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str8ryd 02-10-08 10:03 AM

I need some motivation with my project...
Hey Everyone,

So, lately I've just lost the desire to complete my car. I keep buying parts and visualizing my car complete, but I don't actually have the motivation to work on it. It's been close to two years since I've now driven it (Excluding the one-time I drove it for a street-tune). I want it to be done by atleast spring/summer, but I haven't made any real progress in a few months so I don't even know if that's possible.

Background Info: Last time I seriously drove my FD it was 2 or so years ago. At that time it was a BB FD with a full 99 spec kit on it and basically all the performance mods aside from motor and turbo. I decided to do a single-turbo conversion and at the same time did a ton of bodywork and exterior modifications. Found out during the tune that my engine had low compression so I made the decision to go 20B instead of spend on a built motor. So, I started on the 20B project, did some more bodywork and exterior mods and then decided to go crazy and finish the entire car. I completed the interior added a complete sound system and then stopped. I now still have to finish the motor work and some more bodywork and THEN I'm done. :shocking:

Anyways, so I was wondering how everyone keeps motivated to complete their RX-7 builds? Everybody can feel free to chime in as I'd appreciate any advice/suggestions but I'm more interested in hearing from those individuals who have modified their vehicles very extensively.

Thanks in Advance,

rx slim 02-10-08 10:07 AM

It took me about a year to finish mine. . .but I seemed to take about an 8 month hiatus in the middle for some reason. . .just got busy doing other stuff.

Just go back out there one day and start turning the 10 mm again. . .once you start back to doing it, you'll see some progress and want to get back at it. The longer you let it sit and stare at you, the less likely you are to get back to it. . .just DO it man!

jamespond24 02-10-08 10:23 AM

For me I'm haven't started my 20B project but I plan on getting it done within 2 month. I 'know it's going to be a far shot but I set a goal to challenge myself. Here's what needs to be done: rebuild motor, port manifold,install LTX12S,ignition system, fuel system. The car is being mounted and should be done next coming week so after that I should be starting building the motor. GL with your project.

chinaman 02-10-08 07:24 PM

Well Riz, I don't think you need the hear form me seeing that I have a basement full of parts to be added to the car and my motor is in Canada going on a year now. Not to mention my car has been down for about 8 years now. I plan on doing some work to it when it starts getting warm but my new house take priority. Best wishes on the build and please post pics when complete.

SLOASFK 02-10-08 07:30 PM

Honestly Riz, I've been feeling the same way. I can finally drive my 7 now, but it still needs a lot more work. I'm currently on the fence about canning the whole project and getting a Speed 3 or RX-8.

BADSVN2000 02-10-08 07:39 PM

I lost interest in mine for awhile, it was a real challenge to get out in the freezing cold over winter to work on it but when I managed to get out there I knew I was getting somewhere. 8 months of hard work has finally paid off and the car is pretty much finished.
If you want motivation just think about cruising it through your favourite stretch of road, hearing that 20b winding up in the revs and knowing that you are one of only a handfull of people with a 20b in thier FD! I for one am jealous so count yourself lucky!

Good luck on your project, just get out there and get a little bit done at a time and before you know it, it will be finished.

Madee 02-10-08 07:56 PM

I'm in the same boat, down for 3 years now doing a single conversion plus many other mods. I hit a snag, lose motivation and don't get back to it for months. Somebody finds the magic motivation pill, sign me up!

SLOASFK 02-10-08 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by Madee (Post 7850933)
I'm in the same boat, down for 3 years now doing a single conversion plus many other mods. I hit a snag, lose motivation and don't get back to it for months. Somebody finds the magic motivation pill, sign me up!

I guess it's part of the sad fact that our cars require exorbitant amounts of both time and money to keep on the road...

Blackadde/// 02-10-08 08:07 PM

Call a buddy over to drink some beer, smoke some cigarettes, and work on your car.

That's always seemed to work for me. Summer time also helps, I'm not a big fan of the cold.

1moremph 02-10-08 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by MotoTek (Post 7850988)
Call a buddy over to drink some beer, smoke some cigarettes, and work on your car.

That's always seemed to work for me. Summer time also helps, I'm not a big fan of the cold.

If anything, just do it for the sake of the 7. There seem to be a dwindling number of these blessed cars, and for you to have the honor to own one, and have the knowledge, money, and time to upgrade to a 20b and make this car even more than it truly is, is divine.

"Sometimes you gotta say 'what the fuck'. because 'what the fuck' gives you freedom; freedom yields opportunity; and opportunity, is what shapes your future." -- Risky Business. Now go shape you and your FD's future. Finish her up, polish it off, and hit the road with squealing tires, toned exhaust, stereo blazing, and a turbo whine that can shatter crystal. do it, do it.

