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EB Turbo 08-13-13 02:42 PM

AEM Infinity Info
Even though the Infinity does not have full rotary support as of right now it is in the development stages. Hopefully I will be able to work with AEM in speeding this process up. Ultimately it comes down to demand. I will be giving some info on the Infinity and some of its control strategies. I am open to comments and discussion on the Infinity and the strategies.

Up to 12 peak and hold injector drivers
Up to 12 (0-5V) ignition outputs
3 analog temp inputs (Additional 3 with Advanced Tuning Package)
11 analog voltage inputs (Additional 6 with Advanced Tuning Package)
7 digital inputs (Additional 1 with Advanced Tuning Package)
4 VR/Mag differential pair inputs (Additional 2 with Advanced Tuning Package)
12 configurable outputs (Additional 1 with Advanced Tuning Package)
Variable cam control (up to 4 cams, application dependent)
Dual internal wideband controllers
2 H-Bridge drivers for drive-by wire (Application dependent. Requires Advanced Tuning Package)
32 Bit, 200MHz 400 MIPS primary microprocessor
20 MHz auxiliary microprocessor
6” L x 6” W x 2” H (1.125” H w/o connectors)
24 Ounces/680.4 Grams
129 pin, fully-sealed ECU enclosure and IP67 spec connectors

Compatible with most factory and performance aftermarket sensors
Includes start up configurations (supported applications only)
Fuel control resolution to 1/10th of a microsecond (.0000001 sec)
ECU set up wizard
USB 2.0 High-Speed communications
High-speed USB data logging to mass storage device (4GB included, tested to 64GB)
Internal data logging playback mode on every channel, synchronized with all controls
Tune using USB communication port (optional weatherproof extension cable sold separately)
2-Channel CAN included
User interface features 3D graphics
Internal simulator
AEMdata data analysis software included
Runs on Windows-compatible software

Airflow model based calculations
VE-based engine startup
Multi-fuel capable
Flex fuel compensated – fuel, ignition and boost with blend
Multiple boost control strategies (time, gear, vehicle speed, switch and more)
Drive by wire (with Advanced Tuning Package)
2-step programmable launch control (3-step with Advanced Tuning Package)
Programmable traction control, 2-wheel speed or engine acceleration (4-wheel speed with Advanced Tuning Package)
No-lift shift (Requires Advanced Tuning Package)
User configurable soft-cut rev limiters
User configurable anti-lag
Map switching (4 Separate ignition maps, 4 separate Lambda target maps, 2 separate VE tables)
Single stage wet or dry nitrous control (4-stage with Advanced Tuning Package, coming soon)
Integrated engine protection strategies
Target Lambda table, 10x10
Open-loop fuel pressure compensation
O2 lean-out protection
2-channel adaptive knock control
Configurable coil dwell (RPM, voltage and load based)
Individual cylinder ignition trim (RPM based)
Individual cylinder fuel trim (RPM based)
3D ignition trim maps (coolant and air temp)
Real-time sensor diagnostics
Ignition table, 20x20
VE airflow table, map vs. engine speed, 20x20
User adjustable charge temperature blend (CLT/AIT, engine speed dependent)
Idle control (stepper and pulsewidth)

EB Turbo

EB Turbo 08-13-13 02:55 PM

The Infinity has a really complex boost control strategy. Multiple 3d tables allow you to select between base duty cycles and boost targets all with user definable axis. Here are some examples of some strategies that have been implemented. If you have a questions about abilities let me know. I can post more screen shots of the boost control strategy window if needed.

below is an example of boost control on an AWD time attack vehicle (not traction limited) that doesn't need boost-by-gear (or speed). However, there is an AEM 12-position switch (p/n 30-2056) installed so the boost can be adjusted on the fly.

Notice that there are also several failsafe strategies that will limit boost if the charge air temperature is too high (heatsoak) or if the coolant temp is out of range (engine too cold or overheating). In addition, the boost target mapping for the 12-position switch only allows certain (higher) boost levels if the Ethanol content is high enough to support the boost. The boost target is also varied based on throttle position, to allow the driver to use the throttle for linear power delivery, which makes the car much easier to drive on a road course where part-throttle is common. To aid in spool, the duty-cycle is increased at lower RPM where the engine cannot attain full boost, and at lower boost pressures, again to keep the wastegate closed as long as possible to improve response.

