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-   -   2nd gen section,and Mods should read (https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/2nd-gen-section-mods-should-read-507794/)

loudazzrx7 02-08-06 06:28 PM

2nd gen section,and Mods should read
Well,this post may be a little long and I only know of one mod that probably want get the point but this should be read.Im not a teenager or a 20 something kid that has a million posts or do I believe I am the god of all rotary.I have been on this site probably longer than most thats here.Lets begin with when you go into this section and you see a post where someone needs help or is a new person needing advice.Is it that hard for someone to help them instead of a mod saying--you should look it up in the facts.As anyone knows if you have a problem with your 7 and need help,thats one of the main reasons this site was made.Nothing pisses me off more than going into a thread to help someone and there it is-check the facts.Not everyone wants to go through 2 hours of pages to find a simple answer that someone might know.
Its not the end of the world mods if someone posts a question that was covered
5 years ago---IT WILL BE OK.--This is a forum,not a dictionary,thats why we come on here to talk to other rx7 guys,to see what they have done,to make our cars better,and to have some fun.
Help people instead of bashing them :wallbash:

adamxx6 02-08-06 06:32 PM

i totally agree. half the questions i want to ask i dont even bother about it. cause ill get bashed on it. 'search. damn newbies. blah blah blah, thats why theres a search button' why else would there be a 2nd gen section unless someone wanted to know something. it gets old seeing the same people telling others to search when they could easily reply with a decent answer...

Phantomhp 02-08-06 06:36 PM

+1 on the agree column.

IF everybody was to just look up the answer then what would we really need the forum for? classifieds. I search if it isn't something important but alot of times people are asking a question to try and get an answer faster than searching.

Might as well archive the entire forum and we can all just search for answer if everybody is going to tell new people to search. It's not just this forum either....alot of forums do that and it defeats the purpose of even having the forum.

Lighten up....if you don't like the question then don't answer.


emac 02-08-06 06:41 PM

when searching, half the stuff that comes up is just threads that say search and have no answer. it gets really frustrating.

lov-2-rev 02-08-06 06:42 PM

AMEN to that brother. Help, not hurt. A little more courtesy from some people would go a long way around here.

spot_skater 02-08-06 06:49 PM

I agree with you guys, but they're trying to use up as little unnecessary space as possible, I suppose?

I mean, at the top there is an FAQ. So why not at least read it your first time at the site?

Although when noob's and even other guys that have been here longer than me ask questions, if I know the answer I won't hesitate to relay the information to em. And if it's covered already, then the "search" comes out, AFTER the question is answered.

I wrote a GIANT write-up the other day regarding the installation of a clutch and pressure plate, and someone asked how to install them two days later. That's kind of like...dude, c'mon.

Overall I'm on your side though! This will probably get moved to the lounge, but I hope other 2nd gen visitors read it, too.


SonicRaT 02-08-06 06:52 PM


To begin with, you keep saying facts. Do you not understand FAQ is an acronym? It stands for Frequently Asked Questions, and in this FAQ, you can find answers to MANY of the common questions, all organized out for you, which would take less than 10 minutes to find, no searching is even involved!

The problem is, most everything here has been covered hundreds of times before, searching on relevent terms can easily lead you to what you need to know (Not that 90% of the time the question at hand isn't covered in the Factory Service Manual). Just because people are lazy, doesn't mean we should all a sudden jump up and do everything for them. If they have a legitimate question that's not asked every 5 minutes, then chances are we'll answer.

classicauto 02-08-06 06:58 PM

the only thing I will say is anytime I post a link and even mention the word search to someone's....its because it literally took me seconds to find their answer....

This section in particular gets jammed with tonnes of threads and THAT is the reason why searching is so hard in the first place - think about it.

If there was one thread that started when this site started about how to adjust a tps and anyone who ever wanted to know only had to look through 7 or 8 related ones to find their answer, alot more people would search and find their answer.

Of course there will always be so many variations that someone might not be able to find THEIR SPECIFIC problem, which is why the forum is here.

arghx 02-08-06 07:03 PM

I think when a question is asked that is answered in the FAQ people deserve to get flamed. If you click on the FAQ thread and then press Control-F for "find," and then enter in "wiper" you can get information about bad wiper switches instantly as opposed to waiting for people to reply to your thread.

Otherwise, if you're sick of repeating the same answers, don't post in that thread.

ilike2eatricers 02-08-06 07:08 PM

I'm sick of seeing the same questions asked 10 times a week. No one pays me or anybody else to help other people on this forum so I'll say SEARCH if I want to. I mean come on I bet those commonly asked questions (na to TII swap, rats nest removal, wont start, etc, etc.) it is all covered in the FAQ and I'm sure if any of the noobs bothered to go a page or 2 back they'll see some other noob who asked the same damn question a few hours ago or yesterday.

