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88fc3sT2 04-11-14 09:36 AM

FINALLY!!! And just in time for spring/summer too.

clokker 04-11-14 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by archaphil (Post 11716472)
It is silly, your car and my new car are twins...

Yes, but does your car have it's own imaginary friend who is "building wheels" just for it?
Didn't think so.

You've been served.

meerkat8701 04-12-14 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11716504)
Yes, but does your car have it's own imaginary friend who is "building wheels" just for it?
Didn't think so.

You've been served.

i will probably be working with my cars imaginary friend from monday onwards for a couple of weeks at least. then i can pick on him about the wheels :) its time for them to be ready..

sorry i didnt update yesterday. i ended up going out with my neighbours to see a new swedish group called amason. apparently you cant be popular in the music scene here without naming yourself after a car from volvo. they were actually really good and i woke up this morning with no sign of a headache whatsoever..which probably means im still drunk.

after moving the concrete blocks to get her out, (damn those things are heavy!) i started her up. she seems to run fine and held a steady idle. it was a bit high, around 1100 rpm so ill have to sort that out today. the main problem was that it was leaking like hell from the headers. sounded like absolute poo. pierre said that i could use his ramp today so im going to go down there now and see what i can get done!

in the meantime, ill leave you with a song from amason.

blame 04-12-14 07:37 AM


Glad it was something simple


meerkat8701 04-12-14 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by blame (Post 11716971)

Glad it was something simple


im starting to form callous on my forehead from the amount of times i have had to facepalm myself during this build because of all these silly mistakes i make :nod:

today was a good day. pierre kindly let me use his ramp and whilst my hangover developed, me and vince had a little look at the headers. turns out that the exhaust paste i had used was causing the leak. we scraped it all of and put it back on and the leakage stopped.

i stood for a while thinking what to next and then realised the only thing left to do was to go drive! i took a little video with my phone while vince was driving.

as you can tell from our mirth, shes not exactly running 100%. as soon as she hits around 3500 she loses power directly. bucks a bit too. if the gas pedal is depressed ever so slightly, it goes past that point without doing it but does it a bit in the higher revs (around 6k) instead. looks like i got the dreaded 'short shift rattle'. not really much i can do about that..

vince said it felt like she wasnt getting enough fuel. i have a suspicious theory/theoretical suspicion.. im thinking something is happening with the secondary injectors. theories? suspicions?
im gonna read a bit more about it and see if i can find a couple of things to try tomorrow...

looks like the 'getting her back on the road' part is drawing closer! :icon_tup:

meerkat8701 04-12-14 05:20 PM

i forgot to mention a quite scary thing. i pulled the cas to reset the timing and it had white foam on it. the first thing that comes to mid is that my water seals have gone. the coolant temperature is spot on though and its not overpressurising. is this normal after a rebuild?

clokker 04-12-14 11:41 PM

I've seen enough police procedurals and televised gun violence in general to know that frothy foam usually means a lung shot.
Put the lime in de coconut and call me in the morning.

blame 04-13-14 02:03 AM



clokker 04-13-14 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by blame (Post 11717377)


I wondered that as well but just figured that Swedish roads are so excellent that one could roll on rotors.

meerkat8701 04-13-14 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11717334)
I've seen enough police procedurals and televised gun violence in general to know that frothy foam usually means a lung shot.
Put the lime in de coconut and call me in the morning.

if the lungs are the afm and the oil/coolant systems are the circulatory system/sweat glands, i would much rather take a bullet to the afm...cos i have a spare :)

Originally Posted by blame (Post 11717377)


aaahh. glad that you asked. this is because vince is actually from a pan-dimensional, hyper-intelligent species of beings and was holding up the car by pure thought. which was a very nice gesture indeed as i would not have gotten far without wheels.

looks like i wont be making it down to the garage today. or for a while it seems. on monday ill be working for a couple weeks in 'swedish nation most glorious airport', arlanda. because no money, no funny.

heres some fun facts..

1. arlanda has one of the only two starbucks in stockholm (this brings the total to four in sweden)

2. its just as expensive as anywhere else. if not more.

3. arlanda is closer to where i live than skavsta (swedens other, cheaper, smaller, not so glorious airport) but takes longer to get there because of the abysmal bermuda triangle of traffic that is the bromma/solna area.

this makes commuting back and forth everyday an exersize in futility so we will be staying at a hotel for the duration of the job which of course means ill not be getting much done on the seven. one thing that is positive is that now that the seven runs, albeit badly, i can order the windscreen because i will be able to get the car to the glassmästare to have it installed. considering that it will probably have to be made by magical elves in lapland using wooden tools and salmon scales, the seven will be ready summer 2015.

there was something i forgot to mention yesterday. the exhaust system isnt leaking, but there is a hell of alot of exhaust gas getting into the coupe somehow. im wondering if it is the split air pipe thingy thats on the rb header that isnt attached to anything. ill have to cap it off and see if that makes a difference.

blame 04-13-14 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11717457)
this is because vince is actually from a pan-dimensional, hyper-intelligent species of beings and was holding up the car by pure thought.