KaiFD3S 02-10-08 09:45 PM

Dont give up Riz..I know how you feel, I feel like I will never be done as I cannot make up my mind on what to do and feel like just selling it and buying an STI ahd just have fun driving it, but I still stuck to it....

And yeah just invite some people to hang out and drink some beer while working on the car...

Busted7 02-10-08 10:54 PM

Quit whinning and get started putting that thing back togeather , you broke it now you fix it!:shocking: You know once you get started you will feel better. And think about all the fun driveing on a sunny wind in your hair a babe sitting next to you { if your not gay} so come on get with it!:icon_tup: Hope this helps, if i lived closer i would come over and help, no beer thow i dont mix drinking and cars i screw up to easy.:)

grimple1 02-11-08 02:56 AM

junk it

str8ryd 02-11-08 07:17 PM

Thanks guys for the support. I've been modifying the car for close to 6 years now, but I've never had this happen before. Everytime, just the start of the new season was enough motivation to finish up the FD. I think part of the problem was me trying to overexert myself and finish the whole car. It was usually done in components up till now, but I figured why not just complete it and be done for once. I think it was a bad move because as it turns out there is ALWAYS something more...ALWAYS!!!

Worst part about all of this is that Busted7 is right, I broke a completely perfect working FD. I had zero issues with it when it was slightly modded aside from a small boost leak, which I later realized was only a loose coupler. That's what started it all...

Herblenny 02-11-08 07:24 PM


I'm kind of in the same boat.. I been working on my blk fd for about 3.5 years now.... I keep buying more shit and it looks the same as last Jan.

To me the problem is lack of time and this DAMN forum.. I sit down, start typing, promoting DGRR 2008 (www.DealsGapRotaryRally.com), and I have too many things going on..

One thing that always help me is picking an event to goto, go see some cars, and get you fired up! Every year, DGRR and other rotary event I go, helps me get fired up and I work hard for like..... a week.

I think you need to just go ahead and register for DGRR and get your self fired up again! Come look at some cars and just get it done!

GoodfellaFD3S 02-11-08 07:24 PM

Riz, you're still a young guy, correct?

You'll have PLENTY of time to enjoy the car once it's completed and sorted out. Just think of the satisfaction you'll have when it's done......hang in there man!


FD3Smaniac 02-11-08 07:42 PM

i agree with turning the wrench... i do that same thing. when i was re-doing my 240 it was down for almost 3 months, and one night i got a bug up my ass and i walked out to the garage, looked at some of these parts laying around, and i started snagging up the easier parts to put on, cuz i had nothing to do, and then eventually those small easier parts hook up with the larger harder parts. but if you just slowly start getting back to working on it, your going to see little things that make you wanna go that extra step, and before you know it, its complete.

good luck with the build, and im hoping to see one bad ass 20b FD in the future.

dabigesii 02-11-08 08:35 PM

I've only owned mine for 4 years, but what keeps me motivated is visualizing the final product (I usually have a picture/vid up to remind me what I'm headed towards). I daily drive mine as well, so that also keeps me motivated lol (gotta keep it running and looking good...or I have no fun transportation lol) Just stick with it...in the end, it'll definately be worth it.

katit 02-11-08 09:13 PM

The way I motivate myself at work (I'm software developer) - I just open IDE and start writing. My goal is to write 2 lines of code. After you do that - your mind start spinning and here we go - 5pm before you notice it..

With cars I do the same. I have a plan. Your project requires lot's of coordination, parts, supplies, etc. I would brake it by "work areas". Suspension, Engine, interior/electronics.

After you have those 3 plans, try to brake it down by "bullets". Like "subframe", "mount block", turbo, hoses, wiring. The more detailed you make it - the better. Then just go to garage and start with #1. After complete - scratch it. It gives me satisfaction to see those completed items. At work it's similar to 20B project. Hard to think about completed project. It's big. But when you do part at a time you definitely see progress.

All you need to do while browsing forum to write down action plan. Then go to garage and start working. Then you will get stuck because of missing part. Write part down and start with second plan for suspension (bodywork). When stuck with something missing - start with plan #3.

Next day order stuff, review plans and begin again.

It works for me :)

Busted7 02-11-08 09:52 PM

Man i hope you know i was kidding! I was in the same position you are and replaced everything from the bumper to the tail pipe, and i mean everything. I had to get it done becouse im an old fart that doesant know how many winters i have to work on it. It was worth every oz of blood i dripped on the floor, the first trip to the track was 10.87 et better than i expected. Good luck.

