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-   -   protodermis~~ do not deal with (https://www.rx7club.com/bad-fugly-members-185/protodermis%7E%7E-do-not-deal-628300/)

Juiceh 03-15-07 02:23 PM

^first link in post #61

7tcbody 03-15-07 04:51 PM

This is the same guy that tried to fake a brittish accent on here.
He was just doing a Tony Montana Marielito imitation on this and another thread in the Scumbag Department.

FrankV702 03-15-07 05:01 PM

Come on guys, There has to be a logical explanation for Protodermis and his other known aliases. NOT!! Lets see him try to lie right out of this one. Im positive he'll still try.

rx7roller02 03-15-07 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Protodermis
That was the tracking number i was given and that is all i have to say. Have you spoken to rkelley shit head ? I havent lied about anything so I really dont care about what you have to say anymore. Maybe randy can post pics of his car with the kit on and the doors way up in the air. The proof then will be in the pudding..... So eat it then dude.

ok look, you flaming jackass....lets finish this once and for all.

I havent lied about anything
Scroll up, douche bag, one post before yours. it seems that you in fact do have the exact same IP address as three other screen names. WHAT A PHUKIN COINCIDENCE!!!! The screen names that share the same IP with you are ALL VAL!! he posted that IP check three hous before you come in here and say "I didnt lie about anything".....youre a complete tool.

So, there's your "puddin", retard. hope it tastes good.

That takes care of the lie about you only having one screen name.

We already addressed your lie about selling parts--you claimed to have sold the last one two weeks ago, but you still advertise more for sale now.

Then there is the lie about the armrest--clearly, since it is now fully established that you are the same jackoff as the other names, this proves that you werent shopping for parts "in anticipation of getting a car months from now".

I dont even need to go on--you are nothing but a complete piece of shit. And just so you know, the authorities would like a word with you. When I get done, everyone on this forum that you fucked over will be added to the case. Do you think youre gonna enjoy prison, bitch? I would tell you not to drop the soap, but you probably will do it on purpose anyways.

So, Val moved to NC? That explains why every IP address we have for all these screen names originates in Florida still, right? Including your most recent name? Another lie from you...

And since we now have established that you arent a 17 year old boy, we now know that "daddy" didnt do shit for you. So all this BS about where the fake tracking number came from is yet another lie. how many more do we need to mention before youre gonan be a fucking man and own up to your shit? Doesnt matter, actually...youre about to get the colonoscopy of a lifetime.

PHUK off, you piece of shit. Checkmate.

rx7roller02 03-15-07 09:22 PM

man, and the hits just keep on coming....so, you didnt lie about anything? This one actually got past me for a while, because you lied so many other times that it fell through the cracks. Let's look at the reason why you are suddenly selling all these parts on the forum, using only your own words and posts...

FIRST, you claimed:


If you look me over you will see that the lambo kit is not the only thing that i have sold. I parted out my car
--so you PARTED OUT YOUR CAR, and thats where the parts you sell came from! BUT WAIT--there's more!


All the parts that were given to us with the rx7 that my dad bought we sold and the last thing was the boot cover which sold almost two weeks ago.
Sooooo....which is it? You parted out the FC, or you got the extra parts when you bought the FC? here's a tip for ya--if you cant keep your own lies straight, no one else will either.

1stgenNutt 04-20-07 10:45 PM

this is the same guy
this guy is the same one that trys to sell lambo door kits on ebay
xochifuquarx7, other alias is prododermis, etc.. this cat is a scam artist :balls:
guys do not buy from this cat .. :fart: i almost got suckerd by him i got a funny feeling and backed out. all his other alias's ive checked on have the same results
do a search on this cat thru ebay youll see what i mean

rx7roller02 04-24-07 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by 1stgenNutt
this guy is the same one that trys to sell lambo door kits on ebay
xochifuquarx7, other alias is prododermis, etc.. this cat is a scam artist :balls:
guys do not buy from this cat .. :fart: i almost got suckerd by him i got a funny feeling and backed out. all his other alias's ive checked on have the same results
do a search on this cat thru ebay youll see what i mean

well thank you mr. obvious for bumping this shitfest from a month and a half ago, just to tell us the exact same thing that has already been stated a dozen times....we are forever in your debt.