For the record I think any threads in which a moderator steps in to tell them to search they should immediately lock it and delete it so they dont get those BS threads coming up when people search.


Originally Posted by arghx
I think when a question is asked that is answered in the FAQ people deserve to get flamed. If you click on the FAQ thread and then press Control-F for "find," and then enter in "wiper" you can get information about bad wiper switches instantly as opposed to waiting for people to reply to your thread.

Otherwise, if you're sick of repeating the same answers, don't post in that thread.

Dont deserve to get flamed but need the thread locked and deleted and a PM sent to them by a mod saying why it was locked and deleted if they wont be able to see the thread any longer.

All those repeat threads push legitimate, interesting topics back a page or 2.

'87 turbo II 02-08-06 07:13 PM

Agreed, I just got my car and rotary is new to me (this is my first car period, had it for two days) and I remember reading the FAQs and stuff when it didn't start (or sometimes started and died at idle), and I asked so nervously and it took a while to get a respond, and I didn't even uderstand the FAQs. Turns out my problem wasn't covered (near dead battery). If someone who knew how to help saw it, they shouldv've helped. I mean come on, it's a car, it cost that person thousands of dollars (most cases) and chances are it is close ot them (they did join a site dedicated to it) and if they need help, they are probably panicing (I did) and simplke diagnosis of a problem and a how -to- fix is very nice ot spend 2 minutes typing. My car is the nicest thing I own and I get worried when there's a problem, I don't want to be told to look for an answer. I wouldn't of posted the question if I knew where to find the answer, that's why i'm asking. As for mods, they normally tell you the answer AND say "Next time search" so that's not too bad.

'87 turbo II 02-08-06 07:18 PM

reguarding my last post, I believe all should check the FAQ sticky, but searching is hard cause every single time that word you search for is posted, you get a search result. You could be asking about an exhaust sounding odd, and when you search for "exhaust" or even "exhaust sound" you can find a post like "My exhaust has a sweet sound" etc. over and over again, and never see the answer to your problem.

lupin 02-08-06 07:20 PM

I agree with ilike2eatricers, At first I didn't understand the idea of "search" but after someone yelled at me I understood it and I've read more rotary info than ever and I am very happy about it.

But the only reason a rota noob like me would ever post something that has been covered is because I would be just looking for any updated info on that subject.

SO attack the nobertons

classicauto 02-08-06 07:20 PM

there is one subject that shouldbe addressed if this can is going to be opened though.

That is that this forum, or any for that matter, are no replacement for actual knowledge about vehicles in general. I have seen posts (although smaller obviously than the number of FAQ type posts) and answered a lot about very very extremely basic stuff.....the only one I haven't seen yet is "how do I get my wheel off the car" - hehe. - although that would probably be answered - lol

But - hey - this a forum on the internet, what should EVERYONE know about reading things on the internet? so don't let it bother you

ilike2eatricers 02-08-06 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by '87 trubo FC
reguarding my last post, I believe all should check the FAQ sticky, but searching is hard cause every single time that word you search for is posted, you get a search result. You could be asking about an exhaust sounding odd, and when you search for "exhaust" or even "exhaust sound" you can find a post like "My exhaust has a sweet sound" etc. over and over again, and never see the answer to your problem.

go to advanced search use search thread titles instead of posts to help narrow down results.

Aaron Cake 02-08-06 07:25 PM

I may be arrogant (well, actually I know I am) but I'm assuming some of this is directed at me.

Originally Posted by loudazzrx7
Well,this post may be a little long and I only know of one mod that probably want get the point but this should be read.Im not a teenager or a 20 something kid

Then act like it. In our dealings, you have not demonstrated an ounce of maturity in handling even the most simple situation.

that has a million posts or do I believe I am the god of all rotary.I have been on this site probably longer than most thats here.
Longer then most, as have I and many of the other mods.

Lets begin with when you go into this section and you see a post where someone needs help or is a new person needing advice.Is it that hard for someone to help them instead of a mod saying--you should look it up in the facts.As anyone knows if you have a problem with your 7 and need help,thats one of the main reasons this site was made.Nothing pisses me off more than going into a thread to help someone and there it is-check the facts.Not everyone wants to go through 2 hours of pages to find a simple answer that someone might know.
The FAQ is the list of Frequently Asked Questions at the top of each generational forum. It contains the most frequently asked questions and is the first place anyone (not just new users) should check before they post. This is an Internet standard that springs from the USENET newsgroups that were (and are) a precursor to web based forums. Back then, just as now, regular users got very tired of new users asking the same questions over and over after joining so they developed the FAQs. The practice continues today and on any forum, newsgroup or email list it is considered very rude to ask without first reading.