Well, it looks like someone is a Douglas Adams fan

What are you going to be doing at the airport? I work at an airport here in Canada. Not a big international like Arlanda, but still a mid-sized somewhat busy 2-runway deal. Airports are super hectic places where everyone checks their minds and manners with their luggage and takes out their problems on the poor people working there. I'm lucky enough that I don't have to deal with any passengers, I just sit in the tower and tell the pilots not to run into each other


meerkat8701 04-13-14 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by blame (Post 11717567)
Well, it looks like someone is a Douglas Adams fan

What are you going to be doing at the airport? I work at an airport here in Canada. Not a big international like Arlanda, but still a mid-sized somewhat busy 2-runway deal. Airports are super hectic places where everyone checks their minds and manners with their luggage and takes out their problems on the poor people working there. I'm lucky enough that I don't have to deal with any passengers, I just sit in the tower and tell the pilots not to run into each other


fortunately i wont be having to deal with any passengers either. but what you do is way cooler. we will be cleaning a luggage thingy. you know the one that goes round and round and round and round and every one else gets their luggage except for you and you start to wonder if your shit has ended up in nicaragua or something till it finally comes? one of them caught fire and were going to clean all the soot and get it looking good again. technical sanitation of electronics it is called. (direct translation from swedish there 'yoda style' )

i would much rather be fixing the seven but hopefully when this job is done i should have earnt some munny and the weather should be a bit nicer so that i can do some sleuthing and find out why she is running like crap :)

gotta think positive eh?

blame 04-15-14 12:45 AM

Well that sounds pretty good, hope it goes well for you.

Everyone thinks rx7's run on gas, but really they run on large amounts of currency



clokker 04-15-14 03:46 PM

With that amount of gelt I could do a lot better than a FC.

blame 04-27-14 12:04 PM


You there buddy?


clokker 04-27-14 03:05 PM

The official story is that he's away from home on a work assignment.
In reality, he and the rest of the country went on a giant herring bender and are slowly recovering.

meerkat8701 04-27-14 05:32 PM

im back fellas!! :) i finished the job last friday and to be honest, after ten hour days and the extreme boredom that is living in a hotel, i was gagging for a skate! the weather was wicked so i have spent this weekend getting back on the board. i had hoped to get down to the garage tomorrow. i have to pay my rent and hopefully the electricity will be back on. if it isnt i can just work outside.
i was working with robban the whole time and i asked him about them so much i think i was close to getting a punch in the face by the time we were done hehe ;)
well i cant have people thinking i dont have any wheels can i?
he said he would be taking the whole shabang up to his welder dude this week so im hoping to hear some info soon.
on one of the few evenings i spent sober, (i went with the whole 'when bored, drink beer' philosophy up there) i had a little read up on how i would go about troubleshooting the loss of power i get at 3500 rpm. i read that i could build my own 'testing unit' or something of the like. i dont have a danny la rue where to start so i thought i would start there. dont know if im overcomplicating things but it seems like thats what others have done to get to the route of the problem.

i will be saving the herring festivities for the most pagan of times, midsummers eve. where we will dance around maypoles with flowers in our hair and drink fermented herring juice until we are sick. good times await..

clokker 04-27-14 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11726229)
well i cant have people thinking i dont have any wheels can i?

You might try not telling us- in the very next sentence, no less- that you don't then.

meerkat8701 04-28-14 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11726300)
You might try not telling us- in the very next sentence, no less- that you don't then.

but i do! i do! its just that.. umm.. theyre not exactly in one piece. or with me.. and i dont know when im going to see them again. same thing right? :lol:

clokker 04-28-14 06:56 AM

So, you have some Schrodinger's Wheels.
Open the box and they may be in there.

meerkat8701 05-01-14 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11726470)
So, you have some Schrodinger's Wheels.
Open the box and they may be in there.

i had to google that one clokker =) i must admit my understanding of quantum mechanics is a bit rusty (read nonexistant)

i havent managed to get up to the garage yet due to work and i got a phonecall yesterday evening and it looks like theyll be sending me away to malmö in the south of sweden for a week or so. its good money so i took it. with my work situation the way it is right now i literally cannot afford to say no to work. this will give my wheels a chance to materialise/manifest..hopefully.

clokker 05-01-14 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by meerkat8701 (Post 11728472)
i had to google that one clokker =)

Google and I have an arrangement.

clokker 05-13-14 08:09 AM

What is going on...a thirteen day nap?

meerkat8701 05-13-14 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by clokker (Post 11735797)
What is going on...a thirteen day nap?

sorry for the inactivity..
the way i feel right now i wouldnt mind at least a 1 day nap clokker :)
turns out i wasnt being sent to malmö, i got sent to copenhagen. lovely city i would really recommend it as a weekend destination. my swedish didnt help too much down there. in writing, the languages are quite similar. but the pronunciation..oh my god the pronunciation. i geuss the best way i to explain is through this clip..

they were very nice anyway and treated us well. then i got sent to malmö and should have been sent home on friday but they asked me to stay on till this friday. i contacted robban about the wheels and he said that his cylinder guy was in the process of doing them. the he said he would tack em in place then sandblast them before fully welding them. when this will happen i dont rightly know so its the waiting game again. im hoping that i will have some time to get up the garage this weekend and do something with the seven. :icon_tup:

meerkat8701 05-24-14 04:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This thread has come to a crashing halt at the moment and it bothers me everyday. i havent been to the garage in what seems like an age. fear not though. there is no way im done with the seven. not by a long shot.

now. i may not have any wheels but 3 days ago i became a father to a healthy baby girl! this explains my lack of activity since i got back from the southerly regions of sweden. (its really nice to be able to understand what people are saying again) this also explains the distinct lack of sleep in my life right now. worth it though..

Attachment 644592

i have already attempted to explain in lengthy detail to her the basic workings of the rotary engine but she doesnt seem to be cottoning on which is dissapointing to say the least. her tiny hands would be most useful in tight spots on the seven. looks like im stuck with my sausage fingers for the time being..

righty-ho-then. heres the plan. im working away until thursday (im REEAALLLY crap at saying no to my boss) then my family will be here from bonny olde england for the weekend then i should be able to get my sorry ass up to the garage the following week.

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