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Zero_LmJ 02-11-02 10:49 PM

Are 1995 rx7 more relaible?
i have never seen an 1995 rx7 with a rebuilt or new engine, and i wanted to know if they were more relaible than older FDs...
there's this dealer like 10 miles from were i live selling a 1995 rx7 with 75k miles for $15,700, and i want to know how relaible the car will be.

P'cola FD 02-11-02 10:58 PM

It all depends on how the previous owners took care of it. Do a search on buying an rx7 and that should help you.

Zero_LmJ 02-11-02 11:08 PM

i have done search but the websites dont really specify what year...i guess since they were so few 1995 Fds..
by the way..im 16 and i really want an rx7, i win 500 a month, and on the months were there's a lot of work i can win up to 1000. do you recomend an FD for me?
im willing to lurn how to do all the work for my self and to make the reability mods....

JoeD 02-11-02 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Zero_LmJ
i have done search but the websites dont really specify what year...i guess since they were so few 1995 Fds..
by the way..im 16 and i really want an rx7, i win 500 a month, and on the months were there's a lot of work i can win up to 1000. do you recomend an FD for me?
im willing to lurn how to do all the work for my self and to make the reability mods....

you are probably not gonna afford it, but if your parents are willing to help you financially...go for it! 95 FDs are hard to come by. just be a responsible driver. we dont want one less FD on the road...let alone a 95. oh yeah...and you might get hurt also. ;)

FD Seeker 02-11-02 11:20 PM

Don't know what you're winning at, but this is an expensive car to own.

Don't skip any more classes either!

JoeD 02-11-02 11:20 PM

BTW, if you want reliability...get a Honda or Toyota.

Zero_LmJ 02-11-02 11:27 PM

i really like the FD, i have been saving for the past year to get one, but i know that if i save like 5 months more im gonna be able to afford a supra TT with high millage. do you think i should go with the supra?
i really like (love) FDs, but i dont think my father would help me with any bills for paying the car..

automax 02-11-02 11:34 PM

Get a supra. Those cars are very inexpensive, like almost half of nothing. I believe insurance on the supra or the fd are about as much as going to the store to buy a stick of gum.
Good luck researching for your dream car.

abeomid 02-11-02 11:38 PM

15.7 for a 1995 is pretty good. make sure you check it

Zero_LmJ 02-11-02 11:43 PM

i already went to see the 1995 FD, and it didnt have any leaks or anithying like that, i couldnt test drive it thought.
anywayz, thanxs for the help guys.

Silex 02-12-02 05:26 AM

Originally posted by automax
Get a supra. Those cars are very inexpensive, like almost half of nothing. I believe insurance on the supra or the fd are about as much as going to the store to buy a stick of gum.
Good luck researching for your dream car.

WTF are yousmoking??? Whatever it is, gimme some cause its good stuff. In any case, dood...get some facts stright. For starters a decent Supra TT will run out in high $20K's still and as for insurance? Well I can bet you that on average, that the insurance for both the FD and the Supra will be exactly the same par to par.

Zero_LmJ 02-12-02 06:32 AM

My mother somehow got me to pay only $87 a month for insurance, she is the primary driver and i am the secondary. and about supras being in high 20s, you are right but you can find supras with about 80k to 100k miles for $18,000-20,000 or so. you just got to look for them.
im just gonna save more money. i got $6K all i need is 4k more and ill have enought to buy my a $20k supra since i have a $10k loan pre aproved.
thanxs for tha help :)

Baggypants 02-12-02 07:43 AM

Re: Are 1995 rx7 more relaible?

Originally posted by Zero_LmJ
i have never seen an 1995 rx7 with a rebuilt or new engine, and i wanted to know if they were more relaible than older FDs...
there's this dealer like 10 miles from were i live selling a 1995 rx7 with 75k miles for $15,700, and i want to know how relaible the car will be.

