone who believes that doesn't have an understanding of the topic. The whole point is to work out whether mazda is telling the truth or not, you can't say mazda are telling the truth because mazda are telling the truth.

MikeC 04-28-05 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by GentlemenVII
Ok the 13B, 13BT, 13B-REW are all 1.3 liters!!!! The Laws of physics, the people who designed it, and the educated that own them all KNOW THIS!!!!!! Ever since Dave Coleman want on a "I think I am an engineer that works for a stupid magazine". who wrote mulitple articles on this topic all stating that a 13B is 2.6L with his half assed math and false theories!!!!!(which is way I have never bought a SCC in about 2 years)

So Dave Coleman and all you others that think a 13B is a 2.6L are wrong unless you can prove that your IQ is higher then some of the best minds in the Engineering feild or mastered physics on a new level!!!!!!!

LOL! Another one!! FYI, not all the masters in the field think it's 1.3L, co-incidentally it's only the masters in the field who have something to gain eg mazda engineers. All of the SAE engineers from other countries wanted it rated at 3.9L.

maxcooper 04-28-05 06:04 PM

This mindwalk (past many who bark "1.3L" at the end of their mind-leashes) started long before Dave Coleman's article.

The International Engine Award folks (or whatever that award was that the RENESIS won) also decided that 1.3L was not the proper rating. They picked 2.6L.

I don't get why people are so upset at the prospect of considering ratings other than 1.3L.


MikeC 04-28-05 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by maxcooper
This mindwalk (past many who bark "1.3L" at the end of their mind-leashes) started long before Dave Coleman's article.

The International Engine Award folks (or whatever that award was that the RENESIS won) also decided that 1.3L was not the proper rating. They picked 2.6L.

I don't get why people are so upset at the prospect of considering ratings other than 1.3L.


Long before that even. Mazda themselves originally called the 10A a 3 litre but changed their mind once they realised they could get away with 1.0 litre. Many of the members of the SAE wanted it rated at 3.0 litre also. Both of these would have been back in the 60s.

mark57 04-28-05 07:40 PM

1.3L figure doesn't account for all the swept volume capability of the rotary engine. 2.6L best accounts for swept volume relative to a four-stroke; it's a comparison figure. The 3.9L accounts for all the swept volume of the two-rotor rotary and justifies the wildly high HP numbers coming out of this midget-sized box. A four-stroke size figure accounts for all the swept area.....and this shoud apply to the rotary. 13B = 3.9L.

Evil Aviator 04-28-05 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by maxcooper
The International Engine Award folks (or whatever that award was that the RENESIS won) also decided that 1.3L was not the proper rating. They picked 2.6L.

LOL, I actually discussed that subject with Graham Johnson. He said that the Renesis was entered in the 2.5 to 3-liter category because "in more countries than not it is taxed as a 2.6-liter, the idea being that a 1.3-liter couldn't possibly hope to have 230bhp."

Apparently, the press places tax codes and pre-conceived power limitations over engineering standards and physics. This leads me to believe that part of the current glut in engineering jobs is due to the fact that these media rags refuse to staff any engineers, regardless of how much they are obviously needed. ;)

Originally Posted by maxcooper
I don't get why people are so upset at the prospect of considering ratings other than 1.3L.

I have no problem with personal opinions or differing viewpoints. What bothers me is when trolls posing as engineers unleash incorrect information on the unsuspecting public. I find this nearly equitable to posing as a police officer or a doctor. Simple good Samaritans can help others by simply doing the best they can do, without the pretense of a title that misrepresents their level of competence.

Aviator 902S 04-28-05 09:02 PM

Just to be a shit-disturber:

A 500cc two-stroke boinger fires twice as often at a given rpm as a 4-stroke. So it must be a 1000cc, right? :rolleyes:

Evil Aviator 04-28-05 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
Just to be a shit-disturber:

A 500cc two-stroke boinger fires twice as often at a given rpm as a 4-stroke. So it must be a 1000cc, right? :rolleyes:

I'm way ahead of you on that one. Last year I also asked Graham Johnson that question, and he said that he probably WOULD double the displacement of a 2-stroke engine if one were ever included in the International Engine of the Year Awards.

