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dj55b 04-10-08 10:29 AM

HWY 7 - Cop getting down and dirty
My buddy told me about this and I had to check it out:


Short Story, apparently, a few guys from a meet or something after taking off or going there get pulled over by a whole bunch of unmarked SUV's and the chopper was already in the air above them.

What is this, LA, with ferrari, and lambo chasses? How bad is ontario getting?

Nismo Convert86 04-10-08 10:31 AM

Uh yeah apparently they deserved it...


darkfrost 04-10-08 10:45 AM

In a good example of teamwork in our fight to combat street racing, York Regional Police charged seven
drivers and impounded their vehicles after an incident of street racing in the Town of Richmond Hill.
On Saturday, April 5, 2008, police were called to a parking lot in the area of 505 Highway 7 East, near Leslie
Street, when reports came in of cars revving their engines and squealing their tires.
Officers in an unmarked police vehicle observed a group of 30 vehicles in the parking lot and determined a
number of these vehicles were going to leave together in what appeared to be an organized race. These
vehicles were followed as they traveled westbound on Highway 7 at high rates of speed, making unsafe lane
changes, weaving in and out of traffic and showing a complete disregard for traffic laws and the safety of other
With the assistance of additional marked police cars from #2 and # 4 Districts, Traffic and Air2, the vehicles
were stopped in the area of Highway 7 and Keele Street. All seven drivers were charged under the new
Highway Traffic Act legislation for street racing. Their driver’s licences have been suspended for one week
and their vehicles have been impounded for seven days.

• Hani GABER, 22, of Milton
• Nicolca CINA, 33, of Etobicoke
• Rodrigo OLIVEIRA, 23, of Oakville
• Riyad BAKSH, 27, of Brampton
• Emanuel VALVERDE, 26, of North York
• Edward DEOSARAN, 44, of Downsview
• Mohammed SAFRAZ, 30, of Brampton
• Stunt Driving, Section 172, H.T.A.


Neo 04-10-08 11:11 AM

It's absolutely amazing how stupid people are.
They know that outrageous law has passed referring to "street racing", and what do these guys do? They prove that BS law right!
Did they think because the season is only just starting that they won't get caught? Or that no one would notice?!
The age bracket is about right. Except there are 2 30yr olds and 1 44yr old! WTF is that all about???
These guys got what they deserved. But at the same time they have upped the ante on the rest of us.
Now if you're just cruising along minding your own business a cop will tailgate you and then pull you over under suspicion of street racing.

Gotta avoid the Dudebridge area at night!!

Terrh 04-10-08 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by Neo (Post 8078563)
It's absolutely amazing how stupid people are.
They know that outrageous law has passed referring to "street racing", and what do these guys do? They prove that BS law right!
Did they think because the season is only just starting that they won't get caught? Or that no one would notice?!
The age bracket is about right. Except there are 2 30yr olds and 1 44yr old! WTF is that all about???
These guys got what they deserved. But at the same time they have upped the ante on the rest of us.
Now if you're just cruising along minding your own business a cop will tailgate you and then pull you over under suspicion of street racing.

Gotta avoid the Dudebridge area at night!!

Got what they deserved?

Do you even KNOW what they did?

Were you there? Did you see WHAT THEY WERE DOING while on our public highways?

Clearly, you don't.

Know the facts before you judge the people!

ScrappyDoo 04-10-08 11:59 AM

Well I am shocked at the quick rush to judgement by you guys and those on other boards. If I remember correctly there were more than a few burnouts/donuts at the D&B meets. I will not say names but I am sure I was not the only one there. Everyone laughed at the time and now the same people think they deserve to have their car impounded and license suspended?

I enjoyed going to the Ottawa Meet the one year I went but it was one of the most dangerous experiences of my life. Maybe I felt more unsafe since I was a passenger the majority of the time but I really did not think of it as a "cruise". Going as fast as possible is not cruising. Hence I never went back.

My point being don't be so quick to comdemn others for behaviour that we have all been parties too previously.

The police are on a mission at the moment. I added an extra silencer to my exhaust to try and avoid contact with them this season. Sure it is dumb to do donuts in a parking lot but the guy is not endangering lives.

The driver on the 400 this morning that cut me off while talking on the cell phone is the person they should be focused on. Or the idiot that thinks another car merging into traffic is not his problem even when the guardrail is quickly approaching the merging vehicle. Or the morons who think they own the road and will never yield to faster moving traffic. Or the morons that just can't drive period. If I was an officer I could hand out meaningful tickets all day long when on the road.

It is the Canadian way to just accept these impositions by the state but it is time for protest. We really should rally together as car clubs and create a protest day or event. These people that got pulled over were really not that different than anyone at our meets.

B6T 04-10-08 12:02 PM

There was actually an unmarked car observing them acting like retards in the parking lot. There was nothing said about them doing anything stupid on public roads, aside from them driving in a group. I guess driving in a group means they were going to street race, even though the cops never saw them actually race. I'll have to remember not to drive beside a modified car on a public road doing the speed limit, otherwise I'll get my license AND car taken away.