The PID system on the Infinity is extremely fast and you'll notice no Derivative Gain (BoostGain_Kd) was needed.


The example below is a boost strategy for a high horsepower, severely traction limited drag car that runs on varying mixes of Ethanol. Boost compensated for changes in baro pressure (weather, altitude, etc) and changes in exhaust backpressure. Typically, higher duty cycle is needed to retain boost level as baro pressure is reduced and EBP is increased. However, due to the Infinity's advanced PID system, you could theoretically get away without having these sensors and still have consistent boost control by relying on boost feedback.

Failsafe strategies include injected pressure (this is the pressure delta between the fuel pressure and manifold pressure). On a manifold-pressure-referenced fuel pressure regulator, injected pressure should theoretically remain constant at all times, as the pressure regulator directly combats changes to manifold pressure by changing fuel pressure in a 1:1 ratio. However, if there is a pressure regulator failure, or a fuel flow issue (weak pump, restricted lines, etc) injected pressure can drop. The boost control is set up to automatically reduce boost in this condition. Side note: Due to the Infinity's model-based fuel calculations, any variation in injected pressure will also be compensated for in fueling.

You'll notice that the boost target increases with each gear, as it should. Also, with higher Ethanol contents, more boost can be run safely, but of course we only want this in the higher gears as we're traction limited. However, it was found on this car that higher ethanol contents (at the same boost level) caused an increase in torque due to the fuel/tuning, and this caused additional wheelspin. Therefore, boost target is actually reducedslightly in lower gears and higher ethanol contents to combat this tendency.


EB Turbo

C. Ludwig 08-13-13 04:09 PM

Gotta say, I want one.

EB Turbo 08-13-13 04:59 PM

Most of the LowSide outputs include an output table for creating custom functions and all are capable of PWM. The tables are 2D with user adjustable x and y axis inputs. The axis selection and PWM frequency must first be configured using the Setup Wizard on the LowSide Assignment Tables page:


Clicking on any of the axis drop downs displays a list of possible channel inputs. These include most of the core data and logic flags:


Here's an example of combining the Coolant Fan control function with a LS Duty table to add an RPM dependent condition:


There is a trick or two here. To trigger a relay, we set the duty cycle to 100 when we want the relay to turn on, an 0 when we want the relay to turn off. In this case, we want the relay to turn on when the 'CoolantFan1On' condition is 1. Note that the second y-axis row is set to '0.5' and the third row is set to '1.0'. This is because the channel 'CoolantFan1On' is an internal logic flag that goes from 0 to 1 when the coolant fan temperature criteria are met. All of these tables include full interpolation between cells, so we set one of the RPM breakpoints to 499 and the next to 500 RPM to avoid spending much time between 0% and 100% duty cycle.
This will set the LowsideSwitch_2 (LS2) output on pin C1-17 to trigger the relay when the CoolantFan1 condition is met and the EngineSpeed is 500 or greater. Always refer to the Infinity Pinout document located here --> \Documents\AEM\Infinity Tuner\Instructions for hardware limitations.

These tables are the last gate in the logic flow so regardless of anything that happens upstream, these tables can be used to tweak the logic as the user desires.

Here's an example using LS5 to control an alternator voltage regulator:


Here's an example using LS8 to control a PWM cooling fan function. The fan is disabled above 60 mph:


Here's an example that simply passes through the 'VVC1A_Duty [%]' channel for VVC control


A few additional tips:

1. After selecting your axis input and closing the wizard. Save your layout and reopen it in Infinity Tuner for the changes to sync live in the table controls.

2. The same features apply to the available HighSide outputs too. The HighSides are limited to simple on/off operation though and are not PWM-able. Select the axis inputs the same way in the Setup Wizard then configure the output tables:


3. Always refer to the Infinity Pinout sheet to note any hardware limitations.

Over time we will append this post with additional examples of clever usage of these tables.

Is there a way to have the images display in the post? All of the different tags I have tried dont work. I will gladly change them if I can find a tag that works.