1stgenNutt 05-04-07 06:43 PM

well dude i thought i would be helpful to those that are new for i just about got suckerd a month ago bu protodermis / xochifuqarx7 but im sure your some kinda lord and master of the rx7 club . you see the dude is still out there i didnt know about him . the reason your so upset by this is probly because your in on his scam huh? or are you just a ass im kinda thinking asss :fawk:

retaliate1st 05-04-07 06:54 PM

im stayin outta this

rx7roller02 05-04-07 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by 1stgenNutt
well dude i thought i would be helpful to those that are new for i just about got suckerd a month ago bu protodermis / xochifuqarx7 but im sure your some kinda lord and master of the rx7 club . you see the dude is still out there i didnt know about him . the reason your so upset by this is probly because your in on his scam huh? or are you just a ass im kinda thinking asss :fawk:

while I already addressed your pathetic accusation in PM, since you duplicated this piece of shit there as well, i will also address it here....

1--it is YOUR FAULT if you nearly got scammed a month ago by this moron. Thats right--YOURS. And no one else's. Why, you ask?? Simple--this thread has been in existence for more than three months now....a simple search of this section, which is why this section is even here, would prevent such things. If youre too retarded to figure that much out, that isnt my problem.

2--helo others?? How? By repeating the same exact thing that some of us did the legwork to find out and verify, and that several of us posted in this same thread months before you did?? Did you honestly think that repeating the same exact thing that I already told you, that others besides me have posted, will help someone any more than the other dozen or so times it is already in here?? NEWS FLASH--if they cant read it the first dozen times it appears in the thread, then how will posting it once more help anyone?? didnt think so, hotshot

3--finally, if you EVER accuse me of shit like this again, you will find yourself dealing with the legal consequences of slander and/or libel. Both are criminal offenses. You see, I go out of my way in here to help people that have gotten scammed. Out of the people I have helped, I have not personally even met any of them. Yet I contribute my time, the resources available to me, and even my money to help them. So far, I have gotten some people money back from a scammer. Other times, I have located scammers that were trying to hide out from the people they ripped off. All this time, I have not taken one dime from anyone for anything I have done to help them. In short, DONT YOU FUCKING EVER MAKE SUCH AN ACCUSATION ABOUT ME BEING A SCAMMER EVER AGAIN. I WILL push the issue in a legal matter, asshole, you can count on it.

Thanks for playing, loser, and have a nice day.

autospot 05-07-07 07:41 AM

Wow this is really a pitfall on this forum . Put it on Jerry Springer!!!!! sad sad sad all the way around

1stgenNutt 05-07-07 05:51 PM

1st i apologize for the inflamatory statement made. all i was trying to say in the tread basicly that protodemis is still out there. 2nd your response to the tread was quite unprofessional to begin with. so by calling me a dumb ass in the tread wasnt slander? you dont know me. 3rd i dont really think that responding to people in that fashion on the tread is that helpful. so how are you helping people by calling them dumb ass's very helpful.
i am new to the rx7club webb site. and there is others out there that might get scammed as well when i saw the tread i thought i would put my experince with him up there as well isnt this a free to all as long as i behave accourdingly . your response shows me that your not very kind or helpful . and i will retain your letter back to me as a momento. i will also save your response to me on the tread also. thank you for your time
p.s i didnt get scammed i looked into him first .

rx7roller02 05-08-07 07:02 AM

all i was trying to say in the tread basicly that protodemis is still out there.
Well, thank you mister obvious, but we all already knew this.

2nd your response to the tread was quite unprofessional to begin with.
Well, just in case you were not aware, this is a public forum. There is no requirement for someone to be "professional" when posting here. In this life, sometimes you get exactly the response you earn with a post--how about you stop whining and grow some skin already? My original post to you was hardly worth all the bullshit insults and even false accusations that I am a scammer, so get the hell over it already.

Oh, here's a tip--it's THREAD, not tread. Funny to see someone talk about "unprofessional" when my 10 year old daughter possesses better grammar skills than you do...

so by calling me a dumb ass in the tread wasnt slander?
two things--
1--you received exactly what you gave out. You called me a scammer and an ass, before I said anything of the sort to you. How bout you dust off the reading skills and see that for yourself, simply by scrolling up? yet you whine about being called a dumbass, AFTER you started shit? Get a clue already.

