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-   -   Getting her back on the road again (and sitting pretty..) (https://www.rx7club.com/build-threads-294/getting-her-back-road-again-sitting-pretty-1030202/)

clokker 04-28-16 02:25 PM

The true Littlefinger move here would be to get Felga to fix the wheels...then kill them all, thus escaping the debt.
Frame it so it looks like Robban did it out of shame at his failure.

If you claim the name, play the game, boy.

meerkat8701 05-11-16 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12057575)
The true Littlefinger move here would be to get Felga to fix the wheels...then kill them all, thus escaping the debt.
Frame it so it looks like Robban did it out of shame at his failure.

If you claim the name, play the game, boy.

😂 😂 😂
I just wouldnt have the heart to frame robban. That said i think of a bunch of other people that would deserve it :p
Im back playing the waiting game. I spoke to the chap at felga and he gave me a quote of 2000 swedish crowners per wheel.
Which is actually an ok price in my opinion. Im going to have to scrape a little bit of cash together then ill be sending the wheels over to them.
If all goes to plan i should be getting a normal wage again in about 3 weeks. And above all else a normal routine which will be most pleasant :)

clokker 05-12-16 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 12062188)
I spoke to the chap at felga and he gave me a quote of 2000 swedish crowners per wheel.
Which is actually an ok price in my opinion.

As a loutish American I have no idea what "2000 swedish crowners" means in relation to real money, you may as well be bartering pelts.
Like, what would a typical fast food lunch (McDagmars?) cost?
Or a Coke, or a gram of hash?

meerkat8701 05-23-16 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12062878)
As a loutish American I have no idea what "2000 swedish crowners" means in relation to real money, you may as well be bartering pelts.
Like, what would a typical fast food lunch (McDagmars?) cost?
Or a Coke, or a gram of hash?

Your vocabulary suggests that you are far from loutish clokker. As an old american colleage of mine described it, you would be what people in the mining town (cant remember where) he comes from called "one a them readers" 😂

In answer to your question, 2000 crowns works out to exactly 240 dollars and 52 cents. This would get you, according to the current rate of exchange, 25 grams of ok skunk. I dont smoke anymore but it smells like it would do the job.
With postage and packaging the entire process will cost me 1106.41 dollars.

Not much to report im afraid, i sent off the wheels about a half an hour ago and am just wondering how long it will take until i get them back. This company seems very serious so im hoping for the best 😊

clokker 07-22-16 03:00 PM

If you're still arount 'cat, watch this;

The part at the end with the wheels will probably kill you.

meerkat8701 07-23-16 05:35 PM

im still alive clokker =)
watched it directly. i didnt die but i did get small chest pains as i watched them indifferently widen their wheels purely on a whim in what i can only imagine took 1-2 weeks. i was further crushed by the fact that the tyres fit. it really is a brilliant build and i especially enjoy that they use PG-tips, which is my favorite brand of tea! this is of course because of the funny advertisements they had well into the 90's with talking monkeys.

even though i havent written anything on here for a while, i have had a little bit of progress! this was due to a couple of factors, one being that the missus buggered off to greece with our daughter for 3 weeks for a vacation and that fredrik graciously invited me to the garage where he works so that we could work on our cars together.

considering the fact that i spent the most of the 3 week period getting drunk as a skunk, these are the only parts of the 3 week period i remember and they went thusly..

whats been weighing most on my mind as of late has been the issue with the exhaust fumes getting into the cockpit. (in my mind, when im driving my rx7 i think im flying an F22 fighter jet. so...cockpit). it has made the car literally undriveable so it must be remedied or all my hard work and sufferation will have been for naught.
i had considered buying new seals for the taillights but considering that i had cut out a section of the body on either side to make the s5 tails fit onto my s4 they would have been just as useless as my old ones, so i bought another roll of 2mm thick rubber matting and cut out my own 'sort of custom' seals instead. i cleaned up and straightened the rather rushed cuts i had made, and used a gluegun to fasten the seals to the taillights.


because i meant business this time, i took the unused tiger seal i had originally bought for my schrodinger's wheels and used it to seal the tails once installed instead. i gave it a couple of days to set and then had a little test drive. definately a big difference this time but it was still coming in somewhere. i had the car idling and went around the inside of the car trying to smell the different places i suspected that it was coming in and i didnt notice anything. when i lifted the hood i definately could smell it coming in from the engine bay. i went and found the rubber grommets that sit over the shock towers and it definately made a difference. it was a shot in the dark but it helped. its still coming in a bit though so im going to have to keep searching. if anyone has any tips feel free to let me know!