I'm in a similar position to you except that living in the UK I'm able to import any performance car straight from Japan at a cheaper price than I could buy the car in the UK. I've been thinking about importing a 97 RX7 and I've also been wondering/hoping that some of the reliability issues have been resolved in these later cars. Unfortunaltely I've not been able to find any details yet. It's a pity because I really want an RX7 but until I resolve my concerns it's going to have to wait.

rynberg 02-12-02 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Zero_LmJ
My mother somehow got me to pay only $87 a month for insurance, she is the primary driver and i am the secondary. and about supras being in high 20s, you are right but you can find supras with about 80k to 100k miles for $18,000-20,000 or so. you just got to look for them.
im just gonna save more money. i got $6K all i need is 4k more and ill have enought to buy my a $20k supra since i have a $10k loan pre aproved.
thanxs for tha help :)

As far as reliability goes, if you can actually find a TURBO Supra for $20k, it will need a lot of things repaired/replaced. I'd like to see the conditions for that insurance payment as well, since I'm paying $60/month (married, 27, clean record) on Allstate for full coverage.

Not to be too harsh either, but it doesn't seem like you are budgeting any money for repairs/maintenance right off the bat or in the future. Either an RX-7 or Supra of that age is likely to require hundreds of dollars to fix little things (even if the car is in good shape). I don't think you are in the position to afford either of these cars right now. Try waiting a couple of years to get further ahead.

dimaguila1 02-12-02 11:48 AM

I agree, you should save your money and buy a honda just to get you by. Go to school, be a lawyer a doctor an engineer, whatever. Then when you feel financially stable go out and buy 3 FD's! One for cruising, one for autoX, and one for show! Try not to rely on mommy and daddy too much.

Hell I'm a 35yr old professional married with kids and a mortgage! and I'm still contemplating an FD purchase...I also have a great portfolio!

Whatever you do be smart, don't overwhelm yourself.

tony chien 02-12-02 06:31 PM

I agree with the last few replies. I am also making good money and don't have to pay the rent. I have already spent 6-7 thousands for the last 2 yrs on the maintenance and reliability modifications stuff and I did almost 50% of the work.

Goober 02-12-02 06:38 PM

Wow... I know my parents would NEVER even consider letting me get a FD or a Supra at 16... You are indeed a lucky kid I must say. And well I'm going to have to agree with the last few replies. Hold off on getting a sports car until you get a little older. Because when you are that young and have that kind of power under the hood with a FD or Supra you will probably make some choices that you just might regret later on. Pick up an old Prelude or something. They are pretty quick and bullet proof....

Zero_LmJ 02-12-02 10:25 PM

well my parents dont really want me to get the car, and I dont rely in my momy :p: since she dosent give me any money or anithing like that.
well, im gonna take your advice guys...anywayz i didnt plan on getting the car until i was 17.
thanxs for all the help :D

is 17 a good age for an FD or a supra TT??

Silex 02-12-02 10:48 PM

~_~. 17...16...its all relevant. I'm 18 and won't even get a chance to had an FD till I'm at least 21. Even then, it will be a struggle to maintain the car and upkeep it. 17 is alright I think to get either car. It all depends on your outlook of these types of car. Taking into consideration the sensibility of your replies, all I have to say is that you seem like that type of guy. Just take it easy on the throttle :D.

JoeD 02-12-02 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Zero_LmJ

is 17 a good age for an FD or a supra TT??

while 14 or 15 might be a good age for an FD/MKIV for one type of person, 29 or 30 might NOT be a good age for another type. it is all about the your maturity level, the respect for the car, the respect for the laws, repect for other people, and respect for yourself.

Rotary427 02-13-02 12:32 AM

16 years old and FD don't mix!!! I was a crazy driver when I was 16 with a prelude....now 22 still a crazy driver but not all the time since I know how to think about the consequences cause by my actions.