So how do you like them apples? :eek:

Doesn't it make you glad to know that you received a good education when you hear things like that?

quicksilver_rx7 04-28-05 10:17 PM

Hell, I'm jsut gald to konw taht I'm not teh olny jeanous left in tihs wlord


BLKTOPTRVL 04-28-05 11:27 PM


MikeC 04-29-05 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by Evil Aviator
LOL, I actually discussed that subject with Graham Johnson. He said that the Renesis was entered in the 2.5 to 3-liter category because "in more countries than not it is taxed as a 2.6-liter, the idea being that a 1.3-liter couldn't possibly hope to have 230bhp."

Apparently, the press places tax codes and pre-conceived power limitations over engineering standards and physics. This leads me to believe that part of the current glut in engineering jobs is due to the fact that these media rags refuse to staff any engineers, regardless of how much they are obviously needed. ;)

I have no problem with personal opinions or differing viewpoints. What bothers me is when trolls posing as engineers unleash incorrect information on the unsuspecting public. I find this nearly equitable to posing as a police officer or a doctor. Simple good Samaritans can help others by simply doing the best they can do, without the pretense of a title that misrepresents their level of competence.

Another beautiful post evil. Full of all your usual insults and total lack of any real information. FYI, I am an engineer. I studied mechanical engineering at swinburne university in Melbourne Australia. I can't say I passed with flying colors but I did pass and I can assure you that I know 100 times more about this topic than you. Some of things I don't think I could even explain to you, it's nothing overly complex, high school math and physics stuff but I don't think you'd get it. You probably know a lot more of the mechanic side than me, such as how to rebuild a rotary, but the engineering side you don't have a clue. Ironically you think you are so right and ask others to consider that they might be wrong while never entertaining the thought yourself.

MikeC 04-29-05 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
Just to be a shit-disturber:

A 500cc two-stroke boinger fires twice as often at a given rpm as a 4-stroke. So it must be a 1000cc, right? :rolleyes:

No, because you measure an engine on the amount of air it would theoretically induct at 100% volumetric efficiency over the number of revs it takes to complete the full otto cycle. A 2 stroke completes the otto cycle in 1 rev, a 4 stroke in 2 and a rotary in 3. Over 3 revs the rotary inducts 3.9L of air.

mark57 04-29-05 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by MikeC
No, because you measure an engine on the amount of air it would theoretically induct at 100% volumetric efficiency over the number of revs it takes to complete the full otto cycle. A 2 stroke completes the otto cycle in 1 rev, a 4 stroke in 2 and a rotary in 3. Over 3 revs the rotary inducts 3.9L of air.

Well put, but the rotary inducts 3.9L at not more three turns of the crank.

tmiked 04-29-05 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by MikeC
No, because you measure an engine on the amount of air it would theoretically induct at 100% volumetric efficiency over the number of revs it takes to complete the full otto cycle.

A 2 stroke completes the otto cycle in 1 rev, a 4 stroke in 2 and a rotary in 3. Over 3 revs the rotary inducts 3.9L of air.

MikeC, you are, of course, technically correct.

The displacement of a rotary is confusing because of the difference in rotor speed and shaft speed. This gives and effect like a gearset between the crank and the output shaft of the engine.

mark57 04-29-05 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by tmiked
MikeC, you are, of course, technically correct.

The displacement of a rotary is both confusing because of the difference in rotor speed and shaft speed. This gives and effect like a gearset between the crank and the output shaft of the engine.

Technical correctness is what we're chasing down. A 4-stroke's size is based on its entire thermodynamic cycle of 720* x bore x stroke. A 13B's size has to be 1080* to complete the thermodynamic cycle to acknowledge its entire thermodynamic capacity as MikeC pointed out earlier.

Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 1 passenger vehicle. Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 3 passengers vehicle.....;)

neit_jnf 04-29-05 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by mark57
Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 1 passenger vehicle. Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 3 passengers vehicle.....;)

^^^ I don't get it :scratch:

Aviator 902S 04-29-05 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by mark57
Technical correctness is what we're chasing down. A 4-stroke's size is based on its entire thermodynamic cycle of 720* x bore x stroke. A 13B's size has to be 1080* to complete the thermodynamic cycle to acknowledge its entire thermodynamic capacity as MikeC pointed out earlier.

Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 1 passenger vehicle. Technically, the FD3S occupant capacity is a driver + 3 passengers vehicle.....;)

Fair enough. But that's still not an apples-to-apples comparison since the rotary gets three rpms to the boinger's two.

Like MikeC, I also have experience around various engines, including turbines. Acronyms like TOT, EPR, Wf, SHP,T1 and T2 are not lost on me. Neither is the term "Brayton cycle."

All three arguments have some merritt and are correct to varying degrees:

The 3.9 crowd is correct in that by the time all three sides of each rotor have fired, 3.9 liters has been displaced. In the minds of some, this is what is required to complete the entire auto cycle in a rotary engine. Ignore crank rotations because "they don't count."

The 2.6 crowd is correct in that the 2-rotor rotary fires the same number of times as a 4-banger per rev, ie: twice. But in 720 degrees of rotation (a complete cycle for a boinger) the rotary fires four times. 4 times 650cc = 2.6L. This of course ignores the fact that 2-cycle boingers of the same cylinder dimensions as a four stroke are still labelled as the same displacement as the 4-stroke. Whether that is proper or not depends on who you ask.

The 1.3 crowd is correct in that there are two chambers in a two-rotor engine, and each one is 650cc of displacement. 2 x 650cc = 1.3L. But that's only through one complete rev of the e-shaft, 360 degrees (like a 2-stroke), not the 720 degrees of rotation required of a 4-stroke.

So the question becomes, "Is it a two stroke or a 4-stroke?" That's a whole 'nother argument. If a 2-stroke boinger can be labelled with the same displacement as an equivalent-sized 4-stroke, so can a rotary vs. a 4-stroke. "Not fair", argues the 2.6L and 3.9L masses. "The rotary still requires four sequences to complete the combustion process, so you have to call it a 4-stroke." Strong argument, but these same four events also happen in a 2-stroke, just not in sequence. And that engine's displacement isn't considered to be doubled because of this characteristic, so we're back to square one.

The other argument revolves around the power output of the rotary per given displacement: "It HAS to be a 2.6 (or 3.9). If it's not, where does all the extra power come from?" Simple--- and there are two reasons for this:

As previously mentioned by me and others, the power sequence lasts a full 270 degrees of e-shaft rotation vs, only 180 degrees for boingers. This of course ignores valve timing and overlap, but the end result is a full 50% more power "stroke" per rev for the rotary vs. the boinger.

The second reason is the lack of a valve train in the rotary. Like the 2-cycle boinger, this job is done via ports. With no power-robbing valve train to be seen anywhere in these engines it's not hard to figure out where all the extra power comes from.

Torque is another matter, and the Achilles Heel of rotaries. With the smaller length of "crank" throw in a rotary, the torque at low rpm can never be as good as that of a typical boinger of similar displacement unless said boinger is severely over-square, ie: shorter stroke in favor of larger diameter bore. Most if not all street-legal boingers of this size are either square or over-square, but not excessively so. Still, the power potential of the rotary far exceeds it's size.

What all of this means is that it is nearly impossible to obtain a true apples-to-apples comparison between rotaries and boingers, so this debate will continue long after we're all in our graves, pushing up daisies, trolling for top-soil, etc.

But this has been a fun thread to watch, what with all the egos clashing, beer spilling, punches thrown and bottles broken over heads. A veritable train wreck if you will. I have to leave now. I'm out of popcorn. :cool:

edmcguirk 04-29-05 01:13 PM

Nigel: "You see, most blokes will be playing at 10. You’re on 10, all the way up, all the way up...Where can you go from there? Nowhere. What we do, is if we need that extra push over the cliff...Eleven. One louder."

DiBergi: "Why don’t you just make 10 louder and make 10 be the top number, and make that a little louder?"

Nigel (after taking a moment to let this sink in): "These go to 11."

tmiked 04-29-05 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
But this has been a fun thread to watch, what with all the egos clashing, beer spilling :cool:

BEER ! We spilled BEER ?