As for the search, it is an amazing asset if you know how to use this properly. Recently there was a user who posted looking for information on his flywheel nut. Instead of waiting several hours for a reply, had he searched he would have had all his questions answered and more. I demonstrated this in the thread by posting select links from the first page of the search results.

Granted, there are some topics that are hard to search for because of acronyms and whatnot but for the most part a user should post in this order: 1. FAQ, 2. Search, 3. Post. This is universally accepted on all forums, newsgroups and mailing lists.

Its not the end of the world mods if someone posts a question that was covered
5 years ago---IT WILL BE OK.--
Until it happens 200 times a day, thus driving the knowledgeable users away due to boredom. I've seen it before.

This is a forum,not a dictionary,thats why we come on here to talk to other rx7 guys,to see what they have done,to make our cars better,and to have some fun.
Help people instead of bashing them :wallbash:
I totally agree. I am sick of seeing replies to topics that say "search noob!" with no other help. If I am telling someone to search, at least I usually give them some search terms I know will get them results or sometimes (if I am feeling happy) do the search for them. Posting "SEARCH!" just contaminates future searches.

ilike2eatricers 02-08-06 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Aaron Cake
Posting "SEARCH!" just contaminates future searches.

cant you just delete those threads instead of just looking for it and PM the poster that it has been deleted. It would solve the problem of having those come up in search results.

LokiRx7.1 02-08-06 07:33 PM

:) we need a FAQ for the search bar

Aaron Cake 02-08-06 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by ilike2eatricers
cant you just delete those threads instead of just looking for it and PM the poster that it has been deleted. It would solve the problem of having those come up in search results.

That would work, but create a HUGE amount of work for the mods. Generally I just try to delete the "SEARCH!" post but unfortunatly I can't catch them all. If I find a user is doing it constantly, they then get a PM.

RETed 02-08-06 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Aaron Cake
I may be arrogant (well, actually I know I am) but I'm assuming some of this is directed at me.

I think it was more directed at me. :D

I tell you what...to those who are bitching about this, why don't YOU try and answer all the questions that get posted in there and see how you like it.

It's funny...I see nicks that I've never seen before, and I assume most of these whiners are only READERS that don't post helpful replies in the first place?


classicauto 02-10-06 01:42 PM

friggin hilairious that after Ted posts.....everyone goes dead quiet

Whanrow 03-03-06 09:58 AM

Another fine point detail I think many people forget when it comes to searching - not all of us have highspeed. I live out in the country and my best connect speed is 26,400, and highspeed is NOT AVAILABLE in any fashion.

Personally, I do search, however, it takes me almost 4 minutes, just to log in to the site, and longer if I have any other windows open. Searching can take me over an hour to find what I need.

I can't be the only one in this situation.

fcdrifter13 03-04-06 02:37 PM

One of the main problems I have searching is when I do I get alot of threads were they dont give an answer just say search. After a while I just start looking for posts the mods or other know it alls have chimed into. thats how ive been searching now.

hondahater 03-07-06 09:28 AM

I don't post too much anymore for two reasons. First reason because the search button works so much better and second reason because everyone askes the same questions (ie. how do I make my exhaust spit fireballs, how do I make the sleepy eye conversion, how much hp will this setup get me, and tons of other things that would take me forever to write). There are probably very few people with dialup internet anymore so whanrow is a special case but to everyone else only thing I can say is searching is so much damn quicker than posting and waiting for people to reply. Often times when you search you get a better understanding of how to fix your problem because it's been covered so many times and has so many differant threads requarding the same thing.

Aaron Cake 03-08-06 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by Whanrow
Another fine point detail I think many people forget when it comes to searching - not all of us have highspeed. I live out in the country and my best connect speed is 26,400, and highspeed is NOT AVAILABLE in any fashion.

You could always give me a call about satellite service. :D Our shop sells Xplornet satellite and wireless systems. Without your postal code I can't find out of you are within range of any wireless but I doubt that's the case. The KA Xplornet system provides 500Kbs down and 128Kbs up on the most basic package. There is an equipment and installation cost. Send me a PM if you want to know more.

(sorry, couldn't resist :) )

re.fc3s 03-16-06 09:57 AM

This is a suggestion area.. I guess we cant all have what we want

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