2--no, genius, as a matter of fact, "dumbass" does not equal slander. Next time, before trying to use the really big words, have someone tell you what they mean first...mmkay pumpkin? Dumbass is an insult.....but when you call someone a scammer, thats a different story. An insult doesnt inherently question your credibility or sense of honesty, but calling me a scammer(wrongly so, I might add) does attack that. Go get educated moron.

p.s i didnt get scammed i looked into him first .
Do you even know how to read?? This is what I said earlier:

1--it is YOUR FAULT if you nearly got scammed a month ago by this moron.
Doesnt look to me like I said you did get scammed. Reading owns you yet again.

After all, you DID say you "almost got suckerd by him", am I right? Thanks for playing.

1stgenNutt 05-08-07 06:35 PM

Did your Mom not breast feed you enough?
I realize that you are very angry about your childhood . due to the fact that your dad bottle feed you all these years and you finally realized that your dad wasnt useing a bottle. Also for the fact that you never gave your dog a bone in fact your dog gave you a bone. Why do you like belittling people is it because you feel so bad about yourself because of your short comming's including the one in your pants? if you look at the inflamatory statement to begin with it was directed as a question.
not a fact . so maybe your the one that needs to retake course's in english?

your qoute's right here tell's me that your so full of yourself that you think that everyone is dumb and your the only one that is capable of intelectual thought.
I also belive that the only spec ops you where in was (spec education) so pumkin
mmmmaaybbbe you need to look inside your soul and realize your not the only person in the world we just all live on your head. thank you and have a nice day.

rx7roller02 05-08-07 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by 1stgenNutt (Post 6920606)
I realize that you are very angry about your childhood . due to the fact that your dad bottle feed you all these years and you finally realized that your dad wasnt useing a bottle. Also for the fact that you never gave your dog a bone in fact your dog gave you a bone. Why do you like belittling people is it because you feel so bad about yourself because of your short comming's including the one in your pants? if you look at the inflamatory statement to begin with it was directed as a question.
not a fact . so maybe your the one that needs to retake course's in english?

your qoute's right here tell's me that your so full of yourself that you think that everyone is dumb and your the only one that is capable of intelectual thought.
I also belive that the only spec ops you where in was (spec education) so pumkin
mmmmaaybbbe you need to look inside your soul and realize your not the only person in the world we just all live on your head. thank you and have a nice day.

Look, moron, I dont care one way or the other if you care for what I said to you, but at least I am intelligent enough to keep my comments related to the issue at hand. I called you a dumbass because you couldnt grasp the simple reality of this thread. So now what--you think you just accomplished something because you can go back to second grade and talk about someone's momma?? Do ya want a fucking cookie now?

You are in no position to insult ANYONE'S intelligence--your grammar sucks, your spelling sucks, and your reading comprehension sucks. That makes you the biggest loser of the evening. You insulting someone's intelligence is like Dick Cheney insulting someone's shooting skills....

as for my time in the service, I dont pretend to give a shit what you think. I hate to break it to ya, but I didnt serve this country just to gain your approval, retard, so what ever it was that made you think I actually cared, you should choose not to go with that instinct in the future. NOW, can we actually get back to the thread topic? You know, the topic that your complete ignorance of earned you insults?? Like I said, I said what I said because you demonstrated yourself to be ignorant. So tell me, are you actually man enough to simply own up to your mistakes?? Like how you claimed I said you WERE scammed? Reading owns you, I see.

Look, I already asked you to stop contacting me, and that goes for this thread too, not just in PM. What you did was go out of your way to harass me, just because you didnt like one sentence that I posted--even though that sentence was completely truthful. Go cry a river elsewhere--I hear the supra forum is in need of more pussies like yourself lately. You "almost got scammed"....good for you. Now, move on with life. I dont give a shit about your approval or anything else about you. Have a nice day.

if you look at the inflamatory statement to begin with it was directed as a question.
not a fact . so maybe your the one that needs to retake course's in english?
I dont give a flying fuck if you phrased it in japanese, moron--the intent and insinuation is 100% clear. Phrasing it like a question makes no difference....you said something you had no business even trying to suggest something like that about someone without any proof. And if you dont like that, thats your problem.

mar3 05-09-07 09:17 AM

What's that line from SM? "It's not slander! Slander is spoken, libel is written!"...:p:

Regarding RX-7 parts here or on eBay, all you gotta do is type in the name of the person and a lot of info is here in GG/BG to help drive your purchasing decision. It's the whole point and everyone reporting every new angle of the criminal should be welcome, not chided. I don't remember anyone else reporting the eBay angle in this thread, but it's been a while since it started. Y'all need to calm the hell down and kill the pi$$ing contest before this useful thread gets closed or one of you gets banned.