***Gets out his straw.***

Aviator 902S 04-29-05 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by edmcguirk
Nigel: "You see, most blokes will be playing at 10. You’re on 10, all the way up, all the way up...Where can you go from there? Nowhere. What we do, is if we need that extra push over the cliff...Eleven. One louder."

DiBergi: "Why don’t you just make 10 louder and make 10 be the top number, and make that a little louder?"

Nigel (after taking a moment to let this sink in): "These go to 11."

Ah, Spinal Tap... Best Heavy Metal satire movie ever. Of course, it's probably the only heavy metal satire movie ever.

"That's sounds really pretty. What's it called?"

"I call it 'Lick my Love Pump'."

Rogue_Wulff 04-29-05 03:01 PM

This whole debate has made me wonder about something.
Many other manufacturers started developing their own versions of rotary engines, yet few ever saw the light of day. Did this same debate interfere with their ability to come up with a working design? Did the engineers at Mazda simply agree to disagree, and make it work?
Had other manufacturers actually mass produced, and sold to the general public, a rotary engine powered car, the whole debate would be a moot point, as the field would be level. (ie rotary vs rotary, rather than rotary vs piston)

Aviator 902S 04-30-05 07:47 PM


Many other manufacturers started developing their own versions of rotary engines, yet few ever saw the light of day. Did this same debate interfere with their ability to come up with a working design? Did the engineers at Mazda simply agree to disagree, and make it work?

LOL. Interesting theory. Kinda like the one that sez dinosaurs became extinct because they all turned gay and would no longer reproduce. Or tides being caused by everybody along the coast of China flushing their toilets simultaneously.

Here's what really happened:

First, when piston engines were being developed in the first decades of the 20th century there was not yet an alternative to them. No matter how many bugs and problems with durability and inefficiency were encountered, engineers kept at it until most of the biggest shortcomings were solved. They took a machine that by its very design was hell-bent on self-destruction and developed it into a dependable propulsion device that could last at least as long as the warranty it came with. But it still went "boing." Had the rotary come first, this miserable contraption might never have seen the light of day.

By the time the rotary was first sold in North American showrooms high-performance boingers were all the rage. Muscle cars were still king, and small economy shitboxes (especially those from Japan, a country that was still fresh in every American's mind due to the unpleasantness at Pearl Harbor only 30 years earlier) were laughing stocks and ridiculed by all. Nobody wanted to see these things succeed, but because they delivered excellent fuel economy, the fact that they were gutless wonders was tolerated and many were sold.

But the rotary-powered Mazda shitboxes hauled ass. They wound out to redline and beyond in the blink of an eye, won many races, and were quickly banned from many racing events due to complaints from opponents driving boingers who felt that the rotary constituted an unfair advantage. They were right. Soon, every other manufacturer was stepping up their rotary engine research and development programs. Mercedes and GM lead the way, trumped only by Mazda, who had an obvious head start.

But the rotary still had a couple of issues. First, water jacket seals were beginning to fail due to not enough heat being carried away from the bottom of the engine and in the area of the spark plugs, and poorly maintained rotaries were throwing apex seals. And they were fuel hungry. 20 mpg on the highway was acceptable in a mid-size American car, but everyone knew that shitboxes were supposed to get at least 30 mpg. And the Mazdas were shitboxes--- good-looking shitboxes mind you, but shitboxes nonetheless. Not only were they too small, they didn't even offer decent fuel economy.

Everyone seemed to forget that the performance from a rotary eclipsed anything else coming from the far east, and also many domestic and European cars as well. "May-ud in Jer-pay-un" became the derisive mantra of V8-loving rednecks from coast to coast. Mazda quickly fixed the durability issues, but the damage to the rotary's reputation had already been done. And many wanted to see these and other Japanese cars fail in the North American market anyway. (The kicker is that domestic attempts at building shitboxes (Ford Pinto, Chevrolet Vega) failed miserably, actually making the Japanese imports look good by comparison. But that's another story.)