the day came when was going to meet fredrik at his workplace so i started her up and drove over there. she ran horribly all the way. i parked outside and we exchanged greetings and we caught up a bit while he finished washing the absolutely mint, gorgeous 90's porsche carrera that he just bought and that i dont covet at all.... ok, i would give my left testicle for one. anyway once finished he opened the garage doors so that i could drive in and as per usual the 7 had flooded. as i began to remove the spark plugs to deflood it for the umpteenth time, he came out with the spark plugs that had come with his 6pi that he had changed out. i whacked them in and even driving her the 5 meters or so it took to get into the garage i noticed a big difference! that was one problem eliminated but i knew that there was still something wrong with the engine for her to be fouling plugs like that. he works at a porsche so it really was a luxury to be in such a well equipped garage. i always asssumed that he had the haynes manual for our euro models but i was pleasantly surprised when he pulled out a crispy original workshop manual. he even had the correct electrical schematics and everything! considering that i have been essentially been using the WRONG manual throughout the entirety of this build, this was quite the milestone.


i went through the troubleshooting section at first but to be honest i have checked/replaced alot of the things that it said i should check. i checked the injectors and the fuel pressure just to be sure while i had the correct tools and everything was fine. fredrik was there to fit a sparco racing seat in his porsche but was very patient with me and helped whenever i needed him with nary a complaint :icon_tup:

i was feeling a bit swamped and unsure of which direction to take when i noticed the page which had the values to troubleshoot the ecu. i had started checking through them one by one with the multimeter at which point fredriks mate erik turned up in his trusty bmw e28. we had met before and he's a very nice chap. around the time he turned up i noticed that the voltage was wrong on the pin that was connected to the vacuum controller. the very mention of the vacuum harness had already triggered my flight reflex but erik was very engaged and traced the problem back to the controller not receiving any vacuum from the dynamic chamber. it was getting late but i quickly whipped off the throttle body and the black thing that sat between it and the dynamic chamber that i always had assumed was a rather overlarge plastic spacer/gasket. it was then i noticed..



the small holes. it was obvious that i had replaced it the wrong. frickin. way. round.
the last time i had removed it was so long ago so that i hadnt even considered the possibillity that it could be causing any problem. such a simple thing..
fredrik had also noticed that there was a part of the throttle body that was rubbing against something else on the throttle body thus worsening my jumpy idle. anyway i put it all together and straight away once started the idle was instantly alot better, she ran noticeably leaner and gave a bit more power on the test drive.

not out of the woods yet though. when we took her out on the motorway she still is missing power and backfiring a bit when at full throttle so there are still kinks to be ironed out. i hadn't gotten to the bottom of the list so i still have troubleshooting to do on the ecu. im hoping that we can get a bit more done before the summer leaves us for another 9 months :lol:. so thankful to freddy and erik for their patience, help and motivation!

im sure there is an anthony in a parallel universe that has received his wheels but in this hypothetical self-contained reality, i havent. im going to have to check on their progress next week.

apart from that im going to try and get some bits and bobs done before the year is out. sorry im so infrequent in my updates hopefully the little one starting playschool at the end of august will free up a bit of much needed time :fingersx:

meerkat8701 08-15-16 04:30 PM

Reet. (as they say in sunderland)

time for a wheel update.





just waiting for some powdercoating (in matt black this time) and then they will be on their merry way up to stockholm so that i may bestow some rubber upon them.

im getting all excited again :)

meerkat8701 08-21-16 10:36 AM

finished! havent received them yet these are taken from their instagram but theyre looking very tasty :nod:



clokker 08-21-16 10:49 AM

Yup, those look much nicer than the originals.

I'll take 'em.

meerkat8701 08-21-16 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12098315)
Yup, those look much nicer than the originals.

I'll take 'em.

glad you like em! i reckon they would go nice with red too :gwink:
i have been looking at moon caps but after looking at a shedload i have decided that the only car that they suit with deep dishes are volkswagen beetles.
they only question mark left is if ill be able to get them to fit under the arches with a spot of rolling. hopefully ill be able to prove/disprove this within a month, weather allowing. its already autumn here with no sign of a last burst of sun before the winter comes.
really crossing my fingers on this one!

clokker 08-21-16 01:43 PM

Yeah, I can imagine that after the rubber freezes, tires are difficult to mount.

