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twinkletoes 12-05-06 01:44 AM

What should I do?
I'm going to need a rebuild as most of you know beacause of a dowel pin leak. Well, Ive been thinking about my options. I'm thinking myabe to swap a s5/s4 engine, tranny, etc, or just rebuild my own engine and do a mild port. This would be my first time rebuilding and installing an engine, but I know it should be smooth with my abilities. I have a little over 2k money I'm going to spend on the rebuild. I'm also planning on using royal purple oil after the rebuild. Would 2k cover the things I would need for a 13b swap, either one? If not, i'm just going to rebuild my engine. If you veiw this, please post your opinion. Sorry its so long, This is important though. Thanks. God bless.

Rx-7Doctor 12-05-06 03:22 AM

IMHO that's a pretty big 1st adventure if you want to do a swap. Remember with the emission laws you would have to put Everything from the S4 or S5 emission system and have it all working in order for it to ge legal. As far as rebuilding you existing motor, I think that may be the best thing to do as your 1st rebuild and 2k is more then enough for a stock rebuild and lots of change left over.

perfect_circle 12-05-06 03:36 AM

i would rebuild and port if you have the money/time/resource. it would be a good experience. and ive read that you dont want to use a synthetic oil until after its broken in, so im just letting you know so you can look into it before doing it.

twinkletoes 12-05-06 03:09 PM

Ok, I might just rebuild my own engine. Thanks for the input guys. I hav e read about not using synthetic oil right after the rebuild. I'll probably rebuild my motor and do a light streetport. Thanks again for the input guys. I know that doing a swap would also be a hassle too.

perfect_circle 12-05-06 05:23 PM

unless you carb'd your swap then it would be pretty simple.

twinkletoes 12-05-06 05:55 PM

I was thinking about that also perfect circle. I think I'm just going to rebuild my own motor though.

nick812 12-05-06 06:05 PM

rebuild your motor dont run royal purple untill after the break in is done. Run a good cheap oil. My engine buils told me to run 10w40 pennzoil.

trochoid 12-05-06 06:08 PM

Crawl, walk, run, that is the order of human growth. Since we are at the top of the food chain, we have to learn these things in that order, were not like some of the lower animals that have to be able to out run predators within a few hours of birth.

So much for the philosophy, rebuild what you have for the experience and growth. Save the bigger project for when you can run faster.

twinkletoes 12-05-06 06:11 PM

Ya, I'm going to rebuild my motor(95% sure). I will be running dino oil like most people say to run after the rebuyild or the other ones I forgot. I guess i'll have to start to clean out the garage for the rebuild :(. I'll let you guys know through the whole process how everything is going. Thanks guys. God bless. I wan tot streetport it but not sure. I'll need to get porting tools and all that.

twinkletoes 12-06-06 12:12 AM

So, what do you guys think about me streetporting it? I want to, but then I don't want to screw up. It would be my very first time, even rebuilding. So what do you think? If I don't port it though, I know i'll have a lot of left over money to spend on exhaust and some other things.

trochoid 12-06-06 12:18 AM

Porting takes practice, skill and the right tools. Not something you want to try for the 1st time on a good set of irons. That part I would shop out if you're set on an sp. There should be someone local from the club that could do that for you.

perfect_circle 12-06-06 12:22 AM

i cant imagine it would be to large of a problem if you are mechanically inclined, and just do your research.

twinkletoes 12-06-06 12:25 AM

Ya, I didn't even think about having someone else from the local club do it. Thanks. Ya, I'll leave that one up to gonzz probably. I guess, tomorrow i'll have to start cleaning the garage. Get ready for the rebuild, yay. It should be a great project. My mom doesn't want me to start till the new year though, because Christmas, been busy, etc. Bummer. I t will be good to get all my space needed and all the tools ready.

twinkletoes 12-07-06 12:07 AM

Check this out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/rx7-7...em150066300690. Would be sweet if he would ship it. I would need to know all the info on who rebuilt it and all that though.

trochoid 12-07-06 12:27 AM

Get busy and contact him, it might be the least expensive route for you to go.

twinkletoes 12-07-06 12:29 AM

I know, I will. I would be able to get a lot of other things for the car if I got that. I'll let you guys know. Ok I just gave him my email and sent him some questions.

blwfly 12-07-06 12:41 AM

125-130 psi is great compression but its still somthin u want to see forya self...not go by word

twinkletoes 12-07-06 12:43 AM

Ya, I know I 'll Keep int touch with what he tells me and I'll tell you guys.

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