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Kerebrus 11-20-07 03:33 PM

My 7's Final Day..?
This morning around 10:15am I was heading to work. I was heading down the regular street I usually take and cruising at about 40mph. I was in the far right lane and there was a white truck/SUV in front of me about 2 cars ahead. All of a sudden, he decided to slam on his breaks and weave to the left avoiding a parked car that he somehow didn't happen to see. At this point I see the car and realized that even if I slammed on my breaks I wouldn't make it, so I tried to move into the left as he did, but the f*cker slowed down, KNOWING I was behind him, and left me no room. In short, I slightly hit the back left fender of the parked car (old old car), then lost control. At this point I slammed off to the right side, hitting the curb, bounched off the curb again just to hit it once more, I wasn't on the ground enough to brake, finally I slid to the side to a stop. My car is wrecked. The front is completely destroyed. My front bumper is off and damaged, those plate it bent in, the front right fender is damaged as well as the door on the passenger side, the front right wheel & tired are completely destroyed, whatever suspension in the front or anything around it is damaged, and my frame is bent in bad, my electric fan is almost touching the motor. Besides that, everything else is great :icon_tup:.

Although, I fear this might be the end. I had just bought $1000 worth of parts from suspension to HID lights to a weber 48DCOE carb with manifold and everything and now I feel it's to a waste. I don't know what i'm going to do because this was my only car. I will post pictures later. Wish me luck :tear:

85 FB 11-20-07 03:51 PM

Ouch. Sorry to hear that, man, but at least you're okay. From the sounds of it, it may be gone. Frame damage is something that a lot of people feel it's best to strip the car of parts and get another one.

Hope the best for you, and please do post pics.

Siraniko 11-20-07 03:55 PM

Do I smell a car going to the junkyard OR the owner going to the junkyard to take advantage of the 50% off beginning Thanksgiving day thru Sunday.

sorry to hear that. lemme know if I can help or you wanna get rid of what we talked about.

85 FB 11-20-07 04:01 PM

I swear, wacky is the 7 Reaper in disguise.

MountainScreamer 11-20-07 04:02 PM

That is most displeasing.... Find a shell and you can transplant everything over.
That still sucks some monkey nuts though, being your only car.
my deepest condolences

gsl-se addict 11-20-07 04:06 PM

Sorry to hear about that, man. Hope it all works out for you.

Wacky: You're not going to offer him your free towing service??? :)

Latin270 11-20-07 04:10 PM

Now you upgrade and join us on the 2nd gen side! lol

Siraniko 11-20-07 04:10 PM

wacky just threw the line...it will catch the fish sooner or later. :rlaugh:

13B SA22 11-20-07 04:24 PM

Wow! Iam really sorry about your loss. Look on CL and see if you can pick up a new body and transplant everything over. Good Luck Brother!

Atkins Dan 11-20-07 05:30 PM

I feel you man I am out of my truck for almost a year and the rebuilding is taking forever..

Good luck on finding another body...


OnlyOnThurs 11-20-07 05:44 PM

:( sorry mang ......

pinoyremix 11-20-07 06:18 PM


Are the only cheap 7's i found in central to southern cali...good luck

Siraniko 11-20-07 06:21 PM

I have a feeling that CBZ will be buying a honda.

pinoyremix 11-20-07 06:21 PM


If you don't mind traveling to oregon..there is a free shell....

Kerebrus 11-20-07 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer (Post 7534319)
I have a feeling that CBZ will be buying a honda.

in your dreams.. stop bagging on me :/

Kerebrus 11-20-07 06:24 PM

Well everyone im off to the doctors.. having a little back pain since the accident when I bumped and flew off the curb. Will post pics tonite.. thanks for all the feedback, help, and support.

pinoyremix 11-20-07 06:34 PM

or..here is another one:


Kerebrus 11-20-07 08:19 PM

Well, here are some pics from earlier, I still am going to take a few more tomorrow to show how bad the frame was bent inside.





Not sure what's going to happen or what I'm going to do yet.

EDIT: For those who didn't know or haven't seen, this is what she looked like before the accident..


wanklenoob 11-20-07 08:25 PM

I had a similar thing happen in my nightmare last night, I woke up screaming.....sorry for your loss.

Siraniko 11-20-07 08:34 PM

definitely get another roller. FBs are not hard to find..it just takes a lil more time. In fact, there is one in the west forum right now $500 since it wont pass smog. Im sure you can get it for less than that.

locopr1 11-20-07 09:02 PM

Damn, bad shit. Hopefully you are interested in finding a roller. I dont blame you if you decide not to though. Was a Hell of a sweet looking ride, RIP.

Kerebrus 11-20-07 09:09 PM

I do want to find another FB, no questions ask. I have so many parts ready to go, I can't let them go to waste. If anyone knows someone in california preferably socal area that might be able to help me out or has one for sale thats not too expensive.. lower the better.. please let me know. thanks for your help earlier pinoyremix.

Siraniko 11-20-07 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by Cbz (Post 7535017)

I do want to find another FB, no questions ask.

or has one for sale thats not too expensive.. lower the better..

so which one is it?

Kerebrus 11-20-07 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by wackyracer (Post 7535069)
so which one is it?

I want another FB. Just don't have that much to spend at the moment.

Siraniko 11-20-07 09:59 PM


its an auto but you have all the parts to convert it to stick so thats not an issue. its not hard to do

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