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31rx7 05-22-05 10:01 AM

Proxy Errors
I have tried posting in various forums over the past several days, and am getting "proxy not found" or similar messages. What is going on?

finnicky7 05-22-05 04:17 PM

Me too

ShadowX 05-22-05 07:21 PM

same here, can't search either

eyecandy 05-22-05 07:42 PM

Count me in as well!! This sucks!

usmcjsy 05-22-05 08:21 PM

Ya I cant search and so I start a thread and then people bitch to search LOL. What a vicious cycle. I though maybe my computer just sucked, but thats obviously not the reason. Well my computer still sux but thats not why I am getting proxy error.

hondahater 05-22-05 11:50 PM

I get it as well but what I found is that if you change the wording it will sometimes work??? wierd shit :confused:

Stanello 05-23-05 12:12 AM

I think everyone gets this

3rdgenricereater 05-23-05 02:18 PM

yea i cant post due to proxy error, and if you hit the back button and then submit again it says its a duplicate thread and that you will be taken to the thread index, but when it takes you there your thread is not in the index.

since im here and cant post in tech forum, anyone had a really hard time lining the tranny back up in an fc after a clutch job?

2Lucky2tha7 05-23-05 06:02 PM

me too! I can't search anything!!

3rdgenricereater 05-23-05 07:41 PM

i hit the back button a few times and kept changing the title until it worked. weird. i hope its fixed soon.

TT_Rex_7 05-24-05 12:25 AM

Works on and off for me! :(


1QWIK7 05-25-05 10:33 PM

yeah i get those alot

im trying to sell something and i get a proxy error whenever i want to make a thread in the 3rd gen FS section..

i can make posts everywhere but i cant make a thread in that particular section..

i dont think i can sell things anymore :(

Aeka GSR 05-26-05 12:09 AM

count me in on this, cant start a thread, searches dont work.

banzaitoyota 05-26-05 12:32 PM

same probelm, especially in the FS section

banzaitoyota 05-26-05 12:34 PM

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /newthread.php.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

1sicsol 05-26-05 04:40 PM

I get this all the time too. Its really anoying actually. Seems to me its because theres alot of people on the forum when trying to make these posts.

93Efini 05-26-05 05:54 PM

yeah whats the deal, i cant post either

EDIT: Of course now that i write that i can post....fist time it worked out of like 20 tries

Douketsu FC3S 05-26-05 08:51 PM

At least now I know I am not the only one. Yay.

2Lucky2tha7 05-26-05 09:48 PM

Does a moderator know about this??? I've been trying to search all different forms of the words "rotor bearings" and I CONSTANTLY get PROXY ERROR!!! I'm sick of it!!

Ohnigiri 05-26-05 11:03 PM

I thought it was just my local server being a biyatch. IS THIS BEING FIXED?????

harley71105 05-27-05 03:33 PM

They said the proxy errors was because they need to upgrade the servers....well, I've seen at least seven times the people in the forum with no problems....must be something else, but hard to diagnose like an rx7....lol

moehler 05-27-05 06:09 PM

me too. I've been trying to post a thread for a week now - it sucks!

1QWIK7 05-27-05 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by moehler
me too. I've been trying to post a thread for a week now - it sucks!

same here, i have 2 more things to sell and i cant even make a thread :(

fritts 05-28-05 11:02 AM

Do we need to create a fund for upgraded servers. I'm a new owner and am using the search constantly so I don't annoy peopel. It is really becoming a pain in the butt trying to search without errors. Not to mention actually post anything.

Cybaster 05-28-05 03:41 PM

me 2

svs 05-29-05 12:47 PM

me too
I got parts, need parts, and have questions. Any ideas on how to make this work?

fritts 05-29-05 03:58 PM

I have tried to post at several different times of the day multiple times by changing the title without success in the for sale section. I am really getting tired of this. Who knows this post may not even go through.

DomFD3S 05-29-05 04:20 PM

Just to let you guys know,...the guys are working on the issue.

I'm getting the same proxy errors as you guys...and it frustrates me too. We're looking into it...just to let you know...and not leave you in the dark.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Pele 05-29-05 04:43 PM

Suggestion for the Proxy errors, as I've been fucking with them as I get them.

When you get a proxy error, hit the Back button. Immediately resubmit the post WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING. It will say "This is a duplicate of something you submitted in the last five minutes. Now taking you to the thread listing."

It will drop you in the section and you're supposed to see your thread there... And if it is, cool. Carry on about your day.

If it is NOT, DO NOT RESUBMIT... Wait a few minutes... I'm not sure how long it actually takes to show up, but there've been times that I've submitted a post, gotten the error, resubmitted, only to see that it's a duplicate, left for the night, and come back in the morning to see my post.

How the forum works:
There are at least TWO applications to the forum the essentials being:

The vBulliten forum layout software that makes all the pretty little things you see here... Text boxen, skins, blah blah blah...


An SQL database... MySQL I believe... It tracks who posted what, when, etc etc etc... A very non pretty table and record lookin bit of organization...

When you submit your thread, it goes into the database... However when you don't see it in the thread listing, it means there's an inconsistency or mis synchronization between the two applications. Let em synch up and get on the same page and everything'll be dandy.

Keep hitting submit or refresh too much and you end up with a thread, but no posts in it, and no way to reply to it, thereby wasting more bandwidth and increasing the load between the two applications causing more mis synchs and fucking more shit up...

Just be patient. The drugs are working their way up your veins to your brain as we speak. ;)

Crossposting this to the lounge so that more people will hopefully (Yeah right. :rolleyes: ) follow the suggestion and maybe the problem will fix itself if not, it'll result in less headaches and take a little load off of the mods, who are BTW, providing a service to most of us (me included) for free.

fritts 05-29-05 09:04 PM

Thanks for giving an update.

Turbo II-FB 05-29-05 10:56 PM

I have the same problem too. I can do any searches. I have tried on over 6 comps too with diff internet connections

Kakkyo 05-30-05 11:50 AM

I just tried the trick to reload the data to search and it still gives me a MySQL error...

rx7babygurl85 05-30-05 05:51 PM

me to... its really annoying!!.....

EonBlue 05-31-05 08:53 AM

Any news on the progress addressing this problem?

Pele 06-12-05 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by Kakkyo
I just tried the trick to reload the data to search and it still gives me a MySQL error...

Never said it works for the SQL error... Only the Proxy error...

I also don't have a solution for errors encountered while attempting a search.

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