You are wrong about the moon discs and next spring, after the permafrost leaves your eyes, I'm sure you'll realize it.

meerkat8701 09-12-16 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12098364)
Yeah, I can imagine that after the rubber freezes, tires are difficult to mount.

You are wrong about the moon discs and next spring, after the permafrost leaves your eyes, I'm sure you'll realize it.

i was definately wrong about the weather anyway :) the last week or so has been really nice! sunny with a slight crispness in the air. autumn is definately one of my favourite times of the year.. at least when we get one and the swedish climate doesnt fast forward through it and try to turn us all into ötzi's.

this is the second time im writing this as my computer had a brain anurism probably out of sheer disbelief at what i had written, and promptly deleted it all. i was about to say 'dagnabbit' until i realised that i dont say stuff like that so i used other flowery language which would only get censored on here but im sure you get the idea.

last tuesday my steelies turned up! nicely packaged and looking better than ever. im really glad i was able to get them painted in matt black it really does look so much better. felga.se had done a first class job on the steelies and had even rectified the horrors that i had inflicted on the dishes with my sanding wheel. im really pleased with their service and would recommend them highly!

i had spoken previously with joels brother mikey and he had said that i could come over to his workplace on the saturday and fit the tyres. so on the saturday me, mikey and joel wheeled the seven into the huge hall where it was dwarfed by all manner of big volvo trucks.

we used the remaining tube of tiger seal on the welds just in case and the tyres plopped on effortlessly. they balanced up really well even though i had forgotten to line up the red dots on the tyres with the valves.

then it was time to put them on the seven. the front wheels sat perfectly with no need for adjustment but as i had supected, the rear wheels stack out a good 35mm on both sides. we decided to see if the natural negative camber we would receive from lowering her would give us a couple mil. the suspension was all over the show. i thought i had done a rough adjustment on them when i first popped the coilies on but oh how wrong i was. once we got them to an acceptable height above the tyres we had gained a couple millimeters but were very doubtfull that a roll and a pull on the fenders would let us get away with it but decided to try anyway. fortunately mike and joel had bought a fender roller a couple years back and were more than happy to loan it to me.

joel stayed as long as he could but had to leave after a while so me and mike stayed and continued rolling the fenders gradually, all the while keeping the paint warm with a heat gun. because of our close proximity to the fender we didnt really notice how far we had come until we took a couple steps back from it and then realised that there was a chance. we were a bit pressed for time so we cracked on until we were satisfied, dropped her a couple more centimeters and lo and behold, we got them tucked in!

i intend to spend a bit more time over the coming weeks to try to get them as good as i can but to be honest im really surprised how well it went. the rolling tool certainly makes the job quite easy and we didnt crack the paint anywhere apart from one place where there was a rust bubble. she really is a fair bit lower now, especially at the front but i think that the profile was a bit to small at the front so some tyres with a bit more would serve to fill out the wheelhousing a tad more and also be able to raise the front a bit whilst keeping a good fitment. we maxed the negative camber at the front but it really wasnt anything too exaggerated so we kept it that way. i will also be changing out the wheelnuts to some nice black ones.

when i drove home i thought she sat way nicer on the motorway and didnt get stuck in the grooves in the road at all as far as i noticed. i was quite surprised at that, i expected it to be a living hell pulling all over the place like my old bmw. considering how all over the place my suspension was i suppose anything would have felt better than that. i coulndt get her up on my parking space the kerb is quite high (about 4-5cm) so i had to build a couple of ramps out of some old wood flooring that my neighbour had left over from his recent renovation.

my camera had decided to stop working on the saturday so i had some pics that the boys had taken and today afterwork i went out and took some on my parking with the missus camera.

all in all im really pleased with the way the seven looks! you could say that after all this time i have (with a little help from my friends) got her to sit pretty!

i also have another bit of good news! i may have sorted out a garage that i will be sharing with joel and another friend of ours and as long as everything goes to plan will be moving in in january. fingers crossed on that one!

one of the pics is of my old skyline which mike bought from me at the beginning of this year. considering that he bought a shell and and engine in bits, im very impressed that he's got it all together and running very nicely over one summer. it looks great and im really glad it ended up in the right hands!

anyway im going to shut up now. heres some pics!









meerkat8701 09-12-16 12:54 PM






im am no photographer but i hope you guys got a rough idea of how she turned out!

clokker 09-13-16 10:10 AM

Although a bit skeptical of rear wheel fit, I think the car looks great.