Juiceh 05-09-07 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by mar3 (Post 6922648)
I don't remember anyone else reporting the eBay angle in this thread

Its been mentioned in other threads about this guy. At least the ebay user xochifuqarx7 or whatever the fuck the name is has been.

ilovebree 09-24-07 10:42 AM

oh my god
This roller guy still talks about me. haha.

People, you may know me as some theif or scammer, or whatever, and thas fine. Say what you will.

Your savior, the roller talks more shit than a bully in high school.

This quote ...1--RICHMOND ABALOS.....been scamming people for three years. Each time he was located he would just move to someone elses house, quit his job, etc etc. Thanks to my work, several people actually got their money back from this piece of shit. Also thanks to me, since he didnt pay back everyone he stole from, he is now facing criminal investigation for grand larceny and fraud. NO ONE pushed to have anything done about him--he kept coming back under new names to rip people off. I am the one person that pushed and actually did something about it. And like I said, I got results. :uhh: :uhh: :uhh:

This guy got no results. I gave about 4 people refunds, because they legitimately had claims and reciept and proof. The others and mr. roller did nothig but curse, threaten, and call names.

Additionally, mr roller claims that i am on probation for more than one charge, which is also bullshit. I am on probation for posession of a stolen auto.
So fucking what. Its my business. Would you rather I hold up banks at gunpoint? Because im not into that.

How about the guy in one post that threatened to put a bullet in the back of my head? Id like to see him now, now that im not facing trial and im free no matter what the fuck they say.
Id like to meet this roller in person myself. This guy seems to be on his computer constantly. I have to agree with someone in a earlier thread who talked about him being online 20 hours aday. Its probably true.

Also, I am not up for grand larceny, or fraud. I dont know where he gets this from, but there are no charges pending against me for any such thing.
Dude, you need to let it go, and stop talking about me...

Or talk your shit to my face. Dont bring any of your little online friends. No police, no guns. Just come talk all your shit to my face. Since you seem to know so much about me and know where I am. :rlaugh:

In a earlier post some asswhole said somethign smart about your father, and you made it known he was dead. For a minute, I felt sorry for you... but then again, he was probably ashamed of you. What have you done with your life?
Where are you going in life?

Why are you constantly on here doing absolutely nothing for anyone?
What are you, some bail bondsman, or investigator or some crap.
Where is your college degree? Mine is right here and its a pre-law degree.. and even though you make so many claims, and im on so many different types of probation, and im up for larceny(grand no less:rlaugh: ) im still going to law school. :fawk:

So, shut the fuck up about me, or come talk to me personally. Come sit down, and talk to me straight up. No threats, no fights, come say what you gotta say to me.

SpeedOfLife 09-24-07 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by 13b4me (Post 6698357)
When I make mistakes, I fix them. Now let's see you fix yours. :icon_tup:

really? because you still haven't shown proof of shipping my blockoff plates you said you'd ship by last week, and you were online just two days ago. when are you going to fix that? I'm pretty close to starting my own happy little thread about you.

Re: blockoff plates

Originally Posted by SpeedOfLife
Have you sent my blockoff plates yet? Thank you.


Response on 9-12-07:

Originally Posted by 13b4me
I believe I sent them last week, but I'll have to double check. I shipped a lot of stuff. If not, then I'll have them shipped out tomorrow.

mar3 09-24-07 11:22 AM

Thanks for the update, ilovebree, but let's try to keep the focus on why this thread exists. This is all we really need to know...avoid all of the aliases below for every reason you can think of. SOL, start the thread and don't hijack.

Originally posted by mar3

NAVDREG = Xavier = PREACHER = Protodermis.

Time for another IP ban.


SpeedOfLife 09-24-07 11:40 AM


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