EB Turbo

EB Turbo 08-13-13 05:53 PM

Flex Fuel

As an example Flex Fuel in the Series II works something like this. You have Base fuel, Timing, and Boost target tables. Then AEM Adds duplicate tables for Fuel, Timing and Boost targets(Trim, RPM, VSS, Gear, TPS). Plus some extra starting tables. For each Fuel, Timing, and Boost you get blend tables. This is designed for you to tune pump gas on the base tables, E85 on the Flex tables and then you tune each blend table to maintain the correct timing, AFR and, Manifold pressure as Flex content changes. Pretty straight forward. This also requires you to use the boost target comp method of boost tuning.

Some other systems do not have as many AUX maps to tune for Flex, do not have the resolution in those tables, Do not allow you to modify the rate of blend, do not have flex boost control, or additional tables for flex starting.

Now, In the Infinity. The only thing that is the same is Ignition. Base table, Flex table and a blend table. Flex Fuel is part of the VE calculation. You get a Lambda Table 2, Flex Stoichiometric AFR v. Flex Content and a Lambda Flex Blend table. You will define your Lambda Table 2(speed density or AlphaN) just as you would a lambda VE table but you will use the Stoich value of the fuel you are using. Because the Stoichiometric ratio of E85 is different than pump gas the ECU needs to calculate for the difference in Lambda of the fuel being used. The Flex Stoichiometric AFR v. Flex Content table allows you to set what the Stoichiometric ratio of the fuel you are using based off of flex content. When running pump gas you are 14.7:1. When running E100 you are 9.0:1. There will be a linear line between those points. The Flex blend table, this is where you will set the bled ratio based on flex content. There are some Flex starting tables as well.

EB Turbo

The first two are from AEM and the flex stuff is from me.

Copeland 09-04-13 05:25 PM

Looks sick, what is still in development for rotary engines?

EB Turbo 09-04-13 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Copeland (Post 11565273)
Looks sick, what is still in development for rotary engines?

Finalizing trigger patterns. 3D trailing timing split. Currently it is only a fixed split. and OMP control. There is an Infinity running on a FD at AEM. They jut did it to see if the car would start. AEM is holding off on any Official Rotary support until the release of the Infinity 4 and 6. These will be the same thing as the full size 8-12 ECUs except for some reduced Input/Output functions. Pricing will be sub $1500-2000 for the Infinity 4.

I as soon as anything is available I will make sure that it is known on here.

Any additional info on this little guy?

EB Turbo

Copeland 09-04-13 07:37 PM

So I guess if you really wanted, you could just use a set 10-12 split and premix.

Still, this ECU looks very promising with some firmware updates. I've always loved my AEM EMS and it's almost ten years old.

silverfdturbo6port 09-05-13 12:12 AM

Id be down to buy one.
Its sad that the other ems's get pushed to customers. I feel that tuners that have not messed with aem are missing out.
Good job Cody YOUR THE MAN!

EB Turbo 09-05-13 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Copeland (Post 11565358)
So I guess if you really wanted, you could just use a set 10-12 split and premix.

Still, this ECU looks very promising with some firmware updates. I've always loved my AEM EMS and it's almost ten years old.

Yes. I have an Infinity 10 in hand. I was thinking about putting it on an FD but without the true support and not a lot of interest I didn't want to spend the time. If people are interested I will do it and let you know how everything works.

EB Turbo

Copeland 09-05-13 10:59 AM

I'm interested.

I'm not sure I should spend the effort to upgrade to the V2, but the Infinity is on another level.

EB Turbo 09-05-13 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Copeland (Post 11565832)
I'm interested.

I'm not sure I should spend the effort to upgrade to the V2, but the Infinity is on another level.

The Series II is easy. It is already sorted out, there is a PnP kit available and everything works. OMP, Sequential, Staged injection, Split timing, Flex Fuel, Engine protection, Emissions control, 3rd party CAN, ....

The Infinity is a lot more powerful and has a ton more to offer but it is over twice the cost of the SII kit and there are still a lot of unknowns and things that need to be sorted. Believe me I would love to have an Infinity kit but the complete package is not 100% ready yet.

EB Turbo

Copeland 09-05-13 12:28 PM

I understand the S2 is much easier since it's already finished and proven but I feel that the S1 was very powerful for it's time and the S2 is somewhat mediocre for it's time. The Infinity appears to be one of the better priced units for it's capabilities and is yet again very powerful. Ofcourse I may be misinformed, so please feel free to share any information you have. Which S2 model do you use?

Hopefully with a little more time and a firmware update or three, the Infinity will be a viable option for us. I don't mind the additional cost so much as the features are very appealing.