Then along came the energy crisis, where middle-eastern oil-producing companies, as well as U.S.-based companies like Exxon, Mobil, Gulf and Shell conspired to turn off the taps to force demand to outstrip supply and convince many that the world's oil supply was drying up. As was their plan, gas prices skyrocketed. The side-effect was that everyone wanted to get rid of their large cars and buy a shitbox.

But everyone knew that rotary shitboxes were not exactly fuel efficient, and those manufacturers still developing their own rotaries knew that most people were aware of the rotary's less-than-stellar fuel burn rates. They could have continued developing rotaries but unlike piston engines when they were first developed over 50 years earlier, there WAS a viable alternative to rotaries. So all manufacturers but Mazda dropped them from their R&D programs.

This is probably a good thing, because with the track record of many domestic and European auto manufacturers, it's likely that any rotaries produced by them would have been way inferior to Mazda's. This would have perpetuated the myth that "rotaries are junk." These manufacturers who dropped the rotary have been producing inferior engines ever since. And Mazda lived happily ever after.

Damn, I love happy endings!:D

MikeC 05-01-05 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by tmiked
MikeC, you are, of course, technically correct.

The displacement of a rotary is confusing because of the difference in rotor speed and shaft speed. This gives and effect like a gearset between the crank and the output shaft of the engine.

Very true, this is a *very* important point and it is *the* thing that is causing all the confusion. But it's not the ratio between the shaft and the rotor that is the issue (3:1) it's the ratio between the chambers and the shaft. That might sound a bit confusing at first but if you look at piston motor, if the piston goes from min vol to max to min vol again the shaft will have gone around once, which I call a shaft/chamber ratio of 1:1. If you do the same thing for the rotary and follow a single chamber from min to max to min volume then the shaft will have rotated an extra half a turn which is a ratio of 1:1.5. This can also be seen with the 270 vs 180 degree expansion, 1.5 times longer.

A lot of people think that the 270 degree expansion (or 1.5 ratio as i've stated it) gives the rotary longer to burn its fuel, which is sort of true but misleading. It's really the other way around, the rotary will tend to give itself the same amount of time to burn it's fuel resulting in the output shaft spinning 1.5 times faster.

MikeC 05-01-05 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
Fair enough. But that's still not an apples-to-apples comparison since the rotary gets three rpms to the boinger's two.

Like MikeC, I also have experience around various engines, including turbines. Acronyms like TOT, EPR, Wf, SHP,T1 and T2 are not lost on me. Neither is the term "Brayton cycle."

All three arguments have some merritt and are correct to varying degrees:

The 3.9 crowd is correct in that by the time all three sides of each rotor have fired, 3.9 liters has been displaced. In the minds of some, this is what is required to complete the entire auto cycle in a rotary engine. Ignore crank rotations because "they don't count."

It's not the the crank rotations don't count it's just that the output shaft is geared to run faster than it otherwise would by a factor of 1.5. See my previous post.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
The 2.6 crowd is correct in that the 2-rotor rotary fires the same number of times as a 4-banger per rev, ie: twice. But in 720 degrees of rotation (a complete cycle for a boinger) the rotary fires four times. 4 times 650cc = 2.6L. This of course ignores the fact that 2-cycle boingers of the same cylinder dimensions as a four stroke are still labelled as the same displacement as the 4-stroke. Whether that is proper or not depends on who you ask.

The 2.6 crowd fail to take into account the 1.5 factor so are 1.5 times out.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
The 1.3 crowd is correct in that there are two chambers in a two-rotor engine, and each one is 650cc of displacement. 2 x 650cc = 1.3L. But that's only through one complete rev of the e-shaft, 360 degrees (like a 2-stroke), not the 720 degrees of rotation required of a 4-stroke.