I'm moving to Europe... this country sucks now.

B6T 04-10-08 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by ScrappyDoo (Post 8078761)
It is the Canadian way to just accept these impositions by the state but it is time for protest. We really should rally together as car clubs and create a protest day or event. These people that got pulled over were really not that different than anyone at our meets.

Bad idea! Our protest day could be viewed by the police and possibly the media as another gathering of "those damn street racers", and as such they'll come prepared with the MTO roadside emissions truck, and the tow trucks. Then that Cam Wooley moron will pry his fat ass out of his cruiser seat when the cameras come out and give a whole spiel about how they removed multiple "unsafe" vehicles from the street, and how effective this new law is at making our streets safer.

The key to making an event like that successful would be to notify the media BEFORE and give them a run down of whats going on. A good person to contact would probably Jim Kenzie or maybe Lawrence Yap. I bet they would help out A LOT and take a genuine interest in it.

eViLRotor 04-10-08 12:18 PM

I have to agree, we shouldn't be too quick to judge.

Minus the burnouts, those guys probably didn't do anything different than what happened at some of the early Ottawa Meet cruises. And, Neo would probably have gotten charged for a street racing accident after his little 'run in' with another FD.

rx7racerca 04-10-08 02:05 PM

It sounds (from what appears to be a media release by the police cited by darkfrost - source, please?), that the cars were driving fast and doing a lot of weaving thru traffic on the highway. Of course, that appears to be a press release, not real charges, so it's just as likely to be shaded towards the police's viewpoint as anything that might come from the alleged racers.

Perhaps a better question is, why, if these people were doing burnouts and so on in the parking lot in view of an unmarked police car, did that unit not stop them there and cite them for stunting? Maybe they didn't think they could effectively stop their escape - or maybe they were looking for a much more dramatic takedown that they could splash in the media. In which case, "street racing" is more of a press opportunity for the police and government, something better to catch than to prevent.

darkfrost 04-10-08 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by rx7racerca (Post 8079303)
It sounds (from what appears to be a media release by the police cited by darkfrost - source, please?), that the cars were driving fast and doing a lot of weaving thru traffic on the highway. Of course, that appears to be a press release, not real charges, so it's just as likely to be shaded towards the police's viewpoint as anything that might come from the alleged racers.

Perhaps a better question is, why, if these people were doing burnouts and so on in the parking lot in view of an unmarked police car, did that unit not stop them there and cite them for stunting? Maybe they didn't think they could effectively stop their escape - or maybe they were looking for a much more dramatic takedown that they could splash in the media. In which case, "street racing" is more of a press opportunity for the police and government, something better to catch than to prevent.

Yep, its a police media release- http://www.police.york.on.ca/Press/%...0IMPOUNDED.pdf

RacerJason 04-10-08 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by rx7racerca (Post 8079303)
Perhaps a better question is, why, if these people were doing burnouts and so on in the parking lot in view of an unmarked police car, did that unit not stop them there and cite them for stunting? Maybe they didn't think they could effectively stop their escape - or maybe they were looking for a much more dramatic takedown that they could splash in the media. In which case, "street racing" is more of a press opportunity for the police and government, something better to catch than to prevent.

Good point. Why not stop them before this behaviour escalated in to the possibility of something more dangerous. Oh, likely because they wanted to nail them with all the infractions they could and hey, why not turn it in to a publicity stunt at the same time.

Yorkie's - "Look we're taking dangerous people off the streets!!" when actually they could have stopped them from becoming a danger on the public roads before they even left the garage. Wankers.

A friend of mine is dating a Yorkie, saw them out this past weekend, I told him I drive to and from work each day at 149 km/h lol

2Fierce 04-10-08 03:48 PM

Okay I was there...no surprise.

We were having a skyline meet at Commerce Gae in Markham. Over 30 skylines showed up, I was in my friends FC, but he also has a skyline.

At about 9ish (i think) everyone left CG. Some ppl went to yorkdale for a meet...where there was cops, some went to Kennedy commons, where there was cops, some just went down highway7 probably to go to woodbridge. But the idea was that the skyline meet was over because there was 4 cop cars parked across from CG the entire time. They did leave before us and when ppl were leaving the parkin lot I saw a lot of drifts or ppl taking off.

Some ppl just went to a parking lot and took pictues. Our skyline friends belonged to this crowd...but we didn't know that. We followed the other skylines and next thing you know were racnig down the 401 west @ 200km/h. It wasn't until we got to weston that we realized all te skylines from the 404 went East or took the 400 or got offf at yorkdale. So we headed back.

wouldn't say we were innocent....but a few bad apples definitly ruiin it

Leesha 04-10-08 05:42 PM

Hi Neo...

I know you want a good :whipping:...Stop hanging out in the RX8 Forum!!