Now you need to go full panda and get some dogdishes.

meerkat8701 09-13-16 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12106243)
Although a bit skeptical of rear wheel fit, I think the car looks great.

Now you need to go full panda and get some dogdishes.

thanks clokker! i was a bit afraid that you had disowned me on account of the wheels sticking out a bit :lol: personally the rear wheels are the thing that has me going out all the time to look at it. i am in love.
i cant go full panda but i did go full retard today when i ripped off half of my front lip trying to back up onto my parking space. :pow:

ill have to pop it off and decide what im going to do about it. at least ill be able to drive up and down the kerb with it off for the time being.

clokker 09-13-16 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 12106333)
i cant go full panda...

Why not?
("Can't" implies you would if you could but something external is stopping you. "Won't" implies you hate pandas and by extension, Mother Earth (herefore known as "the Plaintiff"). When the last Ling Ling or Poo Poo goes to that big bamboo forest in the Sky, the demise of the species will be on you. All you, only you.
Because you hate pandas and own a RX7.

When the trial at the Hague convenes, this thread will undoubtedly come up and I'll be called to testify.
"Yes, your Honor" I'll say,"To the best of my knowledge and backed up with written evidence, Meercat does hate pandas but allow me to point out that is hardly his greatest fault.
I'm sad to say he also hates dogs and dogdishes.

He is a monster, I rest my case."

It need not go this way, end the madness now.

meerkat8701 09-15-16 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12106436)
Why not?
("Can't" implies you would if you could but something external is stopping you. "Won't" implies you hate pandas and by extension, Mother Earth (herefore known as "the Plaintiff"). When the last Ling Ling or Poo Poo goes to that big bamboo forest in the Sky, the demise of the species will be on you. All you, only you.
Because you hate pandas and own a RX7.

When the trial at the Hague convenes, this thread will undoubtedly come up and I'll be called to testify.
"Yes, your Honor" I'll say,"To the best of my knowledge and backed up with written evidence, Meercat does hate pandas but allow me to point out that is hardly his greatest fault.
I'm sad to say he also hates dogs and dogdishes.

He is a monster, I rest my case."

It need not go this way, end the madness now.

"as of today, the trial of meerkat mladic is in an adjournment for reasons related to the accused's health because he drives an rx7 that runs so rich, another international court has been created to prosecute him for gross pollution, direct damage to the ozone layer, and making two pensioners complain about the smell when he drove past them last thursday afternoon on the way to flood his engine somewhere too far away to walk home."

i have some more really good news (i think) but i cant say until im sure.

the only clue i can give is that it will wreak genocide upon my economy for the next few years to come.

its all your fault. rx7..

clokker 09-15-16 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 12106964)

i have some more really good news (i think) but i cant say until im sure.

the only clue i can give is that it will wreak genocide upon my economy for the next few years to come.

its all your fault. rx7..

Your baby is having a baby?

meerkat8701 09-16-16 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12107019)
Your baby is having a baby?

in a sense, yes. :nod:

*takes a deep breath and blurts out*

i got dibs on a TII engine from a 1991 s5 that lars put me on to when we spoke earlier this week. i love that man. it was up for 10,000 crowns (1178,04 usd) and i just HAD to have it. i promptly went down to the cellar after work and took photos of literally everything i could sell and put them up. funnily enough the only i got sold were my 4 pot alcons with 356mm brakes that i had left over from the gtr. i got 6500 for them and after speaking with a very nice man at the breakers yard, managed to haggle 3000 off the price. the remaining 500 wasnt too hard to find so now im just waiting for them to call me next week once they pull it out so that i can go pick it up!

a turbo engine has been on the cards for a long time and the plan was to get one and rebuild it on the side. i can run the n/a (when i eventually get it running right) until i have rebuilt the engine and got together all the necessary bits and bobs to do a swap.

the breakers yard claim that it has good compression but that will remain to be seen and i hope that its in good nick when i open it up and hopefully dont cause any internal damage when i do so. i still have the rotary aviation video so im sure that if i disassemble it according to their recommendations, it should be good. no more pussying out, im rebuilding this bugger myself!

i could ramble on about all the plans that are ruining my sleep at the moment but i think ill just wait and see how it looks when i get it and go from there. all i can say is that i wont be cheaping out unless its entirely appropriate, will not have any kind of deadline/hurry, and will not be cutting any corners.