16 years old + FD = accidents and lots of tickets


clearthinker 02-13-02 12:34 AM

I have a 1995 FD and....
I have a 95 FD and its been trouble free....okay, so it has 13K orig miles. Its pampered well beyond my wifes pampering. I love the car and its been a great thrill to drive.

My buddy has a 93 FD R1 and has some problems. So is there a right answer...yes. according to Mazda all the "recalls" where done on the 95 FD's. The biggest problem you could run into is if the prior owner did all the recalls or blew them off. If the prior owner drove the car and has no clue as to what the recall where then skip that car. Hell, if the owner doesn't know about this forum then skip the car! You have to be a well FD educated person to own one. Its not a "plug-in-play" type of car....

Oh yea....want to buy my 1995 FD....its not cheap! ha

Silex 02-13-02 02:42 AM

Well stated clearthinker.

JConn2299 02-13-02 08:46 AM

I have a '95 too, and it's been trouble free. I've always thought that because so few of them were made that year, they could take their time on the assembly line and make sure everything was right. I have no way of proving that, and I don't know if it's actually true, but it makes a certain amount of sense.

My car is #127, and it was built in April 1995, so they weren't exactly rushing these things through. They had also gotten most of the engineering and design bugs out by that time too.

There were other good changes in '96 and later years.....too bad we never got them. I'm surprised one of the aftermarket firms never took all the updates....ecu, turbo, etc. ....and sold them as a complete package.

Baggypants 02-13-02 09:06 AM

Originally posted by JConn2299

There were other good changes in '96 and later years.....too bad we never got them. I'm surprised one of the aftermarket firms never took all the updates....ecu, turbo, etc. ....and sold them as a complete package.

Can anyone be a little more specific as to what those changes involved?
Just interested and it will help me determine which year to buy here in the UK.

JConn2299 02-13-02 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Baggypants

Can anyone be a little more specific as to what those changes involved?
Just interested and it will help me determine which year to buy here in the UK.

Just off the top of my head, I think there was a new ecu in 96 (plus a few other things. someone help me out, did they eliminate the precat that year?) and a host of upgrades in 99....new turbos, etc. Obviously, the later the year, the better the car, and if I were you, I'd go for one of the higher horsepower models (280+hp).

JConn2299 02-13-02 09:18 AM

This link out of New Zealand should tell you about the changes to the '99 models which should also be available, or importable, for people in the UK. Good luck,and let us know what you come up with.


Dark Reign 02-13-02 04:01 PM

i'm 16 and i'm getting a supra,i sure in hell aint getting grandma's 127hp civic.i've wanted one ever since i rode in one when i was 13,it was my brother in law's boss's,i thought i was going to shit and piss my pants

Zero_LmJ 02-13-02 08:01 PM


yo...do you like anime??
if you do and know a lot about anime contact me or something...i love anime :D

by the way...i already have a car, a 1998 mustang 3.8, and i dont really speed, nor race at all....i just like FDs and Supras since i was like 12, thats why i wanna get either one, their my dream car :p:
im gonna be 17 like in 4 moths, and i might have enough to get a supra, but the car that i llike the most is an FD, but i dont have enoguh to maintain it :(

Enthu 02-14-02 03:24 AM

A Mustang is no FD. I had the ability to get a sweet car when I was 17, but waited until I was 20 and got an FD. my brother got an Prelude when he was 16. also, when I got the car I almost immediately spent another $8500 on tires, engine rebuild turbos, etc. this was just replacing stock and getting the car to run good. if you get an FD make SURE you have it tested out thouroughly. my engine when I got it had bad compression. and a leaking turbo. So expect to pay for alot of mainainence/repairs unless the previous owner pampered it. but it was the only one in MN for sale at the time too. I just knew I had to have a car that was in Need for Speed.

Jordan 02-14-02 05:49 AM

My car was a 95 black touring, and during the one year, I didn't have ANY problem with the car at all, but sure about 93s.

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