BENMAN 04-10-08 06:06 PM

hhhmmm....what happens to the cars now?? do they get aution off? sorry just curious...

Bass 04-10-08 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by darkfrost (Post 8078463)
and their vehicles have been impounded for seven days...

Originally Posted by BENMAN (Post 8080280)
hhhmmm....what happens to the cars now?? do they get aution off? sorry just curious...

I would assume that the cars will be returned - subject to 'admin' charges etc...

I too find it disturbing that the police would apparently take the position of allowing the 'suspects' to perform further infractions on the road when they could and should have dealt with them while still in the parking lot - out of traffic. It would be nice to see someone editorialize this fact in response to this story.

I've gotta admit that I'm seriously considering keeping my car out of the GTA this season, at least until this kind of bullshit sorts itself out.

krgoodwin 04-10-08 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by rx7racerca (Post 8079303)
Perhaps a better question is, why, if these people were doing burnouts and so on in the parking lot in view of an unmarked police car, did that unit not stop them there and cite them for stunting?

From what I understand you have to actually be on a road to be charged with an HTA offence. They could have given them noise violation, vandalism, or something like that for doing burnouts but that doesn't look as good in the newspaper as arresting people for street racing.

I find it hard to have any sympathy for them. Everyone knows about this law and everyone knows what goes on at a lot of these meets. So if you don't want police attention don't do burnouts in parking lots and don't speed with large grouped of modified cars.

ScrappyDoo 04-10-08 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by 2Fierce (Post 8079721)
We followed the other skylines and next thing you know were racnig down the 401 west @ 200km/h. It wasn't until we got to weston that we realized all te skylines from the 404 went East or took the 400 or got offf at yorkdale. So we headed back.


2Fierce 04-10-08 10:25 PM

I wasn't driving, but I don't condemn it. I think the laws are stupid. Its not speed that bothers me, its ppl who cut lanes without warning. Seriously it just makes me think that cops have nothing better to do or A LOT of ppl complain about street racers.

If ALOT of ppl complain, its justified. Otherwise, its just like a deviance service center. The police KNOW what goes on in places like that, but ppl don't complain! Its not until the community really cleans up its act as a whole that changes are made. I think woodbridge/markham has bigger problems than street racers: cocaine for one, lack of parental common sense/supervision for another.

These parents throw money at their kids, never watch them or talk to them, its no wonder why I often see 18 yr old boys with a hummer bought by daddy and 15 yr old girls in miniskirts at every tim hortons after 11pm. I think the community should be focused on their slut and drug problem over 'street racing.' But maybe having a lack of morals is okay, but going 50 over the limit makes you a criminal. Gotta love politics and law. I'm just saying that its not that big a deal that they need helicopters, undercover tahoes, and 7 cruisers there.

B6T 04-10-08 10:34 PM

Ok drug problem for sure... but slut problem? Come onnnnnn...

1.3Ldreamcar 04-10-08 11:19 PM

you guys im sorry but its official...... OUR COUNTRY SUCKS ASS

We dont have any effing race tracks, and now because of our tight-assed conservative government we have to live in fear, cause a cop can yell "street race" if we are doing anything wrong in our cars!

... someone had to say it...

2Fierce 04-10-08 11:21 PM

lol, the slutiness thing isn't a problem really...if they're 18

1.3Ldreamcar 04-10-08 11:23 PM

Ohh and btw guys this new law is not going to change anything.... look at many asianic countries. there is a death sentance on drug trafficing/sales, yet THERE IS STILL A HUGE DRUG PROBLEM!

the only thing that will lessen street racing is more REAL racing... where ppl can get together and race on a sunday. The USA has the SCCA, and thats great, what do we have? shit all except for a couple tracks in Southern ON!

Bass 04-10-08 11:26 PM

Sorry but booking it at 200km/h on the 401 aint gonna help the cause. It hurts it. Not to mention the potential carnage that could be caused because someone makes a lane change in front of you not expecting someone (or being able to see someone) coming up on them at twice the speed limit. Give me break. It's that kind of "driving" that causes people to pressure the politicians to put in these stupid road racing laws. Why the hell are we all so surprised?

dj55b 04-11-08 12:00 AM

I think the honest and fair thing to do if anyone were to be charged for a Street Racing Ticket, the cops should have a video Footage to prove it.Because just going by what the cops said is truly unjust. They make a living writting tickets, the bigger the ticket the more in their pocket. Why don't they just hand out tickets for everyone that crosses the street improperly?

Bass 04-13-08 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by dj55b (Post 8081426)
...the bigger the ticket the more in their pocket...

I didn't realize that cops got commission from their tickets. That's news to me.

JDM-FD3S 04-13-08 10:19 PM

To straighten up facts... the WERE NOT RACING! Rather driving in a group at speed limits; they were targeted on suspicion that they may be going to participate in a street race. They were leaving together from a car meet... There were some OTHER cars that had caused problems during that night. They were charged with stunt driving and car was impounded for a week.

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