EB Turbo 09-06-13 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by Copeland (Post 11565898)
I understand the S2 is much easier since it's already finished and proven but I feel that the S1 was very powerful for it's time and the S2 is somewhat mediocre for it's time.

The series II in its current form is one of the most capable ECUs in its price range. When you put it up against the Adaptronic select, Sprint RE, P1000, P2000, Microtech, Megasquirt, It far outshines all of them. There are some other ECUs that may have single features that are nice but none are as complete as the Series II.

The Infinity appears to be one of the better priced units for it's capabilities and is yet again very powerful. Of course I may be misinformed, so please feel free to share any information you have. Which S2 model do you use?
The infinity is priced well for it capabilities but it is in a whole other price range for what is normally used in this market. The FD Series II PnP kit starts at $1500. and depending on options you can go up from there. The Infinity 8 ECU alone is $2400. You will still need a Lambda sensor, Install harness. You can easily get to $3000. Double the cost of the Series II complete kit.

Now when you compare the Infinity to Pectel SQ6, MoTeC MX00, MoTeC M1 series, Life Racing, The Infinity is about 70% up the capability list but the lowest in price.

Hopefully with a little more time and a firmware update or three, the Infinity will be a viable option for us. I don't mind the additional cost so much as the features are very appealing.
Yes, I agree but the market will be limited. Most people just want to make their car run safe and well, past the capabilities of the PFC and Adaptronic. Unless they really need the Infinity I don't see many people going that route. I will support it and do as much as I can for the platform but for the daily driven street car market the way to go is Series II.

EB Turbo

speedjunkie 11-25-14 06:50 PM

Is the Infinity ready for rotaries yet? I'm doing some research on ECUs and have been comparing a few. I've been looking at the Syvecs S8, but the things I'm not crazy about is lack of OMP control, not as easy to tune, and hardly anyone in the US to tune it. Also, I'd have to get a harness built for it, but I'd take it to LMS-EFI for that and the tuning probably. I'm just not sure if I have pockets deep enough haha. I think it would be easier to find an AEM tuner closer to me.
So how does the Infinity stack up against the S8, Link G4 RX, or the Haltech Elite? I've done some research and have been talking to Chris Ludwig a lot so far, and I already know it has some of these features. I'm just making the whole list aside from things that most newer ECUs have (staged inj, etc, I don't feel the need to ask about those things). And just so you know, I'm not a tuner, so please dumb it down as much as possible lol. These are the things I'm interested in...

-OMP control
-cruise control support (with DBW if need be, I swapped to Speedhut gauges and lost CC)
-HVAC support
-power steering support
-Knock control
-I'd like to be able to plug in two knock sensors (one into each housing), dual EGT sensors, and one wideband, directly into the ECU (and what wideband/sensor would I have to use?)
-traction control (used in conjunction with accelerometers if possible)
-I'd like to be able to get the info from my SPA gauges (oil temp/press., water temp, fuel pressure, and the dual EGTs) directly into the ECU so I can log those if I choose to
-internal logging
-flex fuel capabilities
-boost control, hopefully with some way to hook it to a tablet of some kind so I can change the boost settings on the tablet, and I'd like to be able to see the max boost, RPM, etc that I hit, like I can on the AVC-R
-water injection control (and which brand/kind of additional parts would I need for the actual water inj system, like injector, filter, etc?)
-I'll be using AEM smart coils with direct fire
-I still plan to step up to the FFE VR crank trigger setup

I'll probably make a thread about this too lol. Or maybe a thread where people can talk about their ECU and what they like about it, don't like about it, etc.

Turblown 11-25-14 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by EB Turbo (Post 11566734)
The series II in its current form is one of the most capable ECUs in its price range. When you put it up against the Adaptronic select, Sprint RE, P1000, P2000, Microtech, Megasquirt, It far outshines all of them. There are some other ECUs that may have single features that are nice but none are as complete as the Series II.

The infinity is priced well for it capabilities but it is in a whole other price range for what is normally used in this market. The FD Series II PnP kit starts at $1500. and depending on options you can go up from there. The Infinity 8 ECU alone is $2400. You will still need a Lambda sensor, Install harness. You can easily get to $3000. Double the cost of the Series II complete kit.

