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-   -   What kind of 1/4 times you think this will get? (https://www.rx7club.com/3rd-generation-specific-1993-2002-16/what-kind-1-4-times-you-think-will-get-116523/)

the_glass_man 09-21-02 04:48 PM

Better yet, go to the track and find out what you would run.
Or you could go to this page here. If you know your power and cars weight it would give you a pretty close time. :)

black99 09-21-02 05:25 PM

Originally posted by tony824
If you guys didn't like what you read, then don't reply. I am sad to say that I am very dissappointed with some of the sarcasm and ignorance some people have given. You guys did a great job in making a newbie feel welcome.

Hey sorry dude but that jumbled post of parts had alot of things that crossed each other out on it. And most of the crap on that list had nothing to do with how fast you would go.

For less sarcastic responses do try using the search function or if you have a set hp level or e.t. you would like to run then make a post asking what it would take to get you there and let us give you the basics.

You will find alot of info on whatever you need to know/learn by searching.

93TTRX7 09-21-02 05:31 PM

sorry man, we jumped the gun...this place is starting to turn as bad as the supraforum

jf4828 09-21-02 06:01 PM

I think that this forum is by far the most educated car forum I have ever come across. If you are going to ask a question that requires thought on other peoples part, there should be a reason for asking it. I would rather have someone on the forum answer my questions that pertain to my real rx-7 and it's real modifications. In the time it took to write the post you could have learned far more then you have by this pointless thread..... Not trying to be a dick, but it gets old.......

Mahjik 09-21-02 07:16 PM

Originally posted by tony824
Man, some of you are by far some of the rudest people I have met. No I don't have these mods, but I found them in the thread that the gentleman (mahjik) posted earlier. I thought some of you guys could enlighten me with your greater knowledge.

I simply copied the list from a while back and didn't erase the unnescessary things. I was simply wondering what kind of times they would turn up. If you guys didn't like what you read, then don't reply. I am sad to say that I am very dissappointed with some of the sarcasm and ignorance some people have given. You guys did a great job in making a newbie feel welcome.

One thing you have to realize is that MANY people post in here a "wish list" of things asking how they will perform and/or look, but they never actually make it happen.

It really gets tiring seeing these post after a while. This is why you get so many sarcastic responses when posting a message like this.

Dont_Be_A_Rikki 09-21-02 07:35 PM

I guess people cant come here to ask questions anymore huh? Give it a break guys this forum is for all and remember you dont pay to get on here.


jf4828 09-21-02 07:40 PM

You are right rickki, but my point is have a reason to ask what you are going to ask. If you like RX-7's and want to know what the differences are between a FMIC and a SMIC ask away.... It's the questions that have no benefit to the community that get to us all..... That and bragging... Sorry guys, just been a bad day.....

SnowmanSteiner 09-21-02 09:28 PM

I totally aggree with you jf4828. I relize that I haven't been here that long, but in the time that I have been here I have seen countless posts on the same topics. And I can understand the frustration that the older members having dealing with the same questions over and over again. On the flip side I can also understand that the new members that are coming here are looking for answers. What I have been seeing is that when people come in with questions that have been asked before, someone will ask them to use the search button. I think if we just lay off the sarcasm and the insults to these new people they will find their answers in the search and then either leave or they will get more intrested and decide to stay and ask more intellegent questions. I think if we just say use the search and leave it at that, or close the post after they have been told.
- Steiner

kwikrx7 09-21-02 10:14 PM

Most of us know within a few tenths what a modified 3rd gen with different mods and boost will run with a decent driver. For example, a FD with a dp, mp, cb, intake, ic, and ecu running 12 psi will run low 12s and have 300-325 rwhp give or take. A FD with a cb and intake will put down around 235-240 rwhp and run around 13.3-13.7 +/- If you put the power mods in your list we'll be able to tell you what you'll could run with a healthy car within seconds. It's just tough digging through all the body moldings to find power mods. But welcome to the forum and maybe that wish list will be reality to you one day - and to me:D

BoostedRex 09-21-02 10:52 PM

Hey bro, when you do all this stuff just make sure that you're fuel sys and cooling sys are up to spec. No need to make a couple of runs and end up having to replace your engine. That get's expensive after a while.


P.S. Best of luck with your FD

Sarge 09-22-02 09:34 PM

Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my FD just as much as any owner on this forum. More importantly, I admire anyone for wanting to go through the "Changes" with this car, given the fact that you can't go driving into any main street mechanic, or the MAZDA dealer for that matter. I purchased a 1993 RX7 in November 1994 with 10,700 miles on it. I came to a firm conclusion years ago that if it does not have a Rotary in it, Why would I want to drive it. It gets in you.


777rx777 09-22-02 11:42 PM

why would u include all of those mods and then ask about ur 1/4 mile times... no one needs to know what kind of gauges or what kind of underwear you wear.

lol....keep it simple buddy........

your making it hard for us .....

tony824 09-23-02 11:21 AM

Thanks for the reply's guys. I understand that you guys may have seen several "wish" lists. And that wasn't my intention. I'm a member at another sportbike forum and understand the frustrations from newbies posting stupid stuff. I suppose I could have described my point in posting it better.

I did try the search button, but couldn't find anything close to the mods on that list.

Thank you for all your replys.

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