so basicly ill be finished with it when im 50. if i live that long.

i mentioned in my previous post that i had effed up my front lip when i was backing up onto my parking space and was a bit unsure what to do about it until mike put me onto a pretty cool thing that he had done with his bmw.

you can see the product here.

its a swedish comany that makes rubber stick on front lips. it comes in a roll, you cut it to size and stick it on with the double-sided tape that is already attached. costs 35usd.

whats the catch you say?

none aparrently, he has been running it for quite a while now and it hasnt budged an inch. i think its a bloody great idea and i must say that it looks rather fetching on his beemer. i will be purchasing a roll and replacing my savaged front lip with it as soon as i can :icon_tup:

this is wierd. apart from the horrid business with my front lip, good things keep happening and it makes me nervous. im just not used to it you see..

so...until the faeces hit the rotating ceiling mounted blade, yay!

rx7inLt 09-17-16 12:25 PM

You can buy the same lip material from ebay or aliexpress for like half the price rubber front lip | eBay

meerkat8701 09-17-16 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by t0mat (Post 12107543)
You can buy the same lip material from ebay or aliexpress for like half the price rubber front lip | eBay

nice one tomat! always nice with a saving :)

by the by, my little girl LOVES mumin. im pretty sure that at the moment she is convinced that "mumin pappa" is how you say daddy :lol:

macce76 09-19-16 11:58 AM

Looking mighty fine there. :ylsuper:

You guys had to pull the rear quite a bit, does it rub at all?

meerkat8701 09-20-16 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by macce76 (Post 12108023)
Looking mighty fine there. :ylsuper:

You guys had to pull the rear quite a bit, does it rub at all?

cheers macce! i genuinely think we could have squeezed alot more out of the fenders. im still surprised that it went so effortlessly. we used the heat gun and the foam roller and i know for a fact that despite the hundreds of threads and faq's and youtube video's that expressedly said that this job shouldnt be rushed, i rushed it. :lol:

so far i havent heard any rubbing sounds and i remember how it sounded on my brothers old golf when he lowered it many moons ago. i have driven it once since i got her home so i havent driven far enough to make any noticeable wear if that was the case. safe to say i reckon i got away with it within a fairly decent margin!

the main focus now is to finish off troubleshooting the engine and get her running properly so that next year ill be able to drive her around. (hm.. deja vu.) it s just impossible to drive with the fumes coming in the way they are at the moment. i feel like changing the name of this thread to "get an rx7 to stop running rich or literally die trying" would be more appropriate for this stage of the project im stuck on.

im still waiting for the phonecall from the breakers yard saying that they have pulled out the turbo engine and i have been trying to read up as much as possible about them to pass the time.
i have mostly been trying to find information about how much of the original engine control system i will need to keep considering i will be going standalone. i would like to simplify the engine as much as possible but this time ill want it to be able to pass an emissions test.
i was also looking for some kind of thread where people have put up their 'engine recipes', so to speak. havent found anything like it yet but its probably because im wording my searches wrong or something.

the fact that i have an s4 that i plan to swap an s5 into is also going to make the swap more complicated but ill just have to keep reading.

i feel like changing the name of this thread to "get an rx7 to stop running rich or die trying"... or some such..

clokker 09-20-16 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 12108432)
the fact that i have an s4 that i plan to swap an s5 into is also going to make the swap more complicated but ill just have to keep reading.

Doesn't going standalone eliminate most of the typical "series swap" issues?

meerkat8701 09-20-16 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 12108448)
Doesn't going standalone eliminate most of the typical "series swap" issues?

it seems logical to me despite my limited knowledge of the turbo models. i only have a rough overall picture of everything from what i have read here on the forum. i have always known that going standlone on the 6 port would solve my current issues and give me a bit of bonus power to boot but i just didnt deem it worth the money considering i was going to go turbo later on.

im counting with at least what would work out to roughly 2500 dollars for a standalone + mapping. thats where im a bit divided. on one hand it doesnt feel worth an extra 20hp but it does feel worth it to get the seven running. on the other hand it would be more cost effective in the long run to wait until i am ready to do the turbo swap.

ill be saving as much money as i can next year so if i cant work out whats wrong with the engine,which would be a crying shame and most likely the deathblow to my already shattered self confidence as a hobby mechanic, i geuss ill have to bite the bullet on that one.

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