Again they are thinking that the rotations of the shaft are more important than they are. The rotary only fires with the same frequency as a 2 stroke due to co-incidence. Being a 4 stroke it should fire once every 720 degrees, but because there are 3 chambers it would fire every 240 degrees (720/3=240) but because it expands over 270 degrees instead of 180 the shaft rotates 1.5 times longer or 360 (240x1.5=360). Pure co-incidence.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
So the question becomes, "Is it a two stroke or a 4-stroke?" That's a whole 'nother argument. If a 2-stroke boinger can be labelled with the same displacement as an equivalent-sized 4-stroke, so can a rotary vs. a 4-stroke. "Not fair", argues the 2.6L and 3.9L masses. "The rotary still requires four sequences to complete the combustion process, so you have to call it a 4-stroke." Strong argument, but these same four events also happen in a 2-stroke, just not in sequence. And that engine's displacement isn't considered to be doubled because of this characteristic, so we're back to square one.

The rotary is definately not a 2 stroke.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
The other argument revolves around the power output of the rotary per given displacement: "It HAS to be a 2.6 (or 3.9). If it's not, where does all the extra power come from?" Simple--- and there are two reasons for this:

As previously mentioned by me and others, the power sequence lasts a full 270 degrees of e-shaft rotation vs, only 180 degrees for boingers. This of course ignores valve timing and overlap, but the end result is a full 50% more power "stroke" per rev for the rotary vs. the boinger.

Not really. The rotary just revs higher to compensate giving itself the same amount of time to burn fuel and no advantage at all.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
The second reason is the lack of a valve train in the rotary. Like the 2-cycle boinger, this job is done via ports. With no power-robbing valve train to be seen anywhere in these engines it's not hard to figure out where all the extra power comes from.

Losses due to running valves is not going to account for the difference in power, it's only a small percentage.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
Torque is another matter, and the Achilles Heel of rotaries. With the smaller length of "crank" throw in a rotary, the torque at low rpm can never be as good as that of a typical boinger of similar displacement unless said boinger is severely over-square, ie: shorter stroke in favor of larger diameter bore. Most if not all street-legal boingers of this size are either square or over-square, but not excessively so. Still, the power potential of the rotary far exceeds it's size.

If you're an engineer I could prove to you beyond doubt that the rotaries lower torque is due to it's 270 degree expansion andhas nothing to do with it's short stroke. If you've got 100psi of pressure in a chamber in a rotary and measure the torque at the shaft it will be 1.5 times lower than doing the same thing with a piston motor. It's fairly simple maths, if you have the same pressure and allow it to expand over 1.5 times the rotation then the torque will be 1.5 times lower because the same energy is released. As the energy = torque x degrees, if energy is equal and degrees is 1.5 times more then torque must be 1.5 times less.

Originally Posted by Aviator 902S
What all of this means is that it is nearly impossible to obtain a true apples-to-apples comparison between rotaries and boingers, so this debate will continue long after we're all in our graves, pushing up daisies, trolling for top-soil, etc.

I disagree, 3.9L is not an equivelent displacement or a comparable displacement it is the actual apples for apples displacement of the rotary engine. If you take into account that the shaft is geared to spin 1.5 times faster then everything fits, every last detail.

edmcguirk 05-02-05 11:04 AM

To be honest, I really don't care what labels you use. I just wanted to figure out what size pulleys to use on my supercharger.

thanks - done.


maxcooper 05-03-05 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by edmcguirk
To be honest, I really don't care what labels you use. I just wanted to figure out what size pulleys to use on my supercharger.

thanks - done.


Use 2.6L, since it flows like a 2.6L 4-stroke piston engine, if the formula you are using has a "4-stroke piston" constant baked into it.

It will ingest 1.3L per rotation of the main shaft.


neit_jnf 05-03-05 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by maxcooper
Use 2.6L, since it flows like a 2.6L 4-stroke piston engine, if the formula you are using has a "4-stroke piston" constant baked into it.

It will ingest 1.3L per rotation of the main shaft.


To add gas to the fire, it also compares in power to a 4-cylinder 2.6 liter

STI: 2.5L @14psi boost ~300hp

13B: "2.6L" @14psi boost ~300hp

give or take a few horses :p:

hemihead 12-20-07 06:36 PM

Rotary Engine Displacement...
Ok, im gonna attempt to clear this swept volume issue up once and for all.

First off the swept volume or displacement of a 13b, which we will use as an example, is 1.308L or 1308cc. This is possible due to the fact it has 2 rotors, each with a swept volume of 654cc for EACH rotor face.