Now when you compare the Infinity to Pectel SQ6, MoTeC MX00, MoTeC M1 series, Life Racing, The Infinity is about 70% up the capability list but the lowest in price.

Yes, I agree but the market will be limited. Most people just want to make their car run safe and well, past the capabilities of the PFC and Adaptronic. Unless they really need the Infinity I don't see many people going that route. I will support it and do as much as I can for the platform but for the daily driven street car market the way to go is Series II.

EB Turbo

One should not be comparing an Adaptronic Select vs an AEM infinity.

The Adaptronic E1280S can do everything listed here, and since 2008....

EB Turbo 11-26-14 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Turblown (Post 11835293)
One should not be comparing an Adaptronic Select vs an AEM infinity.

The Adaptronic E1280S can do everything listed here, and since 2008....

Turblown, The previous post also mentioned Syvecs S8, Link G4 Rx and the Haltech Elite, why is it only the Infinity that we are not allowed to compare?

Those prices were before the small frame Infinity ECUs were released. A base Infinity 6 street prices for $1400 plus wiring. The Infinity 6 has significantly less outputs compared to the larger Infinity 8/10/12. The Infinity 6 won't do sequential turbo control, just by lacking the amount of I/Os. The Series II is still the best bang for your buck. You will sacrifice I/O for software capability with the Infinity.

EB Turbo

speedjunkie 11-26-14 08:25 AM

The previous post was actually directed at you, Cody. lol I was asking you if the Infinity has everything it needs for rotaries now.

I don't think Elliot was talking about my post at all, as I did not mention Adaptronic.

EB Turbo 11-26-14 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by speedjunkie (Post 11835438)
The previous post was actually directed at you, Cody. lol I was asking you if the Infinity has everything it needs for rotaries now.

I don't think Elliot was talking about my post at all, as I did not mention Adaptronic.

I know you didn't but he did quote me in his comment.

EB Turbo

speedjunkie 11-26-14 08:23 PM

Oh I know that, but you hadn't said anything about the ECUs I mentioned until your response to him, and his quote was about you comparing the Infinity to the Select and the other ECUs in YOUR quote, see what I'm saying? I wasn't comparing the Adaptronic to anything, you did though in that specific post and that's what he took issue with. I think I see what you're saying now though.

Anyway, is the Infinity ready for rotaries yet? lol

EB Turbo 11-26-14 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by speedjunkie (Post 11835681)
Anyway, is the Infinity ready for rotaries yet? lol

I am giving my honest opinion because i dont want to hide shortcomings. There is a short and a long answer. Short answer, yes. Long answer, no. They do run rotaries 13b and 20b, omp does work, afm is supported, multiple trigger patterns for fc cas, fd 12-1, 36-1, fd wasted spark and direct fire, trailing ignition does work, 2nd stage and a 3rd staged injection work.

Most of you on here are looking for as pnp as possible. AEM currently does not have any pnp applications available. The infinity 6 does not have enough outputs to run sequential turbo control. Which doesnt make it out of the question. you will just have to get creative with your I/O assignments.

A pnp for the fd will be available from either AEM or a supporting vendor shortly. Really the only issues now are qty of I/O and some channel assignments which I would assume will be fixed shortly. If you want a full FD pnp you can get the larger Infinity 8 but it is significantly more money. Im out of time now but I will have as more information later.

EB Turbo

speedjunkie 11-26-14 09:12 PM

By PnP are you referring to being able to use the factory engine harness? If so, I don't care about that anymore. I used to, but by looking at ECUs such as this, I'm opening myself up to way more control and options to the point I don't even care about being able to just hook it up without some kind of patch harness or getting a wiring harness specially made. As long as it meets my list of wants/needs, I'm happy whether I can plug it in directly or not. Also, I'm single turbo and have been for years, so that doesn't matter to me personally, but it might to some.

Thanks for your input!

Copeland 01-09-15 10:34 AM

Anyone using the Infinity 6 yet? I'm thinking I might pull the trigger soon.

Neutron 01-09-15 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Copeland (Post 11853309)
Anyone using the Infinity 6 yet? I'm thinking I might pull the trigger soon.

I'm almost there. EB is building a custom harness for me now and I have a infinity 6 on the way.

silverfdturbo6port 01-14-15 12:21 PM

I will be running infinity 6 also. I will be getting it from cody (ebturbo).
I have a few more things to buy and do then i will order the infinity 6.

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