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aakast42 03-28-02 05:04 PM

vandalizing fds?
I was just wondering why one of the warnings people see to always give college student perspective buyers is that people will fuck with your car? Is it really that common? Why only this car? Seems ike a strange thing that people would decide to fuck with one type of car in particular. I'll be waiting for em with a fucking shotgun.

Toadman 03-28-02 05:15 PM

Not only an FD. Supra, Vette, Viper, even a PT cruiser...anything that stands out as a rich momma's boy sent to school. Envious people will flick a ciggy inside or key the car just because they feel like it, not even caring who owns it in fact. Why do you think Campus Faculty have their own parking lots? Even grad students haven't learned to respect and take care of owned stuff yet, until they buy their first car or new home then guard it like a mother hen. High School is a living hell, and too bad you can't cruise the lot at lunch like the old days anymore. Zero tolerance. Must really suck to be young nowadays.....

thatoneguy 03-28-02 06:04 PM

The RX-7 just looks very flashy and exotic. Especially in Red, Yellow, and White. It attracts assholes like dogs on their moms.

JONSKI 03-28-02 06:49 PM

It really does suck. I could relieve myself of stress very easily just by looking at my car, but I can't take it to school with me, unless I could learn to bear the consequences. There's no such thing as justice and respect anymore.


evel333 03-28-02 06:58 PM

Heh, tell me about it...

I had my pass. side brake duct stolen and the driv. side duct cracked the first week I bought my current FD! Those savages!

True, the sterotype of "rich mama's boy" is going to factor in. Haters will be haters. On the other hand, I would think that, for the "starving" college student, ANY damages or repairs has got to affect the pocket sooner or later. I should know.

Gotta pay to play, I suppose.

turbojeff 03-28-02 07:28 PM

I had a 87 Sport in college, bought it in 1990 so it was ~3yrs old. Every so often some dickhead would dump his Coke on it or spit on it. I guess they just hate seeing someone have something nice.


ejmack1 03-28-02 08:25 PM

I had my old probe GT spit on... no one has fuckt with this car though

thatoneguy 03-28-02 08:39 PM

When I parked it in the dorm parking lot, people would throw ice cream and spit on my car. I'm surprised they didn't just key the whole damn car up.

When I parked in a remote school lot, some stole all my Efini Emblems.

Jade Falcon 03-28-02 08:55 PM

How often would this stuff happen???

--getting freaked about buying his own car---

the_glass_man 03-28-02 09:41 PM

Nothing is worse than having some dick f#ck with your car. I would really kill someone if I caught them doing anything to my car. I just don't get it, why can't people respect other people's shit. I hate all those motherf*ckers. I mean what are they like 4 years old and don't understand to leave other peoples $hit alone?
Makes you lose hope in the world when shit like that happens.

the_glass_man 03-28-02 09:46 PM

I mean you can't own anything nice, without being freaking targeted for something, and I may be a nice guy and all. But I show punks like that, I'm not someone to mess with. I damn I'm sooo pissed just reading these other post. I want to stalk each and every last one of those people down and force feed them lots of food and laxatives. Then tie them down somewhere and have them $hit themselves and sit in it, until the maggots come and eat the person from the inside out. Thats what these people have coming to them!!!! :anger:

Mister7 03-28-02 09:53 PM

When I had an FD, every once in a while in the morning, someone would pop the side power mirror out of place. It pissed me off greatly!! Wouldn't that wear out the gears or something? I have yet to catch those punks, since they do it at random. It appears as if they are doing the same thing to my MR2. I don't know what to do. :( The best I can do is fold back the mirrors -- they don't mess with them then (although it is a major inconvenience).

Herblenny 03-28-02 11:53 PM

Few months ago.. before my 93 RX7 purchase, My fixer upper celica convertible that I been fixing for past 6-7 years, got broken in.. since then I did some research on some security measure.. I saw this item that mount inside your car and takes picture by motion sensor.. Its not as high tech.. but apprently did the job.. I will try to find the link and post it here.. I also thought about mounting my lap top.. soon, i'll be upgrading it.. so, could lock my old one straight into my car.. you could do 24 hour watch on your car with a small web cam and record onto your hard drive, etc.. Someone should make this!! since technology improving.. I know you could get 4 gig harddrive for 200 bucks.. and spy cam for 100 or so.. why can someone put those together..


djantlive 03-29-02 12:59 AM

Kids get bored and will vandalize anything. They won't mess with a minivan if there is a Miata next to it. They just rather mess with a fancier car for more thrill. Obviously, an FD is flashier than your typical sedan.

Just try to park somewhere out of the way but is still in plain sight. Maybe somewhere on the edge of the parking lot but right off of constant traffic. Vandals don't want to get caught and having ppl walking or driving around may deter them. If it's park long, get a locking car cover. Very few thieves will bother messing with a car under cover.

Cyrio 03-29-02 02:32 AM

Well my ITR got stolen out of my driveway. :(

diablone 03-29-02 02:34 AM

There are also car fan punks that go around vandalizing. Few of my friends really like cars, but if their bored, it's quiet, and see an SUV, they'll go right ahead and do something.

RonKMiller 03-29-02 08:19 AM

Originally posted by evel333
Heh, tell me about it...

I had my pass. side brake duct stolen and the driv. side duct cracked the first week I bought my current FD! Those savages!

True, the sterotype of "rich mama's boy" is going to factor in. Haters will be haters. On the other hand, I would think that, for the "starving" college student, ANY damages or repairs has got to affect the pocket sooner or later. I should know.

Gotta pay to play, I suppose.