DMoneyRX-7 02-11-08 10:32 PM

what really gets me going is just research a lot of "how-to's" and other DIY projects or other people's projects they have been working on. This always makes me want to start building something or ripping something apart on my car.

ranchan02 02-12-08 03:03 PM

Hey Riz:

I was wondering why you haven't gotten your car up and running. Best advice I can give you bud and I know it kinda sounds cliche is don't think of it as one big project...but a bunch of smaller projects. I mean thats what I do, I buy parts here and there and just tackled projects in bit size pieces...so it doesn't overwhelm me. I remember when you 1st showed me your car, I thought that it looked sweet and it didn't need anymore work, but then word from the grapevine was that you were doing a 20B, changing the exterior, changing the interior, etc...and I thought that's a lot of things to be changing at the same time frame. Just don't give up on it man, take it section by section and it will come together...if not, your more than welcome to donate some of those parts to my car ;) j/k. Later bud.

SAMIboarder 02-13-08 12:27 AM

OMG its like this thread was made for me. I feel the pain, and now the love. It's been about 3 years since I've driven her (but had an TII for a while at least).

Motivation is a huge problem for me as well. cold winters, lack of funds, engineering that's over my head, the list goes on. it is hard to work on a car you can hardly remember driving, and doesn't even look like the car you're working towards.

For some reason though, I can't give up. I guess its the fun I'm imagining once its all over (or at least driving/painted). I can't think of another car I'd want to own more than the one I'm working towards.

I don't know what I'm trying to say, but giving up should not be an option. This forum is a pretty good motivator at times, and getting to differen't car/motorsport events really helps. There seems to be alot of good ideas for motivation in this thread, I thnk I'll save it!

sevensix 02-13-08 12:47 AM

u are a beautiful and unique snowflake

RX7LINK 02-13-08 01:47 PM

just keep in mind: The End Result will Pay off BIG TIME!! you'll be glad you stuck with it

Ottoman 02-13-08 01:58 PM

I feel your pain bro.. your not alone..

I was an FC guy.. bought it cuz i got it for cheap.. then fell in love with rotors..

then i bought an FD...

I drove the FD a handful of times... 2 months total ownership..

the car never ran "right" felt slower than my FC.. typical sequential problems etc..
just drove it cuz it was an FD

then on new years eve.. 2006.. I had detonation and blew the motor

2 whole years it sat in a garage.. with a pulled motor..

and it was only a few weeks ago that i finally rebuilt and re-assembled and finally got it running again..

it was a good feeling seeing the FD running again under it's own power. and knowing u accomplished it yourself

hang in there bro.. it sounds like u got the hard part done... just have to reach the finish line now

vel525 02-13-08 01:59 PM


We never met while I was in Chicago, but why don't you call up some of the local guys on a Sat, get some pizza and beer for them and spend a few hours together. Even if you don't get a TON done, I think being around other guys that like to talk about cars will get you fired up again.

If you really want to get rid of your project, I'll trade ya. :D
You can take my car and I'll take your car and finish it up.

FutileLover 02-21-08 07:19 PM

if your car was a daily driver, you would get it done faster

mine's a DD and i have to replace the water seals so i plan on getting it done in less than a month

i hate leaving projects unfinished, try to do incremental changes and plan it out

RedX7 02-21-08 08:06 PM

I can totally relate to this. I parked my 7 at my Dad's shop with dreams of what it would become. One month became two. Six months became one year, and then I got deployed to Iraq. I finally brought her back to life a couple of weeks ago (after almost two-and-a-half years). Now I'm married and saving for a house, and unfortunately the FD is kind of in the background. I'm trying to find small things right now to fix. I just think think of how badass it will all be when I'm done. Good luck bro.

str8ryd 03-04-08 12:28 PM

Thanks for all the input fellas. I'm surprised as to how many people are dealing with this same issue.

UPDATE: Well, I decided to change my car's direction once again. I'm installing a single-turbo/built motor set-up I was selling, for the time being. In the meantime, I can have my 20B motor fully built and decide whether I want to go single-turbo or N/A on that setup. Bad news is that I won't be running a 20B anymore this year, but the good news is that when I do put the 20B in everything will be ready to drop-in and the motor work will be done for good. :)

GoodfellaFD3S 03-04-08 09:24 PM

Great news :icon_tup:

Hitokiri_Gensai 03-04-08 11:00 PM

yeah, you know you gotta just keep on plugging away at it, and youll get her done, and youll be glad you did when shes out on the road again.

Having a buddy around to help keeps you motivated, and not working in an ice cold garage xD

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