Alright then, with that established, now for the tricky bit. To visualize this concept
the best way would be to consider the Wankel as an air pump, just like any other internal combustion engine. A pump, no matter of its design, ie. reciprocating, or rotary, has its performance measured a number of ways. But one of those ways is by
swept volume per revolution. One revolution is 360 degrees. So if we look at the Wankel the same way, for every 360 degrees the eccentric shaft turns, one chamber
will displace 654cc. Thats it. Displacement be definition means to either move a fluid in out out of a chamber in 360 degrees. Its the standard. For every 360 degrees of the eccentric shaft turning, one chamber will sweep 654cc in OR out. A maximum volume occurs every 360 degrees on either the maximum volume exhaust revolution side or every maximum volume intake revolution side. If viewed from the front of the engine on one of the rotors this will be max. volume at the top chamber for intake or the max. volume on the lower chamber for exhaust rotating clockwise of course. One chamber displaces per revolution so saying that a 13b is 3.9L is totally wrong no matter how you view it. A 2 rotor 13b is only capable of moving 1.308L of air and fuel per revolution (360 degrees) no more, no less. Its physically impossible. Now if you consider a 4 cycle reciprocating engine, a wankel is exactly the same. Every 360 degrees there is either an intake or exhaust stroke, disregarding the compression and power stroke. From tdc to bdc and back to tdc will displace the same volume as a wankel in a 360 degree rotation. 654cc in, 654cc out. So for anyone who thinks a 13b is unfairly rated, think again. Its an engineering fact and if im not mistaken the guy who designed this little marvel was an enginner, Felix Wankel. Dont dispute the math if you dont understand it. So to sum it up a 13b is only capable of displaceing 1.308L in a 360 degree rotation. After all each power pulse only burns 654cc of air and fuel. The comparrison to a 4 stroke reciprocating engine is that it produces a power pulse every 360 degrees vs every 720 degress hense the 2:1 comparison for displacement. A 4 stoke would have to do twice the work to produce the same nominal output as a wankel or any other 2 cycle engine.

hemihead 12-23-07 06:56 PM

Rotary Engine Displacement...
Sorry, i slipped up there on the last posting...it displaces max. volume of one chamber every 180 degrees...thats either intake side or exhaust side...so in 360 degrees it displaces 2 chambers... 654cc in and at the same time 654cc out. Like a pistion engine from tdc to bdc would be intake or 180 degrees...and from bdc to tdc would be exhaust, another 180 degrees...360 degrees in total sweeping in 654cc and sweeping out 654cc. Of course the eccentric turns 3 times faster than the rotor.
So for max. volume to occur every 180 degrees of the eccentric shaft, the rotor turns 60 degrees, which is the angle formed between two rotor faces. This is why you have intake and exhaust occuring simultaneously, intake on one chamber and exhaust on another...hence the displacement of 654cc in and 654cc out in 360 degrees of rotation. If you can find an animation of a wankel engine and start and stop the animation you will be able to see this going on. It'll take a few looks at it to see it and understand.

hemihead 12-23-07 07:12 PM

Rotary Engine Displacement...
Two Chambers are displaced in 360 degrees of rotation. You have to view one chamber as the intake stroke and the other as the exhaust stroke if you are to compare it to a piston engine for visualizing. The maximum about of air and fuel that can be drawn into one chamber and burned in 360 degrees is 654cc. The other thing you have to consider is that the intake and exhaust events overlap eachother during that 360 rotation.

Monkman33 12-23-07 07:18 PM

Comparing it to a 2.6l 4 stroke piston engine is the closest way to approximate any type of similarities.

It doesn't matter that there are 3 faces on a rotor, what matter is that .65 liters of volume is compressed and combusted per revolution of the eccentric shaft, per rotor. thus a 2 rotor will compress and cumbust 1.3 liters o volume per revolution of the eccentric shaft. The eccentric shaft is where the rpm is measured, and thus where you would take your comparison.

A 4 stroke 2.6 liter engine will compress and combust 1.3 liters of volume per rotation of the crankshaft.

The crankshaft and eccentric shaft are comperable.

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