Sorry to hear this, but it is impossible to have your brake duct stolen! (the duct you are talking about is exhaust for the oil cooler(s)) Really.

ttpowerd 03-29-02 08:34 AM

I have yet to have anything happen to mine and I think I would go crazy if anything did happen :mad:

evel333 03-29-02 08:57 AM

Originally posted by RonKMiller

Sorry to hear this, but it is impossible to have your brake duct stolen! (the duct you are talking about is exhaust for the oil cooler(s)) Really.

I meant the ducts to the rear of the front wheels. Aren't they called brake ducts? Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology. (^_^)

ttpowerd 03-29-02 09:05 AM

no, thats were the air comes out after passing through the oil coolers ;) don't worry about it, we all learn something new everyday

RonKMiller 03-29-02 09:07 AM

Originally posted by evel333

I meant the ducts to the rear of the front wheels. Aren't they called brake ducts? Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology. (^_^)

No need to be sorry - they just aren't ducting anything except hot air from the oil cooler(s). (If you have an R model you have 2 oil coolers). The airflow goes up and over the wheel well liner through an internal plastic channel and exits there. The ducts create a low pressure area and create an additional vacuum to expedite flow.
The neat thing is that they are truly functional, unlike all the fake stuff you see on just about every other vehicle until you get into Porsches, Lambos, Ferraris, etc.

As you know, those little plastic bastards are about $140.00 EACH to replace. Later.

95R2-89TII Ground Zero 03-29-02 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Toadman
Not only an FD. Supra, Vette, Viper, even a PT cruiser...anything that stands out as a rich momma's boy sent to school. Envious people will flick a ciggy inside or key the car just because they feel like it, not even caring who owns it in fact. Why do you think Campus Faculty have their own parking lots? Even grad students haven't learned to respect and take care of owned stuff yet, until they buy their first car or new home then guard it like a mother hen. High School is a living hell, and too bad you can't cruise the lot at lunch like the old days anymore. Zero tolerance. Must really suck to be young nowadays.....
Pretty much any car that seems to stand out will get messed with. My friend has a really nice Eclipse and it always gets fucked with.

Rix7 03-29-02 08:57 PM

My FD hasn't really been 'vandalized' ever, but I'm getting very sick of people leaving bunches of trash all around my car. Just today I go out and see leftover chinese food in a white take-home thingie and an empty cup sitting right next to my car. One other time I go out to my car to find that someone puked all over right by the passenger side of my car. Bottles, cups, mcdonalds bags, etc, I've seen it all thrown right by my car. Don't people frickin' know about trash cans or dumpsters anymore?!?! :mad: I'm also sick of people who don't know how to drive on the road. It seems that everyone is out to get me because I've recently found that people like to swerve into the opposite lane and try to side-swipe my car. First this idiot tried to swerve into the left turn lane I was going into (was able to turn out of the way) and then this other moron just starts to come into my lane at 55+ mph and I knew he knew darn well what he was doing. I don't know what's so hard about staying in your own lane. It's not rocket science. I can't even go out and drive freely anymore without having to worry about someone trying to side-swipe me for whatever reason. Getting all of the huge SUV's and trucks off the road would be a good start to end some of my road-going problems. Ok, rant over. Back to homeostasis.

crnchyfrog 03-29-02 10:07 PM

Shit, my old car, a Mazda MX3, was fucked with all the time...It had been broken into 4 times, keyed and shot. Yes shot, blew out the rear hatch window...while i was in it.

People will fuck with your car if your car regardless..might be some thug, hater or just some drunk asshole. You just gotta be careful.

EDIT: I'm buying a video camera to install over my parking space.......and an AK-47.

WANKEL POWER 03-29-02 11:06 PM

Where in austin do you live??

Javamancer 03-30-02 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Rix7
One other time I go out to my car to find that someone puked all over right by the passenger side of my car.
A few months ago, I was working downtown late on a Friday night. I got out around 2 a.m. Saturday morning. When I got to my FD, I found three college brats loitering behind it, and one of them WAS TAKING A PISS ON THE TRUCK PARKED RIGHT NEXT TO ME.

I couldn't f***ing believe it! I honestly wonder what I would've done if he'd been pissing on my car. I mean, I'd literally spent 4 hours earlier that day washing and polishing the car and then 10 hours at work, and I was not in the best of moods to have my car messed with. I have one of those solid steel clutch locks, and I honestly wonder if I would've bashed the f***ers' skulls in.

That's the last time I've taken my FD downtown.

Pumped 03-30-02 07:20 PM

Ha, try owning a Integra Type R, i was paranoid everywhere i go, that car was a target for theives everywhere,.....thats the main reason i sold it to get the FD.
I can now take the FD anywhere i want, the only thing i'm worried about the FD is getting door dings.

careyrx7 03-30-02 07:32 PM

Well I least I found one good thing about living in the sticks of Maine, There aren't any other 3rd Gen Rx7's so its a novelty instead of target. Still dosn't offset the fact that it stays in storage 6 months out of the year.

Toadman 03-30-02 07:32 PM

Oh really, pumped???

waysho 03-30-02 08:17 PM

yup.. some bitch threw their door at my FD the second day that i had it. the dent is almost as big as my hand and as deep as a dime, there is no way it was an accident. I'm glad that I dont know who it was... I'd be behind bars after getting done with the asshole.

NM_Silverback 03-30-02 08:51 PM

Mine was vandalized twice at El Paso airport. Once an SUV driver put a $1,000 dent along the side of my car with his bumper and the other time I forgot my car cover and a person threw his suitcase on top of my car. Then pulled it off leaving scratches on the roof and down the side of the door. I now drive a 1st gen to the airport. I found that no one bothers it at all. So if your worried about your car find yourself a 1st gen. They only run about $2,000 and it can pay for